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Nutrition With Christine
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04.02.2022 Look at these fantastic oranges! Orange you glad to see so many oranges The fantastic thing about oranges is that they're full of vitamins, fibre and just taste delicious! Sometimes fruit can get a bad name for themselves because they contain sugar, I have even heard people say that fruit has empty calories and just provide sugar - which is absolutely insane! ... There is nothing wrong with eating fruit just because they contain sugar. Half of the Australian population aren't actually eating enough fruit! Definitely don't be afraid of fruit, embrace all types of fruit Here are some awesome facts about oranges: 1 medium orange provides you over 100% of your recommended vitamin C intake (84/45 mg) Eating an entire orange provides 4g of fibre the vitamin C in the orange helps absorb iron in iron rich foods 1 orange provides 25% of the recommended intake of folate (100/400 micro grams) which is especially important for women wanting to conceive! the vitamin C found in oranges can help reduce a cold by half a day Every now and then I love to juice my own oranges, that way I know what is in my juice! But most of the time I enjoy eating it whole because I am a sucker for the pulp! The real question is, do you drink your orange juice with or without pulp? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to know which is more popular! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #oranges #pulp #nopulp #vitaminc #sickness #folate #adelaidenutritionist @ Adelaide, South Australia See more
02.02.2022 What to do if you're feeling unwell - CLUE: DONT STOP EATING!! I have recently felt unwell which meant that I had to take time off from work and from my business as a Nutritionist While I do miss posting and chatting to clients, it was a great opportunity to take some well needed rest! I have made my favourite comfort food - Porridge with almond granola, banana, honey and some nut butter ... If you're also feeling unwell, here are some great tips to getting back up on your feet again take a break and SLOW DOWN - if you're feeling unwell, lethargic and just crap, then take this as a great excuse to get some R&R! Your body is going through a battle right now, you deserve some rest and that long awaited bubble bath Eat FILLING and NUTRITIOUS foods - the last thing we want you doing is to stop eating! When you're unwell your body is using up important nutrients to fight your cold, if you stop eating then your body will struggle! Eat a variety of foods but especially foods high in antioxidants and nutrients, such as veggies and fruit Also, take comfort in your comfort foods, sometimes you just need some warm porridge to bring your mood up and that's okay! Get some SUNSHINE - the sun provides you with vitamin D which has been shown to help fight a cold as vit D is a nutrient involved in your immune system's pathway. If you're unable to leave your house, try sitting next to a window, the sun will also brighten your mood Christine x Associate Nutritionist #porridge #comfortfood #adelaidenutritionist #fightingacold #tips #nutbutter See more
25.01.2022 Couldnt have said it better myself. Please do not wash your fruit and vegetables with soap or disinfectants, they are not designed to clean food and they are not for human consumption. If youre wanting to clean your vegetables and fruit, scrubbing under cold water is the best thing so far. As of this moment, there is no evidence of Covid19 being transferred through food. If youre worried, you can purchase frozen fruit and vegetables as an alternative, theyre equally as healthy!
25.01.2022 I have joined Instagram! If you're wanting more content on no-nonsense nutrition facts, recipes, some food loving fun and to fall in love with avocados, check out my Instagram below! Christine x... Associate Nutritionist #instagram #adelaidenutritionist #nutritionfacts #avocados
24.01.2022 Tuesday Tip Make sure half your plate is filled with a variety of veggies!! By changing the proportion of veggies, protein, and carbohydrates on your plate you can make a huge difference to your health by this simple change! Often people eat mostly carbohydrates and protein with small amounts of veggies. We need to aim for 5 serve of veggies per day and we can reach this target a lot easier by changing the proportion of veggies on our plate! ... Veggies are underrated! Try and change up the way you cook your veggies to make them more exciting. Instead of having overcooked steamed vegetables every night, maybe try roasting them, pan frying them with some thyme and pepper, or steam them with herbs and garlic! They are filled with essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre which are important for our health Try and make this simple change tonight for dinner and I promise you will love it! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #tuesdaytips #vegetables #carbohydrates #protein #healthyplate #nutritionist
21.01.2022 1 avocado a day keeps the heart doctor away! A recent randomised controlled trial found that 1 avocado a day consumed by over-weight or obese individuals had lower LDL and oxidised LDL (bad cholesterol). This was due to the healthy fats in avocados, as well as other bioactive contributors such as antioxidants and vitamins! High levels of LDL (especially oxidised LDL) in your blood can lead to plaque build-up in your arteries, and without dietary changes, this can lead to... heart disease. The Australian Heart Foundation recommends consuming less salt, refined carbohydrates and swapping out foods to have healthy fats (such as avocados!) to eat healthy and reduce heart disease. Nothing gets me more excited than to have a validated excuse to buy an avocado for $3.00! There is a cheaper option though, you can buy frozen avocado thats cheaper per kg. Here are some ways you could incorporate it into your diet: - Adding the frozen avocado into smoothies - Guacamole dip/topping - Avocado, tomato and Vegemite on wholegrain toast - Mix it into a salad - Add it to your sandwich - Avocado ice cream You can find a link to the research paper and any other research below Christine x Associate Nutritionist #nutritionist #avocado #hearthealth #cholesterol #adelaide
