N.W. Family and Children's YOGA in Devonport, Tasmania | Medical and health
N.W. Family and Children's YOGA
Locality: Devonport, Tasmania
Phone: +61 417 270 791
Address: Devonport, Latrobe, Portsorell 7310 and 7307 Devonport, TAS, Australia
Likes: 399
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24.01.2022 Hi all I have a friend / colleague who is pursuing her passion for dance, creative intuitive movement and is putting out an expression of interest with the po...ssibility of running sessions from Holding Space in 2021. Below is her information, all expressions of interest please contact Bec directly, her number is below. Much Love Sharlene Expression of interest for creative movement play. "The Jam Sandwich " Developing a sensing, feeling, moving body. Exploring its intuitive, instinctive ways of knowing and Diving deep into imagination, curiosity, wonder, humour and fun. All ages, all levels, all abilities Beginning January next year 2021 Call or text Bec Cannon on 0431978431 to register interest.
24.01.2022 3 perfect choices to assist the process in most incredible and therapeutic ways. Highly recommend. All 3.
24.01.2022 Building and nurturing Connections... such a nourishing grounding morning in Family Yoga Thank you Amie Bramich and Daniel & Crystal Attrill and Danie Agn...ew for bring your beautiful family's I will run these special sessions in each holidays, and a reminder our term 2 family yoga 8 week block starts Wednesday May 5th 4pm. Still 4 spaces available. Love S.
23.01.2022 September spring special! Spring is in the air ... and to celebrate Breathers are offering an introductory special for all new people of $15 a casual class instead of our usual $20. So now is a great time to invite family and friends to come and see which classes work for them and what their energies need at the moment. ... Much Love The Breathers Team See more
23.01.2022 Definitely if you feel it tonight, check out Gabbis class starts at 5.30pm
22.01.2022 GENTLE SOMATIC YOGA Just a reminder that the start time is still 2pm Wednesday afternoons Awaken Your Somatic potential and experience greater freedom and ease... of movement ... See you at 2pm wednesdays
22.01.2022 Kindness Truly is Magic! Little acts of random kindness, weather accepted or not, truly is magic. The intention alone creates an invisible door that others find them selves on the other side of... Let's open portals for each other through Random Acts of Kindness where ever, for those we know but even more so, for those we do not know. ... This is how we see the power of Love and Real Magic in action
22.01.2022 Joy and a spark in my Heart as flyers and timetables arrived today. Official opening January 11th 2021
21.01.2022 Hi everyone ... What do You feel you need most in your Yang class this week? Choose from one or more elements from below and design your own sessions. Pop your... preferences in comments bar below or private message me (Sharlene) 0417 270 791 * Strength * Mobility * Balances for Focus the Mind * Chill, Stretch and Relax * Vinyasa Flow with Breath ...move with breath * Back bends for energize and face fears * Forward Bends to help go within * Twists for detox * Guided meditation Which body parts are you needing to focus on? * Head Neck Shoulders * Lower Back * Hips and Hamstrings * Core Or do you need more Emotional or Mental focus? I am planning classes tomorrow after Yin to get ready for teaching the 5.30pm Slow Flow live stream, so be sure to give your valuable in put. I baked Hot Cross buns today inspired by Beautiful Caroline yum yum ! I even spent time simply Being with myself. So grateful I hope your self isolation period is going well and you are stopping to smell the Lots of Love Sharlene
21.01.2022 I am often asked the question what kind of Yoga do I teach? What is Yoga fusion? The truth is, it is an ever evolving process. A fundamental theme and mantra in all that I teach is connection with your intuitive self. Feel and listen and be led from within. ... The capacity for Healing is already there, my role is to help guide you to remember that which you already know and have the capacity to access. To help guide you to hear, feel and listen to intuitive wisdom within. Your essential nature. Some of the styles of practice I thread into our classes include a combination of traditional Hatha Yoga and accessable Vinyasa Flow, Mindful Movement and Somatic Flows and Energy Medicine Yoga. (Hence the reason I have attached this article on The Meridians in the Human Energy System). The power of The Universe is Within every single beautiful cell of Your Divine Being! Love Sharlene
