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25.01.2022 A question for the PTs: How confident do you feel identifying clients who might have an eating disorder? This (US based) article calls for more ED awareness training to be included in fitness courses. Given the 1 in 20 lifetime prevalence of EDs in Australia, I tend to agree with it! How do you feel about the amount of time spent on eating disorders and excessive exercise in your CIV Fitness course?... Where would you go to get more info about how to help a client with a possible eating disorder who might be over-exercising?
25.01.2022 Fact: vast majority of supplements are unnecessary. Think about this article next time you're about to open your wallet at your local health food store... If performance is your goal, maybe those dollars would be better spent on a new pair of shoes, or some specialist advice from a dietitian or sports-specific coaching? A little self belief goes a long way :)
25.01.2022 Want a free portion plate? Im repping with a couple of other lovely dietitians at Miranda Westfield (NSW) today & tomorrow. Come over & ask us some nutrition questions! #choosewellness
25.01.2022 What a great idea! I hope it takes off for them. And bonus cool jar with your meal! Whats the best snack youve seen in a vending machine?
24.01.2022 Fact: vast majority of supplements are unnecessary. Think about this article next time youre about to open your wallet at your local health food store... If performance is your goal, maybe those dollars would be better spent on a new pair of shoes, or some specialist advice from a dietitian or sports-specific coaching? A little self belief goes a long way :)
24.01.2022 Gym Managers: Did you know you can book a private seminar for your team to upskill in nutrition and get their CECs? Here's our recently updated services page where you can find out more.
23.01.2022 How well do you promote body confidence to your clients? It's something we should all aim to do, but not a skill that's emphasised in our training! This is the Butterfly Foundation's 'Love Your Body' pledge, and something to aspire to! What do you see clients struggling with the most? 1. Start learning how to love my body however I am feeling, however I look and wherever I am!... 2. Not criticise my individual body parts and let size dictate my self-worth, because I am a whole person 3. Realise that it is a journey of understanding. It is not about trying to conform to an idealised body image 4. Stop giving the scale power and stop letting the number it reads determine the success of my day 5. Stop the fat talk, in regards to both myself and others and fight back against my negative thoughts 6. Try and not compare my body to others 7. Not be affected by negative appeals of the media 8. Be grateful for all the things my body allows me to do, instead of fixating on the size of my body 9. Remind myself that bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and that no matter what shape and size my body may be, it is worthy of kindness, compassion, love and nourishment Remember, body confidence is something you & clients can develop with time, practice, and support. Check out the Butterfly Foundation's 'Love Your Body Week' resources for more tips.
23.01.2022 PTs: Check out our new nutrition service, Nutrition Partners. WE do the consults, YOU get paid a referral fee as our thanks! Have you ever wondered: * Where do you refer clients with medical conditions/ those who are pregnant/ have a nutrient deficiency/ those needing to know if their supplement interacts with their medication/ or anyone else needing specific nutrition advice that's outside of your scope? * Who can help a client with persistent cramping, or digestive trouble...s like runners' gut while training and competing? * Or, what do you do when you just don't have time for those in-depth lifestyle conversations that clients need before they can move past stumbling blocks? Our team of experienced Accredited Dietitians/ Nutritionists/ Sports Dietitians can consult your clients via phone or Skype, anywhere in Aus. We're experienced, and have seen every health issue and barrier to change before! Plus we all have extra training in behaviour change psychology, so we can get your clients making progress again and teach them how to maintain motivation. Find out more about how the service works, cost of packages & your pay rates, FAQs and the benefits to your clients via this link. AND, if you think you might ever refer to us, register now as a 'Foundation Partner' to lock in your higher pay rate!
