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Nutrition & Wellbeing by Leuza Kyne in Clontarf | Medical and health

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Nutrition & Wellbeing by Leuza Kyne

Locality: Clontarf

Phone: +61 409 588 598

Address: 1/9 Elizabeth Ave 4019 Clontarf, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Diabetes type 2 is considered a lifestyle disease. What is actually happening in the body when someone develops this condition? Glucose is considered the energy of life. All cells in our body use glucose to produce energy. Insulin works to allow glucose into the cells. But our cells can become unresponsive to insulin and no longer take up glucose molecules. Glucose then accumulates in the bloodstream where will cause a lot of damage: damage to capillaries in the eyes, leading... to blindness; damage to blood vessels in the kidneys leading to kidney failure; damage to the capillaries on the feet, leading to amputation; increase in fat oxidation and plaques, leading to heart disease. All this may be happening SILENTLY OVERTIME or appear suddenly. By the time signs and symptoms become noticeable, a lot of accumulated damage may have happened. Simple actions like physical activity and dietary changes can reduce the risk. Your nutritionist can help optimize your diet and suggest functional foods and supplements to help improve insulin sensitivity, manage blood glucose efficiently and stop disease progression and reverse type 2 Diabetes. See more

24.01.2022 Nunca tarde demais pra viver a vida que voc sempre sonhou. Invista em si mesmo e no que te faz feliz! #motivao #babe #nutrioclinica #nutricionista #nutricionistaclinica #belezainterior #amizade #belasfrases #vivendoconscientemente #selfcare #amorprprio #beleza #amoravida #nutriofuncional #vidasaudvel #sade #bemestar #vivabem #amocomida #alimentaosaudvel

24.01.2022 Beware of media, search engine and astroturfing manipulation of information, freedom censorship and the pushing of agendas when researching. It is becoming more difficult to research and find unbiased information, specially if you are using search engines like GOOGLE.

23.01.2022 Hello everyone! Following completion of my nutrition degree, I have been working hard on redeveloping my website. I am pleased to announce it is now LIVE! So here it begins my career as an accredited clinical nutritionist. I am going to practice from Penguin Podiatry from November 6th. Current booking system is slow but it is temporary. I will update the new booking system in the next few days. So, here I am very excited to start this journey and new chapter of my life! There are plenty of recipes coming up soon! Watch this space! Just follow the link

22.01.2022 O sono uma daquelas reas da nossa rotina diria que muitas vezes ignorada. Dormir bem essencial para uma boa sade. Pesquisas de estudos transversais e longitudinais demonstram uma relao entre a curta durao do sono (5 horas ou menos por noite), m qualidade do sono e aumento do risco em desenvolver obesidade, diabetes, hipertenso, doena cardiovascular, sndrome metablica e mortalidade precoce. A restrio de sono a curto prazo (4 h / noite durante por 1 semana cenrio de laboratrio) demonstrou reduo da tolerncia glicose em indivduos saudveis estabelecida atravs do Teste de tolerncia glicose. Resultados de um estudo realizado usando modelo animal (cachorros) descobriu que dormir 5 horas por uma nica noite pode diminuir a sensibilidade insulina em 33 %. No dormir por uma noite tem os mesmos efeitos prejudiciais na sensibilidade insulina que 6 meses seguindo uma dieta alta em gordura. Quando o nosso corpo se torna menos sensvel insulina ou resistente insulina, necessrio produzir mais insulina para manter nveis estveis de acar no sangue e tambm leva a um aumento da deposio de gordura (ganho de peso). A resistncia insulina pode eventualmente levar ao Diabetes Tipo 2, uma doena associada a vrias complicaes graves, incluindo a doena cardaca. importante estabelecer uma boa rotina antes de ir dormir e aqui esto algumas dicas sobre higiene do sono para ajudar a melhorar a qualidade do sono: 1. Evite comer 2-3 horas antes de dormir. 2. Evite exerccio intenso noite 3. Evite telas (computador, celular, notebooks, tablet) por pelo menos 1-2 horas antes de ir para a cama. Use culos de bloqueio de luz azul noite enquanto trabalha no computador ou v TV 4. Pratique 5-10 min de uma tcnica de relaxamento como meditao guiada e Mindfulness ou ouvir msica suave. Existem muitos aplicativos teis disponveis, como Calm por exemplo. 5. Deixe seu telefone fora do quarto 6. Desligue o seu roteador de internet antes de ir dormir. Referncia: #diabetes #nutricionista #sono #resistanceinsulina #insulina #toleranciaaglicose #higienedosono #sade #durmabem