20.01.2022 THANK YOU ... IMPORTANT POST PLEASE READ ALL. A Warm welcome back everyone! As we have just announced in the below video we are reopening for in person clas...ses at Breathers Community Wellness Centre as of Monday 18th may. In addition to re opening the doors, we will also be continuing our live stream zoom option for those who are choosing to stay a little longer in self isolation or are unwell to attend in person. The link will be posted on our face book page 15 minutes before the class as per usual. this way we can all still stay connected near or far. In order to recommence coming together in person safely and responsibly, we will be following a covid-19 safety plan in accordance with the safe work places framework. As well as this, below are a few additional things to help us all work together to stay well. During stage one we have to limit our numbers to 10 people (only in the center) per class which means you will have to book. To book a space in the center please contact us through Breathers or message us for respective classes. Sharlene - 0417270791 Gilad - 0400821773. If you able, You are invited to bring your own gear, mat, bolster or a few pillows, blankets etc. An alternative to bringing your own gear is to use some of ours and keep it in a corner with a name tag on it. This gear only you will use whilst we are transitioning between stages. If you have any signs of a cold or illness we ask that you stay safe at home and instead join us live on zoom. Please disclose to us if you have had direct contact with corona virus or any one affected. We will ensure all mats/participants have 1.5 meters space between or 4 sq. meters around them, them and as you know we can do this easily in the centre. As tempting as it will be to give hugs, we ask that for the next few weeks at least that we restrain just a little longer and honer the no touch rule we will be masters of distance hugs after all of this! We will have plenty of disinfectant wipes and hand sanitiser. And in the toilets we are now using paper towels to dry hands instead of hand towels. Our cleaning routine has just increased hugely so our new titles are Yoga teachers, Breath work Facilitators and cleaners! ;) We will also be checking peoples temperatures at the door once our fancy device arrives. If you have any other suggestions please speak to either Gilad or myself (Sharlene) when we see you next. Or in comments below. At this stage, until we print our new winter timetable in the up and coming weeks, the classes will resume according to the autumn schedule as before. We Love You all and cant wait to be sharing what we consider essential life practices to continue the journey of wellness together as one community. Love The Breathers Team
20.01.2022 I am looking forward to seeing YOU at my last astrology insight night and soundbath at "The Breathers" in Devonport as always from 7 - 8.15pm this Thursday, 10t...h of December. The Center will be closing its doors on the 18th of December. Endings generally feel sad and what remains is the joy of having been able to share love infused starry talks and sounds with everyone in a most beautiful and inviting space. We are in times of threshold and every ending simultaneously offers a new beginning. In the new year I will have the great pleasure to be part of the community at Sharlene's new space in East Devonport. Sharlene is opening her own space at 21 Murry Street East Devonport. The name of the studio is 'Holding Space' Yoga Somatics & More ... The Face book address for Holding Space is: @holdingspaceyogasomatics The new space will officially open the week of Monday 11th January. With a surprise pop up class on first week in January. This Thursday I will be talking about this powerful last month of 2020 with a Solar New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius at the middle of the month and a final Cancer Full Moon to close the month of December. Saturn is at the critical degree of 29 Capricorn closely followed by Jupiter... This last degree point symbolizes mastery, a culmination of energies where everything learned comes to a peak. Spirit and Matter are merging, we are invited to feel into what it is that we really want, what we trust, where we find inspiration, what we believe in and what is no longer serving us. Join me for an integrating, relaxing sound bath and allow the sounds to travel within and without guided by your inner healer... ~ Many blessings ~
20.01.2022 Not many sessions left in the center (3..). But tonight there is a big one :) Just breathe it. 6-8:15pm With love, Gilad.
