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25.01.2022 Every mountain looks bigger at the bottom. The climb is very real and you have to be prepared however if you do your homework and you are ready for the challenge then you can get it done. I have always used the analogy that Mt Everest was never climbed until the climber got to base camp first. In my business I help people with the foundation work to establish better systems that ensure success through process. Understanding the process itself will allow you to see success for what it is. A journey of choices made with intent. ~Sebastian
24.01.2022 [Video Blog #168] - 13 Cool Crypto Apps & Dapps In my latest video I share 13 cool crypto apps and dapps that I am currently using daily and weekly to not only ...improve my crypto experience however earn and accumulate coins and tokens. Which ones are your favourites? Blockfolio Legder Live eSteem Ethos Shping Bitnation Datawallet Crypviser ONTO ICONex Huobi Steemit
21.01.2022 This weeks couch with Lisa B from This Canberra Life talking about Instagram!
21.01.2022 Sums up what life is really about....growth, learning and enjoying a once of a lifetime journey.
21.01.2022 [Hidden Cure for Cancer?] **NEW Blog** The Hidden Cure for Cancer?... Cancer is a condition rather than a disease. The world of Cancer, in my opinion, is a deception and there is more than what we are being told. Controversial statement maybe however only to those who regurgitate what they have been taught to believe. Have you actually ever looked any further? Prevention is always better than cure and this article will provide a path of prevention. Alkaline Blood and B17. I suggest anyone with cancer seeks ALL ALTERNATIVES and LEARNS ABOUT CANCER before entering into a commitment of detrimental therapy. It is a big decision and I believe there is more to learn. Make an informed decision based on knowledge and understanding of what cancer actually is. Avoid chemotherapy, surgery and/or taking medicines with strong side effects if you believe you can. That is what I would do. You however need to make the best decisions for yourself. Radiation and chemo therapy have a 4% success rate with a life expectancy of only up to 5 years. Surely we can find therapies that are better than 4%? Personally, I think you should finish reading this website, this article and do a little more study before you walk into a death trap. This is a topic than needs more discussion and research from the individual. I have ordered my B17 extract and Grapeseeds and will seek to add these consistently to my diet along with the foods and seeds found within the article. Chia seeds are also a great source of B17 so make sure to add these where you can. ~ Sab #betterHEALTH #betterUNDERSTANDING #B17
20.01.2022 How does your diet stack up? Our blood must always maintain a pH of approximately 7.35 so that it can continue to transport oxygen. It is well understood that acidic bodies are a breeding ground for disease and other conditions. To truly obtain a higher level of health one must understand how the body works.... How the blood transports information to the cells. High quality food and water is our greatest weapon against disease and other hormonal and mental disorders. It starts with your diet. If youre wondering how your diet stacks up, check out the table below. ~Sebastian #betterBLOOD #betterFOOD #betterLIFEProject
18.01.2022 My ambition is to genuinely impact as many lives as I can using my vast life and business experience and specific personality traits.