21.01.2022 SNACK CHATS Look at this beautiful and vibrant food platter!! Its full of: Vitamins and minerals... Fibre Chocolate Something I often chat to my clients about is having a BALANCED DIET, which means not restricting certain food groups because diet culture has labelled them as "bad" or "sometimes food." Restricting food types can actually lead to unhealthy eating and potential eating disorders I actually recommend adding your favourite foods to other types of healthy food, like Ive done with this food platter Ive made a mixture of: Mix of chocolate and oreos Cut up fruit and veggies Nuts, roasted chickpeas and mixed grain biscuits Beetroot dip Ive mixed up the platter with a variety of amazing foods from all food groups! I will take any excuse to have chocolate with fruit, nuts and grains Christine x Associate Nutritionist #foodplatter #adelaidenutritionist #balanceddiet #healthyeating #chocolate See more
21.01.2022 Study finds that adding healthy fats to your salad could double your nutrient intake!! Ill take any excuse to add delicious dressings and garlic infused olive oil to my salads While this is great news for our salads, just be mindful of your total healthy fat intake throughout the day! The recommended daily allowance for unsaturated fat is: Men - 28-40 g Women - 14-20 g... Ways to add healthy fats to your salad 1 teaspoon of olive oil 1/4 or 1/2 an avocado 1 handful of nuts (preferably unsalted) 1 teaspoon of vinaigrette Roast some veggies in olive oil and add to your salad! More research is needed on a wider range of nutrients and on a bigger study group, but this is a great start! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #nutrientabsorption #salad #newstudy #healthyfats #adelaidenutritionist #nutritionist
20.01.2022 SNACK CHATS Peanut butter and jam banana bread We had some bananas going brown which means its time to make banana bread! Never throw out your brown bananas, they are fantastic to use in cake, bread or in your pancakes! ... If youre not sure how to use up old ingredients you have in your cupboard or fridge, try using google to find a recipe! I love to use old tomatoes to make tomato soup or old avocado to make guacamole or a smoothie! I am no chef and I am very bad at creating recipes that involve baking - but the Mayvers banana bread recipe tastes incredible and you should definitely give it a try! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #bananabread #snackchats #adelaidenutritionist #brownbanana #reducefoodwaste See more
19.01.2022 Tuesday Tips - Eat a range of foods high in calcium to reach your recommended dietary intake (RDI) Calcium is very important for bone strength/health. It has been shown to help reduce the onset of osteoporosis, which is where our bones begin to deteriorate, especially as we age. Calcium is also vital for normal functions within our body, such as cardiac (heart) function! For a lot of people, the first thing you think of when increasing calcium intake is by drinking milk..., but calcium is present in a lot of different foods! Calcium is in vegetables, fish, legumes, nuts, and many more types of food. Here is a great list of how you can incorporate calcium into your day by eating a variety of foods. Swipe left to find out how much calcium you need every day! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #calcium #bonestrength #RDI #adelaidenutritionist #nutrition
19.01.2022 Tuesday Tips - Plain butter vs Olive oil spread If you are looking to make a healthy change in your life, swapping out plain butter with a vegetable oil-based spread can make a huge difference! ... Plain butter is higher in sodium and saturated fat, whereas the olive oil spread has less overall fat, less saturated fat and less sodium. Of all the fat, saturated and trans fats are the unhealthiest. Fat is very important in our diet but having too much of the unhealthy fat can make us gain weight easily and impact our health. Making a simple swap from butter to olive oil spread will make a huge difference to your diet! Christine x Associate Nutritionist Comparisons were done using Western Star original butter 250 g and Olive Grove classic spread 500g. #tuesdaytips #fat #nutrition #oliveoil #butter #sodium
18.01.2022 Tuesday Tip How to get 30 g of fibre into your day! You may be wondering why you need to care about your fibre intake, but fibre intake is incredibly vital for your health! Fibre has been shown to: Improve gut health through the release of short chained fatty acids ... Reduce weight gain through decreased gastric emptying and other measures Reduces chances of colon cancer Helps regulated blood sugar levels Keeps you regular! Fibre is the non-digestible part of your food that your body cannot break down. Fibre is what keeps you regular, reduces constipation and helps your gut microbiome thrive and protect your bowel. Your gut bacteria feed off the fibre and release short chained fatty acids that help nourish and keep your gut healthy It is recommended that Australians consume 25-30 g of fibre per day. Try and aim for less processed foods as they have more fibre in them. Often highly processed foods have the fibre and other nutrients taken out due to the processing. Sometimes it is as simple as swapping out your white bread to wholegrain bread or adding a cup of vegetables to dinner that will help you reach your fibre intake! I have listed some great options to increasing your fibre intake in your day! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #fibre #guthealth #adelaidenutritionist #cereal #veggies #fruit #nuts #grains
18.01.2022 This is absolutely insane! The Red Rooster bacon and cheese rippa meal provides you 88% of your total energy/calorie intake. Just from one meal, you are getting 7,730 kj (1,840 cal)- the average Australian needs 8,700 kj. It is incredible how much energy/calories are actually in takeaway meals! Its okay to have takeaway every now and then but try and make a healthier choice if you can! Choose meals that come with salads, have grilled chicken instead of coated, smaller siz...e of fries and swap for water instead of soft drink. If available, try to read the nutritional information panel on the food so you know what you are eating and can make an educated decision Christine x Associate Nutritionist
