Oceans Youth in Albany, Western Australia | Youth organisation
Oceans Youth
Locality: Albany, Western Australia
Phone: +61 432 202 567
Address: 85 Brewster Road 6330 Albany, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.oceanschurch.com.au
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25.01.2022 RYZZA’S WEEKLY WORD UP Ephesians 3:12 In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.... Let’s talk about the approachability of God. Often we can get the wrong idea about God. We can think He is furiously judging us when we sin...and as a result we might feel afraid to approach God. But in this verse we learn that as followers of Christ we can approach God about anything! Even if we’ve failed or had a stuff up...not only can we approach God...we can do so with great confidence! It’s important to know WHY we can approach Him. A relationship with God has nothing to do with how good or kind we are, or how many A’s we get at school. Its because of what Jesus did. He died on a cross. Sacrificing himself for you and me....rising three days later to show he has defeated sin and death and give his followers victory of it too! If you have faith in Him...you can approach God with freedom and confidence. That’s the relationship with God! You may have stuffed up, you may be in trouble because of your actions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t approach God. Have faith in Him. Go to Him with confidence and freedom. @r.barbs_
22.01.2022 RYZZA’S WEEKLY WORD UP! Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name... Psalm 100:4 Let’s talk about being thankful. Its something we often forget about because we live in a culture that often highlights what we don’t have and need to get. We need that IPhone 11 or PlayStation 5 or those brand new shoes! As a result we are so focused on what we don’t have, when in reality most of us have all that we need and more! For instance... clean drinkable water is everywhere! A trip to a kitchen is all it takes to quench that thirst whereas in so many countries this looks like hours of walking and carrying buckets. Now I don’t want to ignore the fact that life may not be easy for some of you. You may have gone or are going through tough times and it’s hard to be thankful, I understand. I’m often amazed by Paul in the Bible talking about thanking God. The guy suffered and endured so much...even ending up in prison for doing God’s work! But he knew God was good, that He works all things for good and He would never abandon him. So... wherever you are, I want to encourage you to think about something that you can be thankful for then thank God, praise Him for it and watch as He draws close to you! @r.barbs_
20.01.2022 OCEANS YOUTH ROOM RAIDERS! This week our lovely Tash gives us a sneak peek into her home! Come with us as we take a sticky through our leaders prized possessions and see what they get up to when they’ve time off from OY!
18.01.2022 Hump Day Heroes w @19megz97 We've all had those moments in life where we feel like we can't do it. Whether that it’s an exam, school work, sport or making new friends. No matter who you are or what you are facing, every one of us needs a little encouragement form time to time. We all need someone to come along side us and cheer us on! 1 Thesalonians 5:11 says; "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are doing."... I bet every one of us can think of a time where someone has said something to us that was a real encouragement for us in that moment. An encouragemnet doesn't have to be some big statement with fancy words, it can be something as simple as "You've got this!", "I believe in you!... or "Hey, I've noticed you have done your hair differently. It really suits you! These little words can change someone's day in a moment. It can take them from feeling down and incapable to feeling uplifted and empowered. Words are powerful things. We often don't stop to think about how these little noises we make with our mouths can have such a big impact those around us. So, let's make a CHOICE together to THINK before we make that joke about someone and to THINK before saying unkind words.... because you never know what is going on in someone else's world. Let's CHOOSE to be ENCOURAGERS, let's CHOOSE to uplift one another and let's CHOOSE to be that someone who makes a difference with our words. Saying a kind word takes nothing from you, if anything, it makes you feel good and is a blessing to those around.
