Oberon Council | Government organisation
Oberon Council
Phone: +61 2 6329 8100
Address: 137 - 139 Oberon Street Oberon, NSW 2787
Website: http://www.oberon.nsw.gov.au
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25.01.2022 Closing soon - Kids News Bushfire Poetry Competition. Entries close at 5pm on February 20, 2021.
25.01.2022 Visit the Tarana Photo Exhibition entries at the Mutton Falls B&B while enjoying a coffee all long weekend 10am to 4pm
24.01.2022 Community Drive-In is on 5 December 2020 - Don't forget to get your tickets!
23.01.2022 Council in conjunction with National Parks and Wildlife Service advise that the road to Kanangra Walls has re-opened today 28 September 2020.
23.01.2022 Bush Fire Danger Period - Commencement The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) has declared that the start of the statutory Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) will commence on Thursday 1 October 2020 for the following local government areas: Bathurst Regional Council Lithgow City Council Oberon Council For further information on how you can protect your property, or to download a Bush Fire Survival Plan, visit the NSW RFS website at www.rfs.nsw.gov.au or 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737).
22.01.2022 Oberon Council Meeting will be held tonight 16 February 2021 commencing at 5.30pm in the Council Chambers. Members of the public can access the meeting via Zoom webinar facilities. Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87954341358
20.01.2022 2020 OBERON COMMUNITY CAROLS CANCELLED The Carols Committee (Oberon Council staff, Little Athletics and Community Members) has met and had no option but to cancel the 2020 Oberon Community Carols due to COVID-19 restrictions affecting singers, choirs, audience numbers, and local sponsors. We look forward to hosting the event in December 2021.
19.01.2022 Oberon Common Working Party Update The Oberon Common Working Party met last week to set the priorities for identified projects within the endorsed Common Master Plan. Construction of a new retaining wall and planting of a rose garden below the amenities block, development of an Indigenous Dry Garden, filling and sculpting of the area uphill of the skate park and adjacent to the new carpark plus footpath upgrades were decided upon. The transfer of the Living Legends onto story boards and their placement within the Common is a project that is already underway. Mayor Kathy Sajowitz
18.01.2022 Have your say about Local Health Services.A NSW Government inquiry is looking at health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote NSW. Input from local communities is vital, city based decision makers need to hear your views to improve the delivery of health care your postcode should not dictate your health outcomes. Are there enough staff in rural facilities, do you have access to quality health care services, what are wait times li...ke, do services accommodate CALD communities, is enough money being spent on improving Health services? I plan to put a submission to the inquiry on issues affecting our region, if you would like an issue included please contact me [email protected],gov.au or you may want to put a submission in yourself, in which case log on to bit.ly/RRR-submission Closing date for submissions is December 13 2020 Clr Kathy Sajowitz - Mayor
18.01.2022 OBERON LIBRARY SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES Oberon Library has School Holiday activity packs available to take home for children aged 3-12 years. These packs include activities to be done in The Oberon Common. Why not pick up a free pack today and enjoy some fun in The Common with your children.
18.01.2022 FILMING IN OBERON You may have noticed some unusual activity around O’Connell Road, Abercrombie Road, Edith Road, Lowes Mount Road and Hawken’s Street over the past 24 hours. This is due to a film crew shooting a Volkswagon advertisement in our region. The filming will continue over this evening with crews expected to wrap up filming by Wednesday evening. Interruption to traffic flows should be minimal during this time as most of the filming will occur after normal business hours and traffic control is in place to minimise any impact to motorists.
17.01.2022 Entries for the Oberon Youth Council film competition are due by 30 November. Finalists will have their films shown at the Christmas Drive-In on 5 December.