19.01.2022 No matter how well we strive to live, every now and then we will get sick. I have been pretty knocked down for the last 2 days with a bout of Gastroenteritis. So, here comes green tea and SB probiotic to the rescue; as well as vitamin C, garlic, ginger, zinc and a lot of rest. I am not traveling at the moment, so this gastro has come as a surprise. My top health advice for all my clients no matter where they are traveling to in the world: the US, Europe, India or Bali, NEVER... travel without SB! How terrible it is to have your trip or holiday ruined by food poisoning. Off course we should always be selective with how we are sourcing our food. But knowing you are being proactive to minimize the risks of getting a stomach bug should also help you have a more enjoyable time and avoid excessive concern when traveling. And for anyone with school aged children or young children going to day care like me, I suggest always have it on hand in your cupboard for an emergency. SB stands for Saccharomyces boulardii, it is an amazing probiotic yeast variety that helps to put an end to a bout of gastro within 24-48 hours once symptoms develops. It also helps reestablish your gut flora health a lot faster after a course of antibiotics. When traveling SB should be taken as a prophylactic from 2-3 days before you leave and only stopped again 2-3 days after you are back home. #nutritionist #gastroenteritis #foodpoisoning #tips #travel #SB #probiotic #saccharomyces #holiday #nutrition #food

18.01.2022 Welcome to my nutrition and wellness page. I am a mother, a clinical nutritionist, and passionate about wholesome food, cooking and healthy living. I want to share my knowledge, recipes and wellness tips for a radiant, nourished and healthful life! Thank you for your visit, please enjoy the content, and hope to see again soon! A wonderful day! Bem-vindos minha pgina de nutrio e bem-estar. Eu sou Leuza, sou me, nutricionista, e tenho uma paixo imensa por alimentos nutritivos, cozinhar e uma vida saudvel. Quero compartilhar o meu conhecimento, receitas e dicas de bem-estar para se apreciar uma vida radiante, alimentao balanceada e saudvel! Obrigado por sua visita, espero que apreciem o contedo, e espero v-lo novamente em breve! Um dia maravilhoso!

17.01.2022 I am inviting you to join me for a FREE Wholefood Reset Challenge, 7 days of wholesome self-care under the guidance of a nutritionist. I designed this program because I want you to experience the power of a wholefood diet in supporting a vibrant health and in facilitating weight loss. No supplements required, wholefoods only!! Who is this challenge for? Who will benefit from it? Like myself, are you a busy and sleep deprived mum who has gained weight since weaning your cherub? Or have you gained weight over the years? Would you like to lose weight and lack motivation or do not know where to start? Have you been diagnosed with an auto-immune condition and heard of leaky gut but does not know what it is or what to do? Do you wake up feeling tired and low in energy to face the day? Do you feel ravenous within 2 hours of having a meal? Do you crave sugar or carbs? Are you under constant stress and anxiety? You can experience improved health with diet alone in 7 days. I am offering you a FREE GUIDED 7-DAY NUTRITION PROGRAM. *I created a private FB group where I will be available to guide you, answer any health-related questions and support you through the challenge. I will be participating as well! So lets do this together and support one another Follow the link to sign up and download your ebook with the information you will need: meal plan + recipes, prep guide, and groceries list included. Feel free to share or tag a friend you think may be interested. #freechallenge #mealplan #cleaneating #wholefood #recipe #nutritionist #weightloss #lowcarb