18.01.2022 HEALTHY SNACK CHATS Who ever said peanut butter was unhealthy!? A favourite snack of mine is peanut butter balls they take 5 minutes to make... are easy to eat full of protein and fibre Make sure to choose peanut butter with as little additives as possible. I use Mayvers peanut butter range because they use just peanuts with a little bit of salt- thats it!! Peanut butter balls - 1/2 cup oats - 1/4 cup peanut butter (I used Mayvers protein hemp peanut butter) 1 tbsp honey 1 tbsp flaxseed meal 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 tbsp roasted sesame seeds 1 tbsp hemp seeds 1-2 tbsp water Put everything into a bowl, mix together with your hands and form into balls. Leave in the fridge for 1 hour to set and enjoy! You can add anything you like to these peanut butter balls such as: dark chocolate chips, dates, almonds, protein powder and psyllium husk Christine x Associate Nutritionist #peanutbutterballs #healthysnack #adelaidenutritionist #snackideas #mayverys
17.01.2022 Watch this space Some behind the scenes of what I've been working on. I can't wait to share it with you guys next week! Christine x... Associate Nutritionist See more
17.01.2022 Tuesday Tip swapping to a smaller plate reduces food consumption by 40%! A meta-analysis has found that by changing your plate to a smaller size you end up putting less food on your plate and therefore eat around 40% less food. Depending on what your body needs, having extra food is not an issue. However, for many Australians, consuming a larger portion of food can cause excessive energy intake without even realising. This can lead to weight gain, some digestive issues ...and create an unbalanced diet. I have shown a visual of what it looks like to eat 40% more pasta on a bigger plate compared to a smaller plate. You can end up eating an added 753 kj or 176 cal. This can make a huge difference to your overall energy intake throughout the day. Everyone is different and require varying amounts of food based on many different factors. If you would like to know how much you are meant to be eating, talk to a professional. Christine x Associate Nutritionist ps: comparisons were made for the pasta in the Foodworks program using "Pasta dish,homemade,in commercial sauce,tomato based sauce,with beef." #portionsize #weightgain #nutritionist #pasta #tuesdaytips
15.01.2022 Tuesday Tip Swap fresh veggies for frozen, they are equally nutritious! I often get people saying that they prefer to use frozen veggies because they are quicker to cook, cheaper, last longer in the fridge/freezer and are easier to use but feel guilty because they arent fresh. Im here to tell you now, there is no difference in nutrition between fresh and frozen veggies, you choose which one you prefer! Some studies might even suggest that some frozen vegetables are h...ealthier due to their higher nutrient content from freezing and keeping the nutrients in and preventing them from degrading. Some great ways to add frozen veggies into your meals: - Stir fry - Fried rice - Steamed on the side of a meal - Soups - Curry - Any meal you like! Both options are great options, just choose one that is more convenient for you. Christine x Associate Nutritionist #frozenvegetables #freshvegetables #tuesdaytips #nutritionist #adelaidenutritionist #nutrients
15.01.2022 BERRY SMOOTHIE!! I was honestly stuck on what to eat today and remembered I had frozen fruit and tinned pineapple ready to go! It can be hard to use fresh ingredients for every meal which is why I am a HUGE fan of having a supply of frozen veggies and fruit!!... We want EASY CONVENIENT FOOD It is actually a huge misconception that frozen veggies/fruit is less healthy, which is crazy! We say YES to frozen veggies/fruit Recipe: - 1/2 cup milk - 1 cup of mixed frozen berries - 50g of tinned pineapple Christine x Associate Nutritionist #frozenberries #berrysmoothie #adelaidenutritionist #healthysmoothie #frozenfood See more
15.01.2022 Healthy weight-loss tip: Try swapping out white rice with brown rice! Making simple swaps in your diet can really make a significant change to your health. Brown rice is full of fibre, nutrients, has higher protein and makes you feel full! If youre not used to eating brown rice, try mixing white and brown rice together till youre used to the flavour and texture. ... Christine x Associate Nutritionist #nutrition #tuesdaytips #whiterice #brownrice
14.01.2022 Meat Free Monday!! This is my second time cooking tofu and I have to say, it tasted incredible. I 100% recommend giving it a try! Tofu can be a great meat alternative because it:... Provides lots of protein Has less saturated fat Provides other nutrients such as calcium and fibre! Recipe: - I use the firm tofu, that way it can hold its structure a lot better. You then cut into cubes - add any seasoning you like, I used garlic and onion seasoning with some pepper - add 1 tsp of corn flour - cook on the stove top, mixing and flipping the tofu frequently to get it crispy - add some soy sauce, honey and sweet chilli sauce to your tofu right at the end of cooking and cook for around 1 minute - serve and enjoy! I made a salad with some boiled eggs, leftover beetroot dip and delicious veggies Christine x Associate Nutritionist #tofu #vegan #plantbased #meatfreemonday #protein #adelaidenutritionist
14.01.2022 SNACK CHATS Look at this beautiful and vibrant food platter!! It's full of: Vitamins and minerals... Fibre Chocolate Something I often chat to my clients about is having a BALANCED DIET, which means not restricting certain food groups because diet culture has labelled them as "bad" or "sometimes food." Restricting food types can actually lead to unhealthy eating and potential eating disorders I actually recommend adding your favourite foods to other types of healthy food, like I've done with this food platter I've made a mixture of: Mix of chocolate and oreos Cut up fruit and veggies Nuts, roasted chickpeas and mixed grain biscuits Beetroot dip I've mixed up the platter with a variety of amazing foods from all food groups! I will take any excuse to have chocolate with fruit, nuts and grains Christine x Associate Nutritionist #foodplatter #adelaidenutritionist #balanceddiet #healthyeating #chocolate See more
14.01.2022 Couldn't have said it better myself. Please do not wash your fruit and vegetables with soap or disinfectants, they are not designed to clean food and they are not for human consumption. If you're wanting to clean your vegetables and fruit, scrubbing under cold water is the best thing so far. As of this moment, there is no evidence of Covid19 being transferred through food. If you're worried, you can purchase frozen fruit and vegetables as an alternative, they're equally as healthy!
