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Oakford Pool Supplies and Service

Locality: Oakford

Phone: +61 429 002 524


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25.01.2022 Selling your house ? Renting your house out ? Does the swimming pool look disgusting , not inviting and you don’t know where to start with the spruce up ? Are you thinking it will cost thousands to make presentable ? ...... think again !!! Give Oakford Pool Supplies & Service a call to give you a free onsite quote .... We have just completed a concrete pool spruce up , it had cracks which we repaired, rust stains and paint oxidation, which we cleaned up by pressure cleaning and chemical washing. Filled it back up and balanced the water chemistry, all for under a thousand dollars. Some pictures are attached , to give you an idea how easy and cheap it can be . This job took five days from start to finish, it would of been less time if repairs didn’t have to have a cure time and if the filling with water time didn’t interfere with the process. See more

25.01.2022 Ever left the tap on whilst topping up your water level after lots of splashing and evaporation ? Maybe it’s time to buy a two hour tap timer ? They save you $$$ in water and chemicals when forgetting to turn the tap off. Buy any pump , filter , salt chlorinator , automatic cleaner or heat pump from Oakford Pool Service in the month of February and we will gladly supply and fit one of these memory joggers free of charge.

25.01.2022 The start of another challenge , complete with saved tadpoles. All that change in an hour, let’s see what it looks like next week.

25.01.2022 Thursday morning and it’s started to turn a lighter shade of green instead of the black/brown it once was. It should start to settle to the bottom now . Tomorrow should look different again.

24.01.2022 Oakford Pool Service can light up your life ! Why not brighten up the look of your pool by upgrading from your old halogen globe style underwater light to a new LED retro fit lighting system . LED lights have crisp , clean and energy efficient functioning and because they can orperate off multi voltage , there is no need to change your low voltage 12v 22v 24v or 32v transformer. Oakford Pool Service can install one of these LED lights in either a white light or a blue light from as low as $495.00 OR you have the option of a multi colour light from $550.00. Change the colour just by flicking the switch on and off , or , we can speak to you about remote control options.

23.01.2022 Happy Winter Everyone !!!! As a winter sideline here at Oakford Pool Supplies and Service , we now are converting horse arenas to extra large swimming pools. Our first one (our own one) was completed within 48 hours.

23.01.2022 Number 3 hint : Make sure your skimmer basket and pump baskets are clean . Not cleaning them regularly can cause damage to your pump , filter and can cause your pool to eventually turn green Also , replace skimmer socks regularly and don’t use them in pump baskets . More hints coming soon !!!

23.01.2022 Do you use bore water in your pool and have sediment? We can help you

23.01.2022 Winter Special 20% off all equipment with Free Delivery. For all your pool requirements. Call Tony on 0429002524.

23.01.2022 Monday morning and the liner has started to be fitted on our one week renovation.

22.01.2022 Another green to clean and saltwater conversion.

21.01.2022 Gotta love working in rural areas . Beats the hell outa being greeted at the back gate by a Rottweiler. These two were getting babysat whilst the Forrestdale fires were happening.

21.01.2022 Another rental property not looked after. But , call in experts , and you get a transformation like this ...... From a lovely shade of green to .... WOW I can see the bottom !!!! No frogs were harmed in this process.

21.01.2022 If you avoid going out to your filtration area because it’s too confusing with control boxes , tubes and cords going everywhere, why not make it simple with a bit of a tidy up . We can take that confusion away and install a simplistic system which is easy to operate.

21.01.2022 A few of my favourites. This will be a regular post. I have quite a few in my album. Make sure you like the post when yours pops up

20.01.2022 It’s always a little hard to get Tracey in the pool , but in this case it was straight off the horse and straight in the water no time to slip the swimming togs on , it was what she was wearing at the time ( jodhpurs )

20.01.2022 We replaced a filter and chlorinator a few months ago and had to go back recently to replace the pump , sometimes it’s easier and cheaper just to replace the whole lot at once ... just sayin’

