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25.01.2022 What does the OBD2 connector look like and how to find it? On-board diagnostics (OBD) is the cars ability to record and diagnose problems. The most common way that you would notice this is when your check engine light comes on. However this does not tell you much so that is where OBD scan tools come in handy as they can communicate with the car and tell you what the problem is. These are most often in the form of diagnostic trouble codes, or DTCs, which tell you what the prob...lem is. To read the full post check out our article on our website below. https://obd2australia.com.au/what-is-obd-and-how-to-find-it/
25.01.2022 Quick video showing how to use our OBD-AUD obd2 scan tool and the Torque App to check engine faults and create custom dashboards.
24.01.2022 What is freeze frame data from obd2 scan tool? This is an great function of the OBD2 system in vehicles that allows you to find out what and why your engine check light came on. So basically what it does is whenever your engine check light comes on it will take a freeze frame and record all data at that time. This data is then stored in your vehicles memory and can be accessed with an OBD2 scan tool. This is part of the requirements of the OBD2 system so that it has to record... these data when your check engine light comes on. This data is not over written if that fault light comes on and then off then back on again. It will stayed stored in the vehicles memory and only be cleared if there is an DTC reset done with a scan tool. See more here and read the full post https://obd2australia.com.au/what-is-freeze-frame-data-fro/
22.01.2022 How to reset the service oil life/change light that has come up on the dash of your Grand Cherokee. This light is to tell you that your car is due for a service and would normally be reset after the service has been done. However, if you are servicing the car yourself then you will need to reset this oil change light yourself This is how you reset the oil life on your Grand Cherokee... Step 1: Hop into the car and do not touch the brake pedal. Press the start button twice. The engine should not start and it will show RUN Step 2: Press the accelerator pedal to the floor 3 time within 5 seconds. So, it is a quick three pumps. Step 3: Press the start button again to turn off. Now you can start the engine normally and the light should be reset. Your service reminder oil change light has now been reset and you are good to go. Most cars have a way of manually resetting the service reminder like this. So, you do not need any special tools for this. But if you do want to see your cars faults codes and build customs dashboards with live readings then you should get one of our OBD-AUS OBD2 scan tools.
22.01.2022 What is DPF and how does it work (How to clean)? DPF = Diesel Particulate Filter. This is a filter that captures and stores the exhaust soot in order to help reduce the emissions of diesel cars. And every so often they have to be burned off as they only have so much storage capacity. This is when your vehicle does a DPF regeneration. The light on your dash board relating to this is orange exhaust symbol with small circles inside it. When this comes on it means that there is ...a partial blockage in the filter. Now normally if everything is working fine your car will do the regeneration by itself. This normally happens when they car is at higher speeds for a decent amount of time this is the passive regeneration. (30-50mins) Active regeneration is when they extra fuel is added automatically to increase the exhaust temperature and burn off the stored soot. You may notice an increase in idle when you are stopped. Problems can occur if this is cut short as the journey was not long enough. Now the main problem you can have with this system is that it will put your car into limp mode as the DPF is blocked. This can leave you stranded and you will have to have it taken into a shop for a forced regeneration. This should clear out the stored soot and allow your vehicle to operate properly again. Read full article here: https://obd2australia.com.au/what-is-dpf-and-how-does-it-w/
21.01.2022 Check out this great post on using a OBD2 scan tool and a phone to make an awesome dashboard for your car. https://www.team-bhp.com//166433-review-my-instrumentation
20.01.2022 Full System OBD2 Scan tool for your Mercedes. Allowing you to: Find & Clear Faults on all systems... Service Reset Battery replacement & match EPB Reset SAS Reset ABS Bleeding See more
20.01.2022 Subaru Diesel DPF Light Outback Forester PIDS Subaru has a few models that have issues with the DPF and the fact that most people do short drives does not help the fact and you will get DPF issues with the light starting to flash or higher fluid usage. What we will discuss here is how you can use the OBD-AUS BTV4 bluetooth scan tool to watch this data on your phone which will allow you to monitor what is happening and have more of an idea about what is going on with your DP...Continue reading
16.01.2022 Interesting on Toyota DPF problems! Hopefully this will sort most people out. https://www.caradvice.com.au//class-action-filed-over-toy/
16.01.2022 How to install the 4 Sensor Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). Head over to our website and get yours today for $58. Easily lets you wirelessly monitor your tyre pressure and temperatures from a wireless system that is mounted on your dash.