16.01.2022 Hello everyone, I have been absent for a while. But I promise I have been very busy getting ready to open my practice and I have many delicious recipes to share. The post today: 2019 National Nutrition Week is from 13-19 October. This initiative was created to raise awareness on the importance of food and nutrition to our health and wellbeing and encourage us to eat more whole foods. Whole foods are packed full with nutrients, phythochemicals and fibre which are important in... maintaining our tissues and cells functioning well. Some of the health benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables include: - Improved blood circulation and cardiovascular health - Lower cancer risk - Boost immune function - Better digestive health - Better eye sight - Improved blood sugar regulation and reduced diabetes risk. Do not limit yourself to the recommended 5 serves of veggies and 2 of fruit a day. Enjoy more whole foods from all food groups! Dont forget the nuts and seeds as amazing nutritious foods, rich in nutrients, mono unsaturated fats, omega 3 and fibre. Watch this space! I will lots of amazing info and delicious new recipes coming up soon! I wish an amazing nourishing week to all of you! See more

16.01.2022 Good health is not the mere absence of disease.Waking up each morning feeling energized, positive and ready for what life brings is a good indicator that our health is blooming. Clinical nutrition uses a holistic approach to health with an aim to achieve optimal wellbeing, where everything is functioning at the highest level possible. If you are not where you would like to be with your health, if you are lacking energy and stamina to get through the day, if you have health i...ssues, manage an illness or simply want to invest effort in being the best version of your beautiful self, I can help assess your health goals and support you in your health journey. This is a commitment that is full of rewards: more energy, vitality, awareness and understanding about ourselves and our health. I am available for nutrition consults on Wednesdays at Penguin Podiatry, Clontarf. See more

15.01.2022 2020 has begun and for many this is a time to reflect on the past years and set new years health resolutions. Many may feel discouraged if not everything has gone according to plan. We can start the year with very good intentions and excitement. Yet as life gets busy, we may start to lose the excitement and track with our goals. So, here are 4 strategies to help you keep on track as the year carries on: 1. Set realistic goals and build on them: set small lifestyle changes... that you can sustain long term. Set goals that you can fit into a busy schedule and make smaller incremental changes until they become habits. Some people are DREAMERS and others are DOERS! Think about HOW you will achieve your goals. You may be able to break them down into small and easy to manage steps. As an example, if your goal is to be healthy, think what does that look like for you. Think and write down the areas of your health you would like to improve such as nourishment, better sleep, more physical activity, balancing hormones, reduce stress and anxiety. Then list small changes you can make immediately and over the next few weeks, months and across the entire year that will help you to reach that goal. 2. Focus on the reason for your goal: find a compelling reason within yourself that will help you keep motivated and inspired to maintain the changes you are making. Its more likely that you will be successful if you find a reason that touches your heart instead of coming from self-judgment. 3. Prioritize yourself: its easy to let our caring hearts drive us to put everyone elses needs first. We need to look after our own needs, health and self-care. We need to communicate our self-worth to everyone around us and set up our boundaries. Its okay to say NO. You are only taking care of yourself whilst also taking care of those you love most. 4. Ask for and accept support: let others help you when you need assistance. Create the space for acceptance and you might be surprised to find out someone may have just been waiting for an opportunity to help you out. If your health challenges seem too great to manage on your own, seek the professional help you need. Our health is primordial because without it, we cannot manage much else. If you need a helping hand getting started on a transformational health journey, I have a nice surprise for you coming very soon. Stay tuned! It will be AMAZING! I wish you all a wonderful week! #clinicalnutritionist #wellness #nutritionalmedicine #nutrition #nutritionist #brisbanenutritionist #healthylife #hormonalbalance #cleaneating #wellbeing #PCOS #newyearsresolution #health #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #redcliffenutritionist #stress #womenshealth #eatforlife #foodforlife #selfcare #healthcoach #selflove #selfworth #holism #fit #healthy #healthy2020 #2020

