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24.01.2022 PROFILE: Teenage rebel to respected councilor From teenage rebel to a valued deputy Lord Mayor of Parramatta, Michelle Garrard feels well-equipped to help run a... major city thanks to the life-long mentorship of her father, former Lord Mayor (and now Cumberland councillor). More: https://parramattatimes.com.au//teenage-rebel-to-respecte/ See more
23.01.2022 Construction union CFMEU has slapped a green ban on the new Powerhouse Museum project. It is demanding that two heritage buildings be saved from the bulldozers... to help preserve the history of Parramatta just as The Rocks was saved by Jack Mundey. www.7NEWS.com.au #Parramatta #7NEWS
23.01.2022 Our Local Communitys Michelle Garrard called for the changes to reflect Parramatta as the booming city it is. Parramatta is now a destination, were not a location, she said. We cant let it slip because Parramatta again is being treated second rate by the state.
23.01.2022 Merry Christmas From Our Local Community OLC Deputy Lord Mayor Michelle Garrard may everyone have a safe and wonderful Christmas
23.01.2022 Have you applied for a 2020 Annual Community Grant? There is still time to submit your application for projects, initiatives and activities that foster opportunities for community participation and development. Learn more: http://bit.ly/2Ol6BWk
23.01.2022 Backing Cr Pierre Esbers proposal for a meeting with the Premier, Deputy Lord Mayor Clr Michelle Garrard said the Parramatta Powerhouse should not be built at the expense of one of Australias oldest homes. "Nobody is saying we dont want investment in Parramatta and we dont want a museum in Paramatta," she said. "I dont think its necessary that we get the Powerhouse Museum. Its been said so many times over why cant we get our own museum? Why cant western Sydney get a museum? Why does a museum have to go on that site at the expense of heritage?" https://www.google.com.au//council-warns-of-parramatta-pow
21.01.2022 CITY OF PARRAMATTA LAUNCHES SUPPORT FOR VALVOLINE RACEWAY official release: Valvoline Raceway October 28, 2019 The City of Parramatta, which has benefited enorm...ously from the industry and the tourism directly provided by Parramatta City Raceway/Valvoline Raceway for 42 years has thrown its support behind the iconic Speedway remaining in its current Wentworth Street location. The Council this evening ( just minutes ago) passed a motion that supports the Speedway remaining where it was created and where it has remained for over four decades. The motion that was carried is: That the Lord Mayor write to the Premier Gladys Berejikilian, Minister for Transport Andrew Constance and Acting Minister for Sport Geoff Lee to advise councils complete support for Valvoline Raceway to remain in its historic and present location. And request that continuous updates be provided. This is a wonderful show of support from The City of Parramatta and we are extremely grateful to have them in our literal and figurative corner! One of our true champions in the City of Parramatta is Deputy Lord Mayor Michelle Garrard. Michelle spoke passionately and with enormous conviction just minutes ago to the Council - it was truly an emotional and wonderful speech to her peers. "I grew up in Granville. In the summer holidays when I was a little girl I could always hear the Speedway when I went to bed and that would make me so excited. It was always a wonderful time in my life that reminded me that it was school holidays, it was summer time and I could watch fireworks and the Speedway and go with my father," she said, amongst many other personal recollections. Her father former Lord Mayor Paul Garrard was also one of our biggest supporters during his term. Michelle Garrard was elected to City of Parramatta Council in September 2017. Prior to joining Council, Michelle was a candidate in the 2012 Local Government elections and the 2015 State elections. Michelle has a long history of involvement in her local community, participating in a wide range of volunteer and charity events locally, she remains an active volunteer in community-based organisations within the LGA. Michelle is currently a Federal Employee for the past 15 years. She is also a Director on the Board of the Parramatta Chamber of Commerce since 2016. A Forming member of Our Local Community Party which also have elected members on Cumberland Council. Michelle is passionate about Parramatta and committed to helping make it the best place to live, work and visit. She believes local government must genuinely consult residents and listen to all its constituents and deliver services that help communities to thrive and prosper. I will continue my fathers former Lord Mayor Paul Garrards 43-year legacy, Michelle said. As a lifelong resident, Michelle lives locally, and her three children have all attended local schools. We are proud and very grateful for the support of the City of Parramatta and Michelle in particular. Thank you Michelle!