13.01.2022 Watch this space in the coming weeks because I have a secret that I cant wait to share with you. Announcement will be coming soon but I will let you in on some awesome features! - 15+ recipes - Personalised - Sustainable... - Nutritionally dense - Balanced - Written by a qualified nutritionist Christine x Associate Nutritionist
13.01.2022 Watch this space in the coming weeks because I have a secret that I can't wait to share with you. Announcement will be coming soon but I will let you in on some awesome features! - 15+ recipes - Personalised - Sustainable... - Nutritionally dense - Balanced - Written by a qualified nutritionist Christine x Associate Nutritionist
13.01.2022 Tuesday Tips - Ways to eat meat free on Monday! Protein alternatives It can be intimidating to have a meat-free day, especially if you have eaten meat most of your life. Here are some great suggestions for your protein alternatives! Meat alternatives can be a great option because theyre:... Cheaper (depending on the type of food you buy) Full of fibre, vitamins and minerals Lower in saturated fat Supports heart health! This can also be a handy list for vegetarians and vegans (excluding the egg). By incorporating a variety of these food items into your main meals they should provide you with adequate protein. However, if you do need more protein in your day, then you may need to consider a protein powder supplement! Give meat-free Monday a try with these helpful Tuesday tips! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #tuesdaytips #meatfreemonday #meatalternatives #proteinfoods #vegan #vegetarian #adelaidenutritionist See more
13.01.2022 Im excited to announce that were officially open and running! What are we as a business? Nutrition With Christine is here to help people lose weight, create a healthy relationship with food, and improve nutrition through custom meal plans and counselling. 2020 is the year for you and your nutritional goals! Please get in touch to learn more about nutritional services and packages available. ...
11.01.2022 Study finds that adding healthy fats to your salad could double your nutrient intake!! I'll take any excuse to add delicious dressings and garlic infused olive oil to my salads While this is great news for our salads, just be mindful of your total healthy fat intake throughout the day! The recommended daily allowance for unsaturated fat is: Men - 28-40 g Women - 14-20 g... Ways to add healthy fats to your salad 1 teaspoon of olive oil 1/4 or 1/2 an avocado 1 handful of nuts (preferably unsalted) 1 teaspoon of vinaigrette Roast some veggies in olive oil and add to your salad! More research is needed on a wider range of nutrients and on a bigger study group, but this is a great start! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #nutrientabsorption #salad #newstudy #healthyfats #adelaidenutritionist #nutritionist
09.01.2022 Tuesday Tip - Ways to make your veggies taste DELICIOUS! One of the biggest issues I find my clients have is eating eating enough veggies in their day because the veggies theyre eating taste bad! Veggies are so important because theyre full of essential vitamins, minerals and fibre. If you dont eat enough veggies you may:... Become deficient in essential vitamins and minerals Develp symptoms of fatigue, headaches and gastrointestinal discomfort (depending on the deficiency) Develop diseases such as heart disease or even cancer Here are some fantastic ways to enhance the way your veggies taste so that you enjoy them and eat them often! Change the seasoning - You can really change and enhance the taste of veggies just by adding some seasoning! This could include, pepper, chilli, garlic, onion powder, herbs, and lots of other options you can purchase! Cook it a different way - Some people hate pumpkin steamed but love it roasted. If you find you dislike a certain vegetable, I 100% recommend giving it another try but cooking it differently! Try steaming, roasting or cooking in a hot pan. A favourite of mine is actually roasting broccoli and cauliflower! Add healthy oils for palatability - Adding a little bit of healthy fat/oils makes a huge different to taste and palatability! Adding some olive oil or plant based margarine will make the vegetables taste that little bit nicer. Dont be afraid to add a drizzle of olive oil to your dishes! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #fussyeaters #deliciousveggies #yummyveggies #adelaidenutritionist #healthyveggies #howtoeatmoreveggies See more
09.01.2022 The Australian Healthy Food Guide has just released a FREE cook book for kids with over 40 recipes! If youre stuck on what to feed your family or even yourself, check it out, it has amazing inspiration boosting recipes for every meal of the day. This book is written by accredited Dietitians so you know you can trust these healthy meals! Christine x... Associate Nutritionist
09.01.2022 Boosting your immune system - what does science say? If youre healthy with no underlying conditions, your immune system should work the way it is meant to. You dont actually want to boost your immune system because this results in an overreactive system which leads to autoimmune diseases. However, there are factors that impact your immune system negatively, such as: ... - Smoking - Vitamin/mineral deficiencies - Having an underlying condition such as diabetes - Not getting enough sleep - Sickness - Stress Those negative influences promote stress (oxidative stress) in the body which can damage cells. Antioxidants are used to correct this oxidative stress, but this compromises your immune function in the process. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are part of the pathways that build your immune system and if youre lacking in some of those essential vitamins by an unbalanced diet or from oxidative stress, then your immune system cannot function as efficiently. As of this moment, studies have shown that vit D has a positive influence on immune response, but more research is needed. With regards to other nutrients, there is limited data that recommends the consumption of supplements or other super foods to boost immune function if you are nutritionally adequate. The best way to help your immune system is to: - Eat your 5 serves of veggies and 2 serves of fruit daily - Exercise frequently for around 30 minutes - Get enough sleep per night - Get some sun/vit D - Practice good hygiene With the current pandemic and isolation rules, it can be hard to reach those requirements. If you are finding it hard to locate fresh vegetables and fruit, maybe consider using frozen fruit/veggies, theyre equally just as healthy! Growing vegetables is also a great option, this provides you with food, exercise when gardening and vit c exposure! I have attached relevant resources below. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me! Christine x Associate Nutritionist PS: Please note that oxidative stress is a normal process in the body, but too much can be overwhelming and damaging to the body. The immune system is a complex system, this is only a small aspect of everything that can influence your immune function.