20.01.2022 Thank you to all of the inspirational families that have made it possible to have such beautiful family yoga classes at Breathers over the last few months. We h...ave created many beautiful memories. Last class at breathers this Wednesday. Look forward to commencing fresh at Holding Space in the new year.
19.01.2022 Hi everyone Our second Free Womens Circle is on this Saturday night 6pm to 8pm. We have 4 spaces left if one of them feel like its yours please message Sharlene 0417270791.
19.01.2022 Lets Connect... Really! Well we may not be able to do it in person, but this Saturday night (18th) our Womens circle will be on Zoom. 6pm to 8.30pm I will share the link on our Facebook page around 5pm to give time to link in if its your first time. Message myself (Sharlene) or Cindy if you need help with zoom.... As this is an intimate sharing group it is essential to pre book and let us know you are coming. How Blessed we are to hold circles. Love to You all
18.01.2022 Hello Dare ones As the restrictions look like slowly lifting, I (Sharlene) have decided to take this week of from live streaming and focus on some Self Care o...f my own in preparation for The reopening of Our beautiful Centre. My You Tube channel has plenty of recordings to choose from for this week should you wish to partake in some of my practices. It is under Sharlene Broughton. I just want to thank those of You that have been with us and shown so much support over the last couple of months... Grattitude flows beyond words. We Love You darely. Stay tuned to Our page as Gilad and I will announcing The centres reopening date very soon. Much Love and Blessings Sharlene
18.01.2022 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance" Alan Watts. Beloved Community... We would like to invite you to join us in the dance of change. From December 18th we will be saying good bye to our beautiful space here at the church. (Gilad will stop his classes a week earlier- from the 11/12/2020) To help us celebrate and close our chapter here we would like to invite you to a goodbye morning of fun and games for the whole family on Sunday 27th December 10am to 12pm. at The Church. Gilad will focus his energies on the amazing work he is doing in mental health as well as dedicating quality time to his beautiful and growing family. He will continue to periodically run the small group Therapeutic Breathwork sessions and workshops, as well as private one on one sessions in various locations around the local area. To find out where or to book please call Gilad on 0400821773. Or follow up @GiladShavitTherapy. Gilad Shavit- body mind therapy Sharlene is opening her own space at 21 Murry Street East Devonport. The name of the studio is 'Holding Space' Yoga Somatics & More ... It is unfolding and flowing with so much community Love and support. I thank You all so much for Being there. You know who you are The Face book address for Holding Space is: @holdingspaceyogasomatics The new space will officially open the week of Monday 11th January. With a surprise pop up class on first week in January. The time table will be posted on the newly evolving face book page and eventually website. If You have been enjoying Trista's Yoga on tuesday and wednesdays, and Sabine's Astrological Sound Baths on thursdays, the great news is that they are both coming over to holding space and will be teaching in their respective fields from there. * So our last classes will be Thursday 17th December. (Gilad a week earlier) * And our good bye relaxed morning of fun, games and connection for the family Sunday 27th December 10am to 12pm. If you have any questions please feel free to call or message (Sharlene) 0417270791. In behalf of Mia, Gili, Myself and the all important Team - we all want to say a HUGE thank you for all your Love and Support over the last 12 months. Hope to see you all soon Love all of us x x x
18.01.2022 Holiday Pop up Family Yoga Love Saturday 17th April 9am to 10.30am ish Connection ... movement music... flow, Yoga games ... creativity - Nature Mandalas. ... Only a few places left $10 per person Bookings essential please message Sharlene to reserve your spot - 0417270791 Love S.