20.01.2022 Happy Australia Day. Plenty of activity in the Park!!
19.01.2022 On Saturday, Lord Mayor Cr Bob Dwyer and Deputy Lord Mayor Cr Michelle Garrard joined Dhungutti/Darug artist and designer Aunty Kerrie Kenton and local resident...s as they painted a beautiful mural on an amenities block at Waratah Shops in Telopea. Read more in the Lord Mayors column. http://bit.ly/35hyx2L See more
17.01.2022 For Non-subscribers story attached The man who built Parramatta has been remembered for his massive acts of charity and being the heart and soul of the Maronite Lebanese community in western Sydney. Builder Ray Wehbe died of cancer at his Oatlands home on February 7, aged 75, and was mourned at a funeral at Our Lady of Lebanon on February 11.... At a recent Parramatta Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Michelle Garrard called Mr Wehbe, who was a family friend, an icon. Ray Wehbe was an astute businessman who still found time to raise a staggering sum of donations. An icon is used a term usually associated with fashion designers, Hollywood or the arts community but in Ray, he was a Parramatta man who stood tall in everything he did but at the same time wanted no recognition, she said. As a builder and a corporate citizen he was respected. As a family man he was adored. As an individual he was esteemed and Rays legacy to Parramatta is iconic. Mr Wehbe, who founded North Parramatta company Raysons Constructions, and his wife Shirley hosted a lunch for the homeless on Christmas Day and the Cancer Council fundraiser the Biggest Morning Tea, each year. Hospitable pair Ray and Shirley Wehbe. The compassionate pair donated more than $350,000 to charities such as the NSW Breast Cancer Institute, the Millennium Foundation and the Heart Foundation. Cr Garrard recalled Christmases she spent at the packed Parramatta Town Hall with the Wehbe family who looked after the homeless community seeking food and company. There is an old saying that the good and the wise live quiet lives, she said. Shirley and Ray Wehbe at one of their fundraisers for the Cancer Council. In my opinion, that serves up Mr Wehbe perfectly. He was a quiet achiever. He was the person who didnt want to be seen. He was the first person to say Lets do it. He was the last man to say It cant be done. She spoke of Mr Wehbe migrating from the Lebanese village of Blouza as a child before he married Shirley with who he raised four children. Over the next six decades he practically built Parramatta but his legacy isnt associated with physical infrastructure of Parramatta but very much with social infrastructure, Cr Garrard said. He was also the heart and soul of the Blouza Community at Granville. Even today, the Blouza Hall in Granville is named after that community and I bet Ray had something to do with that as well. Parramatta will miss Ray in so many different ways.
17.01.2022 I’m happy to announce I’ve been elected as Deputy Lord Mayor of City of Parramatta Council for the final year of council. I’m the only councillor to ever hold a 4yr term as Deputy Lord Mayor. Thank you everyone for all your support.
17.01.2022 A Horrible design Parramatta will be stuck with. Willow Grove and the St George Terrances should be preserved. The State Robbed this site from Council, whos intent when purchased was for the future use and preservation. https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au//663fa8f98d06b1951aa0d5e
