The Old Melburnians' Lodge No 317 UGLV in Prahran, Victoria | Community
The Old Melburnians' Lodge No 317 UGLV
Locality: Prahran, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9596 4493
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18.01.2022 The Old Melburnians had a great night passing Brother Brian to the Second Degree. Thanks to all our visitors from Lodges near and far. Made for a wonderful night. A full lodge room is a happy lodge room.
18.01.2022 Vale Frank. You had a wonderful send off. Rest In Peace.
17.01.2022 Another blast from the past. This time 1993 when The Old Melburnians’ Lodge held their meeting in the lodge room of the Charles Napier Hotel Sovereign Hill Ballarat.
17.01.2022 Now for some good news in this time of social distancing and suspended lodge activities. In the lead up to the Grand Installation the Grand Master, MWBro Keith Murray has been pleased to announce Conferrals and Promotions in Grand Rank and appointments to the new Freemasons Victoria Order of Merit. Congratulations to all the brethren who have been recognised for their service to Freemasonry in Victoria. Our lodge had a number brethren included on the list. Promotions in Grand Rank: VWBro Richard Burman OAM PGIWkgs to Past Senior Grand Warden, WBro Peter Morris PGStdB to Past Senior Grand Deacon and appointments to the Order of Merit: WBro Andrew Burman WM as a Fellow (OMF) and Bro Jason Gribble MM as a Member (OMM).
17.01.2022 The Old Melburnians held a very enjoyable VBM and South along with a Virtual Vacant Chair. We had around 23 members and visitors come and go during the night. We are all looking forward to our next merry meeting in June.
16.01.2022 Freemasons in action #staysafe Can you help?? The medical staff at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust James Cook University Hospital (JCUH) in Middlesbro...ugh were using up their supply of see-through face visors quicker than they could get further replacements. In particular they needed sheets of A4 size transparent film normally used as ‘Overhead Projector Slides’ (OHP) to be used in the 3D printed visors they are fabricating. Hearing of their plight Andrew Watson, Charity Steward of Ayton Freemasons Lodge donated 150 sheets to Richard Robinson, Infection and Prevention Control Nurse at the hospital (standing the obligatory 2m apart well caught Richard!). Pictured is one of the face masks using the donated OHP slides and a kind note of thanks from the Infectious Diseases team at JCUH led by consultant, Dr Richard Bellamy. Ayton Lodge have now purchased a further 400 OHP sheets, and along with 120 sheets donated via a village Facebook page request are being passed on to Infectious Diseases team. Andrew has requested brethren check if they have any A4 transparent PVC binding covers or OHP transparency sheets which could be used for the visors and if so contact him at Great Ayton on: 0797 1885898. .or why not contact your local hospital to see if you could assist in a similar manner. United Grand Lodge of England Masonic Charitable Foundation See more
12.01.2022 We had forty Brethren, Candidates and Prospective Candidates join us for all or part of our September meeting last night. They came from the UK, NSW, Tasmania, Country Victoria and Melbourne. Many thanks to our three speakers; WBro David Manallack (What is King Sololmon's Temple and what is its relationship to Freemasonry?), RWBro Zich Woinarski PGDM (Who are Operative Masons and how and why did Speculative Masonry evolve from them?) and WBro Andrew Burman (What do Masons believe?). All the topics allowed for great Q&A sessions and vigorous discussions amongst the attendees. Till our next merry meeting.