18.01.2022 Hi all, Last call for term two Family Yoga starting on Wednesday 5th May. We have 4 spaces left. ... The program will run for 8 weeks with a set theme ( exploring the essence of your rainbow .. the chakras in ways that are inspiring and relevant to practical life for children and families ) Then in term 3 we expand by exploring all things E.M.O.T.I.O.N.S ... Please feel free to call Me on 0417270791 if you are interested or if you have any questions. Sharlene
17.01.2022 Hi Your link to tonights slow flow with a focus on slow flow vinyasa movement with breath, strength, balance and a little optional challenge too! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/501093653
17.01.2022 Community kindness .... Thankyou so much to the beautiful and creative Kristin Mathiassen from Bliss Bolsters for this amazing chakra kit gift to use with littl...e ones! The first of our Family Yoga (parent child 3-6 years ) begins on Wednesday 17th June 3.45pm. It will alternate fortnightly with Childrens yoga (6-10 yrs) which starts in the 24th. I think Im going to have to incorporate this Beautiful kit into family yoga that day. Learning through colour, through sound, through feeling, through movement through imagination Please book if you would like to come Love Sharlene
17.01.2022 Surrounded by Love Wisdom, Beautiful Hearts and so much Kindness
16.01.2022 Hi everyone ... just a reminder it is the last week of our Autumn timetable this week ... Our new Winter schedule starts fresh next Monday 8th June. Booking...s are still essential for all classes until restrictions ease a little more. And if you miss out on an in centre spot we are still offering all classes live on zoom for you. See more
16.01.2022 For both big and little kids
16.01.2022 Your new winter timetable starts Monday 8th June. Please look carefully as there are some changes in classes and times. Monday night Slow Flow is now called... Yoga fusion level 1 and starts at 5.15pm. Followed afterwards with Yin Yoga from 6.45pm. Both with Sharlene. Family Yoga will alternate week about with Childrens yoga 3.45pm Wednesdays. Tuesday nights Empower Flow is now called Yoga fusion level 2 with Gilad. Wednesday mornings wake up yoga now starts at 6.45am. Short courses will commence sometime in June, stay tuned to face book for details of our first block to be released soon. Breath work has now become accessible for everyone now starting at 6pm on Wednesday nights with Gilad. Movement Flow with Gabbi every Friday night 5.30pm. Please Contact us if you have any questions. The autumn time table is still operable until the 8th June. Love and Grattitude The Breathers Team
16.01.2022 And would you like Yin Yoga and Slow Flow live streams Easter Monday?And would you like Yin Yoga and Slow Flow live streams Easter Monday?
15.01.2022 Such a beautiful thoughtful gift ... I will be creating a space for some quality self care over the weekend. Thank you so much Heather x x x
14.01.2022 I feel like this is the start of a life times worth of learning and experiences for me , coming together to share with you and your story
14.01.2022 ***Update...The centre has closed temporarily. We Look forward to live stream classes with you. Morning all Though we are seeing more and more facilities closi...ng around us we feel we are in the position to responsibly remain open for now, due to our vast space and precautions. It is important for us that members of the community wishing to access tools of wellness and unity are able. By limiting class sizes to 9 people we can work well within 2m social distance recommendation, have sanitation stations, recommend you to bring and use our own equipment if you have and of course if you are unwell or required legally to self isolate ask that you sit tight and well welcome you warmly when youre recovered/finished isolating. Tomorrow we will launch live streaming of classes for anyone wishing to continue their practice at home. In order to keep numbers under 9 Please let us know if wishing to practice in the center to reserve your spot. Either by messenger through Our Breathers page, or direct to Gilad 0400 821 773 or Sharlene 0417 270 791 p.s We grow mostly from challenges with love, Breathers team
13.01.2022 What public holiday??? Yoga as usual tomorrow everyone. Looking forward to seeing you ...... 10am Yin Yoga 5.15pm slow flow fusion 6.45pm Yin Lots of Love Sharlene
12.01.2022 Supporting You Supporting Us Supporting Our Community Centre. We want to give you more options for your weekly practice (actually we just want to ...connect with you more ) and would Love your input. If we were to add another early morning practice, what day would you like, and would you prefer Gentle Yoga or Meditation? If we were to add another evening class what night works best? And do you have a preference of class for the night, or is it inviting for you if we were to alternate: One week Gentle Somatic Practice The next week a guided Yoga Nidra / Meditation? Please enter your comments below, or private message us at Breathers. Love Breathers Team
10.01.2022 Quick question. Would You like a Vin Yin class live streamed 8.30am This Easter Saturday?Quick question. Would You like a Vin Yin class live streamed 8.30am This Easter Saturday?