07.01.2022 The day has finally come! I have made a FREE meal plan with the purchase of an inital-consultation that is sustainable, balanced, nutritionally dense and has over 15 recipes! ... From talking to clients, the main issue I was hearing was that they wanted a meal plan that didnt break the bank and told them everything they needed to know - how to cook new recipes, how to eat healthy, how to make yummy food and not feel hungry after main meals! This was a big reason why I decided to make a meal plan that was FREE and personalised to each individual and their goals. I also offer 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked! If youre interested or want to know more, check out the link below Christine x Associate Nutritionist #freemealplan #mealplan #nutritionist #adelaidenutritionist #dietitian #free
07.01.2022 Should you use coconut oil when cooking food? A recent study found that although coconut oil did raise HDL (good cholesterol), it also significantly raised LDL (bad cholesterol). This huge increase in LDL basically negates the benefits of HDL, you are better off choosing a healthier alternative. You can still add coconut oil to your meals if you like the flavour, but I would not add it to your meals for health benefits due to the high saturated fat content and the in LDL. Just be mindful when choosing certain oils for cooking! If youre wanting to use oils for health benefits, such as heart health, then I would recommend using olive oil Christine x Associate Nutritionist
07.01.2022 If you find you only had breakfast an hour ago and you're feeling really hungry already, this could mean multiple things! Didn't eat enough protein Didn't eat enough fat Didn't eat enough fibre... And MOST importantly, didnt eat enough food! When you have breakfast it's important that you're having enough food to fuel your body! If you're not eating enough food high in important nutrients, you'll find that you'll feel hungry quickly and will actually end up eating more food that is generally unhealthy! Protein, fat and fibre take time to digest which means you'll feel fuller for longer It's important to eat enough food to fuel your body in the morning otherwise your body will burn that energy quickly and you'll feel hungry quicker! Don't be scared of food, indulge in your breakfast and enjoy it! Ways to bulk up your breakfast: Add a handful of mixed nuts to increase healthy fats and protein Add cheese such as feta or ricotta to your toast for fat and protein Purchase a bread that is high in fibre and nutrients Add fruit because, as Tabitha Brown would say, that's your business! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #breakfast #adelaidenutritionist #healthybreakfast #fillingbreakfast #toast See more
06.01.2022 What to do if you're feeling unwell - CLUE: DONT STOP EATING!! I have recently felt unwell which meant that I had to take time off from work and from my business as a Nutritionist While I do miss posting and chatting to clients, it was a great opportunity to take some well needed rest! I have made my favourite comfort food - Porridge with almond granola, banana, honey and some nut butter ... If you're also feeling unwell, here are some great tips to getting back up on your feet again take a break and SLOW DOWN - if you're feeling unwell, lethargic and just crap, then take this as a great excuse to get some R&R! Your body is going through a battle right now, you deserve some rest and that long awaited bubble bath Eat FILLING and NUTRITIOUS foods - the last thing we want you doing is to stop eating! When you're unwell your body is using up important nutrients to fight your cold, if you stop eating then your body will struggle! Eat a variety of foods but especially foods high in antioxidants and nutrients, such as veggies and fruit Also, take comfort in your comfort foods, sometimes you just need some warm porridge to bring your mood up and that's okay! Get some SUNSHINE - the sun provides you with vitamin D which has been shown to help fight a cold as vit D is a nutrient involved in your immune system's pathway. If you're unable to leave your house, try sitting next to a window, the sun will also brighten your mood Christine x Associate Nutritionist #porridge #comfortfood #adelaidenutritionist #fightingacold #tips #nutbutter See more
05.01.2022 Do you need some guidance on what to eat to achieve your goals, such as losing weight? Then check out the FREE demo of a personalised meal plan below! Each plan is personalised to your likes/dislikes, your lifestyle and your personal goals. If you want to learn more, click the links below! FREE demo: ... Website: #mealplan #familyfriendly #loseweight #nutritionist #adelaide
05.01.2022 How much sugar is too much sugar? The first thing we must do is define what the difference is between added/free sugars and naturally occurring sugars. The definition of added/free sugars can vary depending on the country you live in so there are discrepancies in the definition. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has defined free sugars as: including sugars added to foods and drinks as well as sugars in honey, fruit juice and fruit juice concentrates. ... The WHO do not mention the naturally occurring sugars in fruit, vegetables and sugar in milk as free/added sugar. Naturally occurring sugars are sugars that are naturally present in foods, such as fruit, vegetables and milk. So, how much sugar is too much sugar from added/free sugar? The amount will vary for each person depending on how much energy a person needs. The Australian Guidelines dont specify an amount but encourage a limited intake of sugar. However, the WHO recommends less than 10% of your total energy intake to come from added/free sugar. This is equivalent to 50 g or 12 teaspoons of sugar! What does 50 g of sugar look like? 64 g = 600 ml bottle of coke 50 g = 14.2 squares (3.5 rows) milk chocolate 50 g = 4.2 Oreos 50 g = 3.6 cup Froot Loops 50 g = 5.5 cinnamon doughnuts Why should you care about how much added sugar youre consuming? It was estimated that in 2011-2012, Australians consumed 60 g of added/free sugar every day. The Australian Dietary Guidelines has suggested a possible association of excess added/free sugar and increased weight gain in adults and children. Therefore, it is recommended to limit intake of sugar A great guide when going shopping is to read the Nutrition Information Panel on the back of your product and aim for products that have less than 15 g of sugar per 100 g! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #sugar #naturalsugar #addedsugar #adelaidenutritionist #labelreading$F/Policy%20Context%202017.pdf See more
