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Oceans Church in Albany, Western Australia | Community

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Oceans Church

Locality: Albany, Western Australia

Phone: +61 476 918 689


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25.01.2022 Hey Parents, thank you for continuing to register your kids each week for Oceans Kids! You’re amazing! If you havent yet but are planning to register please follow this link to do so!

25.01.2022 We can't wait for this Sunday!! We'll be celebrating Father's Day and hearing a brilliant message from Ps Bev. We would love to have you with us! Parents don't forget to register your kids for Oceans Kids by following this link!

25.01.2022 Got questions about life and faith? Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation. There’s no pressure, no follow-up, and no charge; it’s just an open, informal, and honest space to explore and discuss life’s big questions together. Alpha will be running at Oceans Church, with Ps Kev, every Monday night for 5 weeks from 19th October - 16th November, 6:30p...m-8:30pm. All are welcome and supper is included. Register for this free event at

25.01.2022 Whether it was in person or online - we are so glad you were with us today!

24.01.2022 Our online service is uploaded and ready to view! Come join us as we hear Steve Sharps story of surrender and the miraculous as well as a great message from Ps Gav on the last week of our series ‘Pray’

24.01.2022 Hey parents! If you haven't already, don't forget to register your kids for Oceans Kids this Sunday using the link below! We have four groups; Toddlers (2-3 yrs old), Preschoolers (4-5 yrs old), Primary Years 1-2 & Primary Years 3-6. If you're not sure where your kids fit, please make sure you message us - we'd love to help!

24.01.2022 If you are new and have started calling Oceans home, you are invited to our next welcome party! Come along to the foyer this Sunday at 10:30am (straight after our 9am service) to meet our leaders, hear a little bit about us as a church, and most importantly - so we can meet you! There'll be muffins, fruit & coffee on us - see you there!!

23.01.2022 Hey Parents! We can't wait to have your kids with us this Sunday! Don't forget to register!!

23.01.2022 Tomorrow Oceans Kids are taking over the whole service and we can't wait!! This is something we do each year, celebrating and championing the next generation. Get ready for our kids leading prayer and worship, a word from Anita Barber and GAMES!! See you there!

22.01.2022 Tomorrow it's our privilege again to gather and we would love for you to join us! We gather to worship Jesus, to encourage one another in our faith and to lean in to hear the Word which tomorrow Ps Norm will be bringing. It won't be the same without you

21.01.2022 Hello and welcome to our Oceans Online Campus! Ps Kev & Sam Pitman will be welcoming you & Ps Gav bringing a word. If you need prayer, pastoral care or would like to connect with us, we would love to hear from you! You can dm us here or contact us via our webpage

20.01.2022 Oceans Online is now ready to view. Tim and Tiffany wish us a Happy New Year and Ps. Brett brings a message on how to "Love Life"

16.01.2022 Our online service is uploaded and today we have Tim & Tiffany hosting, as well as Ps John bringing a great message on the value of the Word of God

16.01.2022 Hi and welcome to Oceans Online! We're so glad you could join us! Today Ryan Durrell brings an awesome message on following Jesus. If you would like to receive prayer, get connected into the community of Oceans Church or tell us your story, we would love to hear from you! You can contact us via our webpage

16.01.2022 Hey Oceans...we can’t wait to gather tomorrow - in person at 9am and online at 4pm! We have the privilege of having our kids in the service with us tomorrow (yes there will be lollipops!) and will have the service streaming in the foyer for parents who need the space. There will be a crèche available too for our Toddlers & Preschoolers with spaces limited - register here! Plus! Don’t forget to bring back your Christmas Shoeboxes tomorrow!! Th...ank you so much for your incredible generosity and heart to see these kids lives changed. See you tomorrow church - it won’t be the same without you!