18.01.2022 [What are the Akashic Records? - NEW BLOG ARTICLE] Here is some Sunday reading and viewing with some great videos from Teal who explains all this very well. I spent 50 minutes last night meditating and working towards a new understanding of self. I am enjoying it and will share what I find here. I will also keep blogging it all for you to reference at a time that suits you.... I am in love with all of this and I have been studying it in depth for over 10 months now. I will just keep planting seeds of discovery and sharing what I discover. There is more to our world than we have been taught. What you do from here is up to you. :) What are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records refer to a database of every word, thought or action that is stored energetically and encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. They are said to contain the information of every Soul and being in the cosmos. The Records are continually updated, with each new thought, word or action that every Soul or entity makes. The Akashic Records therefore contain the energetic prints about the origination and journey of every Soul through its lifetimes. They connect each of us to one another. ~ Sab
17.01.2022 [CELLULAR HEALTH DOWNLOAD FILES - DROPBOX LINK] I hope to see a number of you take this information up, embrace it, study it more and start bringing into practice just as Erin and I have. In my opinion this is where true health is - Cellular Health. ... Due to the number of files and pages I have added all the Phion information to a drop box with the below access link for all those interested in downloading and viewing these files. PHION DOCUMENTS - THE FILES: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: *Foundation of Wellbeing (1 page) *Starting Your New Nutritional Regime Page (2 Pages) *Vegetable Liquid Meal For Breakfast (2 pages) *What is Healthy Food (2 Pages) EXTRA KNOWLEDGE & TOOLS: *Product & Dosage Information (2 Pages) *Body Ph Balance (7 Pages) *Evidence of Syntropy in Phion MEA Water (16 pages) *Gall Bladder Cleanse Procedure (6 pages) *Healing With Negatively Charged Water (3 Pages) *Nitric Oxide Fact Sheet (3 Pages) *Phion Master Colour Chart (1 page) *Weekly Product Usage Calendar (1 page) PHION DOCUMENTS -
17.01.2022 **New Blog** [Want to know what you should be really eating?] There is a major part of our understanding of life that we are lacking?... Our education system is clearly failing us. Understanding how the body, our biology, works at a cellular level is the difference between having a grand long life or one full of ageing, disease, sickness and unhappiness. To maintain true health we must provide our body with water and food choices that align with our cellular requirements not only at a nutrient level however at an electrical level. We live in an electrical universe that is driven by energy. Read The Food List Here -
16.01.2022 [What is Scalar Energy?] **New Blog** To continue my sharing on the topics of frequencies, energy and vibrations, I am now exploring ways for making adjustments in my own environment.... It started with my water, moved to my exposure to EMF and now I am researching into scalar energy fields. I love this information, this knowledge and I will be sharing as much as I can on all that I research and hope it too makes a difference into your life as it has mine. Again, I am not telling you have to do any of this as it is your choice to do what you want with your body and life. I am just sharing what I am doing with mine and I think we have a lot to learn.
16.01.2022 [Video Blog #166] - Market Review & A Possible Future? (Crypto) In a nutshell, 2018 is pretty much a write off in regard to bullish trends. Sure there will be m...oments and some coins will mature however the energy of 2017 has well and truly gone to sleep. What will swing the market back into the positive? Time A Catalyst Event Example: ETF or Regulatory Implementation Institution First Mover - Hedge Funds, ETFs & Securities Migration Cartel Driven Energy I do believe that the Christmas of 2020/21 is going to match and better that of 2013 and 2017. Agenda 21 will be kicked off with a crypto blockchain boom unseen before and there will be a flood of new energy into the space. In the meantime it will be rough seas as we wait for that moment that gets institutions involved, the catalysts that sparks a major cartel influx. What do you think will spark the market? I think time itself is the best bet.
