Our Lady of Grace Primary School in North Beach, Western Australia, Australia | School
Our Lady of Grace Primary School
Locality: North Beach, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 6241 9500
Address: 5A Kitchener St 6020 North Beach, WA, Australia
Website: http://olg.wa.edu.au
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24.01.2022 CONFIRMATION RETREAT Today the Year 6 children celebrated their Confirmation, along with a group of Parish children from PREP classes. They enjoyed a Fruits of the Holy Spirit smoothie, Gifts of The Holy Spirit digital art activity & a Saint scavenger hunt! ... A truly memorable part of the day was the parent reflection letter. The children received a letter from their parents and had a beautiful meditation prior to writing back. The fun day ended with a moving prayer service. We believe our children know their Gifts given at Baptism and they look forward to receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation soon. We hope you enjoyed your final retreat at Our Lady of Grace School children, it sure was a memorable & spiritual day. #confirmation #retreat #students #year6 #olglifetothefull
24.01.2022 I C T W O R K S H O P The children presented to the parents last night at our ICT Workshop for Year 3. We heard from the children on how they integrate devices with their learning, both in and out of the classroom. It was amazing to see the knowledge, the capabilities and the possibilities of technology and how it is used by the students. ... Thank you for sharing with us children, we sure learnt a lot! #ICT #primaryschool #presentation #iPad #learning #olglifetothefull
23.01.2022 Y E A R T W O S T E M The Year 2 classes thoroughly enjoyed their STEM activity recently - creating their own robots out of recyclable material and arts and crafts! After their design phase they got to work putting the pieces together to produce some amazing robots. ... Well done kids! #stem #design #creative #fun #robots #yeartwo #olglifetothefull
22.01.2022 H E L P - L O O S E P A R T S OLG community we need you! We need more loose parts for our kids to play with! Please drop off before school the following if you have it at home:... * cooking equipment * crates (bread and milk) * pine wooden planks * pvc piping * plastic guttering Without you we cant make this awesome play space for our children!! The kids would be very grateful if you could bring in these materials. Thank you in advance. #looseparts #playtime #school #imagination #invention #problemsolving #olglifetothefull
22.01.2022 E U C H A R I S T R E T R E A T Together we are one Our theme today was all about coming together, and learning how the Year Fours can be themselves but together join to become one with Jesus. ... They learned how they became a child of God at their Baptism, how they are a member of a family, are part of a class at school, a neighbour to those where they live and a member of a parish where they become part of the Church. We hope you enjoyed your Eucharist Retreat today kids - your scavenger hunt, the last supper and wine making sure looked like fun. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your families and your teachers as you celebrate your First Holy Communion at all Masses this weekend. #eucharist #retreat #firstholycommunion #parish #church #together #school #olglifetothefull
22.01.2022 Y E A R 6 C A M P The children in Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their first day of camp, at Manjedal Activity Centre. Their afternoon was busy spent playing laser tag, archery and orienteering. ... Along the walk between activities they even spotted a kangaroo with her Joey! After a big nights sleep they are ready to tackle another day of fun #schoolcamp #fun #activities #teamwork #bonding #memories #olglifetothefull
21.01.2022 S P R I N G H A S S P R U N G Spring is here - or is it?! To welcome in the first day of Spring, children brought in a flower from home to decorate our school fence. ... Doesnt it look fabulous? #spring #flowers #September #children #school #rainyday #olglifetothefull
21.01.2022 THANK YOU OUR LADY OF GRACE! This morning, our very excited Junior Concert Band travelled to Our Lady of Grace Primary School (OLG) in North Beach to perform so...me hit songs from throughout the years at their Assembly. Most of our students in the Band are OLG graduates and were very excited to play in front of their siblings and teachers. Thank you also to Sophia Thirza (Year 8 Trinity) and Mrs Anstiss for taking these great photos. See more
21.01.2022 J U N I O R S P O R T S C A R N I V A L What a magic day! There were smiles all round as the kids enjoyed their Junior Sports Carnival this morning. ... Thank you to Mr Brown and the Year 6 House Captains, Sport Ministry and Head Boy & Head Girl for their assistance and leadership - oh, and @96express for their coffee A big thank you also goes to our parent community - we genuinely appreciate you working with us to allow this event to proceed. We were so pleased to give you the opportunity to watch your children race today - we hoped you enjoyed it as much as we did. #sportscarnival #games #sackrace #eggandspoon #schoolcommunity #canteen #mealdeal #olglifetothefull