05.01.2022 Tuesday Tips - Eating dinner late at night could impact how much fat your body burns! A study recently found that if you ate the same meal at 6 pm and 10 pm and slept at 11 pm both times, this impacted how much fat you body could burn by 10%! Eating at 10 pm made you burn less fat compared to 6 pm! This is because when its night time, we generally start to slow down to get ready to sleep, which means we dont need to use as much energy compared to day time wh...en we are up and about If we eat energy dense foods close to bed time, our body has no way to use it, so it stores it Eating dinner late is only an issue for people who want to lose weight or get an upset stomach during the night! Guaranteed, this study was done on a small amount of people, but there is so much incredible data gained from it! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #weightloss #eatingdinner #storingenergy #tuesdaytips #adelaidenutritionist See more
05.01.2022 Eggs are EGGcellent! Did you know eggs are packed full of vital nutrients that we need for our body Theyre full of: the nine essential amino acids ... protein raises HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) omega-3 fatty acids LOTS of vitamins Eggs are incredibly easy to add to your diet. You can boil them and store them in the fridge to eat as an easy snack or you can add them to main meal as a protein source! I love to make curried eggs on toast for breakfast, literally took 2 minutes to make because the eggs were pre-boiled! Comment below how you eat your eggs Christine x Associate Nutritionist #eggs #nutrition #adelaidenutritionist #toast #toastsforall See more
04.01.2022 I'm excited to announce that we're officially open and running! What are we as a business? Nutrition With Christine is here to help people lose weight, create a healthy relationship with food, and improve nutrition through custom meal plans and counselling. 2020 is the year for you and your nutritional goals! Please get in touch to learn more about nutritional services and packages available. ...
04.01.2022 BERRY SMOOTHIE!! I was honestly stuck on what to eat today and remembered I had frozen fruit and tinned pineapple ready to go! It can be hard to use fresh ingredients for every meal which is why I am a HUGE fan of having a supply of frozen veggies and fruit!!... We want EASY CONVENIENT FOOD It is actually a huge misconception that frozen veggies/fruit is less healthy, which is crazy! We say YES to frozen veggies/fruit Recipe: - 1/2 cup milk - 1 cup of mixed frozen berries - 50g of tinned pineapple Christine x Associate Nutritionist #frozenberries #berrysmoothie #adelaidenutritionist #healthysmoothie #frozenfood See more
03.01.2022 Found this beautiful butternut pumpkin in the backyard! What better use for it than to roast it, especially in winter If you arent a fan of particular veggies, I always suggest to clients to try cooking them a different way. I dont actually like pumpkin steamed, but I absolutely love it roasted and in pumpkin soup! Pumpkins are great because theyre:... full of vitamins and minerals such as vit A and potassium high in beta carotene which is important for Vit A synthesis and is an antioxidant low Glycemic Index which means its great for blood sugar levels For my roasted pumpkin I cut it into 1 cm thick pieces and roasted for around 30-45 minutes and rotated it half way through 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp onion powder 1 pinch of salt and pepper 1 tsp thyme Try and pick up some pumpkin from the store when its on special and give it a try! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #roastedpumpkin #adelaidenutritionist #winterveggies #roastedveggies @ Adelaide, South Australia See more
03.01.2022 Watch this space Some behind the scenes of what Ive been working on. I cant wait to share it with you guys next week! Christine x... Associate Nutritionist See more
02.01.2022 What to do if youre feeling unwell - CLUE: DONT STOP EATING!! I have recently felt unwell which meant that I had to take time off from work and from my business as a Nutritionist While I do miss posting and chatting to clients, it was a great opportunity to take some well needed rest! I have made my favourite comfort food - Porridge with almond granola, banana, honey and some nut butter ... If youre also feeling unwell, here are some great tips to getting back up on your feet again take a break and SLOW DOWN - if youre feeling unwell, lethargic and just crap, then take this as a great excuse to get some R&R! Your body is going through a battle right now, you deserve some rest and that long awaited bubble bath Eat FILLING and NUTRITIOUS foods - the last thing we want you doing is to stop eating! When youre unwell your body is using up important nutrients to fight your cold, if you stop eating then your body will struggle! Eat a variety of foods but especially foods high in antioxidants and nutrients, such as veggies and fruit Also, take comfort in your comfort foods, sometimes you just need some warm porridge to bring your mood up and thats okay! Get some SUNSHINE - the sun provides you with vitamin D which has been shown to help fight a cold as vit D is a nutrient involved in your immune systems pathway. If youre unable to leave your house, try sitting next to a window, the sun will also brighten your mood Christine x Associate Nutritionist #porridge #comfortfood #adelaidenutritionist #fightingacold #tips #nutbutter See more