20.01.2022 Even with our hot summer period in Perth, some pools are still on the chilly side which makes swimming a bit uncomfortable, why not change this by calling Tony at Oakford Pool Service to install a swimming pool heat pump . Heat pumps are getting very popular these days and depending on your swimming requirements, they can either extend the seasons swimming period with smaller models or match the size correctly and you can swim in beautiful warm water, all year round. Having i...nverter technology, they reduce heating times , whisper quiet and save on running costs. You don’t even have to have separate/dedicated heater pipes running from your pool to install these units,as they can be plumbed into existing plumbing at your filtration, which will save you up to $1,000.00 on separate operating pump and controller. Prices start at $2950.00 for 9kw 10amp unit plumbed in line . (Recommended for pools under 30,000lts) See more

19.01.2022 Middle of winter !! If your swimming pool isn’t looking anywhere as clean and clear as any of the ones pictured, you may have a problem with your filtration equipment or automatic cleaner. If this is the case , why not book in for a winter service and check .

19.01.2022 Scott called me to install a new Sandfilter last summer, this time it was an upgraded saltwater chlorinator and underwater light transformer .

19.01.2022 Yet another green to clean

19.01.2022 You may remember a post a couple of weeks ago with pictures of a quote I went to , a below ground vinyl liner pool which had been empty for a few years ..... well , we got the quote and started clean up of the shell yesterday. Today , we have started repairs and starting to do the brick render . The new liner has been ordered and will complement the backyard beautifully. Here’s a few pics of progress so far and we hope it will be all up and running and ready for swimming by the end of next week. All new filtration equipment will be installed and cleaning equipment supplied too , it will be like a brand new pool

18.01.2022 Buy one of these awesome Astral S5 suction cleaners and I will not only deliver it for free, I’ll install it in your pool and do a free water test whilst there. The S5 cleaner is designed to clean up to a 10 x 5 metre domestic swimming pool , any surface including Plaster , fibreglass, vinyl, tile and pebblecrete . It comes complete with 10 metres of sectioned hose and valve. The two wheel design allows for quick and reliable cleaning , it manoeuvres in and out of tight spots which makes it a great cleaner for those odd shape free form pools , and will climb walls depending on wall to floor angle . Being a geared suction cleaner , you won’t hear that thump thump thump noise which other types of cleaners will do , the S5 is whisper quiet .

18.01.2022 THE POOL CLEANER now has a 7 YEAR warranty!!!! That’s 4 years full warranty and an additional 3 years pro rata warranty. APRIL SPECIAL $795 delivered Instead of $995 ...... BARGAIN !!!!

18.01.2022 Mr Craig Diver just bought his dream home up in The Vines Estate , I was very happy to travel up there to handover his new pool and supply a new Astral 9KW inverter heat pump so he could enjoy all year round swimming with his family and friends. All the very best Craig , from us at Oakford Pool Supplies and Service

18.01.2022 It’s been a few weeks since our last post due to a sudden impact of work coming through , so today there will be a few posts on recent work done ( before and after shots mainly ) Starting with this update of a spa pump , LPG heater , recon filter and a tidy up of pipe work. Then I’ll be starting next week on regular Tony’s Tips just to help out those DIY customers to make sure they are doing things correctly. Happy Spring Time from Tony & Tracey

17.01.2022 The last post was a job for a client selling their home , this one we are working on at present, a client getting ready to re-rent their house out after the pool was neglected from the last Tennent. We have some before , during clean up and what it looked like tonight about five o’clock. It was started last Wednesday and should be complete with full clean up and water balance and full equipment service by Thursday this week.... weather permitting ! Also under one thousand dollars.

15.01.2022 It’s time for blanket use once again to prevent that water evaporating so quickly and to retain some warmth .... but don’t forget to take it off at least weekly , run your pump during the heat of the day when using your blanket to even out water temperature AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, take the blanket OFF when the outside temperature has risen over approx 34 degrees, unless you are going for that green water effect.

