One Path Osteopathy and Movement Coaching in Hornsby, New South Wales | Medical and health
One Path Osteopathy and Movement Coaching
Locality: Hornsby, New South Wales
Phone: +61 466 382 344
Address: 10 Muriel Street 2077 Hornsby, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 The gold is found not in perfection, but in the learning. . . This weeks movement class featured a range of different movement practices, and mobility drills. The last few weeks we have been practicing some rolling techniques, this technique is a helicopter requires mobility, timing, coordination and many other movement principles. Jay has been with us a few weeks and already beginning to feel the advantages of movement training compared to her traditional training. . . #helicopter #functionalmedicine #coreworkout #timingiseverything #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementcoach #workout #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely #movewellthenmoveoften See more
24.01.2022 My personality type is HSP HSS highly sensitive person, high sensation seeker. Because of this I generally jump in to things with both feet literally..most people do a skydive in their lives..Ive done over 800. I ride a motorbike and get my kicks by putting myself at risk to experience intense sensation...(more on this in a later post) so when depression and anxiety hit I did exactly that..jumped into it. I remember a year ago when my life flipped upside down. A couple of ...failed relationships resulted in my losing pretty much my sense of who I was, in fact I didnt know who i was...ever..I had just lived in the shadow of what other people expected of me, I lost what little community I had around me, and all of my self confidence. The pain was at some points unbearable to the point I knew I had to change something. I didnt know what. So I picked one insecurity that I found by chance that was super painful for me. Dancing. I had a whole heap of preprogrammed thoughts about dance, I never did it. How ridiculous, that a movement teacher doesnt dance but that was me. I felt so insecure that I thought if I were to even tap a foot then the world would be looking at me. As crazy as this sounds I knew that this step into my pain would open up a chasm that I could then pursue all my deepest insecurities, and it worked. . Now when I feel like something is going to be painful I tell myself f@&k it, Im going to do it because it is painful and there is a lesson at the end of every last bit of pain I have felt. Generally that lesson is that nobody gives a shit because they are so wrapped up in their own lives they dont see yours. . I know this solution isnt for everyone at first, if you are in your deepest despair it may be too much to jump in with both feet but if you just step a little closer to the pain youll see it turns to smoke and disappears. I love to dance now, the freedom of being the first on the dance floor allows me to look back at my former self and see the dramatic change I have undergone and to know the pain was worth it. What do you find uncomfortable and avoid in life?..go do it and see what happens!
24.01.2022 Its been a while since I last posted, but Im feeling compelled to share some of the ideas that have come up for me over the last year, and particularly as its International mens day today would like to call out to men as I feel that the change in culture and attitudes to men over the last few years and the medias focus on womens health has left men feeling their identities being eroded away. This is no good for either sexes because if men arent doing well, then neither... are women. I have had my own challenges over the last year, battling with depression and anxiety, and Id like to share with you a little of my own journey of finding myself. . I have found that to navigate life, particularly in these modern times we need a Swiss Army knife of skills and tools to use, sometimes together to be effective. I personally have found that I need 4 different Swiss Army knives, each one with a whole collection of different tools. The 4 different knives relate to physical health, mental health, spiritual health and cultural health. . There is no one tool that will get you through life effectively. No one blade that will perform every task you need. There is a tendency to try a blade, and then throw it out because it doesnt work rather than keep it tucked away for the future. Ill discuss mental health first as I think this is perhaps one of the most important areas for men today and culturally in Australia the most disregarded by men. You can check out the suicide rates, homelessness rates, and drug abuse rates in men around Australia to see what I mean..all of these I have had too much personal experience of. I regularly recommend some health tools to my patients and I have realised I am guilty of handing out one tool at a time. I guess this comes down to the understanding of how busy people are, if I dump too much shit on them, theyll do none of it. As healthcare practitioners we need to do better, people/men, we need to take more time to ourselves to properly show up in the world as the people we want to be Over the next few posts Im going to share some of the tools I have used..try them but DONT throw them away! They maybe useful later or in combination.
