Yvonne Lumsden OneLove | Brand
Yvonne Lumsden OneLove
Phone: +61 411 310 193
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24.01.2022 OneLove medicine is a homecoming, a remembering of who you are as LOVE. To meet yourself, perhaps like never before, ... with an unravelling of all that is not of love, with a reclamation of your innocence & sovereignty. Free from struggle and suffering your relationships become deeper, more fulfilling, more joyful, A sense of adventure and play infuses life, as you see life through the lens of awe and wonder. You are truly FREE to be yourself! This is OneLove Yvonne x
23.01.2022 I often lose myself and all track of time when I’m in our back garden listening to the twittering and chirping of bird song and drinking in the beauty of our flowers. This all fills me up and nourishes me from the inside out - refuels my spirit! I used to think (and can still be tricked by my mind) that if I did more, completed this or that - that this would make me feel better and THEN I can relax as if I’ve deserved to relax!...Hmmmmm. I’ve discovered this is a bottomle...ss pit of seeking my self worth from doing! Which has the opposite effect of creating stress, anxiety, draining our batteries & depleting our adrenals along the way With a big dose of self compassion I smile at the irony of this. When do you lose yourself? How do you refuel your spirit? Share below as I’d love to hear! ...I’m off to my garden again to remember what is most nourishing.
23.01.2022 A snippet of the medicine of our dear HEART CHAKRA - Anahata I'm in the midst of soaking up the sweetness of heart chakra week I'm being gifted opportunities this week to take stock and ask myself is this really want to do? Am I loving me by saying Yes here or is this Yes coming from my younger self and a need to be loved and accepted by another - ever found yourself saying a Yes from this place when really you meant No?... Developmental Age: 4 to 7 years of age Colour: GREEN Sense: Touch Element: Air Represents: Love, forgiveness, compassion Initiation: Knowing ourselves as one with the source of all life. Sacred Truth: LOVE is DIVINE POWER - Love - is the central power point and true motivator of your body mind and spirit. The fourth Chakra or Heart Chakra, Anahata means sound made by two things striking or unstuck. It is in the Heart Chakra that the lower three Chakras meet with the upper three chakras to create the sacred marriage of masculine and feminine - our connection to all that is oneness. In the shadow/back of this chakra we hold old hurts in particular the wounds of betrayal - we dont just experience betrayal from others, notice how you may betray yourself - each time you say yes but really mean no this is a mini betrayal may sound heavy but it is and these mount up over time - and we create/build armour over the back of our heart chakra. The overactive or underactive heart chakra You give all of your time, which leads to resentment over time this becomes a poison to our dear body. Good to notice if you are prone to over giving, become curious about what is driving this need to give? Perhaps this is from an unconscious need to be liked and accepted, fearful of what may happen if you were to say no You may find yourself dwelling on past relationships, experience mistrust issues or hold on to grudges. You feel disconnected to spirit, god, divine. Much Love <3
22.01.2022 LET THE DANCE BEGIN! ROOT CHAKRA ACTIVATION TOMORROW NIGHT!.. Coming home to Mother Earth and our dear body, Opening to embody and RECEIVE "THE FIELD" of abundance, prosperity & love.. Connecting and Clearing old hurts relating to the feminine, tribe... Shifting from fear, stress, anxiety TO Presence, Peace & Love! P.S. Wanna join us?? message me as there's still time to seeze the opportunity to jump in and join the 7 week transformational journey... See more
20.01.2022 THROAT CHAKRA vishuddha (purification) Another delicious night on the kundalini dance floor - FULL OF EXPRESSION, i just love how our body is talking all the time through movement and authentic sound - free from formulated words for our dear SOUL COMES TO THE FLOOR and expresses way more than words - a connection occurs way beyond words and meaning... LIBERATED, SOFT, GENTLE and CONFIDENT just some sharings after our dance!... Here's a wee snippet about throat chakra.... The throat chakra is the centre of communication, creativity and self-expression your own uniqueness/authentic self Developmental Age: 7 to 12 years of Colour: Blue Sense: Hearing Element: Ether/Energy Initiation: To expand & share your unique creative expression, embracing the truth of who you are. Sacred Truth: SURRENDER PERSONAL WILL to DIVINE WILL Your every choice thought and feeling has biological, environmental, social, personal and global consequence. Actions motivated by personal will that trusts Divine Authority, gives you the richest power. Our throat chakra also teaches us about LISTENING too! Perhaps this is being in silence with yourself, listening to your deeper knowing OR to listen more in conversations. Sometimes we don't need to share our thoughts or opinions, do you speak for the sake of it to fill what you perceive as an uncomfortable silence? What might occur if you weren't to fill the space????