15.01.2022 5 weeks to go for the end of semester 1 and end of my final supervised clinic! If you havent tried nutritional medicine before, you can have an initial appointment and follow-up for $25! Book in now before promotion ends! Just call 1300 859 785. You need to mention you want to book with me when calling, otherwise you may be allocated to someone else. I am available on Fridays from 11:30 - 6:00

14.01.2022 This is week 4 of Semester 1 Clinics, I am very excited to be doing my final supervised clinics. I am available on Fridays from 11:30 to 6:00 until first week of June. I use evidence-based science in clinical and medical nutrition to formulate your nutrition treatment plan to meet your unique health needs and goals using the power of foods, wholesome nutrition, and nutrients as therapeutics to support and assist with: * Manage autoimmune conditions such as: Hashimotos, Grave...s disease, Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes, Psoriases. * Skin related conditions such as acne and eczema. Fatigue and low vitality Stress management Anxiety and depression Insomnia Digestive issues and disorders: IBS, Ulcerative colitis, Chrons Food allergies and intolerances Diabetes Hormone and reproductive health: cycle irregularities, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, preconception plan. An initial consultation takes in average 90 minutes, and 60 minutes for follow-up visits.

14.01.2022 We never fail! It's all about mindset!

13.01.2022 Há uma grande preocupação com a ampla propagação da atual epidemia do coronavírus. Semelhante ao vírus do respriado comum, não há tratamento específico contra o coronavírus. O estado de saúde atual do nosso corpo é o que determina se um invasor patogênico conseguirá se estabelecer ou não. Para prevenir infecções em geral, precisamos maximizar a capacidade anti-oxidativa do nosso organismo e aumentar o nosso sistema imunológico para prevenir e minimizar os sintomas. Prevenção ...é melhor do que remediar! Alho e orégano são ervas com grande ação anti-vírus. Aqui estou listando alguns nutrientes que têm demonstrado reforçar o sistema imunológico e a capacidade antioxidante do organismo contra os vírus em doses recomendados para adultos (em combinação com uma alimentação saudável). As dosagens incluídas são para adultos; para as crianças a dose precisa ser reduzida em proporção ao peso corporal: Vitamina C: 3,000 mg por dia, em doses divididas (500-1000 mg por dose). Vitamina D3: 2,000 unidades internacionais diariamente. Tome com uma refeição, a vitamina D precisa de gordura para ser absorvida. Magnésio: 400 mg por dia (em citrato, malato, aminoácidos quelados) Zinco: 20 MG por dia Selênio: 100 mcg (microgramas) por dia #coronavírus #infecção #vírus #prevenção #vitaminac

12.01.2022 Eu acabei de alcanar dois marcos em minha vida: acabei de completar 41 anos e estou oficialmente GRADUADA. Agora sou nutricionista clinica. Estou no processo de redesenvolver meu site e organizar a documentaao que preciso pra comear a trabalhar. Emocionante! Estarei trabalhando nas quartas-feiras da Clinica de Podologia Penguin em Clontarf. Estou anciosa pra comear!

12.01.2022 I have achieved two milestones in my life: I have just turned 41 and I am now oficially GRADUATED (ceremony is only next year). I am in the process of updating my website and organizing what I need to start practicing. EXCITING TIMES! I will be practicing on Wednesdays from Penguin Podiatry Clinic in Clontarf. Looking forward to start!

12.01.2022 After 6 years of intensive study, hard work and many tears (when stuck with assignments), I have just got home from my very last supervised clinic session! One exam to go to complete my degree! Depois de 6 anos de estudo intensivo, trabalho rduo e muitas lgrimas (com trabalhos difceis), acabei de chegar em casa do ltima sesso da minha residncia clnica! S falta uma prova pra completar meu curso!

