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Nutrition with Hannah in Hoppers Crossing, Victoria | Medical and health

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Nutrition with Hannah

Locality: Hoppers Crossing, Victoria

Phone: +61 425 363 858


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24.01.2022 Restaurant Breakfast option - poached eggs, homemade sun-dried tomatoes on gluten free bread. Delicious

24.01.2022 Happy New Year May 2018 bring you the nourishment and strength to be a healthier happier version of you! With the beginning of a new year comes 'New Year' goals, plans or resolutions. One of my personal goals for 2018 is to continue regularly posting here and to further help people with their health and Nutrition.... Being a holistic nutritionist, my focus isn't just on what goes into your body, but on your body as a whole. This includes your mind, body and essence of who you are. Thus being the case not only will I post recipes that will nourish your body, but also tips on how to make sure your mind and essence get the nourishment they need as well. Being into fitness I'll definitely be sharing posts about ways to include fitness in your day to day life in simple easy ways. Now, having said all that, how does one set goals? The approach I encourage my clients to take when setting goals is the 'SMART' approach. S - your goals need to be SPECIFIC. Just saying ‘I want to lose weight’ or ‘I want to eat healthy’ is not specific enough. Give yourself more detail. Example: 'I will increase my exercise to 5 times a week and eat the correct portion sizes - to help me lose 5kgs by June' M - make your goals MEASURABLE. Find a way to track your progress or success. This could mean weighing yourself every 2nd week, tracking how long you exercise, how far you walk/run, fitting back into certain clothes. A - set goals that are ACHIEVABLE. Make sure you have the time, dedication, resources and support to achieve your goal. Achievable also mean realistic. Don’t set goals that you know you won't reach - e.g. I'm going to go to the gym everyday without fail for an hour. R - your goals should be RELEVANT to you. Set goals that fit within your own lifestyle and within your interest. Don’t set goals to suit/appease others around you. T - set a TIME to reach your goals. Have a realistically achievable time frame in mind of when you want to reach your goals. Understand that some time frames for goals can shift due to personal life and unforeseen circumstances. Remember that these goals are set by YOU and are YOURS to reach. If the road to your goal/s seems to lose direction or becomes bumpy, DON’T BE DISCOURAGED, just go through the 5 steps above again and re-evaluate and re set your course. Can we do this? Have we got this? Can we get there? SURE!!!

23.01.2022 Do you get that afternoon slump and always find yourself reaching for something quick and easy and normally full of sugar to eat? I know I do, or I find myself continuously opening and closing the pantry and fridge doors, having a big battle with myself as to what to and what NOT to eat. When there was something easy and quick in the fridge or pantry to grab, that is what I went for. I found, with myself, that not having those highly processed easy to grab snacks in the house... was my first step in changing my afternoon slump snack choices. Next step - being prepared. I like to have pre-cut fruit and veggies already there in fridge, and at EYE LEVEL, so they are the first things I see. and since I like to grab the easy and quick option, having all this food pre-prepared, made it quick and easy. Or having pre-packed my own trail mix of nuts and seeds with some cranberries and some small pieces of 80% dark chocolate, in the pantry - again at EYE level. It is also normally at this time of day that I realise that I haven't had enough water throughout the day, and what i am really feeling is thirsty. So I make sure I always have a bottle of water near me, or even on the kitchen bench, so when you walk past it on your way to the fridge you are reminded to have a drink first. Below are some just some quick and easy ideas for your afternoon snacks: 1 cup of blue berries with Greek yogurt and a dash of cinnamon Slices of apple with nut butter on them 1 slice of wholegrain bread, ricotta and strawberry slices on top cut up pieces of a mix of carrots, cucumbers, capsicums, mushrooms with hommus or mashed avocado (homemade guacamole). a refreshing fruit smoothie - banana, baby spinach and a cup of your choice of milk. handful of raw unsalted nuts (30 - 50g) (examples - almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews) along with handful of seeds (examples - sesame, sunflower or pumpkin seeds) cup of herbal tea - as this might just be the thing you need to calm yourself to face the rest of the afternoon Water, water and then more water with the above snacks Happy Wednesday all!! :D

21.01.2022 Monday mantra. "I can't control everything in my life, but I can control what i put in my body" There will be days where you won't be able to control anything around you. Sometimes all it takes is to control one thing and if that one things is the food choices you make, then grab it with both hands and take control of it.... Have an awesome Monday!!

19.01.2022 Dinner tonight - a bit of a lazy one. My mums left over roast lamb slapped on a bread roll with some mayo, lettuce and roma tomatoes. Sometimes leftover meals are the best (probably cause they are easy to make).