20.01.2022 Communicate from curiosity rather than accusatory Our tongue can be used like a sword to cut ourself or another down.. Being present to our feelings and tone of voice can help our connection with self and others no end... A very slight shift in your tone and volume will change how your words are received and the outcome of your communication. ... Notice. is there a tone and air that you are accusing someone of something in your communication? - let’s become curious and ask why this might be... See more
19.01.2022 My ONLINE Journey to "Freedom Within" with KUNDALINI DANCE - begins TOMORROW NIGHT! AND there's 7 magical spaces available! If you're feeling like your going bonkers, stir crazy, can't be arsed or really are over it or are curious as to what this is... drag your bones and come join a gorgeous group for some sweet... CONNECTION & COMMUNITY... RELEASE & PEACE LOVE, JOY, FREEDOM and all the other gems that await you on this adventure! Be great to have you join us....X Here's what a couple of dancers have shared from my last online course! I am loving my online Kundalini Dance experience. It is helping me feel joy, calm and connection to myself in the middle of this weirdly digital, Covid, crazy, lockdown world. I am learning to feel safe even when living in the middle of uncomfortable emotions and experiences. And, what a gift is the community of kindred spirits from all around the world. Thank you Yvonne! Jane. I just love Yvonne's Kundalini Dancing! whether it is online or in class! Super powerful and healing! Transformational and so much fun. It really is a 7 week journey into yourself and your old patterns.. to set yourself free on the dance floor. Thank you, Yvonne, for holding impeccable space and energy. - Sanna (Hervey Bay, Australia) https://www.trybooking.com/BKNTP
19.01.2022 How curious Corona in Latin means CROWN. When following the map of chakra energy system, the Crown chakra is connected to the Divine Masculine - Divine Consciousness and is beyond our logical thinking or egoic mind. We let go of our attachments of how we think things should be opening to infinite possibilities! The crown chakra is connected to issues relating to our Father and men in our life, your sons and also our inner masculine - irrespective of our gender.... I believe there are two aspects of the masculine the mature/evolved/developed or the immature and each have different qualities. If we are honest depending what's happening we can all dance between the two! Some of the immature qualities can be: Bullying Controlling Critical Shaming Arrogant Judgmental Over Powering/domination Narcissistic Pushing boundaries When I notice I'm behaving in one of those ways this lets me know my inner child is running the show! I need to come in to parent her with a big dose of self compassion and become curious and ask her what's happening? Only when I know what's happening can I meet her needs - love her and make her feel safe again. The above controlling mechanisms to stop us feeling powerless vulnerable and uncomfortable emotions. Some of the Mature Qualities Present Wise Leadership Courage Action Direction Still Clear Communication Responsible Clarity Creates clear loving boundaries Food for thought - there's a heap more I could write, nuff for now... Big OneLove going out to all you beautiful souls out there in this wonder world - let's keep a loving eye on each other - isolation and loneliness is one of the most harmful states for our human psyche and spirit.
19.01.2022 As we dance Throat Chakra medicine, we surrender our personal will and align with Divine Will. We share our unique expression naturally, and learn the art of silence as well as when to speak and when not to. We practice speaking free from agenda, judgement and attachment to opinion. The throat chakra is the centre of communication, self-expression, naturalness and authentic power. The vibration of this chakra allows you to seek knowledge that is true, beyond limitations of ti...me and space and beyond cultural and family conditioning. When the throat chakra is open, you are aligned with your spiritual path and can be an agent for God/Spirit to work through you.