20.01.2022 REHEARSAL FOR SCHOOL CLOSURE Today students and staff calmly practiced a dress rehearsal in the event our school should close, due to a case of Covid-19 being diagnosed in our school community. ... As you can imagine, this is logistically a complex undertaking! The children were remarkable - they listened and followed instructions in an orderly and calm fashion. Parents tomorrow you will receive a test sms, as part of our drills, enabling us to check our communication with you. Further details on this drill are outlined in todays newsletter. The school closure is not an urgent event and we thank you for your cooperation. #rehearsal #drills #calm #students #coviddrill #school #olglifetothefull
20.01.2022 L O O S E P A R T S P L A Y We are so excited to be introducing loose parts play to our school! Loose parts play is a type of play that encourages and supports childrens imagination, invention, problem solving and team work. ... It involves materials that can be moved, combined, redesigned and put together in multiple ways. Initially we will introduce a small range and add to our play parts over time. We are asking that the school community help by collecting the following items: Cooking equipment e.g. pots, pans, kitchen utensils Crates (bread, milk) Wooden planks (Pine only please) PVC piping Plastic guttering Items can be dropped off on the grass, inside the main gates next week before school. Thank you OLG community for making this exciting project a reality. #looseparts #playtime #imagination #problemsolving #olglifetothefull
19.01.2022 O L G F A M I L Y T E S T I M O N I A L S At OLG, our school community and families are integral to the livelihood of our school. We are committed to developing respectful relationships between parents and carers, and are always grateful for positive and supportive feedback. Here the Priddis family, current parents of the OLG school community, talk about their experience at Our Lady of Grace and what they are most grateful for. ... #family #testimonial #experience #gratitude #primaryschool #olglifetothefull
18.01.2022 C R O S S C O U N T R Y C A R N I V A L Today we were blessed with sunny weather as the kids completed a running track in Star Swamp (years 3-6) and a running track on school grounds (PP-2). And what fun they had! It was fabulous to see lots of smiles, comradery and kids supporting their friends as they approached the finish line. ... To the parents whose children helped out, including the house captains, head boy and head girl, you should be extremely proud. All house colours were winners today - Grevillea, Acacia, Melalecua and Banksia. A big thank you to Mr Brown for organising and training our children. Kids, you did the school proud. We hope you enjoyed yourselves - sleep well tonight! #crosscountry #teamwork #dreamwork #running #nature #housecolours #friendship #olglifetothefull
18.01.2022 P R I N C I P A L S D A Y 2020 Today marks a special day in the OLG calendar - Australian Primary Principals Day 2020. It certainly has been a big year for Mrs Doyle, and the school community are extremely grateful that we have her as our Principal at OLG.... In recognition of all that she accomplishes, and brings to our school, our head boy and head girl presented Mrs Doyle with a lovely bouquet of flowers this morning at Assembly. Its days like this that make us realise the real strength of the contribution Principals bring every day to their school, staff members, students, families and the wider community. Thank you Mrs Doyle - we love you #principal #primaryschool #grateful #flowers #thankyou #blessed #olglifetothefull
17.01.2022 M O R N I N G F I T N E S S Looks like the Year 1s and 2s (and the teachers ) were having a great time in morning fitness today!! Such a great way to start the school day ... #justdance #fun #fitness #readytolearn #friends #school #olglifetothefull
15.01.2022 TEACHER SPOTLIGHT - MRS KUFNER In Year 3, the children have enjoyed the experienced (over 20 years!) and energy that Mrs Kufner brings to the classroom. Having taught from Kindy through to Year 6, she has enjoyed many childrens wonderful adventures over the years.... Mrs Kufner says that teaching helps her to be a part of a childs learning journey and gives her the opportunity to remind children that learning is possible and a smile is always helpful! Being around the ocean helps her feel relaxed and gives her the chance to reflect on all the wonderful people and things that she has been blessed with. This year Mrs Kufner learnt how to fish and can now tell the difference between a blow fish and a real fish!! We are lucky to have Mrs Kufner in our classroom #teacher #passionate #learning #school #olglifetothefull
15.01.2022 J U N I O R S P O R T S C A R N I V A L Put the date in your diary and come down to Charles Riley for a fun morning watching the kids participate in their Junior Sports Carnival! Support our canteen and purchase your childs lunch on the day, with a special Sports Day Meal Deal organised for the event - winning! ... Parent information is also attached on the flyer, we look forward to celebrating a fun morning with you! #sportscarnival #juniors #fun #races #teamsport #olglifetothefull
14.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. Is your gut instinct saying someone might not be doing so well? Perhaps theyre just not themselves and youve noticed a change in what th...eyre saying or doing? Youve got what it takes to ask "are you ok?" and make a difference. Visit https://www.ruok.org.au/ to learn more about how a conversation can change a life! #RUOK?