11.01.2022 All ready for The Off tonight.
09.01.2022 Thought I would just throw up a video to round off the night. Congratulations Bro Brian.
09.01.2022 Last night the brethren of The Old Melburnians' Lodge along with brethren from The Brighton District Lodge, Bank Place Lodge, Berwick Balcara Lodge, Hearts of Oak Lodge, Lodge Balgowlah NSW, Lodge Phoenix TC and The Captain Cook Lodge EC came together on the OMs regular August meeting night via Zoom. In total thirty six brethren met to present a 'Transitory Masonic Alphabet - A through Z'. The twenty six topics were presented by experienced Right Worshipful Brethren down to t...he newest Entered Apprentices. The letters covered a broad spectrum of masonic subjects and lead to a lot of and at times lively discussion. There will be a lot of brethren on their computers disappearing down masonic rabbit holes over the next few days. Congratulations also to Worshipful Brother Ian Hunt on his Ninetieth birthday and Worshipful Brother Ian Eilenberg on being presented his 40 year pin, even if it is seven years late. Till our next merry meeting. See more
09.01.2022 FREEMASONS IN ACTION W. Bro. Andrew Watson, the Charity Steward of Ayton Lodge 9595, hearing from his wife that two of her friends, Melanie Blake & Hazel Brock ...(both retired professional dressmakers) were producing Surgical Scrubs for the James Cook Hospital (JCUH) and were in need of funds for the correct grade material, was faced with the problem that Ayton Lodge had already allocated its maximum emergency grant to another NHS appeal. So he petitioned Captain Cook Chapter 4636 where he is IPZ. The Captain Cook Chapter and Lodge both answered immediately by giving 250 from each of their emergency charity funds, making a total of 500. Mel and Hazel are continuously producing scrubs and delivering them to the JCUH at a rate of about 15 a week, each set of scrubs costs 15 to make. Pictured left to right are W. Bro. Malcolm Tonkiss, representing Captain Cook Lodge, Hazel Brock, Melanie Blake and E. Comp. Andrew Watson representing Captain Cook Chapter, all standing in front of a week’s production of Surgical Scrubs. See more
09.01.2022 These photos are from around 2002 and 2003. How many brethren can you recognise? How time flies. Seventeen years ago now. Seems like yesterday.
09.01.2022 The Old Melburnians had around twenty brethren come and go from our Zoom meeting last Tuesday. There was also seven apologies for unavoidable absence. It was great to have a couple of members join us who we haven't seen for a while as well as two visitors from the Captain Cook Lodge in the UK. We will all be together again on Tuesday the 5th of May, our usual Lodge night for a business meeting with a little masonic discussion over a tipple and a nibble in the South afterwards. Here's our next merry meeting.
07.01.2022 Dear Brethren, Further to my earlier communication I regret to inform you that our lodge meetings and rehearsals from now until the 31 May have been cancelled on advice of the Board of General Purposes. Rehearsal: Thursday, 26 March 2020... Meeting (First Degree): Tuesday, 7 April 2020 Rehearsal: Thursday, 23 April 2020 Installation: Tuesday, 5 May 2020 Rehearsal: Thursday, 28 May 2020 This will give us plenty of time to get our heads into our rituals and be word perfect for when we have our next merry meeting in a few months’ time. Keep yourself safe by following the Victorian and Commonwealth Departments of Health advice. Refer to the links in my previous post. Remember to be vigilant, maintaining safe distances, regular hand washing (for 20 seconds while singing the first verse of God Save The Queen) and other hygiene practices, and follow the advice of the Victorian and Commonwealth Departments of Health. Keep in contact with each other and don’t hesitate to contact the Almoner should you need support. Your brethren are here for you should you need us. I will provide you will regular updates as information comes to hand. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. WBro. Andrew Burman WM Worshipful Master The Old Melburnians Lodge No 317
05.01.2022 IMPORTANT IMFORMATION - CORONAVIRUS (COVID - 19) FROM THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER Dear Brethren,... Our next meeting is planned for Tuesday, 7 April 2020 with Rehearsal on Thursday, 26 March 2020. At this stage both will go ahead as scheduled. However, it is my understanding that the Grand Secretariat and the Board of General Purposes are meeting today and guidance for Lodges will be issued at the conclusion of the meeting. The Old Melburnians’ Lodge will act in accordance with any directives that may be issued by Grand Lodge and all members will be advised of the these as soon as they are issued. I will also give you ample warning should it be necessary to cancel any of our activities. There is a lot of misinformation and uniformed opinion being spread on social media in general and in the Freemasonry Facebook Pages in particular. It is very important that you act in accordance with advice of the Chief Health Officer and the Chief Medical Officer. To assist with the awareness of the Coronavirus (COVID 19) and for your protection and that of your families and loved ones, please click on important links to the following sites. 