17.01.2022 RYZZA’S WEEKLY WORD UP Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. Proverbs 29:25... Ever freak out about what others think about you? ... because I think most people do to some degree. On one hand it’s a good thing to want to live a life that is thought well off because you’re a positive person...but sometimes it can be all consuming. In fact, it can be a really big issue for teenagers. Thoughts such as what will they think or will they accept me can often stop us from being ourselves or even doing the right thing. It can stop us from talking about Jesus, sharing our faith or even just showing ourselves friendly to someone who needs a friend. Proverbs 29:25 is spot on when it says that fearing others (which includes what they think of us) is a DANGEROUS TRAP. It really does catch us up and overwhelm us. However, if we trust God...if we trust what the loving and true things He says about us...we will feel safe and we will be safe. God can’t/won’t/doesn’t lie! Next time you’re feeling insecure in front of people, ask yourself... is what I’m doing really me and who I am? Or is what I am I doing/saying to gain peoples approval? If you realise that the approval of others is something that is causing you to not be yourself or not do what God has said... it’s time to pray and get close to Jesus! Get free and find your confidence again by asking God to help you focus on what He says about you and for help to not worry about the approval of others. Ryan Barber
17.01.2022 RYZZA’s WEEKLY WORD UP! Luke 6:27-31 Love for Enemies... But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Today I want to talk about something that Jesus instructed us to do, which is love your enemies. Now I don’t know about you, but this as well as forgiving can be one of the hardest things to do. We all have that one person or group of people that just tick us off, whether it’s because they do something to us or they believe something different to us, we all have someone like this in our lives...and the last thing we want to do is be kind and love them. But that’s exactly what Jesus tells us to do! Now this is something that is very different to the culture around us. The idea of revenge or just plain disrespecting anyone who opposes us is often seen as ‘fair enough’, but Jesus teaches us to do the complete opposite.. I want to encourage you, just like all things that Jesus has instructed us to do, God doesn’t just sit back and go I’m watching, cmon do it, he actually helps us and when we go God I need you to help me. The Holy Spirit will come and helps us and guides us to forgiveness. @r.barbs_
16.01.2022 Our Nic has got you on your midweek!
15.01.2022 ROOM RAIDERS! ...with Ruth Elizabeth! Come with us as we take a sticky through our leaders prized possessions and see what they get up to when they’ve time off from OY!
15.01.2022 RYZZA’S WEEKLY WORD UP! ...our very own @r.barbs_ has the goods AGAIN for us this week!
13.01.2022 HUMP DAY HEROES! Our very own Mark Kelder has a midweek encouragement for the OY peeps
13.01.2022 Are you ready OY?!
11.01.2022 @oceans_youth is back! See y’all 6.00pm - 8.00pm this Friday night! Bring ya peeps... it’s MasterChef time!
11.01.2022 SCHOOLS OUT! STAY SAFE, HAVE FUN AND SEE Y’ALL IN TERM 3! *** no youth tonight
11.01.2022 RYZZA’S WEEKLY WORD UP! The second (commandment) is this: ‘love your neighbour as yourself... Mark 12:31 Hey Oceans Youth!... Today I wanted to look at something Jesus said. In Mark 12, He talks about which of the commandments of God is the most important. Jesus says that loving God with all our heart, mind and soul as well as loving our neighbour (everyone around us) as yourself is the greatest command. From this, we learn the utmost importance of love in our world. Something I love about Jesus is that He did not just tell us to love, He actually demonstrated how we should love. One way that Jesus did this was through how he treated others. Time and time again Jesus hung out with those who were hated, despised, disowned and outcast. Jesus did all this, knowing that associating himself with these people would result in Him being judged, ridiculed and hated. But you know what... He didn’t care, because these people mattered to God and he wanted to show them and everyone that truth. Jesus never sinned when he did this, allowing himself to influence others through his love and message. So today I want to encourage you to ask God, how can I love better and who can I love better? Help me to be love like Jesus loved and see what God shows you. The world needs the life changing power of authentic love...and God wants to use YOU! @r.barbs_