16.01.2022 Parramatta Council has made a "difficult" decision on tomorrow nights fireworks.
15.01.2022 Sport Fields are Opening Media Release City of Parramatta reopens sports fields for training under conditions... City of Parramatta Council has today conditionally reopened its sporting fields and outdoor courts to allow teams and individuals to return to training. The announcement follows advice from the NSW Office of Sport that sporting organisations can resume training sessions, provided they comply with the current Public Health Orders. This includes limiting groups to 10 people and adhering to physical distancing guidelines. We still have a long way to go in overcoming this coronavirus crisis and before our lives can return to normal, but the reopening of our sporting fields and outdoor courts for training will be a welcome relief to many in our community, City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Bob Dwyer said. Being active not only helps improve our physical health, but has benefits for our mental wellbeing too. Due to social distancing requirements, participants will need to adapt to a modified version of their sports while training. Guidelines have been developed by each sports state governing body. I understand that people will be excited to go back to training for their sports, but its important that we maintain good hygiene practices and continue to follow physical distancing requirements. By doing so, we can protect ourselves and those around us, and keep moving forward in our fight against COVID-19, Cr Dwyer said. Council will continue to provide updates through social media and its website as the COVID-19 situation evolves. For media enquiries please contact: City of Parramatta Council Media Advisor Katrina Sichlau. t: 02 9806 5965 m: 0477 311 256 e: [email protected]
15.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day everyone! From Our Local Community (OLC)Happy Mothers Day everyone! From Our Local Community (OLC)
15.01.2022 From tomorrow, 40km/h speed limits are being introduced to create a safer road environment for everyone, particularly vulnerable groups such as older road users and children. Learn more about the changes. http://bit.ly/2qLnrof
15.01.2022 I was glad to table the Cowells Lane Off the Leash Dog park petition. I was able to briefly articulate the strong opposition to the draft proposal. Noting over 500 submissions/feedback was received to the Draft Proposal and 478 signatures opposing any changes. Council Staff are now collating all feedback and will meet will Ward Councillors shortly.
13.01.2022 Until 31 January 2021, Council will cover the cost of parking for anyone who spends $20 or more at participating Church Street venues between 6pm and 3am on Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights. To claim the offer, customers simply need to park at Council’s Riverbank or Eat Street carparks on an eligible evening and collect a free parking ticket when they pay their bill. Read article for details..
13.01.2022 Avoid Evans Road Telopea. Road closed Tree down and affecting Powerlines
12.01.2022 Dundas Area Neighbourhood Centre: Free Flu Vaccine 26 June 1-4pm
12.01.2022 I had the pleasure of spending time with Bushcare Volunteers at Burnside Reserve.. thank you for all the work you do maintaining this space..
11.01.2022 There is a lot of chatter about who supported what at councils extraordinary meeting on Thursday night. Let me clear it up for everyone. Council recommended 3 parts in relation to the Powerhouse move and response to the EIS. Part 1 in a summary was supporting the powerhouse move to parramatta Part 2 was councils EIS submission... Part 3 was councils position on Willow grove and St. Georges terraces.. ALP move an amendment to the above 3 parts. Part 1 in summary asking for a meeting with the Premier before the EIS is submitted Part 2 deferred until part 1 meeting has happened Part 3 council reaffirms its position regarding the retention of Willow grove and St. Georges terraces.. The motion above Lost. I stand by voting against the amendment motion as I do not support the Powerhouse move, nor do I support the location on the river bank. And as for the EIS (part 2) & Part 3 those both got up on a Liberal vote!! Amendment Motion on Left- which Liberals and Clr Wilson support. Motion on Right which ALP and I supported.
11.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS Premier backflips over Powerhouse Museum move Gladys Berejiklian has backflipped on an election promise to move the Powerhouse Museum from the CBD to Western Sydney, instead bowing to inner city pressure to fund two museums. Sydneys Powerhouse Museum moving to citys west...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Keeping the Community informed. All the action from the Parramatta Light Rail Infrastructure Works team this month January 2020...Continue reading
09.01.2022 PARRAMATTA for Unscribers St Patricks Marist College Dundas: Two students with coronavirus Two students a boy and girl from St Patricks Marist College Dundas have tested positive to coronavirus. March 9, 2020 1:26pm... Two students a boy and girl in Year 10 from St Patricks Marist College Dundas have tested positive to coronavirus. The 14-year-old boy and 15-year-old girl, who are not related, learned they had the virus at home on the weekend and did not attend school today. They have not been overseas. In an email sent to parents and carers this morning, the school said it would be closed for lessons today and children should be collected as a precaution against the COVID-19. Supervision will be available for students who are unable to return home today with reduced interaction between students and the school will also be closed on Tuesday 10 March, the letter stated. Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta is working very closely with the Director of Public Health Unit to ensure the health and safety of all students and staff are maintained. The advice from NSW Health for any student or staff member who feels unwell is to not attend school and to seek medical advice, but call ahead first. The letter said a NSW Public Health team representative would be at the school today to provide specialist advice and help the school identify students or staff who have had close contact with the cases. Close contacts will need to self-isolate for 14 days, the letter said. Any students who cannot attend school due to self-isolation will be able to receive their learning programs at home. The school is not far from Epping Boys High School, which reopened today after a student tested positive for coronavirus last week. I went to Macquarie Shopping Centre last week and I went to Parramatta, and it was buzzing and people were everywhere, but Macquarie was like a ghost town. As well as St Patricks College Dundas, a Year 7 student at Willoughby Girls High School was confirmed as having COVID-19.