16.01.2022 OBD2 Tools WiFi, Bluetooth and handheld. What do I need?? Bluetooth This uses bluetooth to connect to your device which will most commonly be a phone or a tablet. You will find that these mainly work on Android devices as iOS does not allow third party apps to access the bluetooth like this. The befits of bluetooth is that it means you will still have internet so when you pull up an engine error code the App you are using will provide and link to the internet that will pr...ovide you with more information. Wifi This provides a wifi hotspot that you can connect your phone or tablet to. These devices will work on both Android and iOS devices. The problem with WiFi can sometimes be that you have to disconnect to to access the internet to look things up etc. Or with some apps they may need to update when they are connected so you have to disconnect and connect again. Handheld Cable These are all in one units that have a cable and a screen. All you have to do is plug them in and away you go. These are the most reliable and simple to use units. Cable Most commonly used for connecting a computer to the OBD2 port. These are used a lot at the more commercial level and on older systems were people have not updated there system they use to access the cars OBD in some time.
15.01.2022 OBD2 Pinout what do the pins in the port mean? The OBD2 port on your car is how you can connect to your car’s diagnostic system and access your car’s different ECU’s. There are a number of different ECUs in modern cars and they are more like computers on wheels. This OBD2 port is a 16-pin plug and we will cover below in the OBD2 pinout what each of the pins in that port does or what it means for different manufactures. On most modern cars the OBD2 port will run some standard ...protocols on the same pins that allows you to read data from the engine ECU and check and clear engine faults. This is a standard that has been made law in most countries to allow for emissions testing etc. You may see a number of scan tools that will say it works on all cars 1996 and newer. This is correct if you are a car that was meant for the US market as they made it law from 1996, but in other countries like Australia it was only law from 2006. So these tools are normally sold by a seller that is targeting the US market or does not have a full understanding of the scan tools. For extra access to other ECUs such as Airbag, Body, ABS and etc. you will need a full system scan tool. These use manufacturer specific codes to access them and may not be on the main standard pins of the OBD2 port. That is why you can hear a full system scan tool clicking at times as the relays in the tool change pins and the software will do the rest of the work to issue the right commands and headers are sent so that the data and tests you run are correct. Check out the full article here: https://obd2australia.com.au/obd2-pinout/
12.01.2022 Diagnostic Scan tool for Australian Cars OBD tools in Australia what do you need and how does it all work? The below article will cover what cars OBD2 tools will work with and what features they have to offer and how to tell if your car has OBD2. The easy answer is if your car is in Australia and 2006 or newer then it was a requirement that it was full OBD2 compliant. Australia was a bit behind that eight ball here as all cars in the USA from 1996 are fully OBD2 compliant wh...ich would be a lot easier. So, if your car is 2006 or new you are in luck as you can use any of our OBD2 scan tools. The difference between the tools are basically the data they can display and how they display the data. You can read the full post at our website here - https://obd2australia.com.au/diagnostic-scan-tool-for-aust/
11.01.2022 How much does a car diagnostic scan cost? So, your check engine light has popped up on your dashboard and you need to get it checked out to see what is wrong. The cost of this can range between $40 and $100 depending on where you go and the type of car you have. With newer cars (2006+) this should be a straight forward job for any mechanic but they normally have a minimum charge and this is why it ends up costing you $100. However, if you have a regular mechanic they should ...do this job for free. With older cars, not all mechanics will have the correct OBD scan tools to do a car scan and they might have a manual way to do it by shorting some of the connectors on the diagnostic port and counting the light flashes on the dashboard. We suggest just buying one of our OBD-AUS scan tools as these are a low-cost tool ($35) that will give you all the information you need and you can check the fault codes yourself and clear them or contact your mechanic and tell them what they fault is. Sometimes the fault code may just be that the petrol flap thinks that it is open as it got dust on the sensor and by giving your car a wipe around the inside of the fuel flap you have saved yourself a trip to the mechanics. Plus, it lets you know if it is a major fault or just something that you do not need to worry about and you can keep driving until you get a change to fix it. Get one of our tools today and do you own car diagnostic scan. Plus, as they have a low power draw you can just leave this plugged in your car so that you always have it ready when you need it.