14.01.2022 Thank you so much to the wonderful Oberon knitters, crocheters and supporters of the Knit for Cancer Project, your generosity of spirit is amazing. The response was wonderful, even knitters from Bathurst who heard about the project from my weekly radio spot, contributed. I would also like to thank Council staff for getting the one hundred and seventy five donated scarves and beanies labelled and ready for pick up last week. Leanne Pointon, Sharon Swannell, Tamara Coughlin a...nd Sarah Culley are pictured with some of the items. I am sure the recipients of these lovely scarves and beanies will be warmly comforted through what must be a difficult time whilst undergoing cancer treatment . I was amazed at what could be achieved using just three colours of wool blue, white and grey. The yellow daffodils ( cancer symbol of hope) added a special touch to some of the beanies. Well done Oberon...once again we are punching well above our weight. Clr Kathy Sajowitz - Mayor, Oberon Council
13.01.2022 OBERON ARTS COUNCIL WINS 2020 CENTRAL WEST VOLUNTEER TEAM OF THE YEAR AWARD Today saw the Central West Volunteer of the Year Awards undertaken via a Zoom presentation ceremony with Oberon Arts Council taking out the Volunteer Team of the Year Award for their outstanding work in the Arts in Health Program. Since April 2018 a volunteer from Oberon Arts Council has assisted with the planning and delivery of an amazing arts and health program at the Oberon MPS every Thursday. Mor...e recently due to COVID restrictions the group has continued to meet online each week. The program assists with social interaction for the resident and there have been many positive changes in the residents who have been participating in the program. This is a fantastic initiative with amazing benefits for all involved and a well deserved award for the group who tirelessly provide their time for the benefit of others. Congratulations also goes to the Oberon Tarana Heritage Railway Group who were also a nominee in the same category and Greg Bourne who was nominated in the Adult Volunteer of the Year category for his work with Oberon Tarana Heritage Railway. Oberon Council congratulates these most valued volunteers.
12.01.2022 A PLACE FOR EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING - COMMUNITY HUB PROJECT Coffey Services Australia has commenced initial community consultation phase of the Oberon Community Hub project. Due to current COVID restrictions, we are unable to hold public meetings. Therefore, we are planning individual discussions with Coffey Services Australia at the Oberon Library in mid October. As part of this process, Council will also hold a pop up stand outside the Oberon Council Administration Office, as well as an online survey. The dates and how you can register to participate in these events are being finalised and will be released shortly. Community Consultation will continue in more detail when an Architect is engaged in late October and through November
12.01.2022 OBERON TOWNSHIP - KERBSIDE BULKY WASTE COLLECTION 19- 22 OCTOBER 2020 Oberon Council will again be conducting its Kerbside Bulky Waste Collection for residential properties of Oberon Township who currently receive a weekly kerbside rubbish collection service. The collection will be split up into 2 areas West and East. ... West (those that get garbage collection Wednesday) will be collected on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th October. Your waste must be placed on the kerbside by Sunday 18th October 2020. East (those that get garbage collection Friday) will be collected on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd October. Your waste must be placed on the kerbside by Tuesday 20th October 2020. The following waste will be accepted for collection: Whitegoods and Household appliances Furniture Small car parts Hot water services Bagged and Boxed items Or the like For further information please contact Councils Planning and Development Department on 6329 8100 or 6329 8129 or visit Council’s website www.oberon.nsw.gov.au .
12.01.2022 Tickets still available for the Oberon Youth Council Community Drive-In on 5 December at the Oberon Showground. So hurry don't miss out! Film Competition entries will also be closing soon. Entries must be submitted by 30 November.
11.01.2022 DIRTY WATER FLUSHING PROGRAM Oberon Council is continuing to work to resolve the issue of water discoloration within its reticulated system. The discolouration has been attributed to increased manganese levels in the system. Council staff have commenced a Mains Flushing Program as previously advised. The flushing program has been accelerated in response to the ongoing issues being experienced in an attempt to have the issue resolved quickly.... Council staff have adopted a plan of progressive fast flushing around the reticulation system which has commenced by flushing the dead end mains and the extremities of the system. Due to the elevated number of community concerns regarding the colour of the water, staff have ramped up the flushing process and will continue on a daily basis in multiple locations. The Department of Infrastructure Planning and Environment have reassured Council that the quality of water is suitable for drinking. Current data available from the treatment plant indicates that the manganese levels are dropping, the turbidity level is almost zero which all indicate that the Treatment Plant is operating within guidelines. This ongoing program will continue during working hours over the remainder of this week however it is now additionally planned to flush Oberon Street, Carrington Ave up to Duckmaloi Road and Albion Street tonight between the hours of 5pm to midnight. This program will continue until clear water is being obtained throughout the reticulated system. Further in support of this program, Council encourages residents to continue to report dirty water issues should they arise. Council thanks the community for their ongoing assistance in this program and will advise of any updates when they become available.
