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Old Ambulance Station in Nambour, Queensland | Community organisation

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Old Ambulance Station

Locality: Nambour, Queensland

Address: 80 Howard Street 4560 Nambour, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 The September AMBO Long Table Dinner welcomed new guests and those who always turn up and those whom we haven't seen for a while. Great to see you all, hear your stories and sample your wonderful food we shared. Covid 19 plan was followed, as well as lots of interesting information and laughter. All this with the stunning backdrop of Jo Williams' exhibition (until 2 Ocotober - come and enjoy the experience if you haven't yet). There are two more ALTD in 2020 (16th of October and November) - then we return on 16 February 2021. The AMBO's new giftshop filled with local artists' creations is open - a great opportunity to purchase and give something original and meaningful this Christmas. Stay connected, keep well!

25.01.2022 Rock on out to Piece of My Heart - the ultimate Janis Joplin Tribute, in the newly refurbished Black Box Theatre on Saturday 28 November. Two shows, 4.00pm and 7.00pm Tickets at:

25.01.2022 The galleries are re-opening soon on Monday 11 January : continuing with Samuel Tupou’s ‘Time Dilator’ on until 30 January 2021 Old Ambulance Station Galleries 80 Howard St Nambour Q 4560... Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday ‘Time Dilator’ is a series of new works on paper by Brisbane based artist Samuel Tupou. The work considers our personal and geographical relationship with the physical planes of space and time. These screen printed works use pattern and repetition to examine coincidence, déjà vu and the realm of dreaming. Of Tongan and Polynesian heritage Tupou’s recent works draw inspiration from mathematical geometry and 80’s video game imagery as well as Pacific Island Tapa cloth design and fine mat weaving. #australiancontemporaryart #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces #lithographs #screenprints #samueltupou #samueltupoutimedilator

22.01.2022 The table will be set once more for tomorrow's ALTD - please remember to book your seat. As always the event is free but ticket registration is required Looking forward to seeing you again - or for the first time!

21.01.2022 Join the 60th AMBO Long Table Dinner tomorrow, 16 November! Celebrate with us the newly refurbished Black Box Theatre, meet the creators of the first two shows be staged there in December - Kendra Keller, Michelle Bucci and Valeria Ramirez and enjoy the current, very successful exhibition of the young artists emerging from the Nambour State College Arts Department. Bring a dish to share and BOOK your ticket

20.01.2022 More snaps from last nights opening Me & Leonard & An Old Piano JO WILLIAMS Old Ambulance Station ... 80 Howard St Nambour 28 August - 10 October 2020 Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday @jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsexhibition #meandleonardandanoldpiano #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #ambovolunteers #artspaces #creativespaces @ Old Ambulance Station

19.01.2022 Me & Leonard & An Old Piano JO WILLIAMS Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard St Nambour 28 August - 10 October 2020... Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday @jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsexhibition #meandleonardandanoldpiano #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

19.01.2022 We are open If you haven’t already experienced Samuel Tupou’s ’Time Dilator’ exhibition : don’t miss out. Samuel Tupou... Time Dilator On now until 30 January Old Ambulance Station Galleries 80 Howard St Nambour Q 4560 Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday ‘Time Dilator’ is a series of new works on paper by Brisbane based artist Samuel Tupou. The work considers our personal and geographical relationship with the physical planes of space and time. These screen printed works use pattern and repetition to examine coincidence, déjà vu and the realm of dreaming. Of Tongan and Polynesian heritageTupou’s recent works draw inspiration from mathematical geometry and 80’s video game imagery as well as Pacific Island Tapa cloth design and fine mat weaving. #australiancontemporaryart #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces #lithographs #screenprints #samueltupou #samueltupoutimedilator

18.01.2022 Artist talk this Sunday with esteemed printmaker Kim Herringe. There is no cost to attend however bookings are essential. Please phone Ken on 0403 283 183 EDITIONS : SUNSHINE COAST ... An exhibition of new works by 28 printmakers 23 April to 29 May 2021 Editions Opening Hours: 10am - 4pm Monday to Sunday Old Ambulance Station Galleries 80 Howard St Nambour Q 4560 @editionssc @kimherringe #kimherringe #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #australiancontemporaryart #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces #creativespacesnambour #editionssunshinecoast #editionsexhibitionnambour #printmakersexhibition #curatedbykenmunsieandsandydoble