24.01.2022 Most people would not consider this to be a form of physical practice. For me, playing and singing is just the same as going to the gym. It is training a variety of movement principles that can then be applied to other movement tasks. Playing a musical instrument and singing can assist the development of movement principles such as timing, coordination, rhythm, and perhaps most importantly breathing. Remember that the word fitness must be used in conjunction with a task to a...ppreciate whether the practitioner is capable or fit for something. For example, you might be fit for swimming, but unfit for running. Or fit for lifting weights but unfit for playing football. General fitness can therefore also be described as adaptability to a variety of tasks. Playing a musical instrument and bringing awareness to breath is a skill that most people wouldnt specifically practice but features in so many different physical pursuits such as boxing, running, swimming, any cardio, weight lifting, yoga, Pilates.. It is also really important for everyday life...if you sit behind a desk for your working life then bring some awareness to how you breath, do you breath into the upper part of your chest or into your diaphragm? Singing encourages diaphragmatic breathing...something lots of people struggle with! A truly it person is adaptable to all physical requirements, not just can you lift heavy stuff and run long distances, so spread your movement practice wide...and include lots of things you are rubbish at, like singing or playing the guitar! Remember, learning something is a skill within its own right. The more you learn through your life, the faster you learn. #medicinesong #movewellthenmoveoften #idoportal #breathing #fitnessforlife #challengeyourself #practicemakesprogress #indreams #physicalpractice
23.01.2022 Get up, get down. A simple exercise yet so complex. This movement requires good hip, and spinal mobility, a strong core, and good shoulder stability. There are other ways to get up without bending your knees. How many different methods can you get up with straight legs? . . . #getupgetdown #straightlegs #hometraining #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementcoach #workout #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely #movewellthenmoveoften
21.01.2022 One last handstand before heading home from Ido Portals Movement camp. #movementcamp2019 #handstands #idoportal #phuket #thanyapura #movewellthenmoveoften #balance #thailand #movementislife
20.01.2022 Oiling the hips, protecting the knees, mobilising the ankles. . . . .... #hips #knees #ankles #squats #cossack #mobility #movewellthenmoveoften #gym #fitnessfirst #training #goals #movement #squatchallenge #healthylifestyle #hipster #prehab #injuryproof #bulletproof #moveyourself #flexibilitydrills #hiphop #stretching #strengthandconditioning See more
20.01.2022 Meditation is a skill. I find a lot of people have given it a try and dont find it helpful..within the first week. If you were taking up an new sport and werent great after the first week Im hoping you would have the resilience to stick at it a little longer! Meditation sporadically does help...whilst you are meditating. You get a little peace in the mind whilst you take some time out of your day to yourself...but thats about it. Meditating once a day is great. You are de...finitely going to notice the effects of this, but really, whilst learning a new skill its best to saturate yourself as much as you can in it. You need to dive deep into any new learning experience...if you were learning to play tennis and only practiced once a week you arent ever going to become an expert. Meditation allows you to become an expert of your own mind...that sounds pretty important right? I recommend 2 meditation sessions a day to really get to grips with this new are going to be shit at it for a while...just keep at long you continue this depends on how you are feeling..this makes serious headway into a lot of issues people are facing these days. Once you feel better and start to get to master the practice DO NOT stop. Hopefully you take a shower every day, you wash the dirt off your body..meditation is like washing the dirt from your mind. If you stop showering the dirt soon accumulates again. As such, meditate at least once a day...preferably for around 20 minutes. This is maintenance for your mind. Another piece of advice I found really useful is when your mind keeps going off to thinking, imagine falling back away from those thoughts. I always find I can go much deeper with this visualisation technique. Simple but effective. I personally love the Headspace app. For me to keep up a regular practice I need something to hook me in. The app keeps a score of your Run streak.. the amount of consecutive days in a row you meditate for. Thats enough competition for me to keep me in! How many days can you meditate in a row for? #meditation #menshealth #headspace #depression #anxiety #movember #peaceofmind #headspace