10.01.2022 GIlad and Sharlene are talking about Breathers Community wellness center in the mist of the corona virus..
10.01.2022 Breathing in I am in the present moment ... Breathing out ... I know this is a wonderful Moment YES Vin Yin is in tomorrow 8.30am to 10.30am
09.01.2022 Hi ... We are so Blessed and looked after .... I went into see the beautiful new owners of The One Flower Cafe, Marie and Dwayne and was blown away when they ...told me they are creating a full page of vegetarian meals on offer for us. I had a taster tonight for my meal ... wow! Black bean and beetroot vege burger with the most divine vegetable stack! The smoke flavour of the vege stack reminded me of growing up in New Zealand and enjoying traditional Hangi... cooked in the earth. And guess what, Dwyane is from New Zealand so how's that! Am so looking forward (after my rest ) to start fresh here at Holding Space on January 11th ... sharing beautiful practices in our new space and great food at the One Flower Cafe.
09.01.2022 Mirror neurons at work in Seniors yoga... one of my favourite activities ... last class this Thursday
08.01.2022 We have gift vouchers
08.01.2022 Hi All Im really looking forward to meeting with You all, back on the mat, from tommorow morning... 8.30am beginners Yoga, 10am Yin Yoga, 5.30pm Slow flo...w, 7pm Yin Yoga. Im rested and inspired and The Space feels great! Just a couple of announcements on special events as we enter into the coming week: Sharlene will be guiding You through a deeply healing Yoga Nidra on Thursday night 7pm. Sabine has a Sound bath this Friday 5.30pm. And sharlene will be running the Vin Yin class this Saturday morning 8.30 to 10.45am. It was due to be 1st may but you have waited long enough . I will speak with you about the following vin yin date on the day. Enjoy this beautiful Sunday Love Sharlene
08.01.2022 Amazing bolsters great gifts
08.01.2022 If you are feeling like your energies need to move something, clear something or a hand to move along your path Breath work is amazing, these sessions are Deeply therapeutic and only on fortnightly so best to book now.
07.01.2022 Hi Everyone, In relation to Our classes over the next few weeks, both in Centre and Live stream, we want to know how we can best serve you? What would you lik...e us to plan in to our classes? What do YOU feel you need most right now? Please comment below or message us. If you plan on coming in to practice, it is a good idea to book while we have limited the numbers to 9. Much Love from The Breathers Team
07.01.2022 Goid morning . Important notice about Yoga gear xx
07.01.2022 My first experience in Sacred Circle was with Helena ... I Love the way she holds space with Strength, Sensitivity, Love, Compassion, honer and Wisdom. Beautiful space if you have the opportunity to go.
07.01.2022 Family and children's yoga has been such a Blessing in the Church. And I am feeling that I am being called to do much more with Children and teenagers in 2021 at Holding Space. Here are some precious moments captured. Today we explored emotions, feelings sensations and movement.