12.01.2022 Wow its going so fast, 6 weeks left of semester 1 Clinics! We have an amazing special going for a few more weeks, an initial and follow up appointment for $25 dollars. If you still would like to experience what nutritional medicine can offer you before the semester ends, book in now

11.01.2022 Its never too late to live the life youve always dreamed of! Invest in yourself and what makes you happy! #motivation #bossbabe #clinicalnutrition #innerbeauty #friendship #beautyquotes #livinglife #selfcare #selflove #foodie #beauty #lovelife #nutritionist #healthylife #health #wellness #wellbeing #livingwell

10.01.2022 It was Worlds Diabetes Day yesterday and I would like to share a little about my life experience with Diabetes

10.01.2022 Summertime! Who doesnt love ice cream on a hot day! These nourishing popsicles combine fruits and vegetables and burst with a tropical tangy flavour. They are an amazing treat to enjoy on a hot day. This is my favourite ice cream recipe and I just had to share with you today. #icecream #summer #treat #fruit

10.01.2022 We never fail! Its all about mindset!

10.01.2022 Food as medicine: mushrooms have amazing bioactive compounds including beta glucans known to help support the immune system and fight cancer. Good brain function is one more benefit to eating mushrooms regularly. Enjoy the read

09.01.2022 ONE WEEK TO GO! Join me on a FREE 7-day Wholefood challenge to boost your energy, balance blood sugars, facilitate detoxification and weight loss. The challenge starts on February 11. Link: Here is a breakfast recipe in the ebook you get when signing up for the challenge. Mostly summery and light meals to be enjoyed by the whole family and prepared within 10 - 35 minutes. Enjoy! ENERGIZING PIA COLADA SHAKE... Enjoy the protein, monounsaturated fat and vitamin E supplied by the almonds, energy and detox boost provided by the maca root powder, and the anti-inflammatory effects from bromelain in pineapple. Makes: 2 servings (you can freeze a serve to be consumed within 7-10 days) Ingredients: 1/4 cup almonds (soaked) 1 tbsp hemp seeds 1 cup frozen or fresh pineapple pieces 2 tbsp Maca powder 1 cup coconut milk (long life) 2 tbsp coconut yogurt (unsweetened) 1 tsp stevia or 2 tsp maple syrup Ice cubes Directions: Place the almonds in the blender for an initial blend of 1-2 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and blend until the shake is smooth. Enjoy! Extra serve can be frozen to be consumed later. Recipe adapted from: Kasia Roberts (2014). Anti-inflammatory diet: Your complete guide to heal inflammation, combat heart disease and eliminate pain.

09.01.2022 Here are 5 superfood duos to bring a lot of nutrition, fibre and antioxidants into your diet. What makes a food SUPER? Superfoods are nutrient dense wholefoods, these have high amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibre and other compounds such as polyphenols which have many health benefits. Although some foods have more nutrients than others, nearly every whole food can be called super when we look at their nutrient profile as a whole. The more variety we bring into our diet, the more benefits we will experience #superfood #nutrition #polyphenols #fibre #wholefood #nutrient #nutritionist

08.01.2022 Hello everyone! We are nearly at the end of January! The festive season is over, school holidays are over with kids back in school today, your work holidays are probably over by now and you are back at work and/or study, getting settled in a routine for the coming months. For many, the end of the year festive season and work/school holidays mean celebrating with family and friends, enjoying delicious food and possibly eating out of a regular routine and dining out more often.... I would like to ask you: How are you feeling? How are your energy levels in the morning and throughout the day, how is your sleep, how is your digestion, has your weight gone up, how are your stress levels, Do you feel there is room for improvement in any or all those areas? I have some amazing news for you: Join me on a #Free 7-day Wholefood Reset Challenge to get you focused on your beautiful self and kick start your #2020 #health goals. What does the #freechallenge involve and what will you get from it? When does it start? Ill tell you more about it later! Stay tuned and talk soon