11.01.2022 SNOW FORECAST Over the next two days the Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting a chance of showers, tending to snow for for the Oberon region above 800 metres occurring in the afternoon and evening of Friday 25 and Saturday 26 September. Oberon Council will be initiating its Snow Plan from Thursday in readiness for the potential falls we may see. Further, Council will be providing additional amenities in the Oberon Common to supplement existing facilities should Oberon see an ...influx of people over the coming days. In addition, Council has liaised with local Police in order to coordinate a combined approach to mitigate issues should Oberon see an influx of visitors due to the snow. Local Police request that should any anti social behaviour or trespass occur please contact them so as appropriate investigation and action can be undertaken. Additional patrols are scheduled over the weekend and they will be active in and around the local area. Council has prepared a ‘be a safe and responsible snow tourist’ flyer which will be distributed through its social media platforms to remind tourists of their obligations and information in the event of snow. Oberon welcomes and encourages tourists however is mindful of the impact current Public Health Orders have. Everyone needs to be mindful of the need for appropriate hygiene measures and social distancing requirements. With patience and proactivity we are sure that snow events (whether they occur or not) will be beneficial to the town and business across the region.
10.01.2022 Local legend Bill Wilcox was very surprised when he walked into the Oberon RSL Club with wife Sue on Saturday evening. It was a special night honouring Bill who has a poem (I still have my Wristwatch) dedicated to him in the latest book by Victorian author and poet Noel Hayes I Have a Dream. The poem talks about Bill's time in Vietnam and all proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the RSL Sub Branch Museum. I Have a Dream World Leaders and their Speeches in Verse was launched at the event and will soon be available for loan at the Oberon Library. Our Federal Member Andrew Gee attended the launch acknowledging Bill and his selfless contribution to our society. Well deserved Bill and thank you to Neville Stapleton and his team for organising things and keeping the secret from Bill. Clr Kathy Sajowitz
09.01.2022 The October 2020 edition of the Oberon and Surrounding Villages Community Newsletter is here! https://www.oberon.nsw.gov.au//Final%20October%202020%20Co To participate in the November 2020 issue, please email your submission to [email protected] by the 12th of October 2020. Terms and conditions can be found on page 2 of every community newsletter.... Would you like to receive this publication every month by email? Join the e-newsletter mailing list on this link: https://us7.list-manage.com/subscribe See more
08.01.2022 The Oberon Waste Depot will be closed on Monday 5 October 2020 due to the Labour Day Public Holiday. Council apologises for any inconvenience caused. For further information please contact Council’s Planning and Development Department on 6329 8100.
07.01.2022 Tech Savvy Seniors sessions are available at the library. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, class numbers are limited so it is advisable to book. Please phone the Library on 63298220 for more details and to make a booking.
06.01.2022 Position Vacant - Library Assistant
06.01.2022 RALEIGH STREET WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Council wishes to advise it is currently undertaking a water mains replacement program in Raleigh Street. Water flushing in locations around Oberon will take place as part of this work. During the replacement works some discoloration of water may occur. ... Residents are encouraged to flush their internal water lines if they experience any water discoloration and report any issues to Oberon Council. Works will be completed by the end of the week and water quality should not be impacted due to the works. Please phone 02 6329 8100 or send a report via our Snap Send Solve app.
05.01.2022 KANANGRA WALLS ROAD Council in conjunction with National Parks and Wildlife Service will be closing Kanangra Walls Road at 3.30pm today Friday 25 September 2020 due to the forecast high winds and snow. The road will reopen on Monday morning 28 September 2020.
05.01.2022 Position Vacant - Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
05.01.2022 The Breastscreen NSW Van will be operating in Oberon 4-16 December 2020 - located behind the Community Centre. Book your free breast screen by calling 13 20 50 to make an appointment.
