Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre in Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia | Medical research centre
Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre
Locality: Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9496 5753
Address: Austin Hospital, 145 Studley Road 3084 Heidelberg, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.onjcancercentre.org
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25.01.2022 It’s Mental Health Week! Divisional Director of Mental Health, Hannah Bloom says it's an important reminder to reflect on how we’re going. So many of us have been busy looking after others, but just remember that we can’t look after family and friends if we don’t first look after ourselves, she says. ... Maintaining exercise, connecting with people who make you feel good, stopping to have a coffee and increasing activities that give you pleasure are all important right now. If you’re not quite feeling like yourself, Hannah says you should definitely seek help. It can be difficult to know where to turn for advice and support, but there are lots of great resources available. Beyond Blue and Lifeline are fantastic starting points," says Hannah. Read more:https://bit.ly/3dv2oKk
23.01.2022 UPDATE: Our Specialist Clinics Call Centre is currently experiencing delays due to high call volumes. We’re sorry for any inconvenience and we thank you for your patience during this time. Alternatively, please email [email protected] and one of our team will get back to yo
22.01.2022 Thank you to everyone for your patience today as we welcomed visitors back to the ONJ Centre. We're using our Visitor Registration form to help make the screening process as quick as possible and visitors can fill out the form before they arrive or while you wait in line - https://bit.ly/2ZJPKAK Just a reminder that most patients are permitted to have one visitor for two hours per day so we'd recommend contacting the patient you're visiting before you come in to make sure no ...one else has been to see them already. Physical distancing of 1.5m is also still required and to ensure we can keep our patients, visitors and staff safe. More information about our current visitor restrictions is available on our website - https://bit.ly/2UaaMqj
21.01.2022 Enjoying the warmer weather? It’s a timely reminder during National Skin Cancer Action Week to use sun protection and be aware of any changes to your skin. Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Every year, skin cancers account for around 80 per cent of all newly diagnosed cancers. ... Ninety five per cent of skin cancer cases are caused by unprotected exposure to UV radiation from the sun, meaning it’s nearly entirely preventable. So remember to: -Slip on some sun protective clothing -Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30 (or higher) sunscreen. - Slap on a hat -Seek shade -Slide on some sunglasses. If you notice any changes to your skin, please speak with your GP. For more info about National Skin Cancer Action Week visit: https://bit.ly/2IPz6Lk
20.01.2022 Victoria has recorded 19 consecutive days, but it's so important we remain vigilant. A whopping 39,849 COVID-19 tests have been conducted at Austin Health since the beginning of the pandemic. Each and every person who has been tested, has helped stop the spread of COVID-19. We want to remind everyone to please get tested immediately if you have symptoms and to self-isolate until getting a negative test result.... COVID-19 testing continues to be available through Austin Hospital, however you must make a booking. Call our coronavirus hotline on 9496 6606 from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 8am-5pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. For more info: https://bit.ly/3hKmKRy
20.01.2022 Today is International Genetic Counsellor Awareness Day! So, what exactly does a Genetic Counsellor do? Genetic Counsellors play a vital role in helping people understand the impact of their inherited conditions, as well as empowering them to make informed choices about their health. Austin Health runs Family Cancer Clinics at the ONJ Centre and across Victoria, including a number of regional centres.... If you think you might benefit from genetic counselling, speak to your GP or treating specialist. Learn more: https://bit.ly/38BXQBQ
20.01.2022 This week the ONJ Centre Palliative Care team received a surprise package in the mail. The Women, Youth and Community Health Programs team at ACT Health sent us a beautiful care package, says Nurse Unit Manager, Hilary Hodgson. Hilary rang the team in Canberra to thank them for their random act of kindness. ... They said they wanted to do something special for Victorian healthcare workers. They sent their love, and thanked us for our hard work and dedication to the people of Victoria. She says that this act of kindness has gone a long way, and that the whole team are incredibly grateful.