15.01.2022 It’s May , and that means preparing your aquatic investment for the winter months ahead. Blankets off , except for those who are retaining heat for gas or electric heating systems. Top up of chemicals , mainly salt , if you have a salt water swimming pool. Add a good quality long lasting winterising algaecide to prevent algae growth when we get big downpours of rain or the odd 30 degree day during winter. Reduce pump running hours .... These simple instructions will keep your pool from going green over winter and keep you from cursing at it in spring time. See more

13.01.2022 An unfortunate regular sight for any pool tech at the end of a long winter , but it’s always a great result after a few days

13.01.2022 5pm Friday , I turned up to an appointment to quote on getting a pool up to scratch so the people could sell their rental property. I was aware I would be viewing an empty pool which had been left for a few years but didn’t know it was a below ground vinyl liner pool. Gotta love a challenge !!!! It’s a good thing one of my best mates works with me on jobs like these and builds below ground vinyl liner swimming pools Time for a full renovation including filtration. If we the go ahead on this one , it will be started in four weeks time and I’ll be posting pics on all stages till complete. Stay tuned viewers See more

13.01.2022 Up to day 4 from initial treatment and we can finally see the shallow end bottom . Even though we are on schedule , there are two things slowing the process, number one is the water we are topping up with looks like an endless cuppa tea Number two is the sandfilter is more like a mud filter , therefore , the filtration process is limited, so constant filtration with regular backwashing and rinsing is a must. I’m adding more Tony’s special recipes on Sunday and it should be ready for the first vacuum to waste on Monday afternoon Note : That green tinge through the water now isn’t algae , it’s from the chemicals.

13.01.2022 A couple of hints for the winter period... 1 - check your water level If your water level is too high or overflowing, this not only will not allow top skimming of surface debris , but it can cause damage to not only the skimmer box (sagging of the box can occur) but can break the weir door hinges, basket can float out and worst of all , overflowing water can undermine your pool surrounding, which can be a big problem if you have liquid limestone or concrete . If you have a cartridge filter and a waste water valve hasn’t been fitted , it is an easy fix . We can install a valve for about $150.00 and set it up so you can fit your vacuum hose to it , to run the water away to a drainage spot . Or we can supply and fit layflat hose or pvc pipe at an additional cost per metre. Same goes for run off water from a Sandfilter.

13.01.2022 Robot specials !! Low voltage robotic pool cleaners are the way of the future and now , with being around and many being sold over the last ten years , they have definitely proven themselves. Dolphin robotic cleaners are world leaders in the industry and have many different models. Entry level , floor cleaning models are a great way to get started into low maintenance pool cleaning . With all debris collecting in the inner filters of the robot , it will not only save you on keeping your pool clean , but will keep you from wasting water cleaning your filtration so often. The S50 is designed to clean the floor and floor to wall curve in pools up to around 9m long. The M300 supreme model will do pools much bigger , having an 18 m cord . Also the M300 has two suction points and two filters and comes with a stand for when not in use. March and April 2019 special...... S50 robot $990.00 complete with the optional extra ultra fine filter ( normally $99.00 extra ) plus free delivery in Perth metro area . M300 supreme robot $1,200.00 including delivery in Perth metro area , save $95.00 See more

12.01.2022 APRIL SPECIAL ON SAND FIlTERS . $995 installed For the month of April , buy a 25 Sandfilter from Oakford Pool Supplies & Service and we will include glass media instead of silica sand And include installation complete with pvc pipe and fittings for under a thousand dollars. That’s a low low price of $995.00 fully installed !!! A saving of over $200 !!!! Don’t miss out on the super savings we are having before winter kicks again .... Have a shop around for some equipment, then arrange a quote from Oakford Pool Supplies and Service , not only will you get a quality job done , but you may even get a better price than already quoted by others . See more

11.01.2022 Well , this morning , I did a vacuum to waste on my brown/black challenge pool and it came up a treat , unfortunately there is some gelcoat wear on the bottom ( which is quite normal for a pool of its age ) which you can notice when the pool is clean. I do need to run the filtration longer and balance it out with some salt , stabiliser and acid but have had to do a temporary stop to the procedure on account the people are on tank water , the tank is dry and I need to top the water level up after my vacuum to waste. So close too

