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One Awesome Woman in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Business service

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One Awesome Woman

Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Phone: +61 414 933 812

Address: Charnwood 2615 Canberra, ACT, Australia


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14.01.2022 It's only when you get SUPER honest with yourself about what your expectations are in a situation, that you can make a change. Just like the underlying expectations that we might have around our children, family members, friends, quite often they are not openly acknowledged, let alone discussed. I want to encourage this to change. Change the 'I've got all my shit together" mentality and know that we can really lean on someone for help. If that means paying them for their t...ime and expertise, then even better! But before we do that, we need to get honest with ourselves about what we need help with. So... What is it that you need to get SUPER honest about?

05.01.2022 Hmmmm.... I'm pondering and I'd love your thoughts. I've been chatting to Ali Jayne - Coach for Mums of Sensitive Kids and we've been talking about pushing through in your business vs allowing yourself to rest. So I'm asking you, my loyal peeps, what do you think? Is it a push through at all costs regardless of how you feel to get your business happening OR is it rest when you need, push when you feel able to thing?

04.01.2022 I'm not here to tell you what to do (well, not straight away anyway) It is always a collaboration. It is always YOUR business, and I only ever offer suggestions and help you think through YOUR business. see what lights you up. To the things you really enjoy. The knowledge you already have to share. I want to know what YOUR goals are for your business and how I can help you move forward. ... It is always a collaboration. It is always YOUR business, and I only ever offer suggestions and help you think through YOUR business. But my darling, I am here to believe in you, sometimes before you believe in yourself. Sometimes you need that.

03.01.2022 Micro steps.... Why do you need to know the micro steps of your business process? 1 - because one day you may want to give the process to someone else, and knowing the steps you take, and having them documented, make that 10 times easier.... 2 - because sometimes, we have days where the things we do every day are hard, and knowing your micro steps let you know what you need to do in the smallest possible step 3 - it gives you small wins. Every micro step is something that you can tick off the list. I love this image as an amazing way to show how everything is made up of micro steps.

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