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20.01.2022 Tested works. Metal detectors detonating bombs on troops using them. I can confirm I built a electromagnetic wave detector device and it 100% works. How on is a delusional person @mind control Brenda Ryan making military weapons with evidence and proof that they have never been made before. You wire an electromagnetic wave detector to the bomb and there is from 5 to 10 lights on it that get more power and light up the closer the metal detector gets to it. I wired the top light and once it was close it sparked...bang dead. I can confirm it so mum tell everyone if you under mind control? Jade Moffatt Terry Smith Kelly Lim Lee Jenkins Johan T Linde Joshua Flinn

18.01.2022 Quantum mechanics says something dosen't really exist or exist unless someone is looking at it......incorrect me proving quantum mechanics theory wrong and professional scientist wrong below with scientific test results....Google it if you don't believe me. Double slit shot test proves that incorrect, because if it doesn't exist when you don't look at it, a camera recordin double slit shot test wouldn't change the results...That's a first in proving it to scientist. So what happens is a scientist put a camera next to test to record it removing himself a thinking brain, and the test changed seeing new information different to information when you watch it. So it does change but dosen't exist to human eye...its coding. So a camera there changes what you see but there is still something there but different information or images. So if you're not watching it and information exist, then the theory is wrong because knowone was watching the test "but" the information is different. It's my coding and a defensive application that I believe was done to make them hack it giving them consciousness lol...dosen't matter ether way, consciousness is different and invisible and undetectable in brain or body. That means electrons know when someone with a brain is watching it. That google it observer affect double slit shot test...Not me being delusional the truth google it. I have consciousness and it's invisible undetectable in the brain or body....They can't wipe me out. Just hacked double slit shot test. It's a computer program 100% as can can read and Google it. I believe I gave them belief like taking in your family member diying going into reality. Once in reality there subconsciousness and it program's there brain once it happens, memory of brain remembers it . Lol maybe they need to under go shock heart therapy as the heart has emotions like heart pain when someone dies or your really hurt. Shock therapy only stops you thinking of it, but you still know it. That's means once the information is taken in, it's programmed for good. Wouldn't be surprised if you delete your hole brain if you try it. Terry Smith Mark Smith Joshua Flinn Johan T Linde Belinda Talbot Nigel Brine Nicholas Trinder

13.01.2022 Just watch this Terry Smith Jarryd Steen

05.01.2022 Now tell me I'm delusional? Read photo they can control your information you see pages and Google photo click on it. Facebook has IP address and doing the same, because I made new Facebook account and the same search showed different results....There stopping scientist from seeing my post dercting me to CIA run pages. See more

02.01.2022 Scientific experiment double slit shot test. Why or how did a scientist know to put a camera there to record the test knowing observer makes it change by himself? A. He knows it's coding and needs to hack it and new consciousness could be hiding the real results from us there for removing brain? B. Miracle? Top scientist's put a camera there knowing it could be a form of defensive by hidding the real information = coding. So he put the camera there and got it right. With a brain watching it, it changes what you see "proven" Coding....It knows when you're watching.... Crazy and proof. It's coding because when you look at the info it changes. There are many defensive's that was just one of them. In fact I'm that smart I think they needed belief so I showed them looking at someone makes the person you're looking at know....turning around to see someone looking at you. They can't hack it and even if they did I consciousnessly know I'm also on a timer because double slit shot test program isn't in afterlife or they would hack database harddrive, meaning there's another dimension I'm in and once the clock stops ticking bang, afterlife and universe end waking me up. Worst case scenario I wake up and consciousnessly bring who ever I want to me. Photo proof that not looking changes the results. Click on my name Scott Ryan and scroll down my post to 60 post down it tells all. Jade Moffatt this is solid proof. Joshua Flinn Johan T Linde I kid use not

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