14.01.2022 Welcome to 2021. This year lets "Put our hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment" 1 Timothy 6:17 This Sunday we start a new theme "LOVE LIFE" We would love you to join us ... 9.00am OCEANS CHURCH 85 Brewster Rd, Collingwood Park

14.01.2022 Today we have kicked into our new series 'Pray' and we'd love for you to join us! Our online service today can be found on YouTube or here on Facebook - Ryan shares a testimony on his experience of prayer & Ps Brett brings an incredible word that will inspire you. If you're watching as the service premieres make sure you say hi! We'd love to know you are with us!

14.01.2022 Our online service is up and ready to view - we’d love for you to join us as we hear some of Brad & Sam’s story and a great message from Ps John!

13.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the men today! We are so thankful for our dads, foster dads, stepdads, spiritual fathers, grandads, single dads, uncles ...and all our incredible men who love and lead so well. Today we honour and celebrate you!

13.01.2022 Oceans Online is now ready to view. This week we have quest speaker Pastor Shaphan Williams from Everlife Church, Perth sharing the message. Enjoy!

13.01.2022 Whether you’re coming along this Sunday in person to our 9am service, or joining us online at 4pm; you don’t want to miss Ps Norm’s message on following Jesus and what can get in the way of our success in following Him! Parent don’t forget to register kids too for Oceans Kids! You can do this by following the link on our webpage

12.01.2022 THANK YOU to the generous families & individuals who are in the process of packing a Christmas shoebox this year! Boxes will be due on the 4th October, giving us 5 more Sundays to have them packed & returned. If you are considering getting involved we’d love to get you started with everything you’ll need. Donations are also welcome we are happy to pack a shoebox for you! Each box brings love, life & hope to children struggling, through a more difficult year than ever. ... See Bridget or the ladies at the info hub this Sunday for more information!

12.01.2022 It’s so good to see so many new faces at Oceans over summer. This Sunday we welcome Ps. Shaphan Williams from Everlife Church in Perth, as our quest speaker, bringing us another message in our series Love Life Sunday 9.00am Oceans Church, 85 Brewster Rd, Albany. We look forward to seeing you!

11.01.2022 LIVING LIFE 2021 In the month of January, so many of us are enjoying a break and fun activities. IT’S OUR HOLIDAY SEASON!... After Christmas we’ve probably got some new things, and much to be grateful for. When times are good, its good to be grateful, knowing that God, richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment 1Timothy 6:17. It’s so important to recognize that life is a wonderful gift, and to enjoy our lives, knowing that everything we have is from God, and he intends us to enjoy everything he has given. One author commenting on 1Timothy 6:17, puts it like this, "The reason everything may be enjoyed lies in the recognition that everything, including one’s wealth, is a gift, the expression of God’s gracious generosity." (Fee) Off the back of a year of COVID, bringing a worldwide pandemic, we can be hesitant about what is ahead in 2021. As we enter a new year, when our future is uncertain it is helpful to know how God wants us to approach life. 1 Timothy 6:18-19 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.(NIV) Because everything of God has been given to us for our happiness, we can be confident to trust in him, and not make our security all about holding onto these gifts. When we can be unselfish and generous with what we have been given, then we are free to do good, by sharing our lives and possessions with others. In comparison with the rest of the world, we are wealthy. We are blessed to live in this nation, and especially the state of Western Australia. The many voices in Australian culture will often urge us to take a very different attitude toward life, other than what the Bible teaches......which is to live our lives well, by unselfishly loving others. As we make choices in this new year, let’s love life and live lives, that are rich in good deeds, generous in sharing our gifts with others and so take hold of the life that is truly life. Happy New Year! May God Richly Bless You And Your Children and Their Children. Ps Norm and Bev

11.01.2022 I was overjoyed when they said, Let’s go up to the house of the Lord. Psalms 122:1 TPT We can’t wait for this Sunday!! We’re gathering together at 9am onsite and at 4pm online. Ps John has a brilliant message for us on following Jesus, the Good Shepherd.... Parents if you’re joining us onsite at 9am don’t forget to register your kids for Oceans Kids via our webpage..

