Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School Waterloo in Waterloo | School
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School Waterloo
Locality: Waterloo
Phone: +61 2 9699 1407
Address: 4 Kellick Street 2017 Waterloo, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.olmcwaterloo.catholic.edu.au/
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21.02.2022 Our highly experienced sports teacher has prepared an exciting Games and Skills programme across K-6. Apart from development of T-ball, rugby league, touch and netball skills, Year 5 students will be super-ready for this term’s cross country and Athletics Carnival. Today’s fitness and fun at OLMC!
18.02.2022 Kindy are already learning the 3 SPBL expectations of being respectful, being responsible and being their best. They are respecting the environment by using a compost bin during crunch and sip.
03.02.2022 Kindy are already learning the 3 SPBL expectations of being respectful, being responsible and being their best. They are respecting the environment by using a compost bin during crunch and sip.
03.02.2022 Did you know OLMC Waterloo was the school Eileen O’Connor (soon to be the 2nd Saint of Australia) attended? I wonder what other famous people have memories of our beautiful school? Share if you have a story.
27.01.2022 What’s happening at OLMC Waterloo today - watch the news and see!What’s happening at OLMC Waterloo today - watch the news and see!
25.01.2022 Join us at OLMC as we pray the 5th joyful Mystery.
24.01.2022 Congratulations to the children of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Waterloo!! They have been following our schools expectations of being respectful, responsible and they have been their BEST! Today was Mufti Day to celebrate the great behaviour and the hard work! It was a very happy day! There will be more photos in the newsletter this week.
24.01.2022 THANK YOU FROM CATHOLIC CARE MERCY ARMS TO OUR YEAR 3&4 CLASSES! Dear Mrs Holles Apologies for the delay but a huge thank you to you and your students from us all at Mercy Arms. We were delighted to read the letters from our friends at OLMC and it certainly made the day entertaining and enjoyable . We would love to read their letter about what makes Waterloo great as well if you get a chance to send it. Thanks once again! Kind Regards,... Leesha McDonald See more
23.01.2022 8th August The Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop Australias 1st Saint. Join our students, staff and our special guest and very own Josephite Nun, Sr Rosemary as we remember, reflect and prayer together. We hope you enjoy the wonderful artwork and imagination of our students.
22.01.2022 School Captains, our singers and readers - you have done an amazing job! OLMC Reconciliation Week 2020 Children, Choir, Staff and Chaplain, enjoy.
22.01.2022 To honour and commentate our indigenous defence veterans who have served Australia in the forces. Uncle Harry Allie is a descendant of the GudjalaTribal group and enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in 1966. With 23 and half years of service, he was posted throughout Australia, USA and Malaysia. His service contributions have been recognised with the British Empire Medal, the Australian Service Medal 1975 1989, the Defence Service Medal, the National Medal, the Australian Defence Medal and a Certificate of Outstanding Service.
22.01.2022 Enrolling now at OLMC Waterloo!
22.01.2022 The adventure begins in Stage 1 - what does God look like and what is God like I wonder? Check out some of the excellent work!
22.01.2022 A nice prayer to start the morning with. Have a lovely day everyone.
20.01.2022 Happy Feast Day Everyone. Enjoy your day. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Pray for Us.
19.01.2022 To our M.O.Ws (Men of Waterloo) we wish you a happy Fathers Day from the children and staff at OLMC. As the significant men in the lives of our Students we honour you with this little recording of gratitude. Enjoy and we hope that you have enjoyed playing frisbee with your children. https://youtu.be/mLUDXycgIoE
19.01.2022 How are your holidays going?
18.01.2022 https://youtu.be/KZEsBLfw3LM Click on the link and enjoy our OLMC Students respectively acknowledging this special week.
