Equal Opportunity Tasmania in Hobart, Tasmania | Government organisation
Equal Opportunity Tasmania
Locality: Hobart, Tasmania
Phone: +61 1300 305 062
Address: Level 1, 54 Victoria Street 7000 Hobart, TAS, Australia
Website: http://www.equalopportunity.tas.gov.au
Likes: 1020
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25.01.2022 A concerning Survey by Mission Australia reveals young Australians are most worried about issues of equity and discrimination with COVID-19 ranking a close second. Find out more about discrimination and your rights as a young person. Call Equal Opportunity Tasmania on 1300 305 062 or visit our website at www.equalopportunity.tas.gov.au
25.01.2022 Do you know about Our Site, a new website by and for women and girls with disability to get information and learn about their rights and making safe choices for themselves. All available in an easy read format. Check out their website at Oursite.wwda.org.au
25.01.2022 Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Sarah Bolt responds to racist slur on road sign in Tasmanias central highlands. Racist graffiti is against discrimination law. The Commissioner encourages people to report such incidents to Equal Opportunity Tasmania so that we can identify trends of discrimination and harassment and anti social behaviour and where its occurring, to take proactive steps.... Read the full ABC article below.
24.01.2022 COVID-19 has highlighted the vital role of broadband services in our everyday lives, but a lot of Tasmanians face barriers to getting online. Have your say abou...t what digital connection means to you and how we can make things easier for everyone to be connected in ACCANs No Tasmanian Left Offline webinar. Only by working with our community can we identify barriers and find ways to support everyone to stay connected and supported. To receive your invitation, email your interest to to [email protected] by 5pm Wednesday 2 September.
24.01.2022 In Seniors Week, Advocacy Tasmania is bringing together a host of speakers with information to help us keep living our best life, now and in the future. Our own... talk at this online forum will be about ageism - not just other peoples but the ageism we sometimes unconsciously direct towards ourselves. See more
24.01.2022 Today we launched #checkin. #checkin is designed to help Tasmanians become better at looking after their own mental health, and the mental health of people that... they care about, by making it easier to find and access supports and information that suits them. To find out more visit www.checkin.org.au See more
23.01.2022 Its been a big week. Yesterday a Bill was introduced into the ACT parliament to make it against the law for anyone to try and change someones sexual orientati...on or gender identity AND the Queensland parliament passed a Bill that will outlaw conversion practices by health service providers. The Queensland Government will allocate funding for an integrated education and research project which will, among other things, identify appropriate supports for survivors. These developments follow a commitment made by the Victorian Premier to outlaw conversion practices, and the South Australian Labor Opposition signalling it will introduce a private members bill later this year. The Tasmanian Law Reform Institute is also conducting an inquiry into possible legislation in Tasmania. There have been many positive steps, but we need more action to make sure these damaging practices are stamped out once and for all. Can you take a minute to sign the petition and tell our leaders that LGBTQ+ people deserve to live their lives without harm or fear that they need to be fixed and end harmful LGBTQ+ conversion? https://equalityaustralia.org.au/endconversionpractices/
23.01.2022 Join the Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (BIAT) to celebrate the launch of Brain Injury Awareness Week 2020 in Tasmania with BIAT President - Dario Tomat, ...BIAT Executive Officer - Deborah Byrne, and BIAT Project Officer - Robyn McWaldron. In 2020 BIAT is highlighting the reach and impact of brain injury across the community. With an estimated 2.2% of Tasmanians living with brain injury the week is a reminder that brain injury can, and does, happen to Anyone, Anywhere at Any time. Find out more about Brain Injury Awareness Week 2020: *Like/Follow Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (BIAT) *Subscribe to the BIAT newsletter: https://bit.ly/BIATsubscribe *Visit the BIAT website: https://www.biat.org.au/education-training/biat-bia-week #BIAW2020
22.01.2022 In recent days, weve heard a number of reports of people stating that the requirement to wear a face mask is a breach of their human rights. However, this is a... lawful directive that does not violate any rights set out under Victorian or international human rights law. Weve put together some responses to the frequently asked questions were hearing. https://www.humanrights.vic.gov.au//the-requirement-to-we/ See more
21.01.2022 Racism is never acceptable, and we must all play a part in stopping it. Bystanders and allies play vital roles in preventing racism. The Racism. It Stops With Me website explains how individuals and organisations can be good allies and help prevent racism. ... There are many ways to take action in opposing racism. Visit the Racism. It Stops With Me website to find out what you can do. itstopswithme.humanrights.gov.au #ItStopsWithMe Show your support and use a RISWM frame on your Facebook profile image during September.
