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Oatley Lions Club | Non-profit organisation

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Oatley Lions Club


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25.01.2022 Oatley Lions Club are here to serve the Community. Our events and activities have been curtailed but we will continue to do what we can under the circumstances. As an example, we recently loaned a Marquee to a local Doctors Surgery at short notice, so they can offer an Influenza Vaccination Clinic which is separated from the Surgery to better protect Patients and Staff. The Doctor has supported our Club over many years. Please contact our Club if you have ideas of how we can Serve Our Community (subject to Department of Health regulations on limiting personal contacts). Our contacts are here:

23.01.2022 Oatley Lions members are so appreciative of the support received by our local community including Oatley Oatley West Public Schools, Lugarno, Cronulla & Kogarah Lions clubs, Hurstville Rotarians, Sutherland Lionesses & individuals for their generous support for the families in western NSW. You need to know that your generosity has helped provide hope for so many farmers families who are struggling due the ongoing drought. Many were brought to tears because of your kindness.... As importantly they received a message that people in the city are thinking of them, understand their current plight and the importance of food production to the country. Oatley Lions members took the lead on a project to provide a Christmas BBQ for farmer families in western NSW to send a strong message of support & kindness on one of their Hay Days. 15 Oatley, Lugarno and Cronulla Lions drove to Gallon NSW to deliver the Christmas Bush Bash Event, held on Saturday 14th December. It was an amazingly successful and rewarding event with positive feedback, smiles and tears of appreciation for the efforts of our Lions Clubs, local schools and our local community Over 75 farmer families totalling more than 400 attended the BBQ They received over $30,000 of donations including: BBQ delights from Oatley Lions $11,000 of food & fuel vouchers $5,000 of water 100s of Christmas gifts that were donated by the children of Oatley West & Oatley Public Schools. These gifts were given to the children by Santa which brought squeals of delight, tears of joy and appreciation and helped take families minds off the severe drought that is challenging everyone. Clothing for families, books Food & toiletry hampers Congratulations to Lynda Robinson who took the lead on this rewarding, humbling and successful project. Again thank you from Oatley Lions members and our Supporters: Sutherland Lionesses Oatley West Public School Oatley Public School Lions Club of Lugarno The Lions Club of Cronulla Rotary Club of Hurstville I Grew Up in Mortdale 2223 Oatley Hotel Oatley RSL Georges River Council Lions Sydney N5 Lions Australia IGA Oatley Oatley Parents Oatley Parents Work & Business David Coleman - Member for Banks Mark Coure MP

22.01.2022 Media Release 2020/00103 15th July 2020 OATLEY LIONS VILLAGE FESTIVAL for 2020 IS CANCELLED The Oatley Lions Village Festival has been held annually over the last 40 years, helping to bring all the local communities together and raise valuable funds to assist people in need, locally, nationally & internationally.... It is with regret that we advise that this years Festival has been cancelled due to COVID 19 health risks. Our decision is based on keeping the community safe during these disruptive times. Many of the popular Festival activities are simply not feasible under current COVID-19 restrictions for mass gatherings. Risks assessed include: - Social distancing - Inability to obtain identification of all attendees - Planning complexities during ongoing COVID 19 changing regulations. Our thanks to our major sponsors, Georges River Council and Oatley Hotel. Our appreciation is also extended to Mark Coure MP MP Member for Oatley and David Coleman MP Federal Member for Banks, our local businesses, and our Community for your understanding and your continued support for this very important and recognized annual event. Our members are disappointed, however, the risks are simply too significant to proceed with the festival this year. Be assured however, the planning is well underway for next years Festival on Saturday 16th October 2021. Our next years festival will be bigger and better as we seek new attractions to bring our community together once again. We look forward to seeing you there and once again, thank you from all Oatley Lions members for your support and understanding, Richard Sheahan, Oatley Lions Village Festival Coordinator John Morgan, President, Oatley Lions Club Please distribute this Media Release to others who may wish to know about it: Oatley Parents, Oatley Parents Work & Business. Oatley, New South Wales, Australia, I Grew Up in Mortdale 2223, Georges River Council

22.01.2022 Christmas in JULY.

21.01.2022 Banks Community Volunteer Award Today one of our Oatley Lions Club members Brian Rees was presented with a Banks Community Volunteer Award by Federal MP David Coleman. Congratulations & thank you to our IT Guru Brian who works silently & tirelessly in the background on critical IT solutions for our club. ... The IT Transformation Project that Brian leads included improvements to our lions Google email & filing systems, up to date contacts list , website development, social media marketing, online funding & EFTPOS capability, press releases, newsletters & IT support for all members. This capability provides a platform for us to better SERVE the community & help people in need. Well deserved.