06.01.2022 Why do penguins have a black back and white belly? ... Well our beautiful group of Family and Children's Yogi's are going to find out tommorow at 3.45pm.... And in the spirit of Christmas each one will get to take home a copy of one of the kids books I wrote and published back in 2008. Sharing the Love
06.01.2022 Dielle expresses embodiment and the beginnings of somatic exploration beautifully ... in preparation for Our Somatic Awareness and beyond journey starting this Wednesday 11.30 to 1.30pm at Breathers. I Am so looking forward to navigating the internal landscapes together ... Love deeply explore fully
06.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone, this one is for the Children and Trees :)
05.01.2022 Hi all ... How beautiful has the day been? This is the face book page for My new Studio called 'Holding Space' due to officially open in January. If you want to follow the unfolding of Holding Space id like to invite you to like the page. Schedule of offerings is rich and diverse and will be posted in coming week or two. Love Sharlene
05.01.2022 Hello there this beautiful Tuesday. When you hear Gilad or myself play the beautiful chimes during our classes we wanted to give credit to the very skilled make...r of the chimes Gary from Solfeggio sound healing He makes and sells single chimes or chimes sets like the ones we have at the centre. Here is a link to his work. https://www.facebook.com/Solfeggio-Sound-Healing-116225829783792/ Thank you Gary for such beautiful sound
05.01.2022 Hi everyone (Sharlene here) Below is a photo of a tool Im suggesting you may like to add to your somatic and Yoga bag of tricks. To make it all you need is on...e sock and two tennis balls. Tie it up quite firm so that there isnt too much space in between the tennis balls. Please pass message onto those who dont do face book . In addition to this, for down the track, if you do happen to have a small 6" sized squishy kind of ball you might like to bring that too. But this is more for later.... Lots of Love See you soon Sharlene
04.01.2022 We have a question for You ... If we run a Yin Yoga class in the centre on a Monday night 6.45pm (straight after slow flow) would you come? (It will be zoom ...too) As of 8th June the Wednesday night yin will no longer be running over winter, so Monday night will be our only evening yin. Look forward to your thoughts so we can surge ahead with printing the new time tables. P.s Monday morning 10am yin yoga will still be as usual. Much Love The Breathers Team
03.01.2022 Tonight 7-9pm Men Circle Via live streaming. If you want more details or to join let us know :)Tonight 7-9pm Men Circle Via live streaming. If you want more details or to join let us know :)
03.01.2022 * Important update on Live streaming classes. Hi how are you all doing? Breathing innnnnn ... I touch inner Peace Breathing out ....I radiate inner peace ...... We have decided to make our on line streaming classes DANA based ( like donation) the practice of expanding the heart. So you pay according to what you can and want. As we understand that for some of us the financial position had changed, we wish you to keep taking care of yourself regardless to your financial situation. The preferred payment method is bank deposit. You are welcome to pay class by class, or prepay a certain number of sessions, or after pay. For Gilads classes the following account... Gilad Shavit BSB: 017 526 Acc: 473 502 692 For Sharlenes classes the following account... Sharlene Broughton BSB: 633 000 Acc: 131 555 633 If you are having trouble learning how to join the class, go through our posts after 6.45pm tonight as we will record a mini tutorial and hopefully give you a clearer idea on how to overcome and challenges you may encounter and help you connect to our live stream classes. Regarding Your passes and cards from The Centre, You have an option of freezing your card for a while, or using it for our on line classes, just let us know either way. Much Love and Peace The Breathers Team.
03.01.2022 Good morning ZOOM lesson and hopefully a commuity support post so we can smooth out any challenges you are having accessing classes. Below are photos of the ...stages that Cindy takes to enter the meetings on her IPad. She gets through fine like this. Others who have down loaded the zoom app on their phone, IPhone, tablet or computer access slightly differently. 1. Go to our face book page 15 mins before class due to start. 2. Press the link for the class about to happen 3. Press join meeting and choose yes to joining with audio and camera. 3. Once we are all on and connected we can guide you on how to mute your sound. Its helpful when we can see you So be sure to position you camera in a way we can see you in floor and standing poses. Its okay of the top part disappears in Tadasana as long as we can soo you in major standing postures and floor work. Please comment with each other in comments below if your still having trouble and maybe someone can respond that knows the solution. Love to you all and thank you so much for your continued support. If any one is in need of food or a meal cooked or anything picked up for them at shop, once I have a car a gain Im happy to help. Love Sharlene
03.01.2022 Well ... officially the last classes at The Church today. Also celebrating 3 years with this beautiful community yoga group. Thankyou soooo much everyone I Love You All.
03.01.2022 Gilis classes tonight (Tuesday) and wednesday at Breathers
02.01.2022 A Heart felt Thank you for Your Kind and thoughtful Hearts ... CDJ JDJ CM HB And every one else.
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