16.01.2022 Last night we came together and kicked off the first 7 week Kundalini Dance series for 2020 in style and raised the roof tops of Fitzroy!! In Kundi dance, we follow the ancient healing system of the Chakra's... It is said that each of our chakras are imprinted with a hologram of what we are here to learn, heal and transform.... Kundalini Dance - enables us to access not only the shadow of what is to be healed, it also guides us back home.... HOME TO A HIGHER VIBRATION, OF THE DEEPER TRUTH OF EACH CHAKRA so we can live more harmoniously and happier! ROOT CHAKRA - KEY THEMES: Connecting to the field of support, to tribe, community, ancestors, and the feminine. Raising the vibration of our root chakra from fear to trust and safety DEVELOPMENTAL AGE: Conception to six months COLOUR: RED SENSE: Smell ELEMENT: Earth grounds our thoughts, visions & prayers into manifestation, the pulse of life that runs through our body. INITIATION: Mastery of the Material Plane SACRED TRUTH: ALL IS ONE You are connected to all of life. Every choice you make and every belief you hold exerts influence upon the whole of life. Connection to the Divine Feminine, Mother Earth and to the women in our life...
16.01.2022 Soooo happy to announce that I'm bringing this precious work on-line into comfort of your home... A perfect time to shake of the cobwebs and Awaken Within! Jump in claim your space and can't wait to meet you over the airwaves....
15.01.2022 Root Chakra medicine is a beautiful and potent foundation that connects us to the physical and spiritual worlds, and Mother Earth to remember All is One. This chakra is directly connected with the feminine (Shakti) both in human and divine form, and is located at the base of the spine. It is the seat of kundalini energy, and pictured as a serpent coiled with the Sanskrit meaning for she who lies coiled. The root chakra relates to being in our body - which is being embodied.... Feeling safe, grounded and relaxed with a sense of belonging and connection to self and others. A key gift of the Root Chakra is the quality of receptivity - to receive life and all the abundance and amazing experiences she brings you!
14.01.2022 Kundalini Dance is a potent, tantric shamanic practise that will help you to: clear emotional blocks clear blocked energy calm your mind feel more grounded, empowered & connected....... Following the ancient healing map of the chakras we go on an adventure of healing and discovery!... Free INTRO's 23rd + 30th JULY
14.01.2022 Calling all truth seekers... Are you fed up with the chatter in your head, the busy, the doing, putting others needs before yours? Instead are wanting more: Connection in your life and relationships? Fun and Happiness in your life?... Pleasure in your life? One of the golden keys that came into my life to help turn this around was Kundalini Dance and I've never looked back! I used to put myself last thinking I was being kind, "NO" instead this fueled the victim and martyr within me. I was playing the people pleaser because i wanted to be liked and loved... Overtime this created anger, frustration and resentment within me - poison for my dear body... Through YEARS and thousands of $$ and Pounds invested in inner work, inner child work and implementing my tools of Reiki and Tantra along with Kundi Dance this has changed. Through this I've found freedom to be myself, to be natural... YES, I can have a lapse from time to time but now I know how to come home to me and see what is driving my behaviour..... If you'd like to discover the secret to turning your life around come join on a gorgeous tribe of beautiful souls for a 7 week transformational journey and.... AWAKEN TO THE POWER OF LOVE I'll pop the link in below..... spaces are limited and a filling...X
14.01.2022 Join me this Thursday for some care free movement - Dance is just like kicking the leaves up - we do it because we can and its fun!... No steps to learn, just show up and Shakti Kundalini takes care of the rest!