11.01.2022 RYZZA’S WEEKLY WORD UP! Colossians 3:1-2 So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ-that's where the action is. See things from his perspective.... We live in a world that fights to absorb our attention. Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, relationships... the list goes on! Or maybe it’s not social media? Maybe it’s fear or anxiety? Maybe it’s that desire for everyone to like you?Whatever it is, there are things that influence us in what we do and think the way we think. The bible teaches us to instead be deliberate with what we focus on and allow into our lives. From this verse we learn that as followers of Christ, we are to set our hearts and mind on the good things in God instead of earthly things. So I want to encourage you to ask yourself... Is my focus on the good things of God? Are these things drawing me closer to Him or further away? Maybe you don’t know what the good things are that you should be absorbing? Check for yourself in your Bible or connect with a leader you are feel comfortable with at your church. Living blind to God’s good plan for your life is doing you more harm than good. When you see things from His perspective...His full life becomes your full life! @r.barbs_
09.01.2022 TOMORROW NIGHT! 6:30pm! ITS GAME TIME! Mega kahoot via zoom! Keep an eye out on our socials to get into our group zoom meeting. All leaders meeting together so that you can have some funny chats while we play . Epic prize to the winner as usual! Let’s get it
09.01.2022 RYZZA’S WEEKLY WORD UP... Matthew 9:9 ...As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, Follow me. And he rose and followed him. Two words. Follow Me. ... These words are spoken on a number of occasions by Jesus in the Bible to all different people. Young people, old people, tradies, chefs and fishermen. One of them however, was a tax collector named Matthew. In the days of Jesus, tax collectors were hated and seen as scum because they would take money from their own people and give it to the Romans. They would also take a cut of the money for themselves. For Jesus to say follow me to Matthew would have likely of been seen as crazy. That didn’t matter to Jesus. Instead, Jesus told him to follow Him and Matthew stopped what he was doing and left it all behind. Not only that but Matthew ended up writing one of the books in the Bible and was one of Jesus disciples! So I just wanted to encourage you that just like He called Matthew, He also calls you and I to follow him. It doesn’t matter what your past looks like...or even where you’re at right now. God is inviting you to follow him into REAL LIFE and see HIS POWER do great things through you too! @r.barbs_
07.01.2022 ... BUT SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!
07.01.2022 Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.... Waiting is not fun. It can be frustrating when you have somewhere to be, and the line at the checkout is long, or there is this one video that you really want to watch but it is taking too long to load. Growing up with 2 older brothers, I had to do a lot of waiting. I would see my brothers out doing things and going places, and at the time, that’s all I wanted. I wanted to be with them and be doing what they were doing. Every time I would ask if I could join them, I would be told no. There were many reasons why the answer was no. It could be that I was too young or that they were being stupid, but at the time, it just seemed unfair and I couldn’t understand the reasons. Now that I am older, I can see the reasoning and the wisdom behind my parents’ decisions. There have been many times in my life where I have asked God for something and have had to wait for it. There has been something that I have wanted or something that I have wanted to do, but God has made me wait. At the time, I didn’t know why God wanted me to wait, but afterwards, it was obvious. I might not have been ready for it or I might have been wanting it for the wrong reasons. If you ask God for something and you are waiting, just remember that everything happens in God’s timing. He is working in the background, preparing you for the right time. Although you might not be doing something, God is doing something. God is always working all things for the good of those who love Him and follow Him with their lives! See you at youth tonight! @findlay.peter
03.01.2022 WE ARE BACK TONIGHT!!! Can’t wait for Friday night hangs! @oceans_youth 6pm-8pm!
02.01.2022 SEE YOU TONIGHT! 6pm-8pm
01.01.2022 RYZZA’S WEEKLY WORD UP! The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Psalm 23:1 Sooo... we’re sheep?... The bible on many occasions refers to Jesus as the Good Shepherd and to you and I as sheep. This might seem offensive because let’s be real... sheep don’t do a lot! However when we look at the life of sheep and their shepherd when the Bible was written...being a part Jesus’ flock is the greatest blessing and privilege we could have. Here’s why. The shepherd in these times not only loved his flock, but he knew each individual one. He would have a name for each one and could tell them apart. Not only were they dependent upon their shepherd but, THEY KNEW THEY COULD DEPEND ON HIM. You know how we know this? ...A shepherd wouldn’t drive his sheep, like farmers do from the back, rather, he would lead them from the front. They knew his voice and they would follow it. They knew because their shepherd was around 24/7, they had nothing to worry about, there was nothing to fear. Being a sheep is not bad...in fact it’s amazing! So I want to encourage you, start being like these sheep, learn Gods voice, depend upon Him, trust Him, fear not for he is with you 24/7...and thank Him for being your shepherd. If you have him...you have all that you need! Ryan Barber
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