17.01.2022 Our wonderful Stage 1 children put their shelter building learning into action to help us understand how the homeless of Sydney might use cardboard to create a shelter. #Familywintersleepout@home pack: 1. invites you to spend time together 2 to share a soup 3. to talk about homelessness... 4. to light a candle and pray as a family 5. to make a card for a homeless person 6. to return it to school with a snack 7. to donate if you wish to on the #familywintersleeout@home link bit.ly/3dcSDyO 8 add a photo to our FB page, the padlet link or email to school Thank you for your participation. See more
17.01.2022 Pentecost - Pandemic - Reconciliation
17.01.2022 Welcome to our first day with children from Kindy to Year 6. Exciting story time, sharing circle and tidy classrooms ready for tomorrow! #SydneyCatholicSchools #SydneyCitySouthParish... #KindyFirstDay See more
16.01.2022 This event was advertised in last weeks school newsletter. If you would like to participate please follow the links below.
15.01.2022 We have a new helper in the garden and he needs a new name! Please share your suggestions!
14.01.2022 Today we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary which marks her assumption into Heaven body and soul. Because it signifies the Blessed... Virgins passing into eternal life, it is one of the most important of all Marian feasts and a Holy Day of Obligation. The earliest printed reference that Marys body was assumed into Heaven dates from the fourth century, in a document entitled "The Falling Asleep of the Holy Mother of God". The document is written in the voice of the Apostle John, to whom Christ on the Cross had entrusted the care of His mother, and recounts the death, laying in the tomb and assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Blessed Virgin Mary pray for us Prayer for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Almighty and everlasting God, You have taken up body and soul into the heavenly glory the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Your Son: Grant, we beseech You, that, ever intent upon heavenly things, we may be worthy to be partakers of her glory. Through Jesus Christ Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen. #mary #assumption #feast #blessedvirginmary #marianfeast #Holydayofobligation #catholic
14.01.2022 If you’d like me to print some off for your children to make for their teacher let me know and I will send home next week. [email protected]
14.01.2022 Did you have your say?
11.01.2022 Join the conversation on Tuesday 26th on Anxiety and Children.
11.01.2022 Today we came together as a school community (over ZOOM) to acknowledge and remember the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children that were taken from their families. The children acknowledged the pain and suffering that happened and is still happening today. In the spirit of reconciliation, they prayed for courage, healing and hope.
11.01.2022 Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is de...spair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life See more
11.01.2022 We are in the 50 Days of Eastertide! As Catholics we joyfully celebrate that Jesus has risen from the dead to save us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
10.01.2022 Join Pope Francis in praying the Rosary on Saturday to implore Gods help in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. Find out more: https://www.vaticannews.va//pope-to-pray-the-rosary-along-
09.01.2022 Family, Faith & Well-being! WATCH OUR VIDEO HERE #Familywintersleepout@home BIRTHAYSBIRTHDAYSBIRTHDAYS Winter Warmer Quick Meals
09.01.2022 W.O.W. Women of Waterloo - our celebration of Mother’s and Significant Women’s - will be in Week 3 of Term 2. Please send any photos you might have or that you have taken over these holidays of your children and the woman or women they would like to honour. Please email to the school office or email or text directly to Mrs Sinéad Kent. (Contact details in the newsletter) ... W.O.W. We look forward to celebrating face to face. Thank you.
08.01.2022 Matter Of Perspective And Faith.
08.01.2022 W.O.W. Women of Waterloo, (and many of our Dads and Grandpas) collected their BIGGEST MORNING TEA set from school after drop-off so we could safely gather in spirit for our virtual Morning Tea, in aid of Cancer Council Australia. Ms Holles was our wonderful photographer and she even had a drive-by delivery! Ms Hollis is certainly a W.O.W. Woman of Waterloo! Thank you everyone for taking part.