17.01.2022 FLUORESCENT An Emergency Festival of Original TheatreThe Black Box Theatre Old Ambulance Station Nambour 9-12 December 2020... tickets: Diverse in style, the works presented in FLUORESCENT are threaded together on themes of identity and place, exploring interfaces between deeply personal experience and the traumas and neuroses of nations. The works showcase, CONSTRUCTION SIGHT and YAY FOR CANE TOADS! CONSTRUCTION SIGHT A selection of three short, freshly made works. HE, by Salvadorian-Australian theatre practitioner Rodrigo Calderón is a reckoning with the waters of troubled masculinity in a sleepy coastal town, on one side of the Pacific or another. UNEARTHED from First Nations (US) queer visionary and drag artist Lindsey Stillwell is a story told to her infant daughter of their escape from violence, and the creation of their new life together. SAME GOD LAST NIGHT from Nambour born William Foley is his debut as a playwright a brave and poetic coming out, in more ways than one. YAY FOR CANE TOADS! An immersive tea party experience that get’s stuck into that pantry full of stale, unfinished business, pulls out a desiccated rat and some sugar. Locally grown writer and theatre maker Kendra Keller (aka Lady Longdrop) is a whitefella wrestling it out with deep-tissue questions around colonial-capitalist barbarity, normalcy, amnesia and arrival. She brings this award winning work home for its Qld premiere. Ticketing for FLUORESCENT is based on ‘your hourly rate of pay’, that is maximising accessibility whilst striving to pay artists as much as other workers who wear florescent. Choose to pay $48.50, $28.50, $18.50 or $13.50. Bookings for all shows and events are essential. Everyone is welcome. Wear your masks, and your hi-vis, or whatever, or nothing. Express yourself! We look forward to seeing you there. Created and performed on the unceded lands of the Kabi Kabi peoples. Tickets: #contemporarytheatre #fluorescentfestival #ladylongdrop #kendrakeller #yayforcanetoads #blackboxtheatrenambour #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland

16.01.2022 The Old Ambo wishes you a Happy New Year May 2021 be full of creativity, love, health and good will to all Smile inside : all ways ... Old Ambulance Station Galleries 80 Howard St Nambour Q 4560 Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday Closed now : reopening 11 January #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

16.01.2022 Meet some more of our fabulous volunteers at the Old Ambo . . . Marcella, Charles and Ken We couldn’t get by without you... And a reminder that the fabulous Jo Williams exhibition concludes next Friday 2 October DON’T MISS SEEING IT! Me & Leonard & An Old Piano JO WILLIAMS Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard St Nambour 28 August - 2 October 2020 Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday @jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsexhibition #meandleonardandanoldpiano #australiancontemporaryart #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

16.01.2022 More images from this fabulous exhibition by students from Nambour State College. The gallery is open today until 3pm at the Old Ambo in Nambour Nambour State College Annual Art Exhibition... Year 7 - 12 13 to 28 November 2020 Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard Street Nambour Q 4560 Sunshine Coast Hinterland : Australia Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday #nambourstatecollege #nambourstatecollegeartexhibition #nambourstatecollegeyears7to12 #nambourstatecollegeartstudents #painting #drawing #sculpture #photography #film #printmaking #installation #australianyouthart #australianstudentart #NSC #NACA #nambouracademyofcreativearts #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

15.01.2022 EXHIBITION CHANGEOVER The gallery walls are empty once more Jo Williams (pictured here with Ambo volunteer Ardleigh) packed up her unsold work and headed for home. Thanks Jo for an exceptional show!... Watch this space for details of our next exhibition: ‘Affinity’ opening 16 October Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard St Nambour #exhibitionchangeover #australiancontemporaryart #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

14.01.2022 Greetings and best wishes for 2021! Many thanks for your enquirees regarding the first ALTD for the year. We always take two months off (December and January, 10 dinners p/a) so the first one will be on 16th February at 6pm. There will be an invitation/reminder on Facebook closer to the date and the e-newsletter will be emailed in the first week of February - if you are not on our mailing list, send us your address to: [email protected]... We trust you are well and looking forward seeing you soon!