23.01.2022 Not sure about you, but Im endlessly frustrated by the Biggest Loser! The shows themes of health means deprivation and fitness means vomiting in a bucket are exactly the opposite of what health and fitness professionals actually recommend to their clients. Ive also lost count of the number of clients who think that theyre doing something wrong if theyre not losing at least 2kg per week. Rapid weight loss (considered over 500g/week for most people), and yo-yo dietin...g, have both been shown to cause more weight gain over time. More importantly though, the dieting cycle causes poor self esteem, poor body image, and a poor relationship with food. I find this really sad! Food is one of lifes greatest pleasures, and its one of the main ways that we nourish and care for ourselves and others. Food should be enjoyed! Regular dieting has also been shown to increase risk of eating disorders, which have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. Not to mention the devastation they bring to the families who support the sufferer. Thats why I love this community health pilot program run by Manningham Community Health in VIC. Oh, and they won an award for it! They won the Victorian Healthcare Association Members Choice Award at the recent VHA conference- nice going! Check out their poster about the non-dieting approach they used (excerpt pictured) here: Or if youre keen on learning more about what they did (or maybe implementing something similar for your clients/ in your gym), check out the report here: THE TAKEAWAY MESSAGES: - weight is not the best indicator of health - food should be consciously enjoyed - be kind to yourself, and if you want to improve your health start by making small changes you can live with forever. If you have clients who want to develop a healthier relationship with food, our Accredited Practising Dietitians can help them. We love food, and we think everyone else should, too :) View our consultation packages at Remember, we work with PTs who refer clients to us, and we pay you a referral fee as our thanks. If you or your clients would like to chat with us first, call: 0466 261 830
22.01.2022 Want your clients to eat more veggies? Register your team to take Nutrition Australia's challenge, and you could win some cool prizes!
21.01.2022 Im seeing hate on phytic acid doing the rounds again. Are your clients worried about eating brown rice or lentils? Heres what to tell them.
21.01.2022 I love Nigellas healthy perspective on thinness and the clean eating label: "My mother had an eating disorder, so I felt very strongly that I was not going to be tyrannised in that way, she said. Also, if youve known three people you love very much die of cancer, you do not equate extreme thinness with healthiness." "She says she doesnt like the term clean eating because she hates the implication that other food is dirty and something to be ashamed of."... As a clinician who treats people with eating disorders, I couldnt agree more with her.
20.01.2022 How well do you promote body confidence to your clients? Its something we should all aim to do, but not a skill thats emphasised in our training! This is the Butterfly Foundations Love Your Body pledge, and something to aspire to! What do you see clients struggling with the most? 1. Start learning how to love my body however I am feeling, however I look and wherever I am!... 2. Not criticise my individual body parts and let size dictate my self-worth, because I am a whole person 3. Realise that it is a journey of understanding. It is not about trying to conform to an idealised body image 4. Stop giving the scale power and stop letting the number it reads determine the success of my day 5. Stop the fat talk, in regards to both myself and others and fight back against my negative thoughts 6. Try and not compare my body to others 7. Not be affected by negative appeals of the media 8. Be grateful for all the things my body allows me to do, instead of fixating on the size of my body 9. Remind myself that bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and that no matter what shape and size my body may be, it is worthy of kindness, compassion, love and nourishment Remember, body confidence is something you & clients can develop with time, practice, and support. Check out the Butterfly Foundations Love Your Body Week resources for more tips.
19.01.2022 Clients worried about their BMI? New research shows that it's probably not that useful for predicting current or future health problems. A mismatch between BMI and metabolic health is something that Dietitians have been observing for a long time, since we're the ones who patients are sent to for weight loss and we routinely look at their blood test results/ blood pressure, etc. Now there's a decent amount of research data supporting the idea that a person's weight does not a...lways reflect their health. Some people are bigger, and some are smaller, but what matters is metabolic health, functional capacity to carry out daily activities (including fitness), and quality of life.
18.01.2022 "Our species was not designed to subsist on a single, optimal diet. What is remarkable about human beings is the extraordinary variety of what we eat. We have been able to thrive in almost every ecosystem on the Earth, consuming diets ranging from almost all animal foods among populations of the Arctic to primarily tubers and cereal grains among populations in the high Andes. I felt a post like this was apt following ch 7's pro-paleo story on the Sunday Night show. As you, NTA is run by dietitians & we promote an evidence-based approach, not one-size-fits-all dietary dogma with unnecessary restriction. And this SciAm article is a great summary of the evidence we actually have in the topic! It's a good one to share with your own clients who might have been confused by the strong bias in the ch7 story. Hope it helps, Emma :)
18.01.2022 What myths do your clients believe that you'd add to this list? #2 is especially relevant to fitness professionals: "Physically fit and active people who are obese have a similar or decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and death as people who are less fat but also less fit. Therefore, physical inactivity may be as great a risk to health as obesity, and people should be encouraged to be active even if it doesnt result in weight loss."... YES! Although #5 is over simplified IMO- the point is that permanent dietary changes do make a difference, not that following the latest fad diet, or random meal plan in this month's oxygen mag is a good idea...