1. Self-assessment table from the Department of Health and Human Services Victoria 2. Frequently asked questions from Department of Health Australian 3. What you need to know from the Department of Health Australian Government 4. Myth busting coronavirus from the World Health Organisation 5. How to clean your hands from the World Health Organisation Should you need any help or support please do not hesitate to contact our Almoner, WBro Simon Derham on 0411 479 994 or [email protected]. Also please keep in contact with each other and our widows to make sure that everyone has the support they need. Please remember to be vigilant, maintaining safe, regular hand washing (for 20 seconds while singing the first verse of God Save The Queen) and other hygiene practises, and follow the advice of the Victorian and Commonwealth Departments of Health. Yours fraternally, WBro. Andrew Burman WM Worshipful Master The Old Melburnians Lodge No 317
03.01.2022 IMPORTANT LETTER FROM THE GRAND MASTER REGARDING THE 2020 GRAND INSTALLATION 28 March 2020 Dear Brethren,...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Your Master and Ben managed to get their faces into the Spring 2020 edition of the Yorkshire Mason Magazine. The Old Melburnians' Lodge was all set to Initiate Ben into the Craft at our April meeting. Unfortunately this has had to be postponed until FMV gives the all clear for us to start meeting again. Ben is a Lewis and his father, Martin is a Past Master of The Captain Cook Lodge UGLE. The CCL Lodge raised $3000.00 towards the Victorian Bushfires which was forwarded on to the Mitchell River Lodge for them to use in their relief efforts.
02.01.2022 This is what our sister lodge in Yorkshire is up to for their next meeting on Friday the 13th. Notice the emphasis on Charity. Part of the evening will be a talk on how the funds from their Charity Account that we passed on to the Mitchell River Lodge were used for the relief of fire effected brethren.
01.01.2022 The Captain Cook Lodge, our sister Lodge in England held a virtual Vacant Chair Ceremony at 6:30 pm on Friday (5:30 am Saturday Melbourne Time) in remembrance of the fallen. It was a moving tribute. Malcolm Tonkiss, the Worshipful Master and the brethren of the Lodge are to be congratulated. Brethren, remember to buy a poppy, wear it with pride and bow your head in an act of remembrance with a minute’s silence on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Lest we Forget.
01.01.2022 Dear Brethren, Details for the webcast of the Funeral of WBro John T Baldwin PM of The Old Melburnians' Lodge No 317. https:// The site will activate at 1.45pm going live at 2pm on Friday, 9 October 2020. Nelson Brothers Funerals. Fraternally, Andrew
01.01.2022 A very enjoyable time was had at The Old Melburnians' last night, along with the Worshipful Master and members visiting us from The Mitchell River Lodge there were over fifty freemasons and candidates in attendance. We were also joined by RWBro Tony Bucca DGM. After introductions, the Candidates retired and we all entered into a lengthy and robust discussion on the topic of If individual lodges hold true to the ‘landmarks of the order’ should they be able to make individual decisions about the running of meetings and internal lodge administration rather than having them prescribed centrally by the United Grand Lodge of Victoria?. Areas covered included; Read or Recite Ritual, General Ceremonial and The South. Unfortunately we ran out of time and left Masonic Education, Getting and Retaining Members and Installations to a later date.
01.01.2022 VALE: WBro John Baldwin PM Dear Brethren, I regret to inform you that John passed to the Grand Lodge Above early yesterday morning.... John was diagnosed with liver cancer in May and received treatment which was going well until about a week ago. He is now at rest with no pain. John was initiated into Freemasonry in another constitution in 1972, joined the OMs in 1981 and was the Master of the Lodge in 1988/89 and again in 2009/10. While John was not a regular attender at Lodge meetings in the last couple of years, he still helped set up the South on Tuesdays with John Plowright. He and Justine also attended our social functions when they were not away at their farm at the base of the Cathedral Ranges. John and Justine celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in early June with their children, their spouses and grandchildren. I have no details of a funeral or memorial service but will pass them on as soon they become available. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Justine and the rest of John’s family at this time. Requiescat in pace. Andrew.
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