21.01.2022 A persons race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, or disability can all stand alone. However there is one fated happening that travels with each characteristic age. Read more in the Talking Point article written by Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, published in The Mercury Newspaper, Saturday 29 August 2020. https://www.themercury.com.au//5b8286f02c979330f053d384446
20.01.2022 "If we lived in a world that celebrated difference, in a world where the practice of kindness outshone cruelty and a world where empathy prevailed over disinterest, the world would be unrecognisable to what it is today... The Act has attracted a lot of media attention lately. Unfortunately there appears to be a general misunderstanding of the Act and the legislative functions of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner." The Commissioner clarifies some misunderstandings about her... role and the Anti-Discrimination legislation in Tasmania in a talking point article. Read the full article here : https://equalopportunity.tas.gov.au//20.11.16-Talking-Poin
18.01.2022 We are here to help, call us and get the information you need to report or make a complaint of discrimination, abuse or harassment.
15.01.2022 This Tuesday is Childrens Day and you can be a part of celebrating with SNAICC-National Voice for our Children. Register or find events, and find out how you c...an celebrate the strengths and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. https://bit.ly/ChildrensDay2020Activities #ChildrensDay #Reconciliaiton Image via SNAICC
13.01.2022 Discrimination Law: Your legal rights Equal Opportunity Tasmania have partnered with Working It Out to provide an information session about your legal rights under Tasmanias anti-discrimination law. We all know discrimination, harassment, homophobia, transphobia and other inappropriate behaviour can damage both our physical and mental health as well as our sense of self-worth. ... This is a great opportunity to get empowered with knowledge, ask questions and find out what the options are if you experience or witness discrimination and other unlawful behaviour. Learn about your rights and Zoom in with Louise Adams, from Equal Opportunity Tasmania. Date: Thursday 27 August 2020 Time: 10am to 11:30am Meeting link: https://justicetas.zoom.us/j/61631771555 Meeting ID: 616 3177 1555 Passcode: 050449
11.01.2022 The #COVID19 pandemic shows the importance of coming together as a community and respecting the rights of everyone. Sometimes that means limiting rights in the interests of us all. Wear a mask if the law requires it. This is a legitimate balancing of rights. #WearAMask
10.01.2022 This week, were continuing our racism information sessions, Understanding your rights and taking action, in partnership with the Victorian Multicultural Comm...ission. TONIGHT we have a session for Mori and Pasifika communities, with an introduction from the United Pasifika Council of Victoria. TOMORROW well be talking to young people from multicultural and multifaith backgrounds in a youth-focused session, opened by Victorian Multicultural Commission youth commissioner Khayshie Tilak Ramesh. WEDNESDAY were running a session for Muslim women, with an introduction by theMuslim Legal Network. The sessions are designed to be interactive, with opportunities to share experiences in a safe and confidential environment. Register here: https://www.multiculturalcommission.vic.gov.au/racism-infor
08.01.2022 The Anti- Discrimination Commissioner released a talking point piece to the media today - Age is Everybodys Business. Read the article below, published online in the Tasmanian Times
08.01.2022 Did you know 4 August 2020, celebrates National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day? The theme is year is We are the Elders of tomorrow, hear our voice. Find out more about how you can get involved.