17.01.2022 New Non-Dieting Guide to Nutrition work book for clients will be available in April 2017. Find out more at:
17.01.2022 Not sure about you, but I'm endlessly frustrated by the Biggest Loser! The show's themes of 'health means deprivation' and 'fitness means vomiting in a bucket' are exactly the opposite of what health and fitness professionals actually recommend to their clients. I've also lost count of the number of clients who think that they're doing something wrong if they're not losing at least 2kg per week. Rapid weight loss (considered over 500g/week for most people), and yo-yo dietin...g, have both been shown to cause more weight gain over time. More importantly though, the dieting cycle causes poor self esteem, poor body image, and a poor relationship with food. I find this really sad! Food is one of life's greatest pleasures, and it's one of the main ways that we nourish and care for ourselves and others. Food should be enjoyed! Regular dieting has also been shown to increase risk of eating disorders, which have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. Not to mention the devastation they bring to the families who support the sufferer. That's why I love this community health pilot program run by Manningham Community Health in VIC. Oh, and they won an award for it! They won the Victorian Healthcare Association Members Choice Award at the recent VHA conference- nice going! Check out their poster about the non-dieting approach they used (excerpt pictured) here: Or if you're keen on learning more about what they did (or maybe implementing something similar for your clients/ in your gym), check out the report here: THE TAKEAWAY MESSAGES: - weight is not the best indicator of health - food should be consciously enjoyed - be kind to yourself, and if you want to improve your health start by making small changes you can live with forever. If you have clients who want to develop a healthier relationship with food, our Accredited Practising Dietitians can help them. We love food, and we think everyone else should, too :) View our consultation packages at Remember, we work with PTs who refer clients to us, and we pay you a referral fee as our thanks. If you or your clients would like to chat with us first, call: 0466 261 830
17.01.2022 PTs: Do you/ does your gym have a procedure for identifying clients/ members at risk of eating disorders? How about a followup process for managing clients once they've had an eating disorder diagnosed? How effective and helpful do you think they are, and would a new guide relating to this be useful for you? Thanks, really appreciate your feedback! Emma
16.01.2022 Happy No Diet Day! An annual reminder of what we all know: any lifestyle change you can't see yourself sticking with FOREVER isn't worth starting in the first place. Keep paring back the goals until you find one you definitely can stick with. That's how you know whether you've found the right sized goal to start with, for you. ... What little lifestyle or daily routine changes have you made that have had a positive impact on your health over the years? One of mine: sunday meal plan & shopping list ritual. Start the week organised, don't leave eating well to chance, or (worse!) motivation on the day
16.01.2022 "Beach body" is one of my most-hated terms! EVERY body has a right to enjoy the beach! Turns out lots of fitness clients hate the term too... What's your most hated so-called 'motivational phrase'?
15.01.2022 "We seem to be in a funny war with people who say that endurance athletes should eat high fat diets and think that we are saying they should eat high carbs all the time. I dont think any blunt approach like this is sensible, and in fact, the modern sports nutrition guidelines promote a periodized approach to carbohydrate availability. But if forced to choose between one of the two extremes, I would take the high carb option." ... and Prof Louise Burke, head of nutrition at t...he AIS would definitely know! Great commentary from Louise about fueling strategies of her Olympic athletes and some useful quotes about fad diets you can pass on to your clients.
14.01.2022 What myths do your clients believe that youd add to this list? #2 is especially relevant to fitness professionals: "Physically fit and active people who are obese have a similar or decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and death as people who are less fat but also less fit. Therefore, physical inactivity may be as great a risk to health as obesity, and people should be encouraged to be active even if it doesnt result in weight loss."... YES! Although #5 is over simplified IMO- the point is that permanent dietary changes do make a difference, not that following the latest fad diet, or random meal plan in this months oxygen mag is a good idea...