20.01.2022 Do you hear the voices? The constant monologue thats in the back of your head. Your inner voice that chatters away being negative about everything. I had it BAD. Id walk around in public with my inner voice criticising everyone. Id get increasingly wound up about all the injustices in the world. These injustices came through a filter of how I behave in public. I always try to be polite, so if someone doesnt behave in a manner that I would consider acceptable the inner voi...ce goes to work. Silently tearing into the other person. . If you listen closely to this inner voice you may actually hear 3 different voices. They sound identical but its what they say that is different. These 3 voices are your ego, your pain body and you..the observer. . If you never really pay attention youll never notice who is talking to you. These voices have eyes that see through different lens...the ego and pain bodys eyes see through fogged up lens. These lens are fogged by your past. The trauma, the failings and the pain of life serve to blur your true clear image of the world. Your ego sees through judgement and expectation. If what is happening around you doesnt conform to your expectations of how things/people/experience should be then it starts talking. Your pain body sees through the blur of fear. For men in particular this voice can be very confusing because you hear it when you are otherwise feeling brave. These eyes doubt...doubt that you are good enough, doubt youll succeed, doubt people care about my situation. You - its a quiet voice, particularly if you have anxiety and depression. Its seeing the present moment...and this voice is saying f@&k yeah this life is awesome. Actually Im going to downplay that otherwise you wont believe me...its saying things arent that bad... . Only by stepping back from situations can we hear the difference between these voices. By all means, hear you ego and your pain body because if you dont listen to them they will shout louder and louder, but realise that they arent always serving your best interests and arent seeing the world with clear eyes. #menshealth #movember #mentalhealth #wearethespace
19.01.2022 Yes I know this sounds crazy but pain is a tool, perhaps the most important one we have. Pain is a symptom not the cause but we get too wrapped up in it and forget that it indicates an underlying problem. Pain is a lesson...thats all. If you just treat the pain, then your going to keep feeling it over and over because you havent treated the underlying issues that have brought it to the surface.... Pain can therefore be used as a tool and is not something to consider as bad. There is a quote I love by Jiddu Krishnamurti.. It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Society is f@&ked these days. To feel ok about what is going on around the, which has supposed to have brought us closer has created a distance from our fellow man to the point where people are more likely to film you crying in public than come and ask if you are ok. We live surrounded by all this sickness and to not feel pain is not normal. You have two numb yourself against it, or develop a set of skills to increase your capacity to deal with the shit that gets thrown your way. Pain is largely the deciding factor in this. If the pain is minimal, the chances are, youll just numb yourself..if its intense youll investigate further and look for more tools in order deal with it. Pain is also your way out. You just need to step through it to realise that it cant hurt you. For me, when I felt this pain it exposed so much shit for me I had no option but to push deeper. My first proactive step to deal with my pain was to intensify the pain, to sit with it. Put it under the microscope, in order to observe the preprogramming I had, the deeper core beliefs about myself, my insecurities and self loathing and realise that its bullshit that society has inprinted on me and not me.