13.01.2022 TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILABLE! BOOKINGS CLOSE 5PM 7 WEEK ONLINE KUNDALINI DANCE THROUGH YOUR CHAKRAS - BEGINS TONIGHT 7-9PM AEST Awaken your spirit Clear your mind... Free your body and let your heart soar in this transformational journey... link to info and bookings in comments below See more
12.01.2022 F*ck it here goes, at the risk of not being liked, loved or approved of - I cant not share whats in my heart right now! I notice my mind wants to shut me down, dont go getting on your high horse who are you to say this another blinking fb post about the c word! However not to speak out is not being true to me and not loving me.... STOP IT. STOP YOUR LOVELESS BEHAVIOUR IT IS CAUSING MORE HARM! Having been to my local Coles in Collingwood to pick up some shopping, curiosity got the better of me to head to the toilet roll aisle, thinking to myself really is it true, have us humans being buying up in bulk? not really wanting to believe the hype. As I turned the corner, I physically gasped out loud the shelves were bare not a roll of loo roll insight! Personally, I think we have more pressing shit to tend to, than what comes out of our rear end at the moment - that is shown up in our behaviour. I may not be buying in bulk, its not true for me to do so, and could stand in judgement of others and I have done. Pointed the finger at the govt etc. All this has done for me is created separation and a sense of better than, power over to compensate for all the times Ive felt powerless - which really doesnt feel good in my heart to my defended egoic mind it loves that sense of power. I put my hand up to having contributed to this state of affairs through my thoughts, false beliefs, doubts and worries of not enough & lack of. Which creates a sense of grasping and contraction in my body and then shows up as possessiveness, greed, its mine all survival mechanisms, I believe we have ALL contributed in one way or another to this situation through our unconscious thoughts, false beliefs relating to lack of, which stems from fear. Not enough money Not enough time Not enough energy Not loved enough Not enough approval Not enough validation Im not good enough Not enough work Not enough clients When I get this then Ill be enough The list goes on and you will have yours. There is a deeper truth ALL IS WELLThere is enough, and we are safe - when we look after and care for one another this is how we are designed to be, this is of nature. I AM SORRY FOR HOW I HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS SITUATION WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER LETS LOOK AFTER EACH OTHER, LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEIGHBOURS AND BE LOVE IN ACTION! AND If youve got a stash of bog roll take it back to the shop see how it feels to give back!
12.01.2022 So long 2019... Its been a ride for sure - thank you for all the pearls - some of them not initially white and shiny!! I need to remind myself that its only just over a year Ive been setting up my biz OneLove here in Melbs and what Ive accomplished- I think we all need to take stock from time to time, so easy to get caught in whats next, or havent done, I know I can fall into that trap!...... Sooo from the Kundi dance floor to Reiki Courses to tantra workshops to diving into the Yoniverse, to private sessions & my first interstate workshop (I like the ring to that one) - Theres gonna be more trips to Brisbane for sure!! Ooooh and I fell in love with Hooning down the mountain in deep powder snow in Japan - complete and utter surrender, freedom and liberation that you cant not whooop out loud! Ive missed my friends in Brisbane, welcomed new friends and my bestie from Bris moved here! I didnt see that one coming Ange.. In sharing this, I feel proud my garden is growing in all aspects and Im learning the art of surrender and patience!! My arms are wide open arms welcoming 2020 with a sense of play, wonder adventure and a whole lotta Love & fun - just like wee Murphy here, who we have the joy of looking after whilst his family is away, OMG he is sooooooo lovable, I dont want to give him back!! Happy Hogmanay peeps and Lang May Yer Lum Reek!!! Big Love going out to yall Heres to 2020! X
11.01.2022 Somethings don't need further words!...
11.01.2022 From my dancing soul to yours - thank you to you gorgeous souls for joining me over the airwaves - t'was a whole lotta fun - I'm getting into this online stuff and dancing up on storm on my own - something quite special about it, can't quite put words to it at the moment..... Good news if you missed the intro's You CAN STILL JUMP IN for this 7 -WEEK TRANSFORMATIONAL JOURNEY THROUGH YOUR CHAKRAS!... Learn to become an emotional alchemist and turn your shit to gold! * awaken your potential * embody the wisdom of each chakra & live this magic in your life * ignite your passion and free your spirit AND MORE!! This ACTIVATION process awaits you! *A wee heads up it's at super special price for first journey only*
10.01.2022 The Third Eye Chakra is the doorway to our inner vision. As we dance its medicine, we activate our ‘No Mind’ state to receive inner guidance, truth and higher consciousness. This chakra enables us to see beyond the five physical senses and to lift the veil of the egoic mind of illusions so we can connect with our higher self.... Activating the Third Eye Chakra awakens intuition and allows us to explore other spiritual dimensions, access insights and higher truths, and to help our desired visions come to life!
10.01.2022 Welcome to my Kundalini House of Love Im a ready to dance up a storm with you over the airwaves and around the globe!