13.01.2022 Want a free portion plate? I'm repping with a couple of other lovely dietitians at Miranda Westfield (NSW) today & tomorrow. Come over & ask us some nutrition questions! #choosewellness
13.01.2022 PTs- Quick question for you. Would you rather: A) Take a more detailed nutrition course that doesnt offer CECs B) Take a course that does offer CECs, but cant cover topics like metabolism that are outside of the current Scope of Practice C) Not registered with Fitness Australia so dont care!... Im hoping to get an idea of what people want most before we look at updating our online nutrition course for 2016. All feedback very welcome :) Thanks so much! Emma
12.01.2022 Have you seen the new awareness campaign for our profession by #dietitianconnection? Heres Michelle Bridges talking about what we can do for you and your clients! And of course, if you need to refer a client for personalised nutrition advice, contact Emma @ Nutrition Training Australia for info about our referral program, where we pay you a referral fee as thanks, and keep you in the loop with progress reports. #knowlovefood See more
11.01.2022 No Sanitarium. We don't need more 'breakfast biscuits'. Even if they're a 'source of fibre' (ie, don't actually contain a good amount of fibre). I reviewed the Belvita ones last yr. although they taste good (like a digestive bikkie you'd eat with a coffee), they're not a good solution to the poor brekkie habits of Aussies. Rather than expanding the junk food market into breakfast, how about we prioritise the extra two minutes required to throw together something more nutritious of a morning? Are our lives so busy that we can't make a cheese sandwich on multigrain, grab a tub of yoghurt & piece of fruit, or even stash a box of a high fibre cereal on the desk at work. There are plenty of quick, easy & tasty options that are far better than biscuits. I'm usually a fan of Sanitarium products how disappointing!
10.01.2022 With the Christmas/ party season approaching, have you thought about how youre going to address your clients concerns about all the bad food theyll be around? Most people have already been conditioned to feel guilty about enjoying treat foods. Its our job to help, not reinforce the guilt. I promote enjoyment and self compassion all year around. But in Nov/ Dec my clients all get the talk! Briefly: My clients are encouraged to plan their meals at home as usual ( advantage of the summer fruits of course!). And, when theyre at a party, choose some of their favourite foods, really enjoy and savour them, and then forget about it! Theres no restricting food tomorrow. Theres no extra hour on the treadmill as punishment. Just enjoy it and move on. How do you handle food guilt? Is this a topic we should write more about?
10.01.2022 With the Christmas/ party season approaching, have you thought about how you're going to address your clients' concerns about all the 'bad food' they'll be around? Most people have already been conditioned to feel guilty about enjoying treat foods. It's our job to help, not reinforce the guilt. I promote enjoyment and self compassion all year around. But in Nov/ Dec my clients all get 'the talk'! Briefly: My clients are encouraged to plan their meals at home as usual ( advantage of the summer fruits of course!). And, when they're at a party, choose some of their favourite foods, really enjoy and savour them, and then forget about it! There's no restricting food tomorrow. There's no extra hour on the treadmill as punishment. Just enjoy it and move on. How do you handle food guilt? Is this a topic we should write more about?
10.01.2022 Have you seen the new awareness campaign for our profession by #dietitianconnection? Here's Michelle Bridges talking about what we can do for you and your clients! And of course, if you need to refer a client for personalised nutrition advice, contact Emma @ Nutrition Training Australia for info about our referral program, where we pay you a referral fee as thanks, and keep you in the loop with progress reports. #knowlovefood See more
10.01.2022 November news out tomorrow. Find out: - Why our 7CEC weight loss nutrition course is changing in 2016, and what's no longer going to be covered - How to get paid when you refer a client for specialist nutrition advice - Why 'Cholesterol Free' statements on food labels don't matter, and how to explain it to your clients... Remember, when you subscribe you also get our free 10pg book 'The Quick and Easy Guide to Recipe Modification'. Print it out, pass it to your clients, and help them improve their meals with little effort.
09.01.2022 Want your clients to eat more veggies? Register your team to take Nutrition Australias challenge, and you could win some cool prizes!