11.01.2022 An update on the renovation from previous post. We are going to be completed well ahead of schedule by the looks of things. The render repairs and anchor points of coping strips are complete , the anti bacterial spray has been done and new filtration equipment has been installed complete with anti vibration mat under the new pump . Also a new double PowerPoint fitted and power connected by Steve The Sparky . The new vinyl liner is now been made to measure and will be installe...d on Monday morning , water goes into the pool straight away and then it can be chemically balanced and filtration started up for the first time . We are expecting to handover the pool on Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest , which is two weeks earlier than expected by our client . At the end of the day , a complete renovation in less than ten days , gotta be happy with that Here’s a few before and after pictures and final , up and running pictures will be posted early in the week. See more

11.01.2022 Who needs Quokka selfies , when we’ve got Possums

11.01.2022 A BIG THANKYOU FROM HARRY !!! Monday approx 1am in the morning our beautiful black Off The Track ‘’ standardbred HARRY ( Village Conquerer ) thought he’d break through his stable yard and go for a walk to find some fresh grazing land. On five acres of property, he had an idea to stroll around the side of the house , stepping on the concrete lid on the septic tank , which obviously doesn’t handle over 500 kg , he collapsed the lid , causing him to full into a full tank of s...ewage. Stuck there for over three hours with constant attention from the girls , he finally made a final attempt with a little help of pushing , he scrambled out . ..... before the crane arrived !!! No broken bones , just badly bruised and a fair few cuts . Tracey and myself and of course Harry , would love to put out a big thank you to all that were present for this difficult time and for after care . A special thanks goes out to Nicole (his other mother), Anne , Janet , Carly , DR Charlie , Jenny and the young fella from Byford who was the rigger from the crane company. Thanks See more

10.01.2022 From this to this in two weeks , there were some nice little surprises lerking in the deep , dark depths. Just working on the surface staining now.

10.01.2022 Last weekend , Mr Craig Diver decided to spoil his children, they absolutely love their pool , no matter the weather , so he cranked up the heat pump and sent me some night photos of the steam glowing over the underwater light . His kids got to swim last weekend in a beautiful 37 degree pool

10.01.2022 Let’s see how quickly I can get this challenge up to scratch , crystal clear and ready for swimming. Tuesday 5.30 , initially treated . I’m predicting one full seven day process, stay tuned for my progress happy snaps and see if I get close to my prediction Slight change of colour in half hour of Tony’s special recipe.

10.01.2022 At 5.30pm today , finally the water level is up . Looks a bit ugly with all that salt in there though . Back tomorrow morning at 7.30 to start up the filtration and add balancing chemicals , then it should be right for a swim In the arvo if ya don’t mind a bit of crusty salt between ya toes

09.01.2022 Dolphin S50 Robotic Pool Cleaner for 1 x week only with limited stock available $795.00 with two year warranty. Get in quick for a bargain !!!!! FREE DELIVERY !!!!!

09.01.2022 Astral S5 suction cleaner special price of $695.00 Limited stock available. Free delivery and installation & Two year warranty.

09.01.2022 Day 5 on the dark brown/ Black Pool . We can finally see the deep end bottom and on schedule for that first vacuum to waste for Monday.

08.01.2022 The waterfall was tested before the water fell ....

08.01.2022 A green to clean and a full change of filtration and chlorination equipment.

08.01.2022 Thinking of replacing your old sand filter with a new one ? Perhaps you’ve got a cartridge filter which really does your head in , having to hose the cartridge element every couple of weeks , why not get Oakford Pool Service to fit a new sand filter , but instead of silica sand media , we always use glass media in our installations of sand filters , it’s not only a better , cleaner way of filtration , glass media doesn’t stick together as sand will do , meaning , you don’t to replace the filter media , it will last as long as the filter it’s self will last. A new Astral CA280 25 inch sand filter complete with glass media , pipe , fittings and installation is as low as $1,100.00. ( average size filter ) For a complete system of the above filter , 1hp pump and saltwater chlorinator fully installed for the months of March and April, we have an awesome special, save $345.00 !!!! $2,200.00 fully installed $2,545.00 normally If you need a larger system for those bigger pools more than 50,000lts and more than two return jets , call us for an on-site free quote. See more

07.01.2022 Relocation of filtration equipment from one side of retaining wall and fence to the other side. With a little tidy up of the pipework , look a bit nicer ?