08.01.2022 We are in the peak of stone fruit season ! YUM! Today I am sharing my most loved and requested salad recipe for summer. This light and refreshing mango salad is simple but really delicious! My spicy mango salad goes really well with fish and seafood. I love to serve it with salmon or shrimps. The acidity of the apple cider vinegar helps to cut through the fatty salmon beautifully. But you can serve the salad by itself or accompanied with side vegetables. For the recipe and nutrition facts, just follow the link:

08.01.2022 Last day to sign up for the FREE 7-day Wholefood Reset Challenge and download your ebook. The offer ends at midnight tonight. Dont miss out! The Challenge starts Monday February 10th. Follow the link for sign up and download:

07.01.2022 H uma grande preocupao com a ampla propagao da atual epidemia do coronavrus. Semelhante ao vrus do respriado comum, no h tratamento especfico contra o coronavrus. O estado de sade atual do nosso corpo o que determina se um invasor patognico conseguir se estabelecer ou no. Para prevenir infeces em geral, precisamos maximizar a capacidade anti-oxidativa do nosso organismo e aumentar o nosso sistema imunolgico para prevenir e minimizar os sintomas. Preveno ... melhor do que remediar! Alho e organo so ervas com grande ao anti-vrus. Aqui estou listando alguns nutrientes que tm demonstrado reforar o sistema imunolgico e a capacidade antioxidante do organismo contra os vrus em doses recomendados para adultos (em combinao com uma alimentao saudvel). As dosagens includas so para adultos; para as crianas a dose precisa ser reduzida em proporo ao peso corporal: Vitamina C: 3,000 mg por dia, em doses divididas (500-1000 mg por dose). Vitamina D3: 2,000 unidades internacionais diariamente. Tome com uma refeio, a vitamina D precisa de gordura para ser absorvida. Magnsio: 400 mg por dia (em citrato, malato, aminocidos quelados) Zinco: 20 MG por dia Selnio: 100 mcg (microgramas) por dia #coronavrus #infeco #vrus #preveno #vitaminac

07.01.2022 I personally dont drink cows milk but i am sharing this some of you might consume or know family and friends who may buy those brands.

06.01.2022 There is great concern about the wide spread of the current coronavirus pandemic. Similar to the common cold, there is no specific treatment for coronaviruses. The environment in the hosts body determines whether a pathogenic invader can take hold or not. To prevent infections in general we need to maximize the bodys anti-oxidative capacity and boost our immune system to prevent and minimize symptoms. Prevention is better than cure! Garlic and oregano are herbs with powerf...ul anti-viral effects that we can use in our cooking regularly. Here are some nutrients that have shown to strengthen the immune system and the bodys antioxidant capacity against viruses at dosage levels recommended for adults (in conjunction with a healthy diet). Dosages listed are for adults; for children reduce these need to be reduced in proportion to body weight: Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams daily, in divided doses (500-1000 milligrams per dose). Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. Taken with a meal, vitamin D needs fat to be absorbed. Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, amino acid chelate forms) Zinc: 20 mg daily Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) daily #coronavirus #infection #virus #prevention #vitaminc

