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24.01.2022 Do you struggle with hunger and feeling full during your period? You're not alone Throughout our cycles, we go through different phases. Through each phase, our hormones change and play a role in our hunger levels and our ability to feel satisfied after a meal. Overindulging or that feeling of never feeling satisfied after eating peaks right before the pre-menstrual or luteal phase this is when our estradiol decreases .... Estradiol is the big player when it comes to our appetite. It has effects on our hunger hormones and our brains receptors that tell us when we are satisfied after eating. = hunger levels increase and inability to feel satisfied decreases. = hunger levels decrease and our appetite evens back out. Estradiol peaks just before ovulation. You're not crazy, you don't lack will power or discipline this is a real thing. When our clients experience this we often don't suggest to just white knuckle the cravings, because if you have tried to do that you will know it never ends well. If you do struggle with cravings and often find your self coming undone around your period (some months are worse than others and some months are manageable) we suggest the following; Take a diet break and eat at maintenance calories for a few days or a week. Note, a diet break isn't a time to break your diet completely it's a period where you increase your calories to maintenance. Allow your self to eat an extra 200-500 calories above your maintenance on those days you feel extremely hungry. Tracked over indulgences are better than all-out binges and you're more likely to stop if you account for it. Take a calorie day. Hitting your calorie targets only. This allows more flexibility and for you to eat the foods you're craving more of. Plan in advance. Get to know your body and the signs and be prepared to take some pause days. Honour your cravings. Mostly be kind to your self. And listen to your body.
24.01.2022 STOP FEARING CARBS; THEY WON'T MAKE YOU FAT Let's start with carbohydrates don't make you fat, consuming too many calories does. Can we please stop demonising carbs now? Carbohydrates are one of the three main building blocks in our nutrition known as macronutrients. The other two are protein and fats. They all play a crucial role in our health and day to day functions.... When in a calorie and protein controlled environment, there is no extra weight loss that occurs from removing carbs from your diet. For most people doing so make your dietary adherence and enjoyment (two main crucial areas for a successful diet) decrease. Plus carbs not only taste good they provide our brain with energy, making us feel good too. See more
23.01.2022 It's time to ditch the fad diet If you can relate to this cycle of being initially excited and being so dedicated and restrictive that you do see results but as soon as you stray you just end up right back at square one - it's time to ditch these fad diets. Nuthrive was born from a passion of wanting to help women break the cycle of fad diets, educate them on foundations of nutrition and provide them with the tools to not only achieve their physique goals but to l...earn how to maintain their results for life without having to go on another diet again. It is possible to eat the foods you love and still achieve results. You don't have to cut carbs, or dairy or only eat at certain times of the day to achieve the results you desire. We believe that every woman has the right to feel powerful and confident in their bodies. The key to progress and results comes from better education around nutrition, good habits and developing a healthy mindset. We work with women to empower and educate them to take control of their diet and eat the foods they love without the guilt and achieve their goals. Apply for a free consultation at See more
21.01.2022 Client spotlight Gemma We believe that every woman has the right to feel powerful and confident in their bodies. The key to progress and results comes from better education around nutrition, good habits and developing a healthy mindset. For us, it's important to share that women of any age, occupation and especially, busy mothers can achieve their goals without sacrificing foods you love and your mental health.... Gemma, is a mum of two with a full time job so her free time is precious and this is something we focussed on when developing her tailored nutrition plan. Seeing her happiness and confidence as she builds up her knowledge around nutrition and developing life long habits is the exact reason we created Nuthrive. We work with women to empower and educate them to take control of their diet and eat the foods they love without the guilt and achieve their goals. Apply for a free consultation at See more