09.01.2022 PTs- Quick question for you. Would you rather: A) Take a more detailed nutrition course that doesn't offer CECs B) Take a course that does offer CECs, but can't cover topics like metabolism that are outside of the current Scope of Practice C) Not registered with Fitness Australia so don't care!... I'm hoping to get an idea of what people want most before we look at updating our online nutrition course for 2016. All feedback very welcome :) Thanks so much! Emma
09.01.2022 Got a baby at home who never finishes their meal? Dip it! Tonight's delicacy: mashed pumkpin, sweet potato and ricotta. It's acutally really good! #hatewastingfood
08.01.2022 Jan Newsletter out tomorrow, includes: - Special subscriber rate for our Sydney 9th April face to face course. Remember, this is the last one ever, as Fitness Australia are phasing out accreditation for ALL weight loss nutrition courses. - Blog article: "How to Fit Pasta Into a Healthy Diet (Yes, it's ok to eat pasta"). Learn how to explain appropriate portions to your clients, and reduce food fear. - Plus yummy pasta recipe: "Easy Mediterranean Pasta Salad" with a full nutri...ent breakdown of course :) Look out for it in your inboxes tomorrow morning, OR, sign up here today so you don't miss out:
07.01.2022 What a great idea! I hope it takes off for them. And bonus cool jar with your meal! What's the best snack you've seen in a vending machine?
06.01.2022 December Nutrition News out next week: - LAST EVER in-person Dietitians Guide to Weight Loss course- March 2016 Sydney. Subscribers get early access! - Download: Healthy Holiday Gift Guide- print out & pass to clients, or use as material for your own news/ posts - Quick tip: Low-Carb Beer- is it a better choice?... If youre a subscriber, check your inbox next week. If you havent subscribed yet, click the link to join now so you dont miss out :)
06.01.2022 Do you work exclusively with a weight-neutral/ Health At Every Size approach, as we promote at Nutrition Training Australia? Other HAES oriented health professionals are looking for you (myself included!) and want to refer our clients to people who will promote body acceptance and focus on function not weight. By the way, if this is an area you'd like to move into, you might like to check out our Non-Diet Nutrition Guide book, which you can use to get yourself up to speed an...d educate your clients. Have a read through this post, and if it sounds like you, head over to the HAES Australia website to get started. #antidiet #personaltrainers
06.01.2022 NEWS: Last ever course date in Sydney on Sat 9th April! Upskill with us this year & study weight loss nutrition with experienced Dietitians 7 CECs. PTs & CIII Fitness Instructors eligible... Learn the methods that Dietitians recommend for your weight loss clients, and keep them off the damaging diet merry-go-round. This is the ONLY course that gives you ongoing support from your highly qualified dietitian tutor while you practice your new skills. Click through to read more about topics covered, and book your place at the bottom of the page. If you'd like to speak to me before booking, either: - join our newsletter via link on the page & reply to any email - fill in the enquiry form on our About page- please include your ph #, state, & best time to call you back.
05.01.2022 Please read & share this letter to Butterfly and Sportsgirl that Im a proud signatory of. Body positivity is for ALL bodies, not just those that fit a sz16 or lower.
05.01.2022 Got a baby at home who never finishes their meal? Dip it! Tonights delicacy: mashed pumkpin, sweet potato and ricotta. Its acutally really good! #hatewastingfood
05.01.2022 I love Nigella's healthy perspective on thinness and the 'clean eating' label: "My mother had an eating disorder, so I felt very strongly that I was not going to be tyrannised in that way, she said. Also, if you've known three people you love very much die of cancer, you do not equate extreme thinness with healthiness." "She says she doesnt like the term clean eating because she hates the implication that other food is 'dirty' and something to be ashamed of."... As a clinician who treats people with eating disorders, I couldn't agree more with her.
04.01.2022 Please read & share this letter to Butterfly and Sportsgirl that I'm a proud signatory of. Body positivity is for ALL bodies, not just those that fit a sz16 or lower.
04.01.2022 December Nutrition News out next week: - LAST EVER in-person Dietitian's Guide to Weight Loss course- March 2016 Sydney. Subscribers get early access! - Download: Healthy Holiday Gift Guide- print out & pass to clients, or use as material for your own news/ posts - Quick tip: Low-Carb Beer- is it a better choice?... If you're a subscriber, check your inbox next week. If you haven't subscribed yet, click the link to join now so you don't miss out :)
04.01.2022 I love this! New US food labelling guidelines to include ADDED sugars below the total sugars figure. I find my patients are regularly confused about the sugars panel on our Aussie labels, and some people unnecessarily avoid (or worry about eating) nutritious foods containing naturally occurring (ie not added) sugars. E.g., the lactose in milk based products is included in the sugars total. So is fructose from, say, dried fruit in a muesli. Definitely confusing when these thi...ngs are lumped together with added sugars! Oh well, until we have something similar I'll have to keep explaining the difference! What else confuses you or your clients about Aussie food labels and packaging?