05.01.2022 Sleep is one of those areas of our daily routine that is quite often overlooked. Good sleep routine is essential for good health. Research from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have demonstrated a link between short sleep duration (5 hrs or less), poor sleep quality and increased risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, the metabolic syndrome, and early mortality. Short-term sleep restriction (4 h/night for 1 week in a laboratory setting) demon...strated impaired glucose tolerance established by glucose tolerance test in healthy subjects. Results from a study done using a dog model found that sleeping 5 hrs for a single night can decrease insulin sensitivity by 33%. No sleep for one night has the same detrimental effects on insulin sensitivity as 6 months on a high fat diet. When our body becomes less sensitive to insulin or "insulin resistant", it needs to produce more insulin to maintain stable blood sugar levels and it leads to increased fat deposition (weight gain). Insulin resistance may eventually lead to Type 2 diabetes, a disease associated with a number of serious complications, including heart disease. It is important to establish a good sleep routine and here are a few tips on sleep hygiene to help improve sleep quality: 1. Avoid eating 2-3 hours before bed. 2. Avoid intense exercise at night time 3. Avoid screens for at least 1-2 hrs before going to bed. Use blue light blocking glasses at night while working on the computer or watching TV 4. Practice 5-10 min of a relaxation technique such as guided meditation and mindfulness or listening to soft music. There are many useful apps available such as: Calm, The meditation app, Breath, Stop Breath and Think among others. 5. Leave your phone out of the bedroom 6. Switch your wireless internet router off before going to bed. Reference: #diabetes #nutritionist #sleep #insulinresistance #glucosetolerance #sleephygiene

03.01.2022 Whatever it is that you want to do/achieve/create, START TODAY! Sometimes its easier to find a reason to delay action, a reason to wait or a reason to postpone. Nothing will happen if we keep waiting for the right time. There is no right time, all you need is TIME, its up to you to decide whether its RIGHT or WRONG. We make the right moment

02.01.2022 O sono é uma daquelas áreas da nossa rotina diária que muitas vezes é ignorada. Dormir bem é essencial para uma boa saúde. Pesquisas de estudos transversais e longitudinais demonstram uma relação entre a curta duração do sono (5 horas ou menos por noite), má qualidade do sono e aumento do risco em desenvolver obesidade, diabetes, hipertensão, doença cardiovascular, síndrome metabólica e mortalidade precoce. A restrição de sono a curto prazo (4 h / noite durante por 1 semana cenário de laboratório) demonstrou redução da tolerância à glicose em indivíduos saudáveis estabelecida através do Teste de tolerância à glicose. Resultados de um estudo realizado usando modelo animal (cachorros) descobriu que dormir 5 horas por uma única noite pode diminuir a sensibilidade à insulina em 33 %. Não dormir por uma noite tem os mesmos efeitos prejudiciais na sensibilidade à insulina que 6 meses seguindo uma dieta alta em gordura. Quando o nosso corpo se torna menos sensível à insulina ou 'resistente à insulina', é necessário produzir mais insulina para manter níveis estáveis de açúcar no sangue e também leva a um aumento da deposição de gordura (ganho de peso). A resistência à insulina pode eventualmente levar ao Diabetes Tipo 2, uma doença associada a várias complicações graves, incluindo a doença cardíaca. É importante estabelecer uma boa rotina antes de ir dormir e aqui estão algumas dicas sobre higiene do sono para ajudar a melhorar a qualidade do sono: 1. Evite comer 2-3 horas antes de dormir. 2. Evite exercício intenso à noite 3. Evite telas (computador, celular, notebooks, tablet) por pelo menos 1-2 horas antes de ir para a cama. Use óculos de bloqueio de luz azul à noite enquanto trabalha no computador ou vê TV 4. Pratique 5-10 min de uma técnica de relaxamento como meditação guiada e Mindfulness ou ouvir música suave. Existem muitos aplicativos úteis disponíveis, como Calm por exemplo. 5. Deixe seu telefone fora do quarto 6. Desligue o seu roteador de internet antes de ir dormir. Referência: #diabetes #nutricionista #sono #resistanceàinsulina #insulina #toleranciaaglicose #higienedosono #saúde #durmabem

01.01.2022 What a difficult start to the year in #Australia with the devastation that has been caused by the #bush fires across the country. We are collectively hurting, and our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones, livelihood and have been impacted in one way or another. We feel for the trees and the millions of living creatures who have lost their lives. The world is grieving deeply with us. Times like this heighten our bodys natural responses to stress creating tension an...Continue reading

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