21.01.2022 Not just another fad diet We love receiving messages like this from our clients! Seeing both their mental and physical transformations is amazing and a testament to their commitment to the process. It is possible to eat the foods you love and still achieve results. ... You don't have to cut carbs, or dairy or only eat at certain times of the day to achieve the results you desire. We believe that every woman has the right to feel powerful and confident in their bodies. The key to progress and results comes from better education around nutrition, good habits and developing a healthy mindset. We work with women to empower and educate them to take control of their diet and eat the foods they love without the guilt and achieve their goals. Apply for a free consultation at See more
20.01.2022 BUILD THE FOUNDATIONS FOR A FAT LOSS PHASE!! Our amazing client Carissa came to us lost and confused about what to do next as she was doing everything she felt right to achieve here body composition goals; Eating 1200 calories ... Training most days Cutting carbs She had a fear of eating more as she believed in doing so she would gain weight. I worked with Carissa on getting her to trust me that it was okay to eat more calories and that carbs were not the enemy and to spend some time at maintenance calories before we went into a fat loss phase. The results - these photos are two weeks apart after eating more food! This is only the start of her amazing transformation, and I can't wait to see what this woman will achieve at the end of her fat loss phase. I think it's important to share this stage of clients journeys as it's the point where they really start to reap the rewards of the habits and changes they make and what they can achieve. What we have done to achieve these results; Increased food intake Focused on steps, not "traditional cardio" Build principles for setting up a good nutrition plan Food autonomy (not following a meal plan but making her own food choices that suit her preference) Following strategies for how to stay on track when dining out and attending social events Managing stress Focusing on the process and what is in her control. Are you tired of spinning your wheels and getting nowhere and ready to make the investment to level up your nutrition and personal growth? We currently have a few spaces left for our 1:1 coaching. Apply at See more
20.01.2022 We help ambitious women gain control of their nutrition, learn HOW to achieve and maintain their fat loss results, with out having to sacrifice the foods they love. Whether your goals are fat loss, ditch restrictive dieting or how to maintain your results and a balanced diet that suits your lifestyle. We’re here to help! We aim to get you the best results possible by; getting you to understand more about nutrition, fat loss and what works for YOU.... Nutrition plays a role in both your physiological and psychological health. We aim to provide you with the tools, knowledge and the pathway to progress towards achieving your short and your long term goals. Resulting in; a happier, healthier and non-restrictive lifestyle. One where you can not only achieve your fat loss goals but maintain them too while living a life you enjoy. Without having to sacrifice the foods you love. Apply for a free consultation at
19.01.2022 DO YOU ENJOY YOUR NUTRITION AND EXERCISE ROUTINE When choosing your a diet and workout routine, it's essential to pick something for long term success vs short term. Ask your self - What do I enjoy doing? The answer to that question is the thing you will most likely stick to the longest and gain the most satisfaction and enjoyment. ... If you're a; - Weights girl, lift weights - Runner - Run - Pilates girl, do that - A girl who likes a mix, then mix it up! Same goes for your nutrition if someone is telling you to eat certain foods, but you don't enjoy them, then your chances of adherence decreases. Results = Enjoyment + Adherence + consistency over time. At Nuthrive, we educate and encourage our amazing clients to build autonomous habits around their food choices. Meaning no done for you meal plans and allowing them to eat the foods they enjoy when and how they want them and to choose exercise they actually enjoy doing.
18.01.2022 CLIENT SPOTLIGHT When Bek came to us, she was lost and very confused about nutrition and what was "healthy" or how to eat for her goals. After setting goals and getting clear on what it was that Bek wanted to achieve and coming up with a strategy together, Bek has only made huge improvements. Not only has she lost weight that she otherwise hadn't been able to, but she has also now replaced bad habits with positive ones and works on making small 1% improvements over t...ime. Bek has learnt how to track her nutrition, including her favourite foods into her diet and navigate around eating out and still having a social life. Her biggest wins would have to be her mindset shift and her understanding of nutrition. She now focuses on the crucial pillars and aims for continuous growth and progression over perfectionism. In doing so, her level of self-awareness, self-confidence and autonomy continue to grow and improve each week. Not only do we work with Bek, but we work with her husband Matt, and together they have lost 18kgs and have made substantial lifestyle changes that have to lead to them both being healthier and happier.