14.01.2022 R H Y M E T I M E A N D A L L AB O U T P L A Y! Friendly reminder that our popular Rhyme Time is back! This free service to our community will be commencing tomorrow from 8.45am with Mrs Plakakis in the Pre-Kindy room. ... Please visit reception to sign in. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow, for a fun morning of books and play. #rhymetime #children #play #fun #free #community #school #olglifetothefull
13.01.2022 3 W A Y C O N F E R E N C E S This week students, parents and teachers are meeting in the childs classroom for 15 minute, three way conversations. This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to talk with you about their learning, their goals and their plans to achieve them.... We kindly request all parents to respect social distancing requirements during the interview, as we continue to focus on keeping our staff and students safe. A gentle reminder from the WA Government: Keep your child home if they feel sick Encourage healthy hygiene and regular handwashing Keep a physical distance where possible We appreciate your understanding as we continue to maintain our increased cleaning standards, as implemented last term. Together we can keep our OLG Community safe. #interviews #goals #students #teachers #parents #covidsafe #community #school #olglifetothefull
13.01.2022 M E R I T A W A R D S It was all smiles Friday last week when we presented Merit Awards and EMU Progress Certificates to students at Assembly. Over two separate assemblies, PP-Year 2 and Years 3-6, students were recognised for their hard work, kindness and resilience! ... During Term 3, we will be presenting Merit Awards at Assembly on Fridays, to students only. Thank you parents for your understanding, as we continue to try to keep our school community safe. Well done kids! #meritaward #assembly #hardwork #students #happy #teachers #olglifetothefull
13.01.2022 C A N T E E N U P D A T E Welcome back to school and another term of yummy canteen goodness! A few exciting changes for you to know about:... In conjunction with LaBuda Juice Bar and Goshi Rolls we are bringing you sushi rolls made fresh to order every Wednesday and Friday. Flavours include tuna, teriyaki chicken and vegetarian. All sushi rolls are gluten free, the equivalent of 5 pieces and with soy sauce as an added option (please note this isnt GF) After lunch sales are recommencing (Monday, Wednesday and Friday only) Orders for recess and lunch remain online only, no manual orders please Thank you for your ongoing support. Jemima and Peta
13.01.2022 M E M O R I E S M A D E Over the past 3 days, our Year 6 students learnt about teamwork, resilience and most of all, how to have fun in nature with their mates! The teachers also learnt how much kids can eat when they have spent the day being active outside! ... Day two saw them raft building and going down a very long flying fox. Even Mrs Doyle gave it a go! We hope you enjoyed yourselves kids, it sure looked like a lot of fun. #year6 #bigkids #fun #mates #schoolcamp #byford #bonding #olglifetothefull
12.01.2022 F A T H E R S D A Y M U G S! The children of Pre-Primary White were very excited to decorate and gift this mug to Father Hyginus last week. Father looks pretty happy too! Siblings also met in the MPA to work together to decorate their Fathers Day mugs - we saw a lot of creativity, teamwork and pride! ... We hope all the Dads enjoyed a cuppa in their new mugs yesterday. #mugs #fathersday #gift #family #olglifetothefull
12.01.2022 Confirmation Retreat for our Year 6’s On Friday, our Year 6 students enjoyed a day of reverence. To begin, the children came together around the prayer rock for an opening prayer, then the day of activities commenced! Between digital art on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, smoothies of life from the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, a saint scavenger hunt and letters of reflection from parents, their day was full of blessings, fun and friendship.... This was the last retreat at Our Lady of Grace for our Year 6 students, and they enjoyed every minute of it. Our thoughts and prayers were with our children and their families on the weekend as they celebrated their Confirmation during Masses at #OurLadyofGraceParish #confirmation #year6students #retreat #friendship #faith #olglifetothefull
12.01.2022 L E A R N I N G T H R O U G H P L A Y At OLG, play is a huge priority, no matter the year level. In a world where screen time has changed the way children interact, we believe that time spent being a child, particularly in nature, has never been so prevalent. When playing, children learn to communicate, share, use their imagination, problem solve, role play, perfect coordination skills, be creative and much, much more. ... Even Father Hyginus saw the fun in a round of hand ball this morning! When you see a child playing, they are also learning - and how lucky are they, to have this opportunity at school. #play #learning #roleplay #imagination #friends #lucky #kids #school #olglifetothefull