13.01.2022 Apologies for any inconvenience : we have had to delay our opening. as they say. . . the best laid plans of . . and Due to our valued volunteers being impacted by the Brisbane lockdown .. instead of opening the galleries tomorrow as planned the Old Ambo will remain closed Monday 11 January... and all being well we will open Tuesday 12 January at 10am... Samuel Tupou Dilator 4 December 2020 - 30 January 2021 Old Ambulance Station Galleries 80 Howard St Nambour Q 4560 Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday #australiancontemporaryart #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

13.01.2022 Be quick! Only a few tickets remain for this Saturday's 4.00pm show at the Old Ambo's Black Box Theatre.

11.01.2022 Only on for two weeks :: don’t miss this exhibition :: showcasing the exceptional works of year 7-12 students from Nambour State College 13 to 28 November 2020 Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard Street Nambour Q 4560... Sunshine Coast Hinterland : Australia Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday Nambour State College Annual Art Exhibition : Year 7 - 12 #nambourstatecollege #nambourstatecollegeartexhibition #nambourstatecollegeyears7to12 #nambourstatecollegeartstudents #painting #drawing #sculpture #photography #film #printmaking #installation #australianyouthart #australianstudentart #NSC #NACA #nambouracademyofcreativearts #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

10.01.2022 :: Last shows today FLUORESCENT An Emergency Festival of Original TheatreThe Black Box Theatre Old Ambulance Station Nambour... 9-12 December 2020 tickets: Diverse in style, the works presented in FLUORESCENT are threaded together on themes of identity and place, exploring interfaces between deeply personal experience and the traumas and neuroses of nations. #contemporarytheatre #fluorescentfestival #ladylongdrop #kendrakeller #yayforcanetoads #blackboxtheatrenambour #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland

10.01.2022 The old ambo wishes you and yours the merriest of days all through the holidays and may 2021 bring health happiness and joy to everyone. Special thanks and gratitude to our wonderful volunteers who keep the galleries open and attended. #becreative #bekind #besafe #beloved ... Old Ambulance Station Galleries 80 Howard St Nambour Q 4560 Galleries are closed from noon 18 December reopening Monday 11 January at 10am #australiancontemporaryart #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

10.01.2022 It may look like a construction zone outside the Ambo but :: WE ARE OPEN Don’t miss the fabulous Jo Williams exhibition which has just two more weeks to run. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the exhibition will conclude Friday 2 October instead of 10 October as previously advertised. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.... Me & Leonard & An Old Piano JO WILLIAMS Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard St Nambour 28 August - 2 October 2020 Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday @jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsexhibition #meandleonardandanoldpiano #australiancontemporaryart #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

10.01.2022 Images from our current exhibition : open 7 days until 29 May EDITIONS : SUNSHINE COAST An exhibition of new works by 28 printmakers 23 April to 29 May 2021... Editions Opening Hours: 10am - 4pm Monday to Sunday Old Ambulance Station Galleries 80 Howard St Nambour Q 4560 @editionssc #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #australiancontemporaryart #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces #creativespacesnambour #editionssunshinecoast #editionsexhibitionnambour #printmakersexhibition #curatedbykenmunsieandsandydoble

09.01.2022 Montville artist Pam Maegdefrau visited the exhibition this week : very impressed by the work of Jo Williams. Photograph of Pam was taken by Ambo volunteer Chris Grealy. The exhibition concludes 10 October.... Me & Leonard & An Old Piano JO WILLIAMS Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard St Nambour 28 August - 10 October 2020 Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday @jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsexhibition #meandleonardandanoldpiano #contemporaryaustralianart #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

09.01.2022 What's On November/December 2020 -

08.01.2022 Last night's opening of JO WILLIAMS exhibition 'Me & Leonard & An Old Piano' was our first in a while. Thanks to all those who travelled far and wide to enjoy the wonderful artworks. The exhibition runs until 10 October :: open 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday

08.01.2022 Got to love an Ambo birthday. A very happy birthday to Ursula from The Little Glass House from everyone at the Ambo.