19.01.2022 Here is another way to access the top of the bar. Its a great example of practice that uses your body in other more complex ways than just performing your usual routine of pull ups! Plus is a good way to get in position to practice reverse bar muscle ups! . . . #muscleup #pullup #chinup #climbing #mobility #coreworkout #shoulderworkout #mobility #trainingtips #prehab #functionaltraining #movewellthenmoveoften #movement #training #moveyourbody #health #skills #strengthandconditioning #traindifferent
17.01.2022 I know that if you have taken the time to read anything about mental health you will already have come across meditation but I wanted to add to for me, and lots of my patients it seems like an unattainable goal, and the process of doing it simply makes you more frustrated. Meditation is great when you are already chilled out. I rate my stress levels from 0 to 100. Generally in bad times, its pretty normal for me to sit around 70. When I try and meditation from this... stress level my mind is banging around in my head so loudly that it feels like my brains are going to leak out my ears. I get more frustrated which pushes my stress levels up even more...can you relate? Its tempting to just give up and think its not for you. There are several things about meditation that I have found useful in my own progress. Firstly and most importantly, if you are running on high stress...its not the time to meditate. You need to find something to bring you down from your 70/100 to around 30/100. This can be anything, going out for a run, screaming at the top of your lungs, punching the shit out of something, preferably not another human. Whatever your thing is it has to be easily accessible because you are going to use it a lot! My trick for this is to use something called the mammalian dive reflex. This is a natural reflex mammals have in response to submersion under water. By sticking your head under water you trick your body into a natural reaction that slows everything down. Its a survival reflex, if you are under water you dont want to be burning unnecessary oxygen so the body reacts by kicking off your parasympathetic nervous system this is the calming system opposite to your sympathetic fight or flight system that gears you up ready for a fight. My friends can tell when Im going through difficult times because I leave my bath full of water. Its preferably to fully submerge your body, but your head will do. Stick your head under water and breath out in a steady constant slow breath. Do this as many times as you need really works. Then go meditate.. More in the next post...I hate the limited words on Instagram! #meditation #menshealth
16.01.2022 This week Im learning from Josef from Fighting Monkey. . Day 1 - games and techniques that develop a range of different principles including rhythm, timing, contraction and relaxation, power, and speed. . This form of training is good for you in a number of ways;... . 1. its complex. The more stimulation you can give to your brain through your physical practice, the better. By performing exercises that challenge you physically and mentally you develop areas of your brain which are associated to age related brain diseases such as dementia and Alzheimers. . 2. It takes your body through a full range of movement that builds your muscles, joints, connective tissue, fascial system, and ligamentous system. This is the earthquake architecture that protects you against injury and keeps your body from ageing. . 3. Its fun. . Looking forward to sharing this stuff with my students. . . #antiaging #movementteacher #alwaysastudent #healthtips #movewellthenmoveoften #fightingmonkey See more
16.01.2022 Get up, get down. Another method that relies on good ankle and lateral knee ligamentous stability and lower body strength. By using these exercises regularly you maintain your mobility throughout gym, no foam roller, just good solid practice of practical skills that keep you healthy. . . #healthyknees #crosslegged #getup #getdown #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementcoach #workout #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely #movewellthenmoveoften
15.01.2022 Who can relate to this? . Most adults (and now children as a result of over exposure to technology) will have a story of performing a completely benign movement that results in an injury. . Most people will put this down to the ageing process but it doesnt have to be that way! Your body has not evolved to become becomes fragile as a result of our lifestyles.... . Your body is very good at adapting to what you do with it. Do nothing, and your body gets good at doing nothing. Joints lock up, ligaments become weak and muscles atrophy creating a fragile system that can break with just a sneeze! Engage in a movement practice that challenges you on a daily basis and your body adapts by becoming more resilient to those challenges, and therefore more resilient to injury. . The problem arises as a result of wrapping ourselves in cotton wool. We live in a completely artificial environment that, although safe for the majority of the time has long term negative repercussions on our system. When we get injured we look to the external environment for answers (it wasnt safe enough) when the answers lie within ourselves (my body wasnt adapted sufficiently well to perform the task) . Take the example of waking up with a crick neck. The reaction to this is normally to think about whether you had too many or too few pillows. Its not the pillows...its you! Take a look at the second image...these are Tibetan nomads sleeping by kneeling on hard ground. Their bodys are adapted through movement to find comfort in this position..and not get injured. . You can increase your resilience to injury at any age. You just need the right tools. . Follow my page for practical tips on how to prevent injury through sneezing, sleeping, or any thing else! #nomoreinjury #movewellthenmoveoften #sleeping #neckpain #backache #mobility #injuryprevention #preventionisbetterthancure #spine #sleepwell #agewell #growoldgracefully #trainingtips #exercise #prehabilitation #health #wellness #osteopath #fitfam #flexible