12.01.2022 Today is World Kindness Day. It's a day to celebrate the importance of being kind, and is an opportunity to reflect on meaningful ways that we can make kindness the norm in our daily lives. We invite you to look for opportunities where you can include intentional acts of kindness into your daily routine. ... Simple, intentional acts of kindness lift all our spirits. Not just today, but every day, let us #makekindnessthenorm. For inspiration on how we can make kindness the norm, please visit: https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/world-kindness-day Posted @withregram @catholicedwa #worldkindnessday #olglifetothefull
12.01.2022 H E A L T H Y L I F E S T Y L E S As a part of this years health syllabus in Year 6, we looked at healthy lifestyles and ways in which we can learn about this and influence others. For this we planned and created a healthy lifestyle expo where different student groups made information pamphlets, posters, merchandise (including printed T-shirts), food and commercials produced on their iPads about their chosen product and why it would contribute to a healthy lifestyle. ... Ideas included playing sports, different healthy foods and general wellbeing. The students were very creative and displayed some wonderful and interesting ideas - well done kids! #healthy #lifestyle #healthlesson #year6 #wellbeing #technology #olglifetothefull
09.01.2022 Friendly reminder that tonight is our Annual General Meeting, starting at 7pm in the MPA. Please RSVP via our app if you are attending. We look forward to welcoming you this evening. ... #AGM #pandf #board #schoolcommunity #olglifetothefull
09.01.2022 FREMANTLE PRISON EXCURSION This term in History, the Year 5 students are learning about Australian colonies in the 1800s. They are exploring social, political and economic reasons for the development of the colonies and how these played an important role in shaping Australia today. ... So for some hands on learning, the students today went on an excursion to Fremantle Prison. They were given the opportunity to develop their historical understanding through the key concepts of sources, continuity and change, perspectives and significance. Students got to experience what life was like for modern prisoners as well as for the convicts 150 years ago. #year5excursion #fremantleprison #convicts #learning #history #olglifetothefull
09.01.2022 The wellbeing and safety of all students is the highest priority for our schools and colleges. The Child Safe Framework is a framework of nine elements combined... that support a child safe culture, healthy and respectful relationships, and extended guardianship in school communities, based on the latest research and recognised best practices. Learn more by visiting https://childsafe.cewa.edu.au/
09.01.2022 The brilliant water cycle posters from year 2
09.01.2022 C L A S S R O O M C A P E R S - 4 B In Year Four, the students have been learning about the #Industrial Revolution and the #First Fleet. Using their creative skills, they were able to design and create their very own First Fleet #ship, using recycled materials. ... The ship had to resemble an original First Fleet and float in water. The kids had a lot of fun floating the ships and seeing if they were successful or if they tipped over. Well done 4B! #firstfleet #industrialrevolution #creative #independent #yearfour #olglifetothefull
08.01.2022 S T A Y I N G C O N N E C T E D Online Mass is a beautiful way to start our school week and connecting our school community. In the absence of gathering together for our Monday morning prayer assemblies, we can still feel connected spiritually via online prayer.... Well done to our Year 4 girls for taking lead in todays Mass. #prayer #mass #online #connection #school #community #olglifetothefull
08.01.2022 On 26th May each year, ahead of National Reconciliation Week, Sorry Day is observed to acknowledge members of the Stolen Generations. This afternoon, to commemo...rate Sorry Day, the CEWA Leederville office will be lit in purple. These lights will be on throughout National Reconciliation Week, with the purple representing the native hibiscus, a symbol of Sorry Day. Read the Bringing them Home Report: https://humanrights.gov.au/o/bringing-them-home-report-1997 #NRW2021 #MoreThanAWord
08.01.2022 C U L T U R A L D A Y From Fiji, to Germany, to Italy, to New Zealand, to France, to Ireland to our home soil, our kid’s embraced their diverse culture and dressed up for a cause. Gold coins were donated to Lifelink - an organisation established by the Archdiocese of Perth to provide for the ongoing financial and promotional support of agencies established or assisted by the Church.... What a wonderful effort kids, it was brilliant to see so many cultures at Our Lady of Grace. #culturalday #ethnicity #dress up #donation #charity #olglifetothefull
07.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day!