16.01.2022 [#TrainingTuesday] Choosing a domain name or a business name is integral. It is what you will be known for and it is the name that people will search for to fi...nd your business in directories and on Google. Make it count, be specific and ensure it aligns with your intentions. Now a company with a significant marketing budget can choose business names that are unique and sometimes these companies will use names that are non specific to the business or product. They can afford to do so as they can align their marketing budget with their brand and do what it takes. Non specific names can be hard to initially promote unless you have a specific market niche or budget. For example: Apple, Exxon, Sony, Wendys, McDonalds and others (Would you know what these businesses do just by the name if they did not market to you?) For others whom will rely on google, word by mouth and general searches will need to choose a more specific name for their business and make sure they are listed by category in relevant directories. For example: Online Coaching Australia, Bobs Carpets, Jonnos Window Cleaning, and others (These names are more specific to the target niche as the name includes key words) Here are my biggest tips: 1) Make sure a domain name for your website is available before you finalise and register your business name. 2) Make sure to check the registered business name registry in your specific country to make sure no one has registered the name. 3) Make sure to park all relevant domain names such as .com, .org or as relevant to the country you live in and your business type. 4) Also check that Facebook has a relevant page and group name available, so do a quick search to see who is doing what and if names are available. 5) Choose the TOP key words relevant for your business, service or product and write them all down. 6) Do a brainstorm of names based on the key words and/or a branding vision. 7) Share your top ten names with a close creative friend for feedback however always go with your gut instinct and always be the one to choose the name. 8) Do not choose a name similar to an existing major company as that is a legal battle waiting to happen. 9) Think about a logo, a motif or moniker that will align with the name and support your market niche and marketing vision. The thing with a name is that no matter what you do, if your service, your product, your authenticity, your content, your marketing plan and your operating systems are in place and you are consistent and persevere you will always fair better than those who do not. Live with passion. I have numerous businesses however here is an example of my thought process for my online coaching business. I chose Online Coaching Australia over Your Dream Builder, #betterLIFE Project and other names because the three key words are the highest ranking words for my niche in Google and it also allows my platform to host a variety of coaching programs rather than focusing on one. This was a choice made for the future and growth. Online - I wanted an online coaching business and for those looking for online would enter this into Google Coaching - I wanted a coaching business with a variety of programs so I chose a general term for development. Australia - I live in Australia and that is my initial target although I am supporting numerous people from overseas. People tend to use their country or area in Google searches. I also checked the domain names and Australian business register and found that this name, to my surprise, was available so I ran with it. It made sense to me and I am happy with the decision. The money tree is a symbol of growth, fortune and development. I wish you luck with your name and go with your gut and if you want to run a business name by me I am happy to provide feedback at any time. ~ Sebastian
16.01.2022 Website is building consistently with new content everyday based around my main services of business development, startups, concept creating and dream building. Athlete development systems and facility programming and training also now in place with the #betterLIFE project. Are you seeking genuine opportunities for growth as an individual or as a business? More -
16.01.2022 [HUGE OPPORTUNITY] I am ready to annually support up to 10 enthusiastic entrepreneurs who want to build a strong, powerful, well understood, foundation plan for their new business, lifestyle, idea or concept who fit the following criteria: - Desperately want a new lifestyle... - Desperately want a solid business plan - Desperately want a solid marketing plan - Desperately want a solid branding campaign - Desperately want an attract, sales and leads plan - Desperately want clear forecasts, P/L and operating procedures established for their business. - Desperately want to learn how to build a movement - Desperatly want the confidence to procede - Need capital and want to learn how to raise funds - Can dedicate a MINIMUM of 42 - 96 hours to mediate with the coach - Will be willing to measure results - Will be willing to listen and be guided by a personal coach APPLY HERE - This program and our support network has been designed so you can achieve the result you have always wanted whilst learning new skills and knowledge that will last a life time. ONLY apply if you are 100% committed to change and to your concept. **Weekly Coaching Sessions **All concepts, forecasts and plans finalised **Accountability coaching available before and after implementation of your concept. APPLY HERE - I look forward to working with you soon. Regards Sebastian
15.01.2022 **New Blog** I enjoy researching life and the universe for what it really is and I feel morally obligated to share what I learn and see. I am merely planting seeds with the hope you will do more research yourself.... My latest blog is a list of nutrition and lifestyle tips to support a greater connection with our origins. Wakey Wakey.....
13.01.2022 Sacred Geometry Of Snow Flakes Photographer Alexey Kljatov takes incredible close-up photos of snowflakes in his backyard in Moscow. "I capture snowflakes on the open balcony of my house, mostly on glass surface, lighted by an LED flashlight from the opposite side of the glass, and sometimes in natural light, using dark woollen fabrics as background." How were they created?... Via the pythagorean sacred scale of frequencies. Everything is connected to energy, frequencies and vibrations. We are like snowflakes, a physical form of sound, and when we have thoughts that are expressed with the right frequencies we become geometrically aligned at a cellular level. Be a snowflake.