07.01.2022 Another stage of the roadworks completed. The new bitumen should be in use on Monday and we hope the footpath will also be open. Over the next few weeks there will be railings fitted and gardens planted, while construction work shifts to the new tram platform. Swipe on to see images from NSC art students Nambour State College Annual Art Exhibition... Year 7 - 12 13 to 28 November 2020 Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard Street Nambour Q 4560 Sunshine Coast Hinterland : Australia Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday #nambourstatecollege #nambourstatecollegeartexhibition #nambourstatecollegeyears7to12 #nambourstatecollegeartstudents #painting #drawing #sculpture #photography #film #printmaking #installation #australianyouthart #australianstudentart #NSC #NACA #nambouracademyofcreativearts #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

06.01.2022 Yikes crocodiles in the Old Ambo . . . here’s a sneak peek at some of the fabulous works that make up our next exhibition OPENING Friday 13 November ... Nambour State College Year 7-12 Art Exhibition 13 to 28 November 2020 Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard Street Nambour Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday #nambourstatecollege #nambourstatecollegeartexhibition #nambourstatecollegeyears7to12 #nambourstatecollegeartstudents #painting #drawing #sculpture #photography #film #printmaking #installation #australianyouthart #australianstudentart #NSC #NACA #nambouracademyofcreativearts #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

06.01.2022 Jo Williams. Me, Leonard & an Old Piano.

06.01.2022 The Old Ambo would like to congratulate the organisers, artists, and judges on the success of 2020’s Sculpture on the Edge. Situated on the lush green grounds of Spicers Tamarind Retreat just outside Maleny, the exhibition brought in large crowds, even on the last days during the heat wave. Beautiful and thoughtful art in a tranquil setting. Photography and words by Ambo volunteer Chris Grealy Image descriptions:... 1 Stinga the Honey Bee by Rod Buckland. Where would we be without the pollinators? 2 Chris McKenzie (winning sculptor) talks about working with basalt under a Spicers marquee. 3 Bushfire by Ray Langford. 4 Joy Hinckley takes in Oneshot Invasion by Beatrice Prost. Re-purposed coffee capsules try to smother an old growth tree. 5 Detail of Oneshot Invasion. Aluminium coffee pods dip and sway in the breeze on their delicate steel stems. Tulips of the future? The exhibition concludes today 15 November @sculptureontheedge #sculptureontheedge #sunshinecoasthinterland #australiancontemporarysculpture #oldambulancestationnambour

06.01.2022 OPEN from today Me & Leonard & An Old Piano JO WILLIAMS 28 August- 10 October 2020... Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard St Nambour Gallery hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday @jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsexhibition #meandleonardandanoldpiano #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces @ Old Ambulance Station

05.01.2022 Federal Member for Fairfax Ted O'Brien selfy-ising with the divine Andrea Kirwin at the Ambo

04.01.2022 First major sale for Jo Williams from her exhibition now showing at The Old Ambulance Station. Huge thanks to our fabulous volunteers Stevie and Jordyn (3rd pic) for making the sale. Congratulations to the lucky purchaser :: great choice!... The exhibition continues until 10 October. Me & Leonard & An Old Piano JO WILLIAMS Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard St Nambour 28 August - 10 October 2020 Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday @jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsartist #jowilliamsexhibition #meandleonardandanoldpiano #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

04.01.2022 A closer look at some of the works ... Nambour State College is delighted to present their first exhibition at The Old Ambo :: a diverse range of work from Year 7-12 that includes painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, film, printmaking and installation.Students are able to study a range of creative subject offerings from Visual Art and Film and Television (General), Certificate I in Visual Arts to Certificate III in Visual Arts. Nambour State College Annual Art Exhibit...ion Year 7 - 12 13 to 28 November 2020 Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard Street Nambour Q 4560 Sunshine Coast Hinterland : Australia Gallery Hours: 10am - 3pm Monday to Saturday #nambourstatecollege #nambourstatecollegeartexhibition #nambourstatecollegeyears7to12 #nambourstatecollegeartstudents #painting #drawing #sculpture #photography #film #printmaking #installation #australianyouthart #australianstudentart #NSC #NACA #nambouracademyofcreativearts #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces

03.01.2022 Samuel Tupou :: Time Dilator The Old Ambulance Station 80 Howard Street Nambour 04 December 2020 - 30 January 2021... Gallery hours: 10-3 Monday-Saturday A new series of works on paper that consider our personal and geographical relationship with the physical planes of space and time. These screen printed works use pattern and repetition to examine coincidence, déjà vu and the realm of dreaming. #australiancontemporaryart #oldambulancestationnambour #oldambogalleries #nambour #sunshinecoasthinterland #SCAIP #artspaces #creativespaces #lithographs #screenprints #samueltupou #samueltupoutimedilator NB: The Old Ambo will be closed for the holidays from noon 18 December reopening Monday 11 January 2021

03.01.2022 We're looking forward to seeing familiar and new friends this coming Sunday (16 May) at 6.00pm at our Long Table Dinner.

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