10.01.2022 Getting your 2004 2006 Toyota Pardo working with OBD2 tools. If you have a Toyota Pardo that is between 2002 2005 and is a 4 speed auto or 5 speed manual then when you plug a normal OBD2 scan tool in it will not work right away. What you need to do is get one of our OBD-AUS Bluetooth scan tools and download the Torque App Pro version which will cost you $9.99 for the app. If your Pardo is a newer model then you will not have any problems as it is full OBD2 and will work ...straight away. What the pro version of the Torque app will allow you to do is enter in custom txt string into the vehicles profile. Click on the small cog icon in the bottom left of the home screen of the Torque App. Then click on Vehicle Profile. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the button show advanced settings. Scroll to the bottom of this page and you will see some yellow text with Very Advanced ELM327 custom. Now in the line after this you will want to place in the below text: ATIB 96 \n ATIIA 13 \n ATSH8213F0 \n ATSP4 \n 0100 Press the save button and you should be good to go.
10.01.2022 What is Can OBD2 u581? We get plenty of questions asking what is an alternative for the OBD2 U581. This was one of the original OBD2 scanners in the market that did a great job. Made by Alusmart and was called the Memoscan U581 CAN it allowed a users to be able to easily access the OBD2 information on their cars and was widely used in workshops. This tool has now been surpassed and a number of other options will do the exact same job as this scan tool.... https://obd2australia.com.au/what-is-can-obd2-u581/
09.01.2022 Engine light on? You don't have to take it to the mechanic and pay $150 for them just to tell you that it is dust on your fuel flap sensor! And to fix it all you need to do is wipe down around your fuel cap with a cloth. With an OBD2 Scan tool you can easily check yourself and clear the fault code and turn off the engine check light. The steps to use an OBD2 Scan tool:... 1. Plug into your OBD2 port which will be under your steering wheel on the underside of your dashboard. It looks like a rectangle plug with both sides sloped light a triangle. 2. Plug in your OBD2 scan tool and connect it to your phone. It will give you the reason for the check light.
09.01.2022 Caravan Tyre Pressure! Looking forward to getting on the road and making the most out of your caravan! Tyre pressure is an important factor on these trips as it can affect your safety, fuel economy, tyre wear and tyre damage. The tyres on the Caravan itself are often overlooked and not checked regularly. Now if you have a new caravan on the compliance plate it should have the cold tyre pressure so this is a good starting point. But a lot of people have older caravans and t...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Have a Ford Ranger or a Mazda BT50 and what to monitor extra things like Transmission Temperature, Oil Pan Temp and basically any other sensor on your car all on a live dashboard on your phone then check out our video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW3rPiOlac0&t=44s
07.01.2022 How to use OBD2 bluetooth scanner? This is a common question that we get asked so we thought we would do up a quick guide on how to use an OBD2 scan tool with bluetooth. The best thing about these tools as that they are offer great value for their price and are easy to use. It is important to note that these bluetooth devices will only work with Android mobile phones and tablets and will not work with apple products. See our guide here: https://obd2australia.com.au/how-to-use-obd2-bluetooth-sca/
07.01.2022 New packaging for our OBD-AUS Bluetooth tools looking good! Now easier to connect with the latest Bluetooth version and works with both iOS,Android and computers.
06.01.2022 Using our FORscan USB to OBD2 scan tool and a laptop will give you full system dealer style scan tool for your Ford or Mazda. Allowing you to do thing like: Program New Keys DPF Reset Adjust settings for larger tyres or fuel tank... Service test operations Check and Clear any faults All for $39 plus the cost of FORscan which is free for the lite version on computer and full version is free for 2 months !