20.01.2022 Congratulations to ONJ Centre Medical Oncology Research Fellow, Dr Ashray Gunjur, on receiving the prestigious John Monash Scholarship. This scholarship will see Dr Gunjur attend the world-leading Wellcome Sanger Institute at Cambridge University where he will complete his PhD in understanding cancer immunotherapy: the revolution in cancer treatment that harnesses the body’s own immune system to fight cancer. I was inspired to a career in medical oncology out of a driving ...desire to see people affected by cancer worldwide leading longer and happier lives, says Dr Gunjur. Learn more about his research: https://bit.ly/375h5SN
19.01.2022 2020 has been a year like no other. At Austin Health and the ONJ Cancer Centre, we’ve had to be innovative and agile to allow us to continue providing world-class care to our patients in a safe, supportive workplace during a global pandemic. This is all thanks to our resilient, passionate and dedicated people. ... Join us as we look back on a truly unforgettable year. Yesterday we also held our Annual General Meeting and released our Annual Report and Quality Account publications. You can read these here: https://www.austin.org.au/about/publications
18.01.2022 While on placement at the ONJ Centre, Art Therapy student Susan Tanner has been capturing the emotions of her family, community and staff through her exhibition: 30 portraits, 30 days, for 30 minutes. I found it very powerful to notice how much we can say with only our posture or our eyes. I wanted to capture this as best as I could. This experience has provided great insight into the tireless effort of our healthcare workers. Their empathy, bravery and dedication, Susan... says. The exhibition is now up online as well as in the ONJ Centre. Find out more: https://bit.ly/3jyqSEV
16.01.2022 Breast cancer survivor Nadia Lauri's mantra throughout her treatment was #IGotThis She wants you to know that you too have #GotThis. Whether it’s going to get your breasts checked, or if you’re going through treatment, you’ve got this."... Nadia also wants you to visit your GP at the first signs of change to your breasts. If you're experiencing pain, a lump, changes to the shape and color of your breast, dimpling, redness, nipple discharge or changes to the shape of your nipple, it's important to get it checked. I’m alive today and cancer free for the past three and a half months because I listened to my intuition and went to the doctors as soon as possible. Read more: https://bit.ly/3jDyfKp
16.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day It’s been an incredibly challenging year for everyone, and now more than ever we need to stay connected and support our colleagues, family, friends and neighbours. We’d like to encourage you to reach out to someone and ask them R U OK? You don’t have to have all the answers but just letting them know that you care can sometimes be enough. ... If they tell you that they’re not ok, take time to listen, encourage them to access support and remember to check in with them regularly. For more info and resources visit: www.ruok.org.au For support call Lifeline on 13 11 14. #theresmoretosay #ruokday #ruokeveryday
16.01.2022 Our new visitor restrictions mean most of our inpatients are able to have one nominated visitor, once per day, for a maximum of two hours. Don’t forget to call before you come we recommend calling the patient you’re planning to visit before you arrive to ensure they don’t have other visitors coming that day. There are also additional rules in place for some wards including exemptions for certain patients. The details can be found on our website - https://bit.ly/2UaaMqj... Just a reminder that children under 16 are currently not permitted to visit. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation.