10.01.2022 Hey Church! Our Online Service today is live right now on YouTube and will be premiering live here on Facebook at 5pm. Two opportunities to say hi in the chat! Ps John brings a brilliant message on following Jesus. The services will stay uploaded for you to watch at any time also!

06.01.2022 To be a Christian can be a very generic term; almost anyone can claim to be a ‘Christian'. But to truly follow Christ, is to turn from our own way and never be the same again. Jesus invites us into this remarkable relationship where we put our trust personally, for ourselves, in Him. He is a trustworthy Shepherd who loves you and has laid down his life for you. This Sunday we begin our new theme; ‘Follow Me’ and our heart is to encourage everyone to not let other people, circumstances, experiences, or fears to distract you, but to simply commit to a personal trust to follow Jesus.

05.01.2022 We can't wait to be together tomorrow as a church family and we would love for you to be with us! Coffee and brekkie options are available from 7:30am Pre-service prayer 8:45am (all are welcome in the auditorium to join us as we pray) Service 9am - 10:15am... See you there!

05.01.2022 We can’t wait for church tomorrow and hope you can join us either in person or online! Ps Gav is preaching for both and online we have an additional testimony from Steve Sharp - an incredible story of surrender and the miraculous. It won’t be the same without you!

05.01.2022 Hello! We're so glad you're joining us today. Our service will begin at 4pm and Ps Bev is bringing a great message on what it looks like to follow Jesus. If you need prayer, would like to connect or tell us your story, we would love to hear from you! You can contact us via our webpage

04.01.2022 Today in Australia is R U OK? Day and we are asking you - R U OK? We want to know. It’s ok if you are not ok. As we ask you that question today, we also want to remind you of this truth; you are not alone. You never have to be alone because you first belong to God - He is a Father and He loves you.... John 3:16 tells us: "For this is how much God loved the worldhe gave his one and only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life." Speaking to those who have put their trust in Jesus; Romans 8:15-16 (TPT) says this But you have received the Spirit of full acceptance, enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, Beloved Father! 16 For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, You are God’s beloved child! As you come to the Father, he then places you as a valued and loved family member in the body of Christ (the church). And so you are no longer called outcasts and wanderers but citizens with God’s people, members of God’s holy family, and residents of His household. Ephesians 2:19 (VOICE) You are not alone. You belong. This year the focus of R U OK Day is There’s more to say after R U OK? - this means we ask the questions, we listen to one another and we show empathy. Who could you reach out to today with a phone call, a text, or a coffee? And if you are struggling, please reach out. There is always help available. You can contact us through our webpage HELPLINES: Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 Lifeline 13 11 14

03.01.2022 Today Oceans Online can be found on YouTube and the premiere of today’s service starts in 5 minutes! We’d love for you to join us as Ps Norm brings a message on faith that endures as we follow Jesus, and two key things that can block our relationship to Him. If you’d like to contact us for prayer, to give or to tell us your story, please head to

03.01.2022 Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end Isaiah 9:7 Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace! He is the peace specialist; wherever He reigns there is peace. His reign in establishing, promoting and extending peace will be so great it will be unlimited and of His peace there will be no end.... If His reign is very great, and if His peace is unlimited it can reach to any of us whatever our circumstances. And if His reign of peace has no end, it can be your portion today and tomorrow and forever. Today, why don’t you come to Him, giving Him your worries and stress, so He can reign in your heart with peace and you can hold onto it in all the challenges of life. Don't forget - you’re invited to Jesus' family, and having His peace is one sign of belonging - it feels just like coming home. We'd love you with us this Sunday as we come together as a family under His reign of peace.

03.01.2022 Hey Parents! Heidi is stopping by to say a cheeky hi and to say don’t forget to register your kids for Oceans Kids this Sunday!

01.01.2022 Today’s online service is now available to view over on YouTube and we’d love to have you join us! We have Shelley, who is a part of our church, sharing some of her prayer journey with us and Ps John preaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If you’d like to contact us to share your story, ask questions or for prayer please do! You can message us here on Facebook or head to our webpage.

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