09.01.2022 Is time to shed? Join us for an autumnal or if your in the northern hemisphere an energetic spring clean through your energy system and Awaken Within! FREE ONLINE INTRODUCTORY CLASS TO ... KUNDALINI DANCE.. Please see below for all the juice See more
09.01.2022 Happy Friday Beautifuls - here's a wee reminder of who you truly are!
08.01.2022 I used to think Our Third Eye Chakra was to do with intuition it is and SOOO MUCH MORE....this energy centre is the gateway to revealing the unseen of our visions AND our old unhelpful thoughts false beliefs that are in the way of our dreams & visions!..... In the practise of Kundalini Dance we delve into the dark through our blind fold dance - shining the element of LIGHT to help us see the unseen so we see clearly our path... Third Eye Chakra/ AJNA means to know or perceiv...e Developmental Age: 12 to 18yrs Colour: Indigo Element: Light Initiation: Activation of No Mind to receive inner guidance seeing through the veil of ones inner illusion Sacred Truth: SEEK ONLY THE TRUTH Continually search for the difference between truth and illusion, the two forces present at every moment. *Trust what you cannot see far more that what you can see*
07.01.2022 Come home to your heart. Soften into yourself and deepen into the relationship you have with you. The beauty of this is that as you deepen into love - intimacy and connection that occurs naturally - enhancing all aspects of you and your life. Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual blocks dissolve. Presence arises, as does the life and relationships you’ve always wanted. Relationship mentoring sessions offer a warm, safe space and an invitation to be free, to be yourself ...- together we go on a journey and explore your thoughts and feelings, free of judgement and criticism. My work is not a quick fix, it requires commitment and willingness - this is a deep vertical dive into you, your soul, your being as you gain insight and understanding of your unconscious behaviours and feelings that have been running your life to date. You will learn how to express yourself clearly and confidently feel empowered to be yourself as you spread your wings and fly. This work also calls on you to connect to your inner child - healing old wounds and trauma recapturing our childlike sense of wonder, joy and playfulness that lightens us up! Are you ready to take probably the deepest dive of your life and meet yourself like never before? I currently have space for 3 courageous souls who feel the call to come and journey with me. Contact me through my website or give me a call on 0411 310 193 and let’s make a time to see if this is for you.
07.01.2022 We may often hear go with the flow, But what does this actually mean? I used to think I went with the flow, I was all sweetness and light, I didn’t want to risk making waves no. the deeper truth was I felt too scared and unsure of myself to ask for what I wanted! Instead I told myself I was just going with the flow! At my expense... To fully surrender and let go is to feel deeply, to feel all - from fear, anger, shame, guilt, worthlessness, sadness. to love, joy and compassion. This is flow - ing in feeling. See more
07.01.2022 Sacral Chakra invites us to surrender to the flow and passion of life. Creativity awakens and sacred gifts emerge! Sensuality, Sxuality and Relationships are empowered and antric codes are activated for inner truth and honoring. The Sacral Chakra is the portal to awakening sacred antric Codes and invites you to surrender to the sweetness and flow of life and relationships, awakening your creativity, sensuality, sxuality and your passion for life!... Issues relating to sx as a form of power, sxual abuse or trauma, or emotions of shame and guilt may surface for healing through this chakra. A key gift of this chakra is sweet surrender - to soften, feel and flow with our inner knowing.
06.01.2022 Hello Beautiful Souls, I don't usually do this... After receiving some lovely comments back on how people related to what I shared in my latest OneLove news, I feel called to share this you all here - hope it helps is some way.... Much Love & Tenderness Yvonne x
06.01.2022 Our SACRAL CHAKRA can teach us so much..... Sacred Truth: HONOUR ONE ANOTHER Every relationship you develop, from casual to intimate, helps you become more conscious. No union is without spiritual value.... I love these Sacred Truth's I stumbled over by Caroline Myss.. Art appreciation for Autumn Skye
05.01.2022 Looking back, most of the time I used to live in a state of reaction.re-enacting to whatever I was feeling or experiencing. I thought I was my emotion or feeling at times, and this was overwhelming without realizing it. I spent time many times trying to "fix" what I was experiencing. Discovering that I am Love, experiencing an emotion or a feeling was a revelation to me! And so the journey began of returning to presence, peace and empowerment.
05.01.2022 Kundalini has remained a secret for so long as it cannot be understood, it can only be experienced Carl Jung As an ex psychiatric nurse, I love that Carl Jung famous psychologist and psychiatrist was onto Kundalini, the chakras and their influence on our psychological and spiritual wellbeing, a man ahead of his time!