04.01.2022 PTs: Want to build your skill in nutrition for weight management so that you can help more clients? We've just released a super-special last-chance offer to take our 7CEC online course at a HUGE discount, but it's ONLY for subscribers! This course will only be open for another two weeks before it's closed forever on MON 14th MARCH (we're retiring it because of Fitness Aust accreditation changes). ... Just subscribe below, and I'll send the details across to you, along with more info about the course. Or feel free to phone me via the number on our website :) Emma
03.01.2022 Clients worried about their BMI? New research shows that its probably not that useful for predicting current or future health problems. A mismatch between BMI and metabolic health is something that Dietitians have been observing for a long time, since were the ones who patients are sent to for weight loss and we routinely look at their blood test results/ blood pressure, etc. Now theres a decent amount of research data supporting the idea that a persons weight does not a...lways reflect their health. Some people are bigger, and some are smaller, but what matters is metabolic health, functional capacity to carry out daily activities (including fitness), and quality of life.
03.01.2022 Happy No Diet Day! An annual reminder of what we all know: any lifestyle change you cant see yourself sticking with FOREVER isnt worth starting in the first place. Keep paring back the goals until you find one you definitely can stick with. Thats how you know whether youve found the right sized goal to start with, for you. ... What little lifestyle or daily routine changes have you made that have had a positive impact on your health over the years? One of mine: sunday meal plan & shopping list ritual. Start the week organised, dont leave eating well to chance, or (worse!) motivation on the day
03.01.2022 Did you know 2million Aussies will need a food donation this yr? Foodbank turned industry surplus into 40mil meals last year. Win win!
01.01.2022 No Sanitarium. We dont need more breakfast biscuits. Even if theyre a source of fibre (ie, dont actually contain a good amount of fibre). I reviewed the Belvita ones last yr. although they taste good (like a digestive bikkie youd eat with a coffee), theyre not a good solution to the poor brekkie habits of Aussies. Rather than expanding the junk food market into breakfast, how about we prioritise the extra two minutes required to throw together something more nutritious of a morning? Are our lives so busy that we cant make a cheese sandwich on multigrain, grab a tub of yoghurt & piece of fruit, or even stash a box of a high fibre cereal on the desk at work. There are plenty of quick, easy & tasty options that are far better than biscuits. Im usually a fan of Sanitarium products how disappointing!
01.01.2022 I was quoted in this article by Dennis from HealthyPeople , yay! Obviously I do acknowledge the role of PTs in supporting clients to make improved food choices! (Otherwise I probably wouldn't be running this kind of business, lol!) Would love to know your thoughts on the issue of supplement prescribing though.
01.01.2022 I'm seeing hate on phytic acid doing the rounds again. Are your clients worried about eating brown rice or lentils? Here's what to tell them.
01.01.2022 New 'Non-Dieting Guide to Nutrition' work book for clients will be available in April 2017. Find out more at:
01.01.2022 Did you know an estimated 1 million people suffer with an eating disorder- the same number who suffer cancer- however there are only 37 public hospital beds for those who desperately need them? EDs have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. A massive 20% will die from their illness, that's 1 in 5! But public awareness (and even health professional awareness) is very poor. This means that by the time these illnesses are picked up, people have often suffered for ye...ars and can be critically unwell. The best chance of recovery is with early support from a team of understanding health professionals with specialist training (that includes me!). Butterfly offer their national help line, a residential day program, and online support materials, but they're not able to cope with the demand for these services, hence their #Maydays campaign! If you think you might be suffering with some eating difficulties, or excessive exercise, make sure you talk to someone early. If you're not quite sure whether you're ready for treatment, your GP, a psychologist, or a dietitian will be happy for you to book an appointment just for an assessment and chat, without the pressure to make changes you're not ready for. (If you're in south Sydney, you can book an appointment with me at the Shire Diets clinic on Tues/Wed's on 9544 6555). For more info about the Butterfly Foundation and their support services, or to donate, head to:
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