Our Lady of Good Counsel School, Karrinyup WA in Karrinyup, Western Australia | Primary School
Our Lady of Good Counsel School, Karrinyup WA
Locality: Karrinyup, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6242 3400
Address: 117 Miles St 6018 Karrinyup, WA, Australia
Website: http://olgc.wa.edu.au
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25.01.2022 Congratulations to Tracy Woodward for receiving runner up in the Rotary Club of Karrinyup Michael Chin humanitarian award. Tracy won her award for setting up the OLGC Meals by Mums group who have cooked over 4000 meals for The shopfront who provide care for the venerable in our community.
25.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day! We hope you have a fantastic weekend!
25.01.2022 Principal Appreciation Day We showed Mr Gaglia our appreciation for all he does at Our Lady of Good Counsel by singing him a song and awarding him with a special merit certificate and trophy.
24.01.2022 On Saturday, OLGC's Assistant Principal, Miss Kenworthy, brought food for the Vinnies WA COVID-19 Appeal. It was a tremendously uplifting experience and the gratitude of the volunteers was humbling. We are very grateful for the contributions which the OLGC families and staff made. The photo shows some of the food that the OLGC families and staff donated. Thank you so very much!
24.01.2022 As part of the Draw Near Project students from OLGC, St Dominic's and Newman College packed food bags that families had been donating for the past few weeks. It has been amazing to witness how giving our community has been for those in need.
24.01.2022 The City of Stirling donated 60 native plants to OLGC. Yesterday, the Kindy and the P.P. students worked in groups and planted them in garden beds around the school. They certainly enjoyed the experience and hopefully we will have some beautiful natives to enjoy as we walk around our school.
23.01.2022 Today is National Sorry Day. We at OLGC acknowledge and remember the injustice experienced by the members of the Stolen Generation.
23.01.2022 Welcome back! After a great holiday break, the OLGC students returned to school excited and eager to learn!
23.01.2022 Today OLGC students enjoyed our annual Great Book Swap which is our library Evangelisation Project. We raised funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation which provides books, reading programs and education to children in remote Australian communities. Thanks to all the generous families who supported their children in donating books and encouraging their children to participate.
23.01.2022 The ADHOC(Fathering Group) Camping Trip to Lancelin Caravan Park was attended by approximately 80 Dad's/Granddads and Kids. Everyone had a great time! Saturday was spent swimming, sand boarding, BBQing and trick or treating for Halloween. All of the kids got dressed up and had a ball moving between the various camping sites with their friends and they received a bag lollies after dinner. A big thanks to everyone who attended and also to the ADHOC Committee for organising the accommodation, buying the food and cooking the BBQ.
22.01.2022 Congratulations to the year six children who participated in the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday.
22.01.2022 The Kindys and their Year 3 buddies learning all about Reconciliation Week.
21.01.2022 The Year Six students had a fantastic time surfing this term! What a memorable experience!
21.01.2022 Our evangelisation goal was 'We can show love like Jesus.' The Kindy and PP class, with the help of staff, created a CARE Pack for the local elderly residents near our school. The students enjoyed watching the staff give each of them a bag with treats, cans and a toilet roll. ... The residents were most grateful.
20.01.2022 Today the students and teachers wore pyjamas to raise funds for the St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal. Well done to the Well-being Ministry who organised it.
20.01.2022 We have setup a new Instagram account for OLGC. Please search for olgc_cps or use the following link: www.instagram.com/invites/contact/
20.01.2022 OLGC had an amazing last day of Term 3. Students engaged in an Edu-Dance concert. Each week over the Term, students have had an Edu-Dance lesson . The children were outstanding dancers and groovers!
18.01.2022 Today the Year 3s and 4's had a Harry Potter themed chemical sciences incursion. Students conjured up slime and made a balloon magically inflate. They had such a blast!
18.01.2022 Today, the Environmental Ministry planted some plants near the library. They did a fantastic job! Well done to all the kids involved! Bunnings Warehouse Australia gave the school a voucher towards this wonderful initiative. Thanks so much Bunnings!
18.01.2022 The week started with celebrating NAIDOC week with our Year 5 buddies. firstly we taught the students about what NAIDOC week is and then we showed them the winning poster for this year. Students then collaborated on creating a mural. As they coloured we played music by Poppy Mark (Atkins).
