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One Day I Wondered

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to load big map

25.01.2022 So appropriate today given we are at the beach! Ahhhhh...... bliss! #dreambig #ilovethebeach #sunseasurf #familytime #sundaydrives

20.01.2022 I started my day with a body balance class... second week we've done so and boy what a difference to my week! Calm mind = higher productivity What's your favourite way to calm your mind?... #relaxedmind #calmmind #faceyourchallenges #starttheweekright #startyourdayright #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #onlinebusiness #onedayiwondered

19.01.2022 Loved this wall art at the gym! My sister and I smashed out a body combat class this morning and I'm certainly feeling it *Believe in yourself*... #believeinyourself #saturdayworkout #gymclass #healthybodyhealthymind #workhardplayhard #onlinemumma

18.01.2022 Personal responsibility is something I've been reminded of alot lately. It's come up in podcasts and training sessions and it's something I'm currently teaching my son. Basically it's about ditching the excuses and pushing forward right? Accept what is and keep going. Happy Saturday!... #keepgoing #personalresponsibility #chaseyourdreams #hunger #drive #acceptance #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment

18.01.2022 #love #itallstartswithlove #loveconquersall

16.01.2022 Weekly message from my diary... Quite fitting for this week I think! #travelwell #weeklyreflection #hotelsweethome #onlinebusiness #onedayiwondered

15.01.2022 Auckland turned on a cracker of a day today! I think I even caught a slight tan We are getting close to the end of hotel isolation now... day 12 is upon us. I'm really looking forward to spending alot of time in some fresh air, preferably without a mask!... I have to say, the experience has been alot more challenging than I prepared myself for but I know we are still 'ok'. We've had to accept it for what it is and adapt. And boy am I proud of my little guy for doing just that On the other side of this isolation, we have some family illness to get through so the challenges are only just beginning. However, the fact that we can be here and be together with my family is a huge comfort and I feel privledged to be able to come home with relative ease. Together we are stronger Incredibly grateful for family, for love, joy and life. #gratitude #familylove #repat #mumofaboy #strongertogether #onlinemumma

15.01.2022 Proud to have completed the 5km Pink Ribbon Walk yesterday alongside some of my precious family. We had an awesome afternoon in the sun showing our support for a fabulous organisation. It really hit home that cancer effects so many families and it does take a village to get through. ... As hard as some days may be, I'm so grateful to be able to be here with my family and have these moments. We are stronger together. And it's so important to me to be able to teach the next generation how families support each other. The 3 boys are having some awesome quality cousin time #familytime #cancerhitswholefamilies #pinkribbonwalk #fundraising #goodcause #ittakesavillage #creatingmemories #makeeachmomentmatter #elevateyourself #5kmwalk #40kmchallenge

12.01.2022 Keep going! A simple and clear message for me today.... on so many levels, just keep going. Stop the over thinking or worrying. Enjoy the moment even if it's not what you were hoping for!... Time will not wait..... #keepgoingmumma #keepitmoving #timewontstop #liveinthemoment #onlinebusiness #onlinemumma #onedayiwondered

12.01.2022 Hands up if you needed this reminder! #selflove #selfworth #youarenumberone #loveyourselffirst #wordsmatter #bekind

12.01.2022 This is the last shot from our hotel window. How appropriate it was a outside. Surely a sign good things are to come.... We completed our 14 days in isolation. It was a strange experience. ... Confined to a room with my 3.5 year old but yet an exercise area to be outside and get air. 14 days of food being delivered 3 times a day 14 days of having your temperature taken daily 14 days of wearing a mask at all times once outside of your room (but also when someone knocks on the door with information) 14 days of counting down the days til we could leave 14 days of wondering if anyone else in the hotel has been tested positive 14 days of cheerful chats with the security guards and Ministry of Health workers 14 days to witness the level of detail in the organisation required for this facility 14 days to be grateful for the effort to keep us safe, the country safe 14 days of waiting is now over and we're safe at home with our family. We're able to share hugs and laughs and the boys are playing game after game. 14 days later and it finally feels like we are home It's been a long time since I was on NZ soil for an extended period. Feels kinda strange to be exploring your old home town, but it's a good strange #14dayscanfeellikealongtime #managedisolationnz #nzishome #kiwimum #expatmum #mumofaboy #wemadeit #nomorehotelfood