06.01.2022 OBD-AUS Scan Tool - Must have tool for any vehicle owner. Easy to use Works with both Android & Apple Find & Clear Faults... Make Custom Dashboards See more
04.01.2022 OBD2 Port Wiring So, you have found your OBD2 port and now you are wondering what is all this talk about protocols and what does this mean for the 16 pins on my OBD2 port wiring. When you look at your OBD2 port you will notice that not all the pins have a metal connecter in them. These ones are empty and only the ones that have are connecter in them are used by your car. The reason why some of them a different is the pins related to which OBD protocol your car uses. Most Aus...tralian cars newer than 2006 use the common protocols so most OBD2 Scan Tools will work. See full post here: https://obd2australia.com.au/obd2-port-wiring/
03.01.2022 How to reset the service reminder light that has come up on the dash of your VE Commodore. This light is to tell you that your car is due for a service and would normally be reset after the service has been done. However, if you are servicing the car yourself then you will need to reset this service reminder yourself. This is how you reset the service reminder on your VE Commodore:... Step 1: Hold down the trip button on the steering wheel with the Ignition in the ON position. Step 2: While holding down this button you should see the Service Reset come up on the screen on the dashboard. When this comes up release the trip button. Step 3: Hold down the enter button for 3-5 seconds. You may hear a noise and the message on the screen will disappear. Your service reminder has now been reset and you are good to go. Most cars have a way of manually resetting the service reminder like this. So, you do not need any special tools for this. But if you do want to see your cars faults codes and build customs dashboards with live readings then you should get one of our OBD-AUS OBD2 scan tools. Also if the above does not work try getting our of the car and locking it and then getting back in and doing it all again.
02.01.2022 Have a Mercedes Sprinter and want to reset the service reminder light after you have given it a service then check out our guide below. Most cars have a manual way to reset the service reminder lights or icons. https://obd2australia.com.au/resetting-the-mercedes-sprint/
02.01.2022 So you are looking at a OBD2 Scan Tool or you have one and are wondering what app to use? There are a number of different Apps out there for iOS and Android. We have listed a few in our blog post and the features that they have here - https://obd2australia.com.au/obd2-apps-what-is-out-there-f/
02.01.2022 Turn Off the Change Oil Life Light on 2015 2016 2017 2018 Jeep Renegade. Just done a service yourself and need to turn off that oil life light. 1. Turn the ignition key to position ON without starting the engine, If your Jeep Renegade has push-button start, press the Start button one time without touching the brake pedal. 2. Fully depress accelerator pedal slowly three times within 10 seconds 3. Turn the ignition Off... Most cars have a manual way to reset the service interval.
01.01.2022 Quick Post of Forscan and what it can do! If you own or work on Fords or Mazdas there is an amazing piece of software out there called Forscan and it gives you a professional full system diagnostic tool for your Ford or Mazda at a fraction of the price. This will work with most Fords/Mazdas in Australia from 1999+. What do you need to use Forscan?... A Forscan connector we sell a 3 types on our website: OBD-AUS Forscan Bluetooth: Works with Android Devices and Windows Computers OBD-AUS Forscan WiFi: Works with Apple Devices and Windows Computers OBD-AUS Forscan USB: Works with Windows computers We suggest you use the wireless or Bluetooth version as these are the new models and allow you to be wireless and also use the forscan app on your phone as well as the computer program. Forscan Software or Forscan App both are FREE The apps can be downloaded from the iOS app store or the Android Play store The app mainly allows you to view & clear faults and live data. For the more intensive features like injector coding or key reprograming you will need the computer version. The computer software can be downloaded from the official link here: https://forscan.org/download.html This allows you to access all the features of this software and gives you the professional tool you need to do most tasks. Now you plug your OBD-AUS Forscan connector into the OBD2 port of your car which you will find most likely under the steering wheel in the lower dash panel or just below that above the pedals. It is a 16 Pin plug that looks like a rectangle with sloped sides. Turn on your phone or laptop and go into your WiFi or Bluetooth settings and connect to the connector. Now you open the Forscan App or Forscan computer program and press connect and you are in. What can you do with Forscan ? The options with Forscan are huge but we will give a quick run-down: Access all modules to view and clear faults ABS, Body, Engine etc. Reprogram new keys Injector Coding Adjusting PIDS for example if you put in a long-range tank and need to adjust fuel gauge reading Change advance settings like activating line locker mode on Mustangs Plus much, much more. More here: https://obd2australia.com.au/what-is-forscan-and-how-to-us/
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