15.01.2022 Movement camp 2019 has been an amazing experience. Learning from a Ido Portal and his team is always such an inspiration not just for my own movement practice, but also in my work as an Osteopath. . Training in movement is like finding the instruction manual for you own body. Educating yourself to move better has a multitude of effects including efficiency in everyday movements, injury prevention and also being better at whatever sports you want to do...and of course being able to do cool stuff with your body. #movementcamp2019 #movewellthenmoveoften #soremuscles #truestrength #thanyapura #phuket #notaholiday
14.01.2022 I have never enjoyed dancing. One bad experience at a very young age with dancing and I had been put off for life...around the age of 4 I was laughed at for hopping around a dance floor. The shame I felt regarding that, coupled with the typical lack of English flair for dancing resulted in me dreading the dance floor....until I met Shai Faran. This is the fifth time I have had the pleasure of learning from Ido Portal and his team. Ive loved every minute of it, but Shais wor...kshops last September at the European Movement Meeting and last week at Movement Camp have had by far the biggest influence on my life. The freedom of expression I have found in dance opened me to pursue other destructive thought processes I had due to bad periods of my life. . Thank you Shai for not opening my heart to dance but also helping me to find a higher level of consciousness. Your teaching has had a massively positive impact on my life. . #dance #movementislife #higherconsciousness #shaifaran #movementcamp2019 #movewellthenmoveoften #idoportal See more
13.01.2022 Moving your body in complex ways feeds your body in so many different ways. Rather than focusing on individual muscles you can train movements which develop strength, condition your body and give you a cardio workout whilst also giving you: Mobility Balance Coordination ... Core stability Rhythm Timing Improved memory Skills Etc...... Group classes and individual personalised movement lessons now available at The Yoga and Health Collective in Mona Vale plus Movement Seminars in Hornsby Fitness First. (Free for One Path Osteopathy Clients). Newton Faulkner - I need something #northernbeaches #monavale #movement #yogaandhealthcollective #idoportal #truefitness #mobility #movewellthenmoveoften #trainingday #osteopathy
12.01.2022 Perfect Posture What is a perfect posture for sitting and standing? The question for me conjures up images of Stepford wives balancing books on their head, or my mum telling me to sit straight at the dinner table. Ergonomic assessments will tell us that sitting square on to the keyboard, with a 90 degree bend in the knees and elbows, blah, blah blah is the healthiest position to sit in. ... Bullshit! There is no such thing as a perfect posture. Why? Because to suggest that a single position is healthier than others is a complete misrepresentation of what the human body requires to stay out of pain and functioning well. There is no such thing as a perfect posture because a posture is a static unmoving position. You could say that a perfect posture is a constantly moving posture. Is slouching in a chair good or bad for you? Yes, if you slouch all day. Just the same, sitting bolt upright in a chair has its own issues. Keep moving! Particularly if you spend the majority of your life sitting for work. Set a reoccurring alarm for every 10 minutes. When it goes off, change your position. Slouch, sit cross legged, lower your chair and drop one knee into a lunge position whilst still sitting on the chair, switch legs, even squat on your chair. There are a host of different positions you can achieve in a normal office chair. You might get a few weird looks off your colleagues but youll be way healthier and in less pain!
12.01.2022 Without exploration youll never discover what you are capable of...or not. . . #bloopers #fail #alwaysastudent #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementcoach #workout #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely #movewellthenmoveoften #challenge
11.01.2022 Im always fascinated by gym goers. So few make the connection between what they do in the gym, and how they move outside. How translatable their workout is to real life applications. . For example, a one legged squat is a method to get yourself off the ground, or to lower yourself on to the ground, however generally I see it being practiced without actually making ground contact. If you dont train the full movement, you dont have the full movement. . How many ways can you... move from the floor to standing? . . . #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementcoach #workout #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely #movewellthenmoveoften #squat #singlelegsquat See more