20.01.2022 Farmers Christmas Bush Bash BBQ A few photos from the set up More to come today

20.01.2022 Thanks to the Humphreys family from Oatley Hotel for allowing Oatley Lions & the community to hold a raffle to raise a few more $s for People Affected by the Fires Come down & say Hi on Saturday at 5.00pm ! See you there

19.01.2022 Oatley Lions were "out and about" today selling many Face Masks and Cakes. You are able to purchase Face Masks online here: and Cakes here:

19.01.2022 Media Release from Oatley Lions about OMNIBED "The Lions Club of Oatley donates specialised equipment to assist newborn babies in St George Public Hospital" Please see our MEDIA RELEASE here: If you have any questions or comments, please contact: John Morgan, President, Oatley Lions Club at [email protected]... or, Richard Sheahan, Oatley Lions Village Festival Coordinator Please distribute this Media Release to others who may wish to know about it: Oatley Parents, Oatley Parents Work & Business. Oatley Hotel, I Grew Up in Mortdale 2223, Georges River Council, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District

18.01.2022 Santa Claus in Coming to Town!! How excited would your kids be with their own visit from Santa?? Bookings are essential.

15.01.2022 Congratulations Oatley Hotel - our major sponsor.

15.01.2022 Please dig deep - to help so many who are hurting.

15.01.2022 Congratulations to our winners at Oatley Lions Raffles at Oatley Hotel last night. Funds raised help us purchase walkers to help children walk by giving them an opportunity to gain mobility & independence in their lives. Thanks to the community for their kindness.

14.01.2022 Oatley Lions are being ably assisted by Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society and 1st OATLEY BAY SEA SCOUTS & 2nd Mortdale scouts for the Bush Fire Relief at Oatley Village Shops and Mortdale Shops. In case you missed them, please come down to Oatley Hotel Lions Club Raffle at 5:30 today. Please support this initiative and donate online here: Please share: Oatley Parents Oatley Parents Work & Business I Grew Up in Mortdale 2223

14.01.2022 Winners are Grinners at the Oatley Hotel Lions Raffle tonight Thanks to the Oatley Hotel family, our community & Oatley lions members for tonights raffle, first since February this year. Proceeds from tonight are donated to providing a walking frame to help a child walk with independence & mobility.

13.01.2022 PRESS RELEASE - RESPONSE TO COVID19 PANDEMIC THE IMPACTS ON OATLEY LIONS 2020 PROGRAM. Please click on this link if you are interested in our revised plans:

13.01.2022 Winners are grinners at the Oatley Lions Raffle at Oatley Hotel our wonderful sponsors Working Together in the Community. Thanks to the patrons of Oatley Hotel and our community for their generous support in helping Oatley Lions SERVE people in need. Tonight’s raffle proceeds will help Oatley Lions purchase another walking frame to help give a child the opportunity to walk with independence, mobility & pride.... Thank you

13.01.2022 New Member and Peace Poster Winner! At our February Dinner Meeting, Mark Sing, the Peace Poster Coordinator, presented this years Peace Poster Award to Jasmine Guy (pictured with her family and our John Chate - national Peace Poster Chairman). The poster is included - so you can see why it won! Also pictured are Tony Pratt, our new member, and Ken Byrnes, his sponsor. Welcome to the Club Tony.... Our President welcomed Jennifer Touzel our District Governor with cabinet Treasurer: Peter Touzel and also our Zone Chair Greg English. Jennifer congratulated our Peace Prize winner, our new member, and awarded a 20 year service recognition badge to Lindsay GRESSWELL. The President provided an update: - Congratulations to the team who fed nearly 400 farmers and their families at Geurie Hay Day last December. We delivered some $30,000 of food, water, Christmas gifts from local schools, food; fuel vouchers a new and fabulous project - Planning workshop in January thanks you to all members for contributions and we are taking into account your feedback in the Advanced Planning Dates - Kicked of the year with collection for people affected by the fires; $12,000 odd dollars to ALF - First raffle where we encouraged the patrons of Oatley Hotel ..continued success and being seen in the community in our new shirts. - Congratulation to Richard Sheahan who is picking up the significant tasks of Festival coordinator roll up his sleeves with detailed planning already under way - Golf Day 3rd April legacy of St George Lions Club John Craig; Wayne Smith - Helped Kogarah Lions with their BBQ projects currently power of collaboration; support - Oatley RSL agreement and sponsorship discussion continue to wrap this one up - IGA Feed the Hungry Project 28/29 March food to Exodus and St Vinnies - Walkers opportunity to further purchase walkers , currently 2 watch this space for a third Raffle Project each month all proceeds go to walkers - Festival Meeting first in Monday 2nd March

11.01.2022 Oatley Lions are proud to support this great community initiative.

11.01.2022 Oatley Lions are out in force today and tomorrow, collecting for the Bush Fire Appeal. More info here:

10.01.2022 Media Release: November 2020: Oatley Lions & St George Lions work together to continue the legacy of the Annual Charity Golf Day to support Children - 13 November 2020. Please click here for more information:

10.01.2022 The food is being dropped into the trolleys to help feed the homeless Don’t forget to come down to IGA & say Hi All Saturday and Sunday this weekend

10.01.2022 Congrats to Oatley Lion Joe Collins. "Passionate childhood cancer advocate, Dr Joe Collins AM, has been appointed as a Member (AM) of the Order of Australia in the 2020 Australia Day Honours, recognised for significant service to the community through charitable initiatives, leadership and advocacy in childhood cancer."