15.01.2022 We’re pleased to say we’ve made some changes to our visiting restrictions at the ONJ Centre. From Tuesday 29 September, ONJ Centre inpatients are permitted to have one nominated visitor attend for two hours per day. To help us keep everyone safe there is a limit on the number of nominated visitors each patient can have:... - patients on Wards 6 South and 7 South can nominate a maximum of two visitors for the duration of their admission - patients on Ward 8 South can nominate up to four visitors for the duration of their admission. Visitors will be able to access the ONJ Centre during one of the three separate visiting periods each day: - 8.30am 10.30am - 11am 1pm - 3.30pm 5.30pm Exemptions also remain in place for patients in the terminal phase of care or who have a disability or behavioural needs. Please click here to read more - https://bit.ly/2UaaMqj
14.01.2022 Wow, look at this beautiful art installation in the ONJ Centre’s level 3 waiting area! During the pandemic, Creative Arts Therapy student, Sarah Foley reached out to staff, patients, their families and the broader community, and asked them to join her in creating a field of billy buttons. "I was thinking of ways to connect the ONJ community during this time of isolation and the 'Connecting people through patterns of nature' project came to life.... The result is over 600 interconnected felted bright yellow Billy Button flowers. The billy button flowers represent the strength, resilience and determination shown by those living with and surviving Cancer, Sarah said. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
14.01.2022 As part of easing COVID-19 restrictions, we've made changes to the way visitors can come to the ONJ Centre. From Tuesday 17 November, children under the age of 16 will be allowed to visit patients when accompanied by a guardian. Each patient will be able to have one visitor OR one group of visitors, once a day for up to two hours. ... Groups of visitors must live together in the same household and can be made up of two adults OR one adult plus children (under 16). An additional two-hour visiting block is also in place between 5.30pm 7.30pm. Exemptions to these rules remain in place for some patients. The safety of patients, visitors and staff remains our number one priority. All visitors must maintain a physical distance of 1.5m from others and follow the directions of staff to help keep everyone safe. Please click here for more information - https://bit.ly/2UaaMqj Thank you to everyone for your ongoing cooperation and understanding.
14.01.2022 Here’s a sneak peek of our 2021 Diversity and Inclusion Calendar. An opportunity to highlight the diverse background of our staff who make up Austin Health and the ONJ Cancer Centre. Our people are our greatest strength. Everyone has their own unique story. It’s about getting to know each other and bringing people together through the power of storytelling, said Diversity and Inclusion People and Culture Consultant, Edwina Ross.... Edwina explains that the calendar is quite different to last year. The imagery for the calendar has been taken in 2020 and reflects a year we’ll never forget. Everyone is in masks, but the photographer has really captured the smiles in their eyes, she said. All photos have been taken by award winning Aboriginal photographer, Tiffany Garvie.
13.01.2022 This incredible dad and daughter team have been working on the coronavirus frontline together. I remember sitting on his lap reading medical textbooks when I was little and just thinking, well that’s exactly what I’ve got to be, Dr Madeleine Warrillow said of her father, Director of Intensive Care, A/Prof Stephen Warrillow. Watch their story on 9 News Melbourne tonight from 6pm! ... Happy Father’s Day to all dads and father figures whether it’s grandfathers, uncles, stepfathers or family friends. You’re all superheroes!
13.01.2022 Happy Birthday to our founding champion Olivia Newton-John! We hope your special day is filled with love, joy and music The ONJ Cancer Wellness & Research Centre provides world leading treatment for men and women with all types of cancers. It’s also a place where our community can access wellness programs to support their body, mind and spirit.
12.01.2022 It’s World Lymphoma Day! Our Clinical Trials team recently launched an important trial to improve treatment of those with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). They will be investigating whether a new treatment for MCL called acalabrutinib helps stop or slow the growth of cancer cells when combined with other treatments such as chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation. ... Find out more: https://bit.ly/3bWHV0u
10.01.2022 The sun is shining, Melbourne is out of lockdown and we’re very happy to say that visitors are welcome back to the ONJ Centre! Some limits still do apply though: - Each patient can have visitors once per day - Visitors can include up to two adults (over 16 years) plus children from one household... - Visiting hours are between 9am - 1pm and 3pm - 7.30pm. Exemptions are in place for: - patients receiving end-of-life terminal phase care - parents of children under the age of 18 - patients who have a disability/behavioural needs where the visitor is supporting clinical care. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation and please continue to stay safe!
10.01.2022 Happy World Radiography Day! On this day in 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen discovered the x-ray! Today we celebrate our incredible Radiation Oncology staff who play a crucial role in helping to diagnose and treat patients.... Director Radiation Oncology, Farshad Foroudi is proud of how his team have adapted to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The team continue to smile behind their masks, and this makes a huge difference for our patients. Getting a scan can be scary for patients. I’m proud of how kind, empathetic and dedicated our team is, says Farshad.