16.01.2022 Nuts can sometimes be a source of misperception for those who want to loose or maintain their weight. Yes, nuts do contain fat, and this sometimes is where the confusion will come in, but nuts are high in healthy fats, along with protein and fibre. Nuts can provided a variety of nutrients, including large quantities of healthy monosaturated and polysaturated fats. These two healthy fats can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by helping to lower the bad (LDL)... cholesterol in your blood. Along with healthy fats, nuts also contain amounts of protein, and are a good source of dietary fibre. Nuts also provide a wide range of essential nutrients, including several B group vitamins, vitamin E, mineral such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium, and antioxidant mineral (selenium, manganese and copper). As there are a lot of nuts out there, they all contain their own unique combination of nutrients, such as: Almonds: protein, calcium and vitamin E Brazil nuts: fibre and selenium: just two brazil nuts a day provides 100% RDI for selenium for an adult Cashews: non haem (plant based) iron and a low GI rating Chestnuts: low GI, fibre and vitamin C (although much vitamin C is lost during cooking) Hazelnuts: fibre, potassium, folate, vitamin E Macadamias: highest in monounsaturated fats, thiamin and manganese Pecans: fibre and antioxidants Pine nuts: vitamin E and the arginine amino acid Pistachios: protein, potassium, plant sterols and the antioxidant resveratrol Walnuts: alpha linoleic acid: plant omega 3 and antioxidants But do I eat them raw or roasted, I hear you ask? As long as you buy nuts unsalted, there is little difference in the nutrient content between raw or roasted nuts. There are so many ways to add nuts into your meals. For example Add cashews or almonds into a stir fry Add chopped walnuts or almonds to a salad Sprinkle LSA (lindseed, sunflower seed, almonds) or crushed pecans over yoghurt or porridge Or just eat unsalted raw nuts throughout the day On top of it all - nuts can help you feel fuller and this can help with appetite control and therefore with weight loss - as long as nuts are replacing the less healthy snacks for example muffins, biscuits, chips or chocolate and so on Go out and grab some for your pantry or fridge today.

14.01.2022 Just doing my weekly snack prep. Not only are these veggies good to have in the fridge as an easy to grab snack, but they also come in handy as pre-prepared veggies for dinners. I like to use these veggies in my stir fry or salads, and having them already cut up makes preparing dinner just that little bit quicker.... Enjoy and have an awesome week!

12.01.2022 Berries are typically high in fibre, Vitamin C and antioxidant polyphenols, and as a result may help prevent chronic illness. Here's a list of the 8 'berry' best berries you can eat:

10.01.2022 Did you know that you are suppose to have a minimum of 5 serves of vegetables per day? When you think of 'five serves of veggies' you may start to think that you are going to have to eat fields of lettuce or carrots just to get close to the minimum. But it is not that scary and IS totally doable.... Less than 4% of the population eat the minimum recommended number of serves of vegetables and legumes/beans. Children it's estimated to be less than 1% are meeting the recommended number of serves. (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)) Vegetables should become a part of your well-balanced regular diet. Vegetables are naturally good for you and contain vitamins and minerals that help to keep you healthy, are also low in fat, sugar and salt and are a good source of dietary fibre. These vitamins include - Vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E, - magnesium, - zinc - phosphorous - folic acid With so many different ways to cook and prepare your vegetables, adding more to your favourite dishes is simple. At least half of your plate should be vegetables. Aim to eat a wide colourful variety of veggies. Now you may be wondering - what does a serve look like? It's actually not that much really. One serve of vegetables equals one cup of salad vegetables or half a cup of cooked vegetables (see picture) So happy hunting for those extra veggies and ENJOY!!

08.01.2022 With the weather starting to heat up and summer just around the corner, water will become a more important part of your everyday diet. I am always encouraging my clients to up their water intake, especially on the hotter days. Did you know that water makes up approximately 50-60% of the body’s mass and is used throughout the whole body. Water: ... helps to flush waste from the body, is a major component to most body parts, helps to lubricate joints, helps deliver oxygen all over the body regulates the bodies temperature by sweating and respiration The most common question I get asked about water is How do I make water a bit more exciting than just plain old boring H2O? My best go-to option is homemade INFUSED WATER. You can use a normal bottle, but sometimes trying to get the pieces of fruit or veggies back out of the bottle can be a hassle. I recommend using an infuser bottle. These bottles have an individual part for the fruit or vegetables, which makes it much easier to use and clean after use. With infused water, it is always best if you can make it the night before. Infuse your water overnight in the fridge to be ready to go the following day. You can use an assortment of fruit and vegetables: - cucumbers, citrus fruits, melons and mint (these will flavour the water almost immediately) - apples, cinnamon, fresh ginger root and rosemary (these will need an overnight soak in the fridge) You can also use frozen fruits. This can be a handy and tasty way to keep your water cool. As you can see from the picture the options of what to infuse are endless. The pictures are my own concoctions Lemon wedges, cucumber slices and mint leaves Frozen mango cubes, strawberries and mint leaves Lemon wedges, frozen cranberries and mint leaves Mix of everything Be aware that thirst can sometimes be mistaken for hunger, so it’s a good idea to always have a water bottle within reach. Remember, always reach for the water before reaching for a snack. Break the 'boring water' cycle and be adventurous next time you fill your water bottle.

08.01.2022 So begins the start of another term of school for my kids, which means I have time to get on top of a lot of things I have pushed aside during the holidays. One of the things I’ve been looking forward to share with you all is, my INTRODUCTORY CONSULTATION OFFER!! Usual consultation fees are;... $160 for the initial 1 hour consultation AND the 1st 30min follow up $70 for 30min second and ongoing follow up consultations But for my first 10 clients I am offering the INITIAL and 1st FOLLOW UP consultations for $70. The initial consultation is me getting to know you and going through the Client Information form, which i will send to you prior to the consult. This allows me to get the most thorough information from you, so i can help you further in your journey. In your first follow up consultation I will have a plan ready to discuss and take with you, and talk about anything else we didn't talk about in the initial. If you are interested in taking up the Introductory Consultation offer - please feel free to contact me through the following ways - Click the ’Send Message’ button at the top right of this page, Via mobile - 0425 363 858 Via email - [email protected] Happy Tuesday to all and have a great week.

06.01.2022 Feel free to share

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