08.01.2022 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday On Sunday 5 July, we celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Sunday. The first Sunday of July has be...en mandated by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference as ATSI Sunday. Celebrations are usually organised by the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) which is the peak advisory body to the Australian Catholic Bishops on issues relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholics. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced NATSICC to rethink the ways in how we empower Catholics to celebrate our special day. This year, NATSICC have modified our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday resources to work in a digital setting. NATSICC are also holding the first-ever live-streamed, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday Mass from the St Francis Xavier Cathedral in Adelaide (Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide) from 10am EST. The livestream will be available from the NATSICC homepage. Youre invited to view more information here... sosj.org.au/atsi-sunday-20 #ATSI #AboriginalAndTorresStraitIslanderSunday #Aboriginal #TorresStraitIslander #TogetherInTheSpirit #NATSICC #NationalAboriginalAndTorresStraitIslanderCatholicCouncil #ACBC #AustralianCatholicBishopsConference #Catholic #SistersOfSaintJoseph
08.01.2022 For our families at Roseberry - if you couldn’t make it to St Joseph’s for Mass this morning, you can join Fr Paul and Bishop Terry on the live-stream link from this mornings Mass.
06.01.2022 The Feast of All Saints Mass
05.01.2022 Women of Waterloo We Honour You and all the mothering you do for your children, our students and the whole community. W.O.W. Our first family Mass was to be held on Saturday and we had flowers and gifts and a bbq planned, but due to COVID restrictions coming back for the weekend we couldn’t gather.... We hope you enjoyed your flowers and gift pack on Friday, here is a very quick video, of a poem called SHE, and a blessing prayer of thanks, lead by our senior students with a few of the younger children bring some joyful wishes to you all. We hope you had a great day.
05.01.2022 OLMC Anzac Liturgy 2021 - Students, staff and our builders joined together to remember. Lest We Forget.
05.01.2022 We bless ourselves in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit often, and this is a prayer in itself that we sometimes dont realise. Today is the feast of the Holy Trinity. You might enjoy this Blessing song from many, many churches and communities of faith. Enjoy and Happy Sunday.
05.01.2022 Hope you are having a joy filled Sunday.
04.01.2022 This weeks newsletter with important information about Mass next weekend https://www.citysouthcatholiccommunity.org.au//Pentecost-S
04.01.2022 Listen or read the Gospel Story about The Ascension today. There are some activities you might like to try as well. Enjoy.
03.01.2022 We celebrated our Grandparents and Elders Day this week. Our students created wonderful images and wrote awesome words about the gift and wisdom we all receive from our elders. We hope you enjoy this short movie and the special blessing from the students to you our valued Grandparents and significant elders on the feast of St Anne and St Joachim.
03.01.2022 Great to see everybody back at school yesterday. A big thank you to Mrs Hollis for all the work that was done in the school bomber the holiday!! Air Con in the Library, roof and ceilings repaired and painted, and so many other spaces spruced up! Great Job! Thank you.
02.01.2022 Yesterday the students were afforded the opportunity to re-enact the Last Supper and we saw the beginning of the Easter Triduum. Today we commemorate Jesus’ Crucifixion. May we all have a blessed Easter renewed by the ever loving grace of Christ our Saviour and Redeemer.
02.01.2022 During Sabbath Week (Week 7 of the school term) at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, we took time out to reconnect with ourselves, each other and our faith. Across the school we practised Christian meditation and mindful movements as we considered the importance of Remembering the Sabbath and keeping it holy. The children embraced the opportunity as did the staff
02.01.2022 Today we mark the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, a devotion to the physical heart as the representation of His divine love for all humanity. Cele...brated 19 days after Pentecost, it is one of the most widely practised and well-known Catholic devotions today. Beginning in 17th century France, Christ appeared in a series of visits to French Visitation nun, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, revealing the importance of devotion to His Sacred Heart. In these apparitions He requested that pictures of His Sacred Heart be set up and venerated in churches and homes. He also made 12 promises that people who venerate His Heart would receive special graces for their lives. O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all my relatives and friends, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father.
02.01.2022 How will we take part in this initiative here at OLMC? Watch out for your How To Join In? pack coming home for all Families to take part.
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