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Oktoberfete in Fitzroy North, Victoria | School fundraiser

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Locality: Fitzroy North, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 9489 9364

Address: 96 Barkly Street 3068 Fitzroy North, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Wir danken alle, die heute mit uns gefeiert haben. Ein schöner Tag, nicht wahr? Was hat euch am besten gefallen? Thanks to everyone who joined in our celebrations. What was your stand-out moment?

23.01.2022 Our "Blue Dragon" (Year 5-6) class have been busy propagating plants to sell at the Oktoberfete. They're raising money to buy a composter and establish their own garden at the school. It's all their own initiative - well done, blue dragons.

23.01.2022 Sneak Preview - here are our four beautiful gingerbread houses, all for sale at the Oktoberfete on Saturday. Which one is your favourite?

21.01.2022 Auch SBS war dabei: - a report from SBS German (in German, of course)

20.01.2022 STOP THE PRESSES! (Or should that be, hold the pixels?) Make sure you are there for the live auction between 12:30 and 1:15pm this Saturday September 13th for your chance to bid on these AMAZING new prizes. We have two ski holidays to auction off in Mt Hotham for the 2015 ski season. They are:... 1. 1 week's accommodation for 4 people at Mt Hotham, donated by Anton Huette Ski Lodge (Australian Alpine Club) valued at $2,080 2. Ski weekend package at Mt Hotham, comprising a pass for a two day weekend skil lift pass for 2 adults (compliments of Mt Hotham Skiing Company) valued at $408; Weekend resort entry car pass (courtesy of Mt Hotham Resort Management Board) valued at $100; and Meals/drinks at Traditional Bavarian Bier Hall (compliments of Arco Ski Lodge). Bring your wallets as this will be a live auction worth saving for!! See you at the Oktoberfete!

20.01.2022 We are excited to let you know that organisation for Deutsche Schule Melbourne's next big event is well underway! Our Christmas Market will take place on Friday, 27th November from 5pm to 9pm at the Deutsche Schule Melbourne, 96 Barkly Street Fitzroy North. This year we are focusing all our efforts on our Christmas Market, which will be even bigger than previous years and will include market stalls, food & drinks, an auction, music and craft activities for young and old. Please go to to stay up-to-date!

19.01.2022 We made this interactive map last year, showing all the different ways you can get to the school (we made it for our Christmas market, but we haven't moved). Bus routes 246, 250, 251, 506; trams 96, 11, 112 - or bring your bike and get a free safety check from Velo Cycles.

19.01.2022 A wonderful report on this year's Oktoberfete at Deutsche in Melbourne.

18.01.2022 Our neighbours at J Studios are hosting a pop-up art exhibition during the Oktoberfete. View their pieces between noon & 4pm. Enter from the main fete area.

18.01.2022 Deutsche in Melbourne were there!

18.01.2022 An enormous "Dankeschön" to everyone who contributed to our amazing Oktoberfete. To all our volunteers, to the teachers, office staff and interns who donate so much time, to all our guests, to our friends and neighbours at Froebel Australia Ltd and J Studios, to our wonderful bands Terry Towelling and the Tank Tops and All Day Fritz ... and our MC and auctioneer extraordinaire, Alistair. We'll see you next year - or maybe at the Deutsche Schule Melbourne German Christmas Market on November 28.

17.01.2022 Read all about it! More about our Oktoberfete, from our friends at Deutsche in Melbourne (auf Deutsch)

17.01.2022 Can't wait for the Deutsche Schule Melbourne German Christmas Market on November 22nd? We will be at the Collingwood Children's Farm Farmers Market this Saturday, November 9th, with delicious cakes and other treats.

17.01.2022 What are you most looking forward to at this years Oktoberfete? Is it something delicious like Kuchen, Bratwurst, Apfelstrudel, Brezeln, Waffeln or even Zuckerwatte (Fairy Floss)? The live music from Terry Towelling and The Tank Tops and All Day Fritz? Is it the children's fun and games? Or maybe the lure of a prize or bargain from our silent or live auctions or raffle?