10.01.2022 We can't get enough of the fresh air! Isn't it funny how we weren't actually deprived of fresh air during isolation, but it felt like it simply because it was restricted? It certainly has become obvious over the past couple of weeks, exactly how important the role of fresh air has in my day and in relation to my mindset.... Fresh air = clear head The feeling of getting the blood pumping and juices flowing really can't be replaced! A day is always a better day with some exercise... #dowhatyoursoulloves #freshairclearsthehead #mindsetmatters #intention #gratitude #exercisetogether #mumofaboy #onlinemumma

08.01.2022 It's been a little while since our little family of 3 were together... almost 10 weeks in fact. I'm not going to sugar coat it, the transition and change in routine has been difficult for all of us. Super proud of how we're all going so far ... Adapting to living apart, in different countries is a strange thing. You end up enjoying new experiences but with a slightly heavy knowing it's not quite the same. We didn't know how it would go and don't know where/how it will end (just yet).... but we do know we'll be together again soon and in the meantime we'll continue to add a few more chapters to our book of memories "The best view comes after the hardest climb" #mylittlefamily #ourfamilyof3 #nzishome #kiwisinoz #exploringauckland #extendedfamilytime #expats #repats #movinghomeornot #familytime

05.01.2022 Feeling pretty grateful for our time outside today, and each day we've been in hotel isolation. I found out that not all facilities have an area to be outside and that this is the only one without time restrictions. And we're in it! How good is that? Phew!... A nice reminder that you are where you are meant to be #outsidetime #sunshineisbrillianttoday #hotelisolation #managedisolationnz #homesweethotel #nzishome #familytime #kiwimum #mumsinbusiness #onlinemumma #onlinebusiness

04.01.2022 Quick brunch before some mid week pampering Quick brunch before some mid week pampering

02.01.2022 We had a bunch of laughs at the beach today. Isn't it cool how being at the beach almost instantly makes you happier? Well it does for me anyway... The waves ... The sun The sand And the family... so so grateful to be able to spend this time with my family. I've lived away from home for almost 13 years. Most if not all of my nieces and nephews lives in fact. I love watching them interact with Ethan and love seeing how much they are all enjoying it. All while being able to continue running my online business. True portability means my business goes where I go and doesn't need to miss a beat! #beachlife #happiness #portability #portablebusiness #familytime #expatmum #mumofaboy #repat #nzishome #onlinebusiness #onlinemumma #onedayiwondered

02.01.2022 Hands up if you get paid to do what you love? I had a conversation with a friend the other day about the positives that have come out of the restrictions in Melbourne over the past few months. We had both decided to make the most of the changes and make time to focus on: eating well... exercising our pets our mindsets And we've both had some amazing results from the work we have put into these areas. Her parting comment was "if only I was paid well for my job life would be amazing".... And I remembered that's exactly how I used to feel. I thought I was paid well in my corporate job, until I realised I was burnt out unavailable for my family chasing my tail financially So I went looking for other options. Although this was the only way I had known for some time, I was determined to find another way. There were many people in this world that earned way more money than me and they weren't in the state I was! Fast forward the story a little and here I am running my very own online business building a team of people from multiple countries supported by a dynamic community level playing field of income potential Bottom line is, it IS possible to be paid to do what you love Don't let others decide what you are worth. Choose to be paid for something you are passionate about. There is no better way to give yourself a regular bonus! #selfworth #entreprenuer #dowhatyoulove #getpaidyourworth #beyourownboss #levelplayingfield #onlinebusiness #globalcompany #businessofthefuture #laptoplifestyle #workingmum #nomoredailygrind #ditchtheoffice #saygoodbyeto9til5 #corporatetodigital #mumsinbusiness #onlinemumma #onedayiwondered

02.01.2022 HaPpY fRiYaY We're happy, we're healthy, we're grateful Have an amazing day!... #friyay #endoftheweek #11down3togo #beamazing #gratitude

02.01.2022 I this And it's so true. When you just keep going, you'll get there. #strong #believe #smart #winniethepoohisthebest #sundaytruth

02.01.2022 Shout out to the wonderful @carlymorre83 for sending me these handy travel accessories as soon as she heard we were heading away. I may not have used them as much as I thought I may have (who would have thought you would run out of time when you can't go anywhere!), but I'm so glad I had them to use them when I could. And I certainly won't stop because we're out to leave.... Appreciate you Carly, you're the best #precisefitness #healthcoach #moveyourbody #elevatebodytransformation #bethebestversionofyou #mumsinbusiness #mumssupportingmums #aussiemumsinbusiness

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