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Oh behave! Dog training

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23.01.2022 Tonight's graduates going through their paces!

22.01.2022 Most dogs only tolerate a lot of other dogs. They don't have to like or socialise with every dog they meet. Have a look below and think about which category your dog may fall into. Remember you are your dogs advocate and if they're uneasy around other dogs it's up to you to keep them feeling safe.

22.01.2022 What is good dog-dog play? The dogs decide, if and how they want to play. Our job is to make sure play is consensual, i.e. both dogs enjoy the interaction. Her...e, Frankie the Cocker Spaniel, has a good play bout with another puppy at the dog park. The dogs' bodies are soft and wiggly and there is role reversal (on top/at bottom). You can see the Heeler's "play face" at times and both dogs have opportunities to get away (if one was stuck for too long at the bottom and we had doubts, we can always do a "consent test", i.e. briefly removing the dog on top to give the other dog a choice). #cockerspanielpuppy #redheelerpuppy #dogparkplay #puppyplay #puppytraining #positivereinforcementtraining #fearfree #forcefreedogtraining #dogtraining #happydogs #makeyourdoghappy


16.01.2022 Recent puppy homeschooler Honey!Here she is showing off her self control around food, on your mat and of course her graduation cap!

09.01.2022 Puppy Exercise Puppies have got bones that are not yet fully joined. If you over-walk a growing puppy you can overtire it but also damage its developing joints..., causing bone malformation and early arthritis. Puppies need much less exercise than fully-grown dogs. A good rule of thumb is a ratio of five minutes exercise per month of age (up to twice a day. No More) until the puppy is fully grown. You can begin your leash walking around the garden before you take them out to more distracting environments. 1 month 5 minutes up to twice per day 2 months 10 minutes up to twice per day 3 months 15 minutes up to twice per day 4 months 20 minutes up to twice per day 5 months 25 minutes up to twice per day 6 months 30 minutes up to twice per day 7 months 35 minutes up to twice per day 8 months 40 minutes up to twice per day 9 months 45 minutes up to twice per day 10 Months 50 minutes up to twice per day 11 months 55 minutes up to twice per day 12 months 60 minutes up to twice per day Once they are fully grown, they can go out for a longer hike with you. The determining factors can be the fitness and health of the owner and the terrain, outside temperature and weather conditions. If you build up the walks like this your own fitness levels can also build up. In warm weather you are better off to walk your dogs early in the morning or late in the evening when it has cooled down. Don’t walk them in the heat of the day. People who have working breeds often feel that they need to be walking them more in order to tire them out. Remember that just like with your walking training, you can get greater fitness, so can your dog and you may find that you are needing to take them on longer and longer walks in order to tire them. Your dog will become more tired on a walk if they are allowed to get their nose down and sniff than if you just keep them at heel walking beside you. When dogs use their noses they are engaging their brains and brainwork is tiring. It is important that puppies and dogs go out for exercise every day in a safe and secure area, or they may become frustrated. Time spent in the garden (however large) is no substitute for sniffing and exploring new environments. If it is too wet to walk, do some trick training or food puzzles or searches in the house.

08.01.2022 Got a teenage dog? Then you need my book. We are taking pre orders now on our website under the shop tab. Stay tuned for our competition to wi...n a copy. #teenagedogs #youngdog #newbook #dogtraining #dogtrainer #forcefree #forcefreedogtraining #preorder #preordernow #adolescentdog #adolescentdogtraining See more

07.01.2022 You don't have to play fetch to wear out your dog! This is a great article on the dangers of playing fetch and some alternatives.

06.01.2022 Please keep your dogs secure and safe tonight

04.01.2022 Gorgeous new puppies Enjoying their chew toys at puppy school. Hopefully I can get shots of their faces next week!

03.01.2022 This was a question asked at puppy school tonight. How much exercise can my puppy have?

02.01.2022 I’m always asked by dog owners what to do AFTER their dog shows a fear of something, this illustrates how to prevent this from happening with your new puppy. A good little read.

02.01.2022 My current gorgeous puppies!

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