07.01.2022 Sick of hooking up a temporary waste line every time you need to dump water ? Well ... there’s plenty more rain to come. Get us to hard plumb it , Owen and a whole lot of others have had it done , and are loving the ease of it. We can plumb it straight to where you need the water to be transferred and if you don’t want the end of the pipe glued , we can leave it so you just need to push on the last fitting and pipe , remove the drain grid and place it in .... easy

07.01.2022 When an air conditioning unit gets in the way of the installation of a new heat pump for the pool , ya just gotta re configure the pipe work and make a nice neat job

06.01.2022 Another green to clean complete

05.01.2022 Another transformation and satisfied customer

05.01.2022 It was time to upgrade to an Astral glass media filter and Astral saltwater chlorinator for Drew & Stacey , so they should have a trouble free summer coming up

04.01.2022 The next few posts will be of some of the work completed from Oakford Pool Service and I’ll endeavour to post more regularly , there hasn’t been too many lately due to being rushed off my feet . When I’ve completed a job of yours , and ready to post a few pics , let me know if you want me to plug your name and business in the post . These pics are from a heat pump installation and replumb at Kevin Orr’s place . Kevin has KLO Auto Electrics in Maddington and has mobile service vehicles , highly recommended

04.01.2022 Let Oakford Pool Service tidy up your old pipework and replace the sticky , broken valves .


04.01.2022 Does your automatic suction pool cleaner get stuck on your heater suction screens and underwater light ? Why not try out a geared cleaner like a Hayward V Flex Pool Vac . From $695.00 installed , complete with hose sections and valve set up for skimmer.... Here’s a short video on one Maybe not , I’ll have to suss out why the video has become just a picture when uploaded , then re post it. Really really good at pool stuff , but not so good with an iPhone and Facebook....... Tracey .. HEEELP !!

04.01.2022 Perfect timing !! I arrived on site late this afternoon to do a bit of a replumb , replaced the old Sandfilter with a cartridge filter and the 35 year old chlorinator was replaced as well. Bang on finish time and after packing up the tools back in the Ute ...... It absolutely hammered down with rain That doesn’t happen often , but today the clouds were on my side

04.01.2022 BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN !!!! 1 HP swimming pool pump 3 year warranty $495.00 including installation !!!!

03.01.2022 Just a before and after shot in six days. Should have a final pic when it’s got extra sparkle

03.01.2022 If you're too busy , and your kids are glued to the X Box instead of scooping leaves out of the pool , book in a regular maintenance program with Oakford Pool Service . From $77.00 per month , it may save you a lot of money come summer time.

03.01.2022 BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN !!!! ONE WEEK ONLY !!!! Saltwater chlorinator to suit up to a 40,000lt swimming pool . Two Year Warranty. $860.00 including installation !!!!

01.01.2022 Number 2 hint : In Winter , it’s sometimes a bit of a pain going out in the cold to clean your cartridge element , and you’re not alone , I even don’t like cleaning cartridge filters in the wet and cold, but do yourself a favour , do it ! Otherwise it may end up costing one or two hundred or even more if you don’t do it. If your cartridge filter looks like one of these in the pictures , it’s time to either clean it , or replace it. We can clean it if you don’t want to , and if it needs replacing , we can deliver a new one if you send us the details of make and model .

01.01.2022 If your filter cartridge element is over two years old , you will probably find it blocks up quickly and doesn’t keep the water crystal clear anymore. A replacement of the cartridge will make a huge difference in not only the maintenance of your filtration system , make your automatic cleaner work better , but more importantly, it will make your water safe and healthy and make a big water clarity difference. Average cost of a filter cartridge element is $150 delivered.

01.01.2022 Got an old concrete swimming pool which needs an uplift ? Why not get a total refurbishment and convert it to vinyl lined pool. Easy to keep clean , easy on the chemicals , nicer to swim in and most of all .... cheaper than resurfacing a concrete pool . With a range of colours and patterns which will make your backyard sparkle with elegance. Call Oakford Pool Supplies and Service for a free onsite , no obligation quote on making your old concrete pool into a beautiful site.

01.01.2022 Monday 8.50am and water has been turned on to fill this fine project.

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