05.01.2022 Feeling a bit out of sorts and in need of some fulfilling, heartwarming 'me time', to reconnect with yourself? Come join me for a FREE Kundalini Dance Date night - this Thursday 30th July Online - in the warmth and comfort of your own home... Come Home to Love, Presence and Peace..
04.01.2022 KUNDALINI DANCE DROP - IN Thursday nights Fitzroy Melbourne
04.01.2022 Last night we danced in the FIRE - 35 degrees I reckon - as our sweat poured, layers shed - collectively we walked through the gauntlet and let go of control to meet freedom & liberation as they took over and joy burst through! GOD i LOVE to DANCE.. thank you to you courageous souls to joined me on the floor to strip away and show our souls - poetry in motion! Some brain fodder from my Kundalini Dance teachings and my own work welcome to the Solar Plexus Chakra!... SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Developmental Age: 1.5 to 3 years of age Colour: YELLOW Sense: Sight Element: Fire Initiation: Re-weaving new pathways of co-creation and co-operation. Calling in a new paradigm of power of love. Sacred Truth: HONOR ONESELF: Be mature and honourable in the relationship you have with yourself and accept responsibility for the person you have become If our spontaneous creative impulses or emotional expression was blocked in this developmental phase of our childhood, our solar plexus chakra becomes imprinted with fear and we mistrust and suppress our creative impulses and disconnect from our inner knowing. The Solar Plexus chakra governs the area of personal power and strongly influences the adrenal glands, which are associated with stress. When we are overly stressed and trying to stay in control the adrenals can breakdown and not function. People often experience the most stress in their lives when they feel POWERLESS or adopt a position of dominance and power over to feel POWERFUL both are states of fear. One of the main issues related to the solar plexus chakra is the need to control our feelings, situations, people, relationships etc. This is an unconscious behaviour we learnt as a child when we felt scared. As we grow up this becomes a go to default mechanism to stop us feeling. If you can relate to this, a great question to ask yourself is..... What feelings or emotions do I not want to feel by trying to stay in control?... Controlling our feelings If we can control our feelings or our environment by going into our head and thoughts, we avoid feeling vulnerable and feeling our feelings - creating an illusion of safety but we are really disconnected. Ironically it is from this place of vulnerability & authenticity we connect most deeply with our self and each other, which is ultimately what our heart most desires. The solar plexus chakra is also connected with the need to be right, lack of confidence, self-respect, self- esteem, shame, will, energy levels, boundaries, anger, rage, digestive problems to name a few! When our solar plexus chakra is in balance, we have a healthy self esteem, warm personality, spontaneous, playful and have a sense of one's own personal power. SHINE ON, BE BIG, BE PLAYFUL, BE YOURSELF!
03.01.2022 Before I unplug for a few weeks of holidays, I close my eyes and feel humbled, grateful, touched, and chuffed all at once! This goes out to all you beautiful souls who I’ve had the privilege of sharing OneLove medicine over 2020 - a year to go down in history I think! Thank you for joining me on the adventure of life! I feel so happy to say and a little shy that in spite of all that has occurred this year, me and my business - OneLove Medicine for the Soul continues to gro...w just like a garden - she’s blossoming and feeling excited for the new ventures that await in 2021! It’s a year that will go down in history I’m sure as each one of us met with the gifts, challenges and darn right gnarly aspects of the year. And through all of this, I love to remind myself it’s like the lotus flower that grows from the mud - and that 2020 has been the stirring of our own mud, and as humanity and ourselves, we all get to blossom even more! With love, light & sparkles Yvonne x . . . Photo by Krystal Beazley
03.01.2022 It’s impossible said Pride It’s risky said Experience It’s pointless said Reason Give it a try whispered the Heart!... (Author Unknown)
03.01.2022 I’m feeling sooooo excited to announce my OneLove doors are open again for in-person sessions! After about 6 months of only online work of sessions and dance - which has contrary to my initial doubts has been every bit as effective - I do love meeting people in the flesh, can’t beat it! I have space available for 3 more beauties who feel the call to come and dive in with me! Curious to know more about how we can work together?... Contact me through the link in my Bio and we can explore what’s best for you together. I’m open and available for: Private Mentoring/Coaching Sessions for individuals & couples Tantra & De-armouring sessions Reiki Healing sessions