09.01.2022 Face masks are the necessary accessory of 2020. But as we’ve all found out, they make it very hard to tell exactly who you’re talking to. ONJ Centre Radiation Therapist, Colleen Berry has come up with a simple solution. Badges. Colleen has been making badges for her colleagues that have a photo of their face to help patients connect with the people caring for them.... Wearing a mask is such an important part of stopping the spread of COVID-19 but hopefully the combination of a mask and a badge is providing some comfort for our patients, says Colleen. Read more: https://bit.ly/3iMMOvq
09.01.2022 We’ll be holding our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 16 of December between 5-5.30pm online via Teams. Hear about our achievements this year and our focus areas for 2021 to ensure we're providing safe, accessible and reliable care to our growing community. Please register your interest: https://bit.ly/3qzUcPq
09.01.2022 Today Austin Health commenced the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine for hotel quarantine, border protection and high-risk health care workers. We know that many in our community are eager to access the vaccine but wanted to let you know that our vaccination clinic isn’t open to the general public just yet. We'll be sharing more information about our public vaccination clinic as soon as it's available. ... Please stay safe, and remember to continue to: - Keep your physical distance - Wear a mask - Regularly wash or sanitise your hands - Get tested if you have even the mildest of symptoms. Learn more: austin.org.au/COVID-19-vaccination/
09.01.2022 Happy Chinese New Year (also known as Lunar New Year) to all those celebrating today! Early childhood educator at Austin Health's Child Care Centre, Li Rong Qiu, shares how she'll be celebrating the year of the Ox. "Traditionally this is a time where families come together to feast and share happiness and laughter. ... We decorate our homes in the colour red for good luck and wear new clothes as this is believed to bring prosperity and start afresh. We also wish each other Xin Nian Kuai Le, which means Happy New Year and married couples will usually give red packets - hong bao - to the younger ones. These red packets have money in them which is a form of blessing," Li says. #lunarnewyear2021 #chinesenewyear2021
09.01.2022 IMPORTANT UPDATE: No visitors to the ONJ Centre from 11.59pm on 12 February. Following today’s announcement of a Stage 4 lockdown in Victoria, visitors will not be permitted to the ONJ Centre from 11.59pm tonight. We know how hard this is for patients, families and our staff but this step is important to reducing everybody’s risk of contracting COVID-19.... There are exemptions in place for patients who are receiving end of life terminal phase care. Patients needing medical treatment can still come to us for care but we are asking all others not to attend our sites until further notice. We’ll provide an update about any changes to our visitor restrictions as soon as possible but please stay safe over the next few days by staying at home, washing your hands and getting yourself tested even if you only have mild symptoms. We’ve done this before and we’ll get through it again this time together.
08.01.2022 Happy Allied Health Professions Day! Did you know that we have over 1000 Allied Health professionals at Austin Health? Some Allied Health roles like occupational therapists and physiotherapists are familiar to many people, but there are many more roles such as radiographers, orthotists, podiatrists, pharmacists, orthoptists and speech pathologists that are vital to the care we provide patients at Austin Health. ... Today we celebrate the important and unique contribution of Allied Health professionals, says Divisional Director Allied Health, Brit Gordon. I’m both proud and inspired by this multi-disciplinary team, who go above and beyond to support our patients to achieve their goals, Brit says. Share your appreciation for our Allied Health staff in the comments below #AHPsDay #ProudToBeAHP
08.01.2022 We’re back on Facebook! Thank you for your patience while we waited for our page to be restored. We were disappointed that our account was deactivated last week due to issues regarding the news media ban on Facebook. As we know you rely on us to keep you informed of important health information, especially during the pandemic. ... You may have missed our post letting our community know that visitors are now welcomed back to the ONJ Centre, however limits still apply: https://bit.ly/2UaaMqj Thank you for your ongoing support
07.01.2022 We are working to update our Visitor Policy following the Premier’s announcement today that the rules around visiting hospitals and care facilities have been changed. While these updates will be made as quickly as possible, our current visitor restrictions will remain in place in the meantime. As a result, visitors will not be permitted to the ONJ Centre on Monday 28 September. There will continue to be exemptions for patients who are receiving end of life terminal phase car...e, and for the approved carer of patients who are under 18, or who have a disability or behavioural needs. Thank you to everyone for your patience and we look forward to providing you with a further update on Monday.