15.01.2022 The latest edition of our newsletter has just been published. If you want to know what we were up to the last term you can find out more here: Happy reading!

15.01.2022 DSM Open Day - Wednesday, May 24 from 10am-12pm Come and join us for our Open Day! You and your family will have the opportunity to experience Deutsche Schule Melbourne first hand. You will learn about the schools bilingual concept and teaching approach and see what bilingual learning looks like in the classroom. If you wish to attend our Open Day, please register by sending an email with your contact details, your child/ren's name/s and date of birth to [email protected] We l...ook forward to welcoming you at our school. Your DSM Team See more

13.01.2022 der Duft - that's German for a marvellous smell - and right now, the Duft of Bratwurst is tantalising our corner of North Fitzroy. Come on down and join us for Bratwurst, Bier, Kaffee und Kuchen.

12.01.2022 Posters and flyers for the Oktoberfete are popping up all over North Fitzroy and the neighbouring area. Let us know if you spot one in the wild!

12.01.2022 If you added up all the hours DSM parents have spent baking, you would get a very big number indeed. 8am might be a little early for cake, but by the time you get to the Oktoberfete it will be just right. Bonus German lesson: Kuchen - cake. The Oktoberfete is on TODAY, Saturday 13th September, between 11am and 4pm, at the Deutsche Schule Melbourne, 96 Barkly Street North Fitzroy. Car parking is limited and on-street only, but we have plenty of parking for bikes.

09.01.2022 News from the Goethe-Institut: the German language has 5,300,000 words - eight times as many as English! We don't promise that you can use all of them at the Oktoberfete, but come down to the Deutsche Schule Melbourne on Saturday September 13 between 11 and 4, and give your Wortschatz a workout.

09.01.2022 With just over a week to go, a reminder that names can be misleading. Even in Germany, the Oktoberfest is celebrated in September! It lasts 16 days and ends on the first full weekend in October. We don't think Septemberfest sounds as good, though.

09.01.2022 Dont miss out on purchasing tickets for our 5 great raffle prizes: 1st prize: $500 travel voucher to destination of your choice, from OMC International 2nd prize: Superb hamper of chocolates from Lindt Collins St, plus two vouchers for chocolate creation classes, all worth $340 3rd prize: Bean bag from King Kahuna valued at $209... 4th prize: Dinner at Supermaxi Italian Restaurant in North Fitzroy, worth $150 5th prize: Voucher for food/drinks at Munsterhaus Cafe, North Fitzroy, valued at $100. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. You've got to be in it to win it - see you at the Oktoberfete, Saturday September 13th from 11am-4pm, at the Deutsche Schule Melbourne, 96 Barkly St Fitzroy North.

08.01.2022 Like gingerbread? Love the Oktoberfete! Even our famous hand-made gingerbread houses will be making an appearance. This Saturday, 11-4, cnr Barkly and Dean streets, North Fitzroy. Lebkuchen: it's German for gingerbread.

07.01.2022 Hello Friends of Deutsche Schule Melbourne! Are you ready for this year's DSM Christmas Market on Friday 25 November 2016 from 5.00 until 9.00 pm? The market a wonderful opportunity to view and purchase an amazing array of beautiful and unique traditional and contemporary handmade Christmas decorations and gifts with a distinctive German flavour. There will be children's activities, traditional German drinks like Glühwein, and, of course, food, food, food! Stay tuned for more information about the market and the stallholders.