07.01.2022 Good afternoon, In this English class the teacher uses materials that are relevant to parents, grandparents and carers of children and young people. Students n...eed to have had about 500 hours of English before joining this intermediate class. The tuition covers reading, writing, spelling, listening, speaking and grammar. Enrol for a minimum of one term. Pre-schoolers welcome. See more
07.01.2022 The State Government has bulldozed ahead with the Power House move to Parramatta over other priorities, with no regard for our heritage. OLC continue to oppose the Power House on the nominated site which is flood prone and currently accommodates the Hertiage building Willow Grove & St George Terraces.
07.01.2022 Anyone who attended Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral in Harris Park is being urged to immediately self-isolate for 14 days and come forward for testing even if they are not experiencing symptoms if they attended on: Wednesday 15 July 5.30pm Mass Thursday 16 July 6pm Mass Friday 17 July 1pm Funeral & 6pm Mass... Anyone who has attended the church since 15 July outside of these specific times should also closely monitor for symptoms and get tested if they begin to feel unwell, no matter how mild their symptoms are. A pop up clinic will be set up at the church from tomorrow for the next four days at 9am 4:30pm. Clinics are also available in Western Sydney at Stocklands Merrylands and Auburn Community Health Centre. Walk-in clinics are also available at Westmead, Blacktown and Mount Druitt hospitals.
06.01.2022 Great Meeting with residents regarding the proposed changes to the Cowells Lane off the leash dog park.. Resident do not want any change, being the only off the leash park in the Sydney area..
06.01.2022 Happy Easter to all God Bless Stay safeHappy Easter to all God Bless Stay safe
05.01.2022 Applications for our Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grants OPEN today. Your business may be eligible to receive a grant of up to $2000. To check eligibility and apply, visit: https://bit.ly/3562nbO
05.01.2022 Parramatta Council has made a "difficult" decision on tomorrow night's fireworks.
04.01.2022 COVID-19 TESTING | If you have a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath and live, work or have been active in any of the areas listed in this image, p...lease visit a COVID-19 clinic. Testing is free and is available to people withut a Medicare Card, overseas visitors and Asylum Seekers. See more
04.01.2022 Hi everyone! This is one for all the teenagers in the area! Come along to our Friday Sausage Sizzles for all young people 12-18. Totally free and we will even bring some balls around to finish off the school week with some fun!
04.01.2022 A new riverfront walk, a garden terrace, a river amphitheatre and public square, have you seen the draft concept designs for a new Charles Street Square at Parramatta Quay? Submissions close 16 March, have your say. http://bit.ly/37SioSx
04.01.2022 Backing Cr Pierre Esber's proposal for a meeting with the Premier, Deputy Lord Mayor Clr Michelle Garrard said the Parramatta Powerhouse should not be built at the expense of one of Australia's oldest homes. "Nobody is saying we don't want investment in Parramatta and we don't want a museum in Paramatta," she said. "I don't think it's necessary that we get the Powerhouse Museum. It's been said so many times over 'why can't we get our own museum?' Why can't western Sydney get a museum? Why does a museum have to go on that site at the expense of heritage?" https://www.google.com.au//council-warns-of-parramatta-pow
03.01.2022 At Councils extraordinary Meeting last night an amendment proposed to meet with the Premier prior to submitting the EIS Feedback was voted down by Liberal Councillors and Clr Wilson on a split vote. Lets be clear we all want investment in Parramatta, we as a chamber unanimously supported the retention of Willow Grove and St Georges Terraces in Dec 19. The State have not listened. But that is no reason not to continue to advocate to save these Historic buildings. There are better locations in Parramatta for a museum!!!! # Savewillowgrove
01.01.2022 I so Happy to share this Years WINNERS. One of my Favourite events of the Year. Foundation Art Exhibition.
01.01.2022 Deputy Lord Mayor painting - Telopea Shops -Community Paint Event
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