07.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. Is your gut instinct saying someone might not be doing so well? Perhaps they're just not themselves and you've noticed a change in what th...ey're saying or doing? You've got what it takes to ask "are you ok?" and make a difference. Visit https://www.ruok.org.au/ to learn more about how a conversation can change a life! #RUOK?
07.01.2022 K I N D Y M R S P L A K A K I S In Kindy Blue and Gold, we are very fortunate to have the amazing Mrs Plakakis as our early childhood teacher. Her morning runs around the nature playground are a firm favourite with the kids, which set them up for a fun day of learning.... Mrs Plakakis believes there is nothing more rewarding than seeing the childrens happy faces as they enter the classroom. Learning through play, being creative and messy is her speciality as is setting up the home corner in the kindy room! Whilst she barracks for Port Adelaide (we wont hold that against her ), we are truly blessed to have such a vibrant, caring, engaging and all round beautiful teacher that is Mrs Plakakis. #earlychildhood #teacher #fun #playbased #love #children #olglifetothefull
07.01.2022 Always Was, Always Will Be.
07.01.2022 W A T E R I N O U R W O R L D During Science, the Year 2s used their creative skills to produce some amazing posters, explaining how the water cycle works. To reinforce their learning, they got to dance it out too!... Hands on, abstract learning (with a little bit of fun and movement), provides the students with an interactive method of learning. Judging by the video they enjoyed themselves too! #watercycle #learning #education #fun #movement #year2 #olglifetothefull
06.01.2022 THE OLG SCHOOL APP IS HERE! Parents - the OLG School Stream app is now available! The app is free to download from the App Store (swipe across for instructions). Once you have requested to join our app, approval will be granted. ... As a parent, you must join to receive communications from us. We look forward to timely, seamless and easy communication between the parent community and our school. #schoolapp #communication #parents #community #olglifetothefull
06.01.2022 Let us pray for all who suffer as a result of conflict, and ask that God may give us peace; for the service men and women who have died in the violence of war, each one remembered by and known to God; may God give peace.... #remembranceday #lestweforget #wewillrememberthem #northbeachrsl #olglifetothefull
05.01.2022 B O O K W E E K P A R A D E ! What a fun morning celebrating ‘all things books!’ Some great costumes were paraded around our school grounds this morning......there certainly are some talented parents in our community! ... A big shout out to Mrs Harmer and Mrs Sherlock for making this day possible. And to Sponge Bob Square Pants (aka Miss Manea), top marks for effort!!! #bookweek #parade #school #fun #welovebooks #dressup #creativity #olglifetothefull
05.01.2022 P A R E N T W O R K S H O P S This Friday is the first of our parent workshops on two new platforms, SEQTA Engage and the Seesaw Family App. We invite you to come along to learn how to access messages using SEQTA, as well as setting up your Seesaw Family account. ... Numbers are limited, please register your interest by emailing [email protected] These two new platforms are designed to improve the communication between the school, parents, students and teachers. #school #workshop #apps #communication #new #IT #guidedlearning #olglifetothefull
05.01.2022 A N G E L I C O E X H I B I T I O N The Angelico Exhibition for Catholic Students is a prestigious annual event on the Catholic school art calendar. It is named after Blessed Fra Angelico, Patron before God of Artists. This year, the award went to...... drumroll......our Ella Bihrenbrodt from Year 5!!... Congratulations to Ella for winning the coveted Fra Angelico Special Award in the Primary school section of the exhibition. Ella, her parents and Mrs Deed, our Visual Arts Specialist, were all in attendance at the Awards ceremony last night. Congratulations Ella - your artwork was brilliant. #angelico #award #catholic #visualart #primaryschool #olglifetothefull