05.01.2022 UPDATE - WATER MAINS FLUSHING PROGRAM Oberon Council wishes to provide a further update in relation to the current Water Mains Flushing Program that has been extensively undertaken over the past two days. Council has increased the number of crews working on the program and has been able to flush the whole reticulated system over the past two days. As of 3.30pm today Council staff have reported no further dirty water coming through the system. ... It is likely that residents and businesses may still have some residual dirty water within their own system that requires flushing. Council in conjunction with NSW Health and Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment Water Unit encourages that should residual dirty water appear further flushing of your internal system be undertaken until clear water is seen. NSW Health have additionally advised that upon clear water being observed to run the system for a further two minutes prior to consuming. We ask that residents experiencing any further dirty water issues report them to Council as soon as possible to assist with ongoing monitoring and flushing to ensure the problem has been solved. Please contact 02 6329 8100 during business hours or our after hours emergency contact number is 0428 698 036. Oberon Council is committed to continuing further flushing of the entire network as required until all of the network has demonstrated clear water availability to all residents and wishes to thank the community for the ongoing feedback in relation to this issue.
04.01.2022 Oberon Council will hold its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 18 May 2021, commencing at 5.30pm, in the Oberon Council Chambers. The meeting will be open to members of the public in line with social distancing requirements. There will be six places available for members of the public to attend. Questions from the public will only be accepted in person. To register your interest in attending a meeting please visit the Council Administration Centre during business hours or p...hone 6329 8100. Members of the public can access the meeting via Zoom webinar facilities. Please note the link to the zoom webinar has been updated as at 18 May. Please use this updated link to access the meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87674327945
04.01.2022 FLUSH OF WATER MAINS IN OBERON Residents are advised that following on from the recent dirty water experienced last week, Council staff have completed both the initial and the second flush of all water mains within the township of Oberon. Commencing on Tuesday 29th September Council staff will commence the third round of flushing to ensure that no dirty water is found within the reticulated system. Whilst this flush will not be as aggressive as the first two rounds, Counci...l wants to ensure that all mains are running clear water throughout the system. Council is pleased to advise that checks carried out on the water treatment plant have confirmed that water leaving the Water Treatment Plant does in fact meet all the standards set by Water NSW and the DPI Water Unit and has continued to provide quality water to the residents of Oberon. As previously advised, the cause of the dirty water was a build up of manganese and sediments within the reticulated system which reached a critical point and started to discolour. The flushing of mains is a continual maintenance occurrence. Unfortunately, due to the prolonged drought and the low water levels of the Oberon Dam, flushing was delayed in order to preserve water should the drought continue. Increasing water levels within the dam has enabled Council to carry out flushing operations to remove all sediments within the reticulated system. With the Dam levels continuing to increase, Council will be able to resume its normal maintenance procedures.
02.01.2022 International Women's Day Lunch - Sunday 7 March 2021.
01.01.2022 COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS - 16 FEBRUARY 2021 Last night was the first Council meeting for 2021 and, as always, there were a number of routine items to be determined and a handful of more interesting items. Although members of the public are still unable to attend in person a number joined the meeting via zoom. Highlights were: 2019/20 Audited Financial Statements... A presentation was given outlining the results of the 2019/20 Audited Financial Statements. The NSW Auditor General gave an unqualified (meaning no problems) opinion on the audit although some specific indicators were down on the previous year but within benchmarks and Council continues to be in a sound financial position. The second quarter budget review indicates that the Council should achieve an even better performance for this financial year. A copy of the audit presentation is available on Council’s website https://www.oberon.nsw.gov.au/16-february-2021-ordinary-cou Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grant In November last year Council received an allocation under Phase 2 of the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grant of almost $532,000 to be spent on community infrastructure and roads. Council resolved to reform and seal approximately 1.2km of Nunan’s Hill Road starting at the Duckmaloi Road end for an estimated cost of $320,000 and to allocate $180,000 to new amenities for the Oberon Pool Complex. Detailed costing for Nunan’s Hill Rd needs to be finalised and once this has been achieved the remaining funds will be allocated to a suitable community infrastructure project. Notice of Motions Councillor McCarthy proposed a motion regarding the management of the Oberon Waste Depot and the completion of some new facilities. The motion was passed unanimously and the General Manager will provide a plan and schedule to rectify the shortcomings. Councillor McKibbin proposed a motion regarding the fitting out and through life costs for the Community Hub versus existing facilities. This was also passed unanimously with the General Manager to provide a report to the March meeting. A recording of the Council Meeting can be accessed via Council’s website https://www.oberon.nsw.gov.au/16-february-2021-ordinary-cou Deputy Mayor Mark Kellam
01.01.2022 Position Vacant - Apprentice Mechanic
01.01.2022 Details for the next meeting of the Ben Chifley Catchment Group to be held Monday 26 October 2020.
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