09.01.2022 More Pictures from our Farmers Bush Bash Project.

09.01.2022 LEST WE FORGET Thank You for Our Freedom At Oatley Memorial Gardens

09.01.2022 Come down and say Hi to the Oatley Lion’s team Thanks

08.01.2022 Thank you to all golfing participants for your understanding about the rescheduling. See you on the 13th November 2020 for some great golfing to help purchase a valuable & critical piece of equipment for St George Hospital - a Himidi Crib & Resuscitor at a cost of $46,000 through the combined efforts of our Golfers, Oatley Lions, Club Rivers, Oatley Hotel, St George Hospital, GRC, Other Lions Clubs colleagues & the community. Oatley Lions is very proud to work with the community on this project.

07.01.2022 Winners are Grinners at the Oatley Lions & Hotel raffle. Thank you to the Lyn Humphreys, her family & staff for their support. Thank you to the hotel patrons for their generosity.... Tonight’s funds raised get us closer to purchasing another walking frame to helps a young child learn to walk with independence and mobility. Thank you Members of Oatley Lions

07.01.2022 Our June 2020 Oatley Lions Club Newsletter has just been published here: We hope you find it informative.

07.01.2022 Winners are grinners at the Oatley Lions Christmas Raffle. Thanks to our community & Oatley Hotel for the generous support in 2019 giving those in need a hand up. Funds raised tonight will give a child the opportunity to walk with independence.

06.01.2022 Christmas in July!! You need to purchase some delicious Lions Christmas Cakes. The prices are: 1. 5 kilogram Cake now $15.00 1 kilogram Cake now $11.00 Pudding now $11.00 To arrange payment and delivery, please contact Lion John Chate at [email protected] or mobile: 0438 704 188... More information about Oatley Lions here: See more

05.01.2022 A special event to collect food for the homeless particularly during a pandemic & winter. Please come down to say hello & if you can drop an item or two in the trolley Thanks for your support in advance. ... A community chat at 1.5m not to miss.

04.01.2022 The food is being dropped into the trolleys to help feed the homeless Dont forget to come down to IGA & say Hi All Saturday and Sunday this weekend

04.01.2022 Congratulations to the winners of todays Oatley Hotel Lions Club Raffle held at Oatley Hotel. The $223 proceeds are all donated to the Bush Fire Relief. If you wish to make a donation, then please click on this link:

04.01.2022 Lions Farmers Christmas Bush Bash Project Update We are all set up to BBQ for 400 farmers & their families at Anne Jones property near Geurie NSW on Sat 14th December. We have over 400 gifts for the children, BBQ delights, food vouchers, food and lots of goodies to give our farmers in severe drought in western NSW a hand up.... Our message is that many people in Sydney want to let our farmers know we care. Donations for the Christmas Bash come from: Oatley, Lugarno, Cronulla & Kogarah Lions Clubs, Hurstville Rotarians, Sutherland Lioness & many people in our communities. Thanks to the children of Oatley West & Oatley Public Schools for their generous donation of gifts for the children of farmers. A big thank you to Anne Jones, Geurie & Wellington Lions for their support in getting this project together. If wish to donate to our farmers knowing that every dollar collected finds its way to farmers in genuine need please donate via the link below.

03.01.2022 Bush Fire Disaster Relief. Local Lions Clubs are collecting money to help people affected by the catastrophic bush fires. 100% of all donations will go directly to the people who need it most. Please give generously as many, many people have lost everything and urgently need help NOW. The Australian Lions Foundation has been providing grants for disaster relief, compassionate support and community initiatives since the 1980s. Every year the Foundation distributes more than... $1 million for projects through local Lions Clubs. This article gives information about how to donate goods and services: Please look for Lions Volunteers and signs at these locations and times here: ----> Please share: I Grew Up in Mortdale 2223, Oatley Parents, Oatley Parents Work & Business, Oatley CC, Oatley Hotel Mark Coure MP David Coleman - Member for Banks

03.01.2022 Thanks to Ros, Bob, Ken & J2 for another fabulous effort tonight to help a child.

01.01.2022 See you this weekend? I Grew Up in Mortdale 2223

01.01.2022 Please come down and say Hi on the weekend Food collected will be distributed to the homeless via St Vinnies & Exodus Foundation We are also asking for toiletries to make up packages for our Farmers around Wellington NSW who are still struggling with debt due to the last 5 years of drought. Oatley Lions members are travelling to western NSW with Christmas gifts from Oatley & Oatley West Public Schools for the kids in the bush when we cook them a Christmas BBQ on 28 November... 2020. Thanks I advance to the community for support of Oatley Lions ..second to none ! Thanks to IGA Oatley for their continued support.

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