18.01.2022 Gianni in Year Six has raised over $2500 for cancer research by taking part in World's Greatest Shave today. Thank you to all families who supported the cupcake sale or donated online. Donations can still be made at the following link. http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/giannigermano.
17.01.2022 The sun was shining on our first day back to school for our Year 1 to 6 Cross Country. It was amazing to see students tackle the hills and make it to the end of the course.
17.01.2022 On Wednesday, the Year 3 class had a fire safety incursion. They learnt about the job of a fireman, how to be fire safe, what to do in case of a fire and even got to see the equipment on the fire truck and spray the hose! It was so interesting.
16.01.2022 Happy Easter from Pre-Primary! We created our own Easter Hat Parade!
16.01.2022 This afternoon we had the pleasure of having one of the Year 4 parents visit the Year 4 class. She is a Senior Engineer at the Department of Water and Environment Regulation and she came to teach the Year 4's about the importance of sustainability in our world. She taught them about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and the importance of acting on these goals. Students collaboratively selected the goal they felt was most important to achieve; they came up with ways they could help to achieve this. Very interactive, very informative, very useful! We are super grateful to her for sharing her expertise.
16.01.2022 Farewell to our beautiful Year 6 students. We wish you all the very best as you start your new journey at high school!
15.01.2022 Today at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month we held a Remembrance Day service. A minutes’ silence was observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect Australia.
14.01.2022 The Year 3 Class celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes for the school in order to raise money for Project Compassion: Caritas. It was a huge success and we raised $108.80. A big thank you to Father Bernard and the Parishioners -Bronwyn, Cecilia and Pat for their help and for supporting the children. Lots of fun was had by all.
14.01.2022 On Friday, the Year 3 class went on an excursion to Scitech. We learnt all about the Earth, it’s seasons and how it is changing over time. It was a great day.
12.01.2022 Today some of our OLGC students took part in the 'National Walk Safely to School Day' which is a Your Move initiative -https://www.yourmove.org.au//national-walk-safely-to-scho/. The students were encouraged to attend school by walking and riding their bikes or scooters safely to school. It was pleasing to see how many students got involved! Thanks to our Wellbeing Ministry who raised awareness of this fantastic day! Good job!!
12.01.2022 On Friday, the Pre-Primary class hosted Messy Mud Day. Messy Mud Day provided an ideal opportunity to engage children in a unique and fun play activity. Messy Mud Day was a sensory thrill as children are allowed the freedom to make a mess.
11.01.2022 Following our OLGC Feast Day Liturgy, the school enjoyed the annual Mission Day, organised by the Year 6's. All the funds raised through this evangelisation project will be donated to to Catholic Mission. At the end of this wonderful event, a sausage sizzle and juice boxes were provided by the P&F. What a memorable day!
11.01.2022 The Year Five class went to Parliament House as part of their study of government and how laws are made. They had a great time and learned a lot! They also got to meet the local member of Parliament and leader of the opposition, Liza Harvey.
11.01.2022 Today the Pre-Primary and Year 5 class paid a visit to the Chrystal Halliday Home to spread Christmas cheer. They performed their Nativity play and sang carols for the residents to enjoy. The students had made a small gift as a keepsake.
10.01.2022 As part of the DRAW NEAR PROJECT, OLGC students took part in rice day. On this day students were asked not to eat recess or lunch. After their lunch break, students were able to have a bowl of rice. Students reflected on what it would be like to have no or very little food. For the DRAW NEAR PROJECT, OLGC partnered with Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, St Dominics School, Newman College, St Vinnies and the West Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office to provide COVID-19 relief and support for people seeking asylum, international students and those in need in Innaloo/Karrinyup area. Families donated food and hygiene products to make up relief bags.
09.01.2022 The year 4, 5 and 6 classes enjoyed the performance from the Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company today. Bilya Kaatijin shared the important messages of caring for country, environmental sustainability and cultural awareness.
09.01.2022 Last Tuesday, we had our Faction Carnival. It was a wonderful occasion that was enjoyed by all!
09.01.2022 Last Thursday, the Year 2 class went on an excursion to Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park. We learnt about a variety of different plants and the homes in which the animals live within King’s Park. They were able to dig up and look at some insects in a magnifying tub using metal spoons. The children had a wonderful time.
08.01.2022 For the Year 1 Evangelisation Project, students from other years were invited to come and draw posters for Lent in the Hall. The posters were filled with images all about Easter and Lent. It was a successful event which showcased the sacred symbols of Lent.