02.01.2022 Look at these fantastic oranges! Orange you glad to see so many oranges The fantastic thing about oranges is that theyre full of vitamins, fibre and just taste delicious! Sometimes fruit can get a bad name for themselves because they contain sugar, I have even heard people say that fruit has empty calories and just provide sugar - which is absolutely insane! ... There is nothing wrong with eating fruit just because they contain sugar. Half of the Australian population arent actually eating enough fruit! Definitely dont be afraid of fruit, embrace all types of fruit Here are some awesome facts about oranges: 1 medium orange provides you over 100% of your recommended vitamin C intake (84/45 mg) Eating an entire orange provides 4g of fibre the vitamin C in the orange helps absorb iron in iron rich foods 1 orange provides 25% of the recommended intake of folate (100/400 micro grams) which is especially important for women wanting to conceive! the vitamin C found in oranges can help reduce a cold by half a day Every now and then I love to juice my own oranges, that way I know what is in my juice! But most of the time I enjoy eating it whole because I am a sucker for the pulp! The real question is, do you drink your orange juice with or without pulp? Let me know in the comments, Id love to know which is more popular! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #oranges #pulp #nopulp #vitaminc #sickness #folate #adelaidenutritionist @ Adelaide, South Australia See more
02.01.2022 Tuesday tip - make simple swaps in dip flavour to make healthier choices! You dont have to make drastic changes to your diet to eat healthier, its about the simple changes By swapping out the French onion dip for the hummus dip you are getting:... lower calories more fibre less saturated fat more protein less sodium Try and make simple changes to your diet and youll start to see and feel the difference Christine x Associate Nutritionist Comparisons were between black swan French onion dip and Pilpel hummus dip #hummus #frenchoniondip #tuesdaytips #adelaidenutritionist #weightloss See more
02.01.2022 If you find you only had breakfast an hour ago and youre feeling really hungry already, this could mean multiple things! Didnt eat enough protein Didnt eat enough fat Didnt eat enough fibre... And MOST importantly, didnt eat enough food! When you have breakfast its important that youre having enough food to fuel your body! If youre not eating enough food high in important nutrients, youll find that youll feel hungry quickly and will actually end up eating more food that is generally unhealthy! Protein, fat and fibre take time to digest which means youll feel fuller for longer Its important to eat enough food to fuel your body in the morning otherwise your body will burn that energy quickly and youll feel hungry quicker! Dont be scared of food, indulge in your breakfast and enjoy it! Ways to bulk up your breakfast: Add a handful of mixed nuts to increase healthy fats and protein Add cheese such as feta or ricotta to your toast for fat and protein Purchase a bread that is high in fibre and nutrients Add fruit because, as Tabitha Brown would say, thats your business! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #breakfast #adelaidenutritionist #healthybreakfast #fillingbreakfast #toast See more
02.01.2022 Tuesday tip - make simple swaps in dip flavour to make healthier choices! You don't have to make drastic changes to your diet to eat healthier, it's about the simple changes By swapping out the French onion dip for the hummus dip you are getting:... lower calories more fibre less saturated fat more protein less sodium Try and make simple changes to your diet and you'll start to see and feel the difference Christine x Associate Nutritionist Comparisons were between black swan French onion dip and Pilpel hummus dip #hummus #frenchoniondip #tuesdaytips #adelaidenutritionist #weightloss See more
01.01.2022 Full fat milk vs low-fat milk There is a lot of misinformation out there about the differences between full fat and low-fat milk. I am only considering cows milk for this comparison, but if youre interested, I can write a similar post on non-dairy milk! Sugar While low-fat milk does have slightly more sugar in it, that is due to the fat being taken out of the milk which means the space is being filled up with more nutrients and sugar. The sugar in the milk is the lact...ose, not added sugar! Fat As you would expect, full fat milk has more total fat than low-fat milk. Talk to a health professional to figure out which is best for you as some people may need more or less fat in their diet! Calcium Low-fat milk has more calcium per 100 ml compared to full fat milk. This is due to the fat being removed from the low-fat milk which means the space is being filled with more nutrients, such as calcium! Recommendations from Heart Foundation Around the end of 2019, the heart foundation changed their recommendation to consume either full fat or low-fat milk if you are a healthy Australian with no elevated cholesterol or coronary heart disease due to not finding sufficient evidence to recommend low-fat milk for everyone. Based on all the information above, there is no conclusive answer to which is the healthier option as it is based on many factors. Varying milks also provide fortified nutrients, it all depends what you need for your body that will determine which milk to have. If you arent sure which milk is best for you, talk to a health professional for some guidance as each individual is unique to their needs! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #milk #nutritionist #recommendations #calcium #sugar #fat