07.01.2022 Do you like good food, wine, eating out, music, holidays, going to movies, keeping fit, learning languages, going to the dentist, tennis, cycling, playing with Lego, doing a bit of DIY, and dressing to impress? Then dont miss this years silent and live auctions at the Oktoberfete! This year we have over 100 donations up for grabs, including: Hampers galore from local businesses including Mediterranean Wholesalers, Bill's Farm, Terra Madre and La Manna Fresh 2013 Yarra ...Valley Chardonnay from Henkell Brothers Restaurant and café vouchers from The Swiss Club, Sukhothai, Loafer Bread, Peacock Pub, Dench Bakers, Depot de Pain, and more! Holiday accommodation in Phillip Island and Noosa Heads Pilates sessions galore at The Pilates Practice, Body Logic Pilates and Integrated Bodywork Pilates For the home: a BBQ from Bunnings Warehouse Coburg, a lawn trimmer from MTD Products Australia, and vouchers from Northcote Nursery Handmade gingerbread houses and cheesecake made with love by DSM parents Exquisite sterling silver drop earrings from Matt Wynne Double movie passes from Goethe-Institut Australien and Palace Cinemas Melbourne One terms German lessons at East Melbourne Language Centre Vouchers for clothing and accessories from Cellini Workshop, Clifton Hill , Bruce, Birkenstock, Eyecare Plus, Elodie&Elvis / doris reymond boutique and Shoe Image Lego Set: Advent Calendar from Shopforme. Special thanks to all our generous sponsors!

06.01.2022 Kelly Schultz is the winner of DSM's first ever apple strudel contest! Congratulations Kelly, and happy Strudeling!

06.01.2022 The Smoothie Bikes were a huge hit at last year's fete. Look for our delicious new flavours this year and work up a thirst while you pedal.

06.01.2022 As well as soft drinks and German beer, our drinks stand has a three traditional German drinks for you to try. There's Radler, a mix of beer and lemonade (only for the over 18s); Spezi, a mix of coke and fanta (yes really!) - you can even buy this in bottles in Germany; and Apfelschorle, a fizzy mix of apple juice and mineral water. The Oktoberfete. Bringing a bit of Germany to North Fitzroy. Saturday, September 13, between 11 and 4.

06.01.2022 Come and join us for our Open Day on Saturday, 25th March 2017 from 10am to 12.30pm. You and your family will have the opportunity to experience Deutsche Schule... Melbourne first hand. You will learn about the schools bilingual concept and teaching approach and see what bilingual learning looks like at a classroom observation. If you wish to attend the Open Day, please register by sending an email with your contact details, your child/ren's name/s and date of birth to [email protected] We look forward to welcoming you at our school. Your DSM Team

05.01.2022 You heard it here first - this year's Oktoberfete will feature an Apple Strudel Baking Contest. Get your Strudel on and start working on your recipes now, because our celebrity judges will be looking for Melbourne's best. For the rest of us, there will be a Strudel Happy Hour directly after the judging. (Strudel image: jlastras, via Flickr) All about the Oktoberfete:

05.01.2022 Enjoyed the Oktoberfete? Add our next event - the Deutsche Schule Melbourne German Christmas Market - to your calendar now. Friday, November 22, from 5-9pm, followed by bilingual Carols by Candlelight.

03.01.2022 Overheard in the playground this morning: "I'm just on my way to pick up my Dirndl." A true "only at the Deutsche Schule Melbourne" moment. Of course, as people from the North of Germany will tell you, the Dirndl is more Austrian or "Bayrisch" (Bavarian) - just like Lederhosen. Originally worn by servants, the Austrian upper classes started to wear beautifully fancy Dirndln in the late nineteenth century - and you can still see them worn "in the wild" today, particularly in regional (and tourist) areas. And at the Oktoberfete, of course.

02.01.2022 We're well into planning for this year's Oktoberfete on September 13th - what do you like most about it? --- Wir planen gerade die diesjährige Oktoberfete (am 13. September) - was gefällt euch am besten daran?

01.01.2022 Herrlich - that's the only word for this glorious weather. Come down to the Oktoberfete & soak up some Stimmung (that's German for atmosphere). Today until 4pm, 96 Barkly st, North Fitzroy.

01.01.2022 There are just two months left until our very special Deutsche Schule Melbourne German Christmas Market - make sure it's in your calendar!

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