07.01.2022 Did you know that children have special rights? They include the right to play, the right for children to have a say in things that affect them, the right to a... safe home environment, education and health care plus many more. More than 40 children’s rights are protected in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Today is World Children’s Day, the anniversary of the CRC, when we celebrate children and promote their rights. In 2020 this is particularly important, as COVID-19 has severely affected children, and many of their rights protected in the CRC. To learn more, visit: https://www.unicef.org//convention-rights-child-text-child #WorldChildrensDay
07.01.2022 Today is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day! We are the Elders of tomorrow, hear our voice. Aboriginalchildrensday.com.au... #NATSIChildrensDay2020 #ChildrensDay2020 #EldersOfTomorrow #StrongInCulture
07.01.2022 Equal Opportunity Tasmania has produced a guide for everyone involved in employment in Tasmania - business owners, chief executives, managers, supervisors, human resource departments and recruitment agencies. It provides practical ways to make equal opportunity work for you and not against you. It provides action checklists, which will help you make your workplace fairer. All employers big or small, have to work within the law. It is not a matter of choice and makes good ...business sense. Download your free copy of the guide today! https://www.equalopportunity.tas.gov.au//20.07.03-EOT-Work
06.01.2022 Obeying Anti-Discrimination law is not a choice, says Tasmanias Anti-Discrimination Commissioner. "Anti-discrimination laws have been in existence in Australia for decades and yet discrimination, harassment and victimisation remain unacceptably common place in many areas of our public lives. Discriminatory attitudes and behaviours are often the result of disrespect, self-entitlement, resentment or ignorance. Such behaviours can profoundly and unnecessarily damage individual ...and community wellbeing. Every Tasmanian needs to know and understand that obeying anti-discrimination law is not a matter of choice. Everybody needs to understand that breaking the law attracts negative consequences. In an attempt to encourage people to obey the antidiscrimination law and think before they act, Equal Opportunity Tasmania has launched a twelve month awareness campaign using Metro Buses to reinforce this message across the north and south of the State. With a collective will to treat each other with respect, kindness and understanding we can make Tasmania a safe, inclusive and enjoyable place for everybody to live and visit". Look out for the Buses spreading our important message. https://equalopportunity.tas.gov.au/news_and_ev/latest_news
06.01.2022 "The graffiti on the sign is both racist and offensive and in the event that the identity of the offender were known action against them could be taken under the Anti-Discrimination Act. I am without doubt that members of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community would, and rightly so, be offended and insulted by the graffiti", says Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Sarah Bolt. Its important that everyone is aware of, and understands, their rights and responsibilities unde...r the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act 1998. Find out more on Equal Opportunity Tasmanias website www.equalopportunity.tas.gov.au Read the full Examiner article below.
02.01.2022 Work Safe Tasmania Month is approaching us in October 2020. Register now for your session with Jennie Gorringe from Equal Opportunity Tasmania to explore the potential discrimination pitfalls that many employers are currently facing or may face well into the future as we start to come out of the tighter restrictions around COVID-19. It covers management practices/HR and recruitment.
01.01.2022 Tourism in Tasmania Can everyone enjoy wonderful Tasmanian tourism experiences? Do you want to be part of Tasmanias tourism recovery?... Disability Voices Tasmania invites people with disability who are interested in inclusive tourism to join our exciting Tasmania Inclusive Tourism Project The Project will Work with you to develop skills and confidence to contribute to local and statewide inclusive tourism through free workshops which will: - explore the value of inclusive tourism to tourists and tourism operators - use our personal stories and experiences to assist tourism businesses to become inclusive Connect you with other people with disability who are also interested in inclusive tourism Connect you with mentors and peer support to strengthen your skills and confidence in assisting tourism operators to be inclusive and enrich their businesses All participation costs are covered Places are limited so if you are interested please contact us at [email protected] or 03 6215 6800
01.01.2022 People who are homeless or at risk of homelessness are members of our community who can also experience discrimination just going about their daily life. Lets take this week to reflect, support and raise awareness of those doing it tough.
01.01.2022 Dont forget to register ...
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