01.01.2022 Tuesday Tips - Why you should care about your Iron intake!! Foods HIGH in Iron Women have a higher chance of being deficient in their iron intake due to the types of food eaten, having periods and needing a higher requirement of iron Approximately 38-40% of women have an iron deficiency, but why should you care about your iron? ... Iron is VERY important in our body. Most of the iron is actually stored in our haemoglobin which travels around our body to deliver oxygen to our vital organs and working muscles This is what may happen if youre deficient: Fatigue Iron deficiency anaemia Impaired cognitive function Impaired immunity function How much iron do we need? Women 19-50 yr - 18 mg/day Men 19-50 yr - 8 mg/day Look at the the picture above to find out what foods you can eat to get your daily dose of iron! We can actually increase the amount of iron we absorb by consuming citrus with foods that are high in iron! Weet-bix + strawberries Bread roll with tomato Spinach salad with pepitas (pumpkin seeds) and lemon dressing NOTE: There are two types of iron, haem iron and non-haem iron. Haem iron comes from animal products such as meat, cheese and milk, whereas non-haem iron comes from plant products such as grains, fruit and veggies. Haem iron is more bio-available which means it is more easily absorbed in the body. If youre on a plant-based diet, you should try combining non-haem iron foods with citrus to absorb more iron! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #ironintake #womenshealth #plantbaseddiet #highironfood #adelaidenutritionist See more
01.01.2022 SNACK CHATS Peanut butter and jam banana bread We had some bananas going brown which means it's time to make banana bread! Never throw out your brown bananas, they are fantastic to use in cake, bread or in your pancakes! ... If you're not sure how to use up old ingredients you have in your cupboard or fridge, try using google to find a recipe! I love to use old tomatoes to make tomato soup or old avocado to make guacamole or a smoothie! I am no chef and I am very bad at creating recipes that involve baking - but the Mayver's banana bread recipe tastes incredible and you should definitely give it a try! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #bananabread #snackchats #adelaidenutritionist #brownbanana #reducefoodwaste See more
28.12.2021 Meat Free Monday!! This is my second time cooking tofu and I have to say, it tasted incredible. I 100% recommend giving it a try! Tofu can be a great meat alternative because it:... Provides lots of protein Has less saturated fat Provides other nutrients such as calcium and fibre! Recipe: - I use the firm tofu, that way it can hold it's structure a lot better. You then cut into cubes - add any seasoning you like, I used garlic and onion seasoning with some pepper - add 1 tsp of corn flour - cook on the stove top, mixing and flipping the tofu frequently to get it crispy - add some soy sauce, honey and sweet chilli sauce to your tofu right at the end of cooking and cook for around 1 minute - serve and enjoy! I made a salad with some boiled eggs, leftover beetroot dip and delicious veggies Christine x Associate Nutritionist #tofu #vegan #plantbased #meatfreemonday #protein #adelaidenutritionist
09.12.2021 Tuesday Tip - Ways to make your veggies taste DELICIOUS! One of the biggest issues I find my clients have is eating eating enough veggies in their day because the veggies they're eating taste bad! Veggies are so important because they're full of essential vitamins, minerals and fibre. If you don't eat enough veggies you may:... Become deficient in essential vitamins and minerals Develp symptoms of fatigue, headaches and gastrointestinal discomfort (depending on the deficiency) Develop diseases such as heart disease or even cancer Here are some fantastic ways to enhance the way your veggies taste so that you enjoy them and eat them often! Change the seasoning - You can really change and enhance the taste of veggies just by adding some seasoning! This could include, pepper, chilli, garlic, onion powder, herbs, and lots of other options you can purchase! Cook it a different way - Some people hate pumpkin steamed but love it roasted. If you find you dislike a certain vegetable, I 100% recommend giving it another try but cooking it differently! Try steaming, roasting or cooking in a hot pan. A favourite of mine is actually roasting broccoli and cauliflower! Add healthy oils for palatability - Adding a little bit of healthy fat/oils makes a huge different to taste and palatability! Adding some olive oil or plant based margarine will make the vegetables taste that little bit nicer. Don't be afraid to add a drizzle of olive oil to your dishes! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #fussyeaters #deliciousveggies #yummyveggies #adelaidenutritionist #healthyveggies #howtoeatmoreveggies See more
25.11.2021 If you find you only had breakfast an hour ago and you're feeling really hungry already, this could mean multiple things! Didn't eat enough protein Didn't eat enough fat Didn't eat enough fibre... And MOST importantly, didnt eat enough food! When you have breakfast it's important that you're having enough food to fuel your body! If you're not eating enough food high in important nutrients, you'll find that you'll feel hungry quickly and will actually end up eating more food that is generally unhealthy! Protein, fat and fibre take time to digest which means you'll feel fuller for longer It's important to eat enough food to fuel your body in the morning otherwise your body will burn that energy quickly and you'll feel hungry quicker! Don't be scared of food, indulge in your breakfast and enjoy it! Ways to bulk up your breakfast: Add a handful of mixed nuts to increase healthy fats and protein Add cheese such as feta or ricotta to your toast for fat and protein Purchase a bread that is high in fibre and nutrients Add fruit because, as Tabitha Brown would say, that's your business! Christine x Associate Nutritionist #breakfast #adelaidenutritionist #healthybreakfast #fillingbreakfast #toast See more
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