16.01.2022 Restrictive eating is not sustainable We work with women to empower and educate them to take control of their habits, mindset and diet and eat the foods they love without the guilt and achieve their goals. Apply for a free consultation
13.01.2022 The importance of magnesium Although it’s important for both men and women, magnesium plays a few extra roles in a woman’s body. Magnesium plays a critical role in brain function and mood, and low levels are linked to an increased risk of depression... Magnesium has been shown to help fight inflammation by reducing the inflammatory marker CRP Magnesium can significantly improve PMS symptoms, including mood changes. Several studies suggest that magnesium may also reduce the frequency of migraines The dietary allowance for adult women is 310-320 mg per day - stay consistent and feel the difference! We work with women to empower and educate them to take control of their diet and eat the foods they love without the guilt and achieve their goals. Apply for a free consultation at See more
13.01.2022 IS YOUR MIND PREVENTING YOU FROM LOSING WEIGHT From my own experience with my postpartum fitness and health journey and from working with clients, I've come to realise there is always an underlying reason holding you back from achieving your goals. Unless you address it, you'll struggle to succeed. You'll continuously be spinning your wheels on the next fad diet, quick fix or personalised meal plan.... I can tell you now that the secret doesn't lie in a quick fix or focusing on the "in's and outs" of nutrition alone. Successful fat loss (long term) is a mindset game and overcoming mental barriers. Of course, nutrition and exercise play a significant role in your health and how you look and feel; however, they're just a manifestation or a byproduct of deeper reasons holding you back. Let's look at some examples: - You have developed bad habits. - You compare your self to others. - You eat for comfort. - You obsess over weight loss and fear of weight gain. - You're stuck on what worked previously. - You believe restriction is the only way. Therefore, making you have a negative relationship with foods. - You have an all or nothing mindset. - You lack self-love and acceptance precisely the way you're right now. Invest time working on developing your mindset, behaviours and habits and not just looking for the next quick fix, fad diet or done for you meal plan. They are just bandaids holding you back from achieving real change and growth. See more
13.01.2022 SETTING YOUR WEEK UP FOR SUCCESS Investing an hour on a Sunday can play and huge role in whether or not you succeed throughout your week. Let's be honest life can get busy and through in all kinds of surprises so if you're serious about your goals planning is crucial. Here are our tips for setting your week up for success:... Plan your meals in advance. This can be done on a piece a paper or straight into your my fitness pal app. Food shop. Make sure you have the food items for your meal plan so you don't get caught out. Pre-cut your vegetables and have easy, nutritious snacks and easy go-to protein sources on hand. Meal prep. This can be done all at once or you can do this two times a week. Plan your workouts and put them in as if they were appointments. Write your intentions and habits for the week and set mini-goals. If you have a partner and or kids communicate and cross-check your schedules with your partner so you can make sure you get your workouts in around each other and the kid's schedules. See more
10.01.2022 Are you struggling to maintain your results Do you find you are on a constant cycle of losing weight only to regain the weight back and do it all over again? Let's take a look at a couple of reasons why this may be;... Your approach could be unsustainable and restrictive resulting in you going back to old habits or going on long periods of overindulging You may not have a sound understanding of nutrition and continuously rely on meal plans and quick fixes You may not know the difference between a "fat loss phase" & "lifestyle phase" and how to navigate the two You go into a "fat loss phase" without an exit and maintenance strategy Your primary objective outcome is weight loss alone and not habit and lifestyle change You may not be aware of your habits and how they are affecting you You may not be mindful of long term lifestyle trade-offs you have to make to maintain your results See more
08.01.2022 IS YOUR SLEEP AFFECTING YOUR FAT LOSS Did you know that poor sleep can affect your fat loss results? It's no secret that sleep is essential for a wide range of things, practically without it we would die. Not only is it essential for our survival, but it can also play a role in your body composition and fat loss results.... Here are six ways sleep affects your progress; Low your energy and mood Increase water retention Decreases motivation and productivity (more likely to skip workouts and make poor food choices) Can affect your hunger cues causing you to eat more than you need Affect your workouts (They feel hard, and you don't recover as well) Mask fat loss or progress you may have due to weight fluctuations (fluid retention etc.) Work on establishing a positive sleep routine; Aim for going to bed at the same time each night Set boundaries such as no work past 6 pm Limit devices an hr before bed Read See more
07.01.2022 REAL CHANGE TAKES TIME When it comes to results and change there is no such thing as a quick fix Losing weight and maintaining it is hard. The unfortunate truth is, there is no quick fix; there are no short cuts. Real, sustainable results take time and effort.... Most crash diets which result in fast fat loss are almost always short-lived. They don’t offer you the education of proper nutrition, how to build lasting habits and enable behaviour change. Meaning your chances of achieving the body and lifestyle you wish to have are slim. If you want to learn more about how to set your diet up for success and the basics of nutrition. And the principles we use to get our clients amazing results. Apply for a free 1:1 nutrition planning session at See more
04.01.2022 ARE YOUR FATS COMING FROM QUALITY FAT SOURCES? It's no secret that fats contain more calories per gram compared to carbs and protein (Fats = Nine calories per gram). Therefore, making it easier to consume more calories. Fats are essential for vital health. However, we don't need to consume a lot to be "healthy".... When it comes to the consumption of fats aim to eat fewer fats from; Full fat dairy and animal products High saturated processed foods Instead, focus on getting your fats in from sources such as; Avocados Nuts/seeds Olive oil Fatty fish (if you don't like fatty fish then opt for fish oil tablets) Low-fat dairy options Lean meat sources. We work with women to empower and educate them to take control of their diet and eat the foods they love without the guilt and achieve their goals. Apply for a free consultation at See more
02.01.2022 Eat the foods you love Nourishing your body should be enjoyable, not a chore. Apply for a free consultation at