06.01.2022 Happy NAIDOC Week! "I look forward to NAIDOC Week more than I do Christmas or New Years, says Aboriginal Liaison Officer, Jacob Nelson who is a proud Bunjalung man. Jacob explains that it’s a very special time for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. ... It’s a time to celebrate Aboriginal People, culture, history and achievements. The theme for #NAIDOCWeek 2020 ‘Always Was, Always Will Be’ recognises that Aboriginal People have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000+ years. Celebrations may look a little different this year due to COVID-19, however there are many virtual events you can get involved in: https://bit.ly/3pl8jHI
05.01.2022 The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a once in a lifetime challenge for our staff. COVID-19 has not only impacted their work lives, but also their personal lives. Our staff have shown resilience, courage and an unwavering dedication to our patients and each other. We are so proud of our amazing people who go above and beyond for our community. ... We’re also very grateful for the support of our community, to those who’ve sent us messages and well wishes, donated to our COVID-19 appeal and are doing their bit to help stop the spread of COVID-19. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Watch our film ‘On the frontline responding to a global pandemic’ which captures the experiences of our staff during this time.
05.01.2022 We're happy to say that we've extended visiting hours and removed some of the restrictions in place to limit how long visitors can spend with patients. These changes will hopefully make it easier for visitors to see their loved ones being cared for at at the ONJ Centre. Visiting hours are now between 9am - 1pm and 3pm and 7.30pm... Please remember a limit of two adults visitors for each patient at any one time remains and things like wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance of 1.5m between yourself and others are still a must. Click here for more information about visiting hours - https://bit.ly/2UaaMqj
04.01.2022 Even though COVID-19 restrictions have eased, we still have important measures in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect our community. Please continue to attend your Specialist Clinic appointments alone, unless you need your carer with you. We're also asking parents not to bring their children with them to their Specialist Clinic appointment, unless the child is the patient. We understand this may be difficult for some patients, but reducing the number o...f people coming to our sites is still a key way of helping us manage the risks associated with COVID-19. For more info visit: https://bit.ly/3kRghWh
03.01.2022 During stage 4 restrictions Telehealth and phone consultations will replace face-to-face Specialist Clinics appointments where possible. We will contact you directly if your appointment is affected. If you have not heard from us please attend your appointment as planned.
03.01.2022 It’s DonateLife Thank You Day - recognising Australians who make an organ and tissue donation possible. We’ve shared some powerful images taken at Austin Hospital for the ’Giving Life’ exhibition by liver transplant recipient Andrew Chapman. In 1994 Andrew was on assignment for Time magazine, capturing an open-heart surgery at Austin Hospital, when a surgeon from the next operating theatre asked him to photograph a liver transplant surgery. ... It was a simple twist of fate, I got to meet medical team that would save my life 16 years later, it was a remarkable thing for me. Still is. Andrew had his liver transplant surgery at Austin Health 10 years ago. The gift has allowed me to do a hell of a lot of things. I’ve produced eight books, I’ve seen my kids grow up and mature, I’ve seen four granddaughters born. I’ve had a wonderful ten years, and this is all thanks to my anonymous donor. Join the Australian Organ Donor Register to one day have the chance to save lives at https://donatelife.gov.au/ and let your loved ones know what your choices are. You can see the full 'Giving Life' exhibition here: https://bit.ly/3kTb4wv Or watch Andrew’s remarkable story here: https://bit.ly/36YJzww
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