10.01.2022 New seminar for fighters and anyone who wants to learn to move better. Book now!
09.01.2022 Its a wrap! Just finished treating my last patient for the year. 2018 has been a year full of lessons for me....some of them very hard lessons l..but all of them good..because they have made me stronger, not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually. Happy Christmas everyone
09.01.2022 How often do you challenge yourself? Not just physically but also mentally. Are you comfortable in feeling uncomfortable in all aspects of your life? . I cant think of anything that makes me feel as uncomfortable as dancing. Id even prefer to jump out of a plane than dance! dancing is what Im doing. Today I attended my first contemporary dance class. Why? Because to be a well rounded human you need to go find the stuff in life you are shit at...and get better. Will I... ever be a contemporary dancer? No! But Ill learn about the underpinning movement principles such as timing, coordination, and rhythm that will feed into so many other aspects of life/sports. You have one body, learn to use it well. . . . #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementcoach #workout #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely #movewellthenmoveoften #dance #sydneydancecompany #contemporary See more
05.01.2022 Get up, get down. Here is another method to get off the floor. It requires good hip and ankle mobility, spinal flexion and leg strength. Can you do it? . Regular use of these techniques is like washing the joints. It clears out restrictions and nourishes the joint: . The cartilage of a joint has very minimal blood supply. Being living tissue, it needs to draw in nutrients and it does this through compression and distraction of the joint surface, almost sucking fluid and nutri...ents in. With poor mobility, we stop accessing parts of our cartilage which then start to degenerate. As you can see in the video, this exercise takes my hip through a very large range of movement which helps maintain a healthy joint. . . #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementcoach #workout #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely #movewellthenmoveoften #hips #anklemobility #getupgetdown
05.01.2022 Find something you are shit at...and go and do it. The benefits of this philosophy are HUGE. I find most adults spend their lives resting on their laurels and never step out of their comfort zone. The old adage you cant teach an old dog new tricks runs deeply in many of us but it just isnt true. In fact, I prefer to think of it as not learning new tricks makes us an old dog. I have spent the last couple of years challenging my beliefs. Doing things that I really didnt ...want to do, as a challenge for myself. The personal growth I have achieved from this has been immeasurable and I feel pretty much unstoppable now...nothing phases me. I have killed off my ego. This is my 3rd contemporary dance class at the Sydney Dance Company...walking into a class with many really good dancers and trying to keep up was one of the more intimidating things I have done recently. I now revel in that discomfort. In fact, until last year you wouldnt have even been able to drag me onto a dance floor in a club! The movement principles behind dance feed into other stuff in life. Balance, coordination, rhythm, timing, movement memory etc all develop a more rounded physical capacity. I had so much resistance to dance that it is also challenging me mentally. Stepping into your discomfort willingly builds a more resilient capacity to deal with all the shit we get thrown at us in our lives. It makes you realise that you can keep going in the face of any adversity. Having a good laugh at how shit you are once in a while also opens your heart and soul. What do you find deeply uncomfortable? What do you tell yourself you could never do because of x,y or z? How are you limiting yourself by the story you tell yourself? #dance #sydneydancecompany #unstoppable #movement #idoportal #mentalhealth #balancedbody #beginner #shoshan #pain #outoftime #rhythm #coordination #timing #contemporarydance
04.01.2022 New late night opening hours available. The clinic is now open Monday/Tuesday and Thursdays till 9pm
04.01.2022 Here is another straight leg floor to standing variation. Can you get up like this? . I always encourage clients to spend more time sitting on the floor. By doing this you open up opportunities to explore transitioning from the floor to standing. This results in you working on your mobility in circumstantial situations, rather than just at the gym. It also encourages you to explore what your body can do, be! This exercise is a great way to maintain mobility ...gains. . . . . . #nochairs #getupgetdown #straightldgs #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementcoach #workout #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely #movewellthenmoveoften See more
03.01.2022 Next movement seminar is 2nd Feb 12-3pm at Fitness First Hornsby. This month we will be exploring concepts around training for longevity, joint resilience, taking order into chaos and mobility. Book now at Only 8 places left.
