Billie Reid | Musician/band
Billie Reid
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21.01.2022 This street walkin' cheetah with a heart full of napalm has a lot to say about love & loss Liam Allen.
21.01.2022 " .... fuck you plebeian arse-wipes, & the status quo you rode in on!!" #BillieReid #OdeToTheDudes #OdeToTheDudesThatOwnTheirOwnNukes
20.01.2022 "Billie Reid is one intriguing cat. I’m hearing a rich hybrid telling me that he's been absorbing & assimilating for a long time; that he understands the power of words, of poetry even. He's plainly a rocker at heart but just as plainly there's a lot going on in his heart & head - from skittering banjo to grinding blues to playful pop. There could even be some whirlygig jugband going on &, dare I say it, a nod or two to His Bobness [both Zimmerman & the acerbic Irish Knight - Geldof]. One gets the feeling that Billie's not overly concerned with expectations or categories, that he's having a whale of a time & if you want to come along for the ride that's fine by him. How did The Hombres put it all those years ago? "Nobody knows what it's all about. It's too much man, let it all hang out." ...." Glenn A. Baker [Australian Rock Historian]
06.01.2022 Billie Reid - "self, muso, poet, regenerationist extrordinaire, polymathic re-lanetarizationist"
06.01.2022 "fuck you plebeian arse-wipes, & the status quo you rode in on" Billie Reid
03.01.2022 FREMANTLE'S RIGHTEOUS SPIT: THE CAREER OF BILLIE REID Enter the world of Billie Reid, Fremantle, Australia’s resident singer songwriter out to get the bad guys and keep the good guys in check. Through his debut album Ticket Out Of Dizneyland and single Demon Street he’s fast making a name for himself as a musician you do not want to miss. Tiffany Daniels