08.01.2022 Yesterday, the Wellbeing Ministry presented a slide show to the school. The objective of the presentation was to teach the students what respect, excellence, justice and love means. They did a fabulous job and we are very proud of our Wellbeing Ministry. Well done!!
08.01.2022 Well done to Kate and Molly for organising 'Hooray for Donut Day' to support communities affected by the recent bushfires. Thank you to all students and parents for their support and to Woolworths Karrinyup for their generous donation of donuts. $420 was raised with all proceeds going to BlazeAid and WA Fencing Farmers Kangaroo Island 2020
07.01.2022 On the 22nd of October, the Year Five class stayed overnight at the Zoo. They participated in a variety of activities looking at conservation and ecosystems. They especially enjoyed the night walk around the Zoo after dark. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learned a great deal.
07.01.2022 One of our young Year two students, Lucas, had the wonderful idea to create 3D printed key rings and figurines to raise money for Thomas who is the elder brother of Nicholas (year 2) and Kelly (Kindy). In January 2018, Thomas was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive rare form of bone cancer called osteosarcoma. To find out more about Thomas story or to donate please go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/thomas-quarmbys-battle
06.01.2022 Last Monday, the Year 1 Class felt like they went back in time when they visited the Kalamunda History Village. The children explored an olden day classroom, played with old fashioned toys and made Peg Dolls! It was lots of fun!
06.01.2022 On Thursdays, the Kindy Class eagerly look forward to having a story read to them by their Year 3 buddy.
06.01.2022 The P&F organised a spectacular disco which students greatly enjoyed. There were some amazing movers and shakers on the night who really got into the music.
05.01.2022 Yesterday, the year six children spent the day at The Constitutional Centre of Western Australia learning about Federation, how laws are made and all that takes place behind the scenes during an election.
05.01.2022 At last week's Assembly, the Pre-Primary Class of 2019 offered their version of the traditional Christmas Nativity. It is with pride that we congratulate them for their genuine enthusiasm. God bless them.
05.01.2022 The Pre-Primary went to Naturescape, Kings Park. They had fun learning about Aboriginal culture and they enjoyed the beautiful scenery.
05.01.2022 Once again, OLGC started the year with a group of ECU students completing a literacy unit on our site. They assessed a year one student and design individualised literacy lessons targeted to our students' individual needs. Both our Edith Cowan University (ECU) students and our year one students progressed very well through this mutually beneficial program.
04.01.2022 Two weeks ago, the OLGC students and dads had the opportunity to take part in the fishing clinic with Recfishwest. The kids had 'a ball' learning to bait and cast, learning about sustainable fishing practices and had a quiz at the end to test their memories and they won some prizes. What a fantastic experience!
04.01.2022 On Thursday the Pre-Primary students went on excursion to Karrinyup. We went on the Woolworths Discovery Tour. They had the opportunity to visit behind the scenes. After the tour we were lucky to visit other stores where through using the senses we had could taste, smell,... see, hear and touch. The students had an enjoyable time.
03.01.2022 The Year six class kept the Anzac spirit alive and honoured our veterans and service members by taking part in the ANZAC Day Liturgy via TEAMS. Lest we forget
03.01.2022 The Kindy class participated in a 'Loose Parts' incursion. It was a great way for the children to learn, explore, discover and to engage with a range of repurposed and natural materials. The open-ended, sensory and multipurpose nature of loose parts invites inventiveness and problem-solving as well as the opportunity to create. What fun they had!
02.01.2022 Today the year 6 students had an HelpingMinds incursion on bullying. The students were shown how to identify and respond to bullying. Thank you to HelpingMinds for giving our students an excellent incursion!
02.01.2022 Friday nights P&F Welcome back Movie Night was a great success! We had perfect weather to enjoy a wonderful movie. Families enjoyed arriving early to grab some delicious sausage sizzle and pork rolls while socialising with each other. Well done to the P&F and parent volunteers for all their great work!
01.01.2022 Today we had our Book Week Parade. The Theme for CBCA 2020 is Curious Creatures, Wild Minds. The students and staff had a fun time parading around the bitumen. What a fantastic day!
01.01.2022 The P.P. class helped the school celebrate All Saints and All Souls Day. The students sang a song reminding us that Jesus loves them.
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