03.01.2022 Jumping in the deep end with some improvisational contemporary dance. Despite being a movement teacher, dancing has never felt comfortable for me. This has been an issue on a couple of recent courses, including the European movement meeting with Ido Portal, and the Fighting Monkey week intensive course. . Digging to the cause of this barrier I had to dancing I found some childhood traumas associated with I thought F@&k it. Im going I took myself off... to a nightclub, and whilst completely sober danced until dawn. It was very cathartic!! . I think the most important thing we can do is expose ourselves to the shit we dont want to do, because thats where the greatest lessons are. . Dancing also teaches a range of different movement principles such as coordination, timing and rhythm which carry over into a range of other different sports. For example, some of the most technically brilliant boxers were also dancers; Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, and Vasyl Lomachenko. Their understanding of timing and rhythm is what sets them apart in the ring. . #dancing #contemporary #improv #sydneydancecompany #movewellthenmoveoften #badtiming #dothethingsyouthinkyoucannotdo #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementcoach #workout #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely See more
02.01.2022 Sometimes the most supposedly simple movements are unattainable by those people who consider themselves to be fit. There is a raft of studies, including evidence from Blue zones, areas around the world where people commonly live to over 100 in remarkable health, to suggest that being able to get up off the floor, and doing it on a regular basis, is very good for our health and longevity. . Many people will use one or two methods to get up off the floor. This is very limitin...g. How fragile is your ability to stand up? . What happens if you cant use your hands? Can only use 1 leg, cant bend your knees? Can you still get up off the floor? At what point do you become trapped and dependent on external assistance? . This particular technique is dependent on a range of different abilities..hip and ankle mobility, spinal flexion, muscular, and ligament strength, skill, balance etc... . . Ive found about 30 different ways to get up off the floor. Ill be posting some of these...see how many ways you can find. Explore your own body and expose your weeknesses...then work on them! . . #standing #hipmobility #longevity #bluezones #getup #movewellthenmoveoften #functionalmedicine #health #spinehealth #primalmovement #ancestralwisdom #livelonger #movementismedicine #mobility #standup #prehab #prepareforeverything #osteopathy #nochairs #flexibility #stretch #canyoudoit #healthtips #ankles #kneehealth See more
01.01.2022 There is a tendency to think that there is a linear progression out of mood states. That day by day, if you are on the right path, youll feel gradually better each day. With this in mind, if you wake up one morning feeling shit, then you must have taken the wrong direction and need to rethink your path. This is not the case. Coming out of a state of depression or anxiety is a pendulum. Youll swing back and forth, sometimes without any rhyme or reason. This DOES NOT mean you... are on the wrong path. In fact, a pendulum needs to swing left to swing right, and you need to feel those lows to generate enough momentum to swing high. So how do you know that you are on the right path when the pendulum makes you feel lost as to whether your other health practices are working? The first thing, is that any work you have done with kicking depression is moving in the right direction. Youve taken the bull by the horns, been proactive in whatever form of work youve been doing and thats something to pat yourself on the back for, even in the low times. Also, by observing your pendulum you step back from the immediate emotional reaction of feeling bad. This can give you a separation from the way you are can observe the mood from a bit of distance and not get wrapped up in it.
01.01.2022 How did you get on with the last floor to standing exercise? Here is another way to get up and down. This movement requires good ankle mobility and spinal flexion, healthy knees, and hips, and balance. Its a good assessment tool that I use to guide my practice. Its a really good example of prehabilitation. By doing this movement I can quickly assess a range of different areas of my body and deal with issues before they become injuries. . . #Trainingtips #sportsinjuries #gym #fit #movement #mobility #flexibility #stretch #fitnesstips #rehab #prehab #osteo #osteopathy #bodyweight #movementteacher #workout #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining #injuryprevention #moveyourbody #health #motivation #prerequisites #trainsafely #movewellthenmoveoften #pistolsquat #nochairs #kneehealth
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