03.01.2022 A LOVE LETTER FROM THE UNIVERSE... Sink your roots and feet down into the earth - open your heart to all of nature throw your big wide arms, your wings to the sky, the stars, the sun to spirit god shiva, who ever this is to you...... And drink this beautiful piece of music in - cry, sob, smile, dance be with what - ever wants to move through you.. Thank you Vanessa Forbes for this heart melting transmission and remembering - even though it may feel it isn't' sink into this deeper truth for THIS MOMENT IN TIME... Sending ALL MY LOVE - ALL WAYS https://youtu.be/bAxDa9XlkdM
01.01.2022 Tonight on the Kundalini Dance Floor of life We dive in and swim in the waters of Kundalini as she opens and activates our Sacral Chakra's - she may be a calm babbling stream or a raging ocean to stir you up and clear out.. We know what happens when water doesn't move???... Yesss we stagnate - this happens in our life, relationships and our creativity and our passion dwindles.. A little more to wet your appetite for Sacral Chakra... Your sacral chakra invites you to soften and surrender to the flow of life and relationships, awakening your creativity within, your sensuality, sexuality and your passion for life! Our body becomes liquid, hips and jaws can often be tense from holding on, clenching - water helps us soften to our emotions and feelings stirring the pool of the unconscious too! In the Shadow of this chakra we hold SHAME & GUILT.. Developmental Age: 6 months to 18 months Colour: ORANGE Sense: Taste Element: Water Initiation: Activating sacred sexuality/tantric codes Sacred Truth: HONOR ONE ANOTHER: Every relationship you develop, from casual to intimate, helps you become more conscious. No union is without spiritual value. Our sacral chakra also taps into and reminds us of the 'sweetness' of life - easy to forget when bogged down in the to do's Here's to softening to the sweet flow of life beautiful souls...
01.01.2022 Im calling in all my fb friends around this beautiful globe to come join in love... To join together in our precious hearts and unite as ONE in a global prayer, at this potent astrological time at 12.45pm Melb time today Sunday 5th April.. Look forward to connecting with you ALL soon! ... Here is the link with all time zones and information: https://mailchi.mp//global-unity-and-peace-meditation-3-mo April 4th 10:45 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, United States) April 5th Europe, Asia and Australia. 3:45 am BST in London, 4:45 am CEST in Paris, 4:45 am EET in Cairo, 10:45 am CST in Taipei and Beijing, 11:45 am JST in Tokyo and 12:45 pm AEST in Sydney.
01.01.2022 Self care and Self love, to do pleasurable things for ourselves - feels more important now than ever! Take a moment to reflect - what has brought you pleasure this week? Have you made time for it? Or do you feel it’s not important? Sometimes it's the little things that make the difference...... In the past, self care didn't come easily to me. Emotions of guilt and shame would surface and stop me. Guilt is control and related to fear - yeap soooo much comes back to fear! Stemming back to my family of origin and the messages my mother received about relaxing or self care were not of love, she was shamed. This is how our younger selves learn from what we heard and saw and then take it on as ours even though it’s not. So for years, self care and relaxing didn't come easy to me other than getting intoxicated & partying! My sense of worth came from doing, producing and working so to relax felt alien. I have continued to cultivate a beautiful practice of self love and self care over the years, I revel in how I can take a bath in the day, get up take a cup of tea back to bed, read, and give myself an hour of Reiki treatment - and feel good within myself for doing so.... knowing that as I continue to love myself, I continue to care for myself too. At times if I listen to my mind, guilt may come knocking on the door.I say hello, but I don't need to welcome it in anymore..... so I return instead to my heart, presence and the love that I am - and being human sometimes this is easier than others! I invite you to deepen into your Self care and Self love this week and continuing on throughout the month. Feel into how you can uncover new ways to love yourself and to expand your capacity to receive. A wee heads up - your mind will come up with all reasons not to!! . . . .
01.01.2022 "AWAKEN TO THE POWER OF LOVE 2020!" ONLY 3 days to jump in and claim your space for INTRO! When we move, we MOVE our emotional state of being - from fear to love, ... from sadness to joy from chaos to stillness Discover the power of love & alchemy! Let's join together and come HOME to LOVE SWEET LOVE! https://www.facebook.com/events/523039574944210/
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