05.01.2022 On behalf of the OLG School Community, our thoughts and prayers are with Victoria.
05.01.2022 W E L L B E I N G F O R A L L As part of our Wellbeing Day back in late May, the Year 6 students wrote letters to the residents at Trinity Village in Duncraig and local parishioners who were feeling isolated due to Covid-19. A little bit of kindness really does goes a long way. Thank you for the lovely feedback Alanagh Tolley Godderidge
04.01.2022 R E C O N C I L I A T I O N R E T R E A T Today our Year 3 and PREP students came together to learn all about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how we need to keep learning about, practicing and developing the right relationships with each other. The day was spent completing various fun activities such as friendship chains, candle holder craft decorating, creating forgiveness cubes and forgiving hearts, drama and a Prayer of Sorrow matching task. There were happy, smiling ...faces all round! Thank you to our Year 3 teachers, Sister Anita, Mrs Hardwicke, Clare Broad and our Year 6 Ministry Leaders for their preparation of the Retreat. Our thoughts and prayers as a school community will be with you, your families and your teachers as you receive your Reconciliation next week. #retreat #school #reconciliation #friendship #learning #olglifetothefull
03.01.2022 GRANDPARENTS’ AND MOTHER FOUNDRESS DAY Last Friday we celebrated Grandparents’ and Mother Foundress Day and what a day of celebration it was!... Our Grandparents’ thoroughly enjoyed a morning filled with liturgy, a music concert, classroom visits and morning tea. The children were very proud showing their grandparents’ around, it was a lovely sight to see. To round out the day, our families gathered together in the evening for a Family Feast on our school grounds. With an array of food provided, children danced, cartwheeled and played whilst the band kept us entertained. It was wonderful to have our school community back together again, given the unusual year. Thank you to the P&F Executive for a fantastic evening. #pandf #schoolcommunity #grandparents #motherfoundress #children #celebrate #olglifetothefull
02.01.2022 S T E M E R O S I O N E X P E R I M E N T! We are very fortunate at OLG to have a dedicated Science/STEM program and fabulous teacher (and Assistant Principal), Mrs Lloyd. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. STEM looks to integrate these learning areas in meaningful ways to solve problems. ... At OLG, our Science lessons have a real STEM focus as we build in the skills from these other learning areas into our projects. Mrs Lloyd loves to be able to share her love of Science and Technology with children from all year levels. She loves watching a student begin to understand a concept they have been having trouble with. The ah ha! moments are priceless. Her favourite time of the school day is at the beginning of the day just before the students arrive. She said The school is so quiet and you can hear all the sounds from around the school from the oval and from the chatter of students as they arrive. The day is so full of promise as the learning is yet to begin. Just this week, during STEM, the Year 4s were busy creating, building and testing models to help prevent erosion. Using wind (hairdryer!) and rain (watering can), the models were put under the stresses of natures natural forces. What a great experiment and lesson, taught by our awesome Mrs Lloyd! #stem #science #bestteacher #lovelearning #education #erosion #experiment #olglifetothefull
02.01.2022 L I G H T N I N G C A R N I V A L Our Year 6 boys and girls were out representing Our Lady of Grace School today at the Lightning Carnival, in Kingsway. Rounds of netball, football and soccer were enjoyed in the glorious sunshine. ... Well done kids on your sportsmanship and teamwork. #sport #lightningcarnival #interschool #proud #fun #school #year6 #olglifetothefull
01.01.2022 CYBER SAFETY AND OUR CHILDREN In this digital age we cannot be vigilant enough with our children and their time spent online. ... Thankfully it is easy to upskill yourself and gain the necessary knowledge on cyber safety. We strongly encourage you to visit the esaftey website which offers advice for parents, grandparents and carers to help children have safe experiences online. Do it for your kids today. https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents #onlinesafety #children #awareness #ipad #digitalage #parents #knowledge #esafety #olglifetothefull
01.01.2022 O L G F A M I L Y T E S T I M O N I A L S At Our Lady of Grace, we acknowledge parents as the first educators of their child, and we partner with them in this education process. Underpinned by the knowledge that the greatest impact on students is the quality of their #teachers. Here the Doherty-Gardiner family, current parents of the OLG school community, talk about their experience at Our Lady of Grace and what they are most grateful for. ... #family #testimonial #experience #gratitude #primaryschool #olglifetothefull
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