13.01.2022 Latest blog is here! You choose what you want to bring into your life and what you want to research. For me this is at the top of a very long and exciting list. Lucid dreams, enhanced intuition, foresight and astral projections.....sounds like my type of adventure.... Is this suppressed knowledge or are we just not being taught this at school for a reason? Just because we live in the WEST does not mean we cant explore the human life secrets of the EAST. If you want to reach your full potential as a human being, reach the highest level of consciousness and learn the true potential of intuition, you will need to decalcify your pineal gland which has been systematically and deliberately calcified since your birth by your masters. By the age of 17 most human adults, in western society in particular, have a calcified Pineal Gland due to our toxic conditions, toxic food and manipulated water. I think that sucks! Here is what I am doing to decalcify and it is working. #pinealgland #higherstateofconsciousness #thirdeye #lifesecrets
13.01.2022 [New Blog - Why Drink Structured Water?] This is most likely one of the most relevant pieces of information you will ever read. Important facts! ... Structured water found at a remote mountain location in Venezuela has 40,000 times the energy as American tap water, which is virtually devoid of any structure or energy. The residents of this area of Venezuela are among the longest living on the planet. These people are profoundly healthy, happy and peaceful. Our domestic tap water is both physically and spiritually polluted, because water takes on as memory everything it comes in contact with, whether physical or energetic. Water is the only substance capable of absorbing all of the frequencies existing in nature (light, sound, radiant, microwave, subtle/scalar energies, etc.), and water can become living or dead depending on what frequencies it is in contact with. Just as in municipal water systems, chlorine in water acts as a disinfectant in the body, killing huge numbers of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract critical for proper digestion and immune system function. Fluoride is highly toxic more toxic than lead, and only slightly less toxic than arsenic yet fluoride is added to over 70% of Americas water supply. Even EPA has recently admitted that fluoride is a toxin and has mandated reductions in water system fluoride levels. The foods we eat are all the products of energy conversion from the initial electrical-energy-generating property of water. Structured water contains only life-affirming frequencies. The US government estimates that it would cost $30 billion per year to provide the WORLD with clean water, and yet over $100 billion is spent annually on bottled water, which only exacerbates water, air and physical pollution problems. Why Drink Structured Water -
13.01.2022 [Video Blog #167] - MOBU - The Future of Security Tokens (Crypto) What the crypto market needs next is institutional money which not only increases the market c...ap however increases liquidity, exposure, adoption and attention. The ability for securities that exist on the stock exchange, public floated companies and private institutions, to migrate and evolve to Blockchain solutions will be a catalyst event. The biggest financial event in history. The day that mining, retail, development, technology, communication and banking corporations have the regulatory support and confidence to transitions via a regulatory platform will be the era of a 100+ trillion blockchain market. Sounds like a big number however it is more than likely to become the reality in the the years ahead. The speed of growth will be rapid. The disruption to the financial sector will be immense. Mobu and platforms like it will present the greatest opportunity for this to all occur. Can Mobu do it? Polymath? What others do you know in this niche? What do you think of this concept?
12.01.2022 [6 Elements To A Happy Life] These are 6 elements I believe are critical to a happy life and once these are established within your behavioural playbook you will experience a new found health and happiness. Read Blog -
12.01.2022 [How to stay motivated?] **NEW BLOG** Motivation is a powerful, yet tricky beast and not every one knows how to simply turn it on.... Sometimes it is really easy to get motivated and you find yourself wrapped up in a whirlwind of excitement. Other times, it is nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate yourself and youre trapped in a death spiral of procrastination, self doubt and depression. Here is what I do and some thoughts on how to flick that switch. ~Sebastian
10.01.2022 [My Top 5 Investments & Why] Everyone is different and comes from different backgrounds, upbringing and circumstances and I understand not everyone has the same capacity, desire or willingness to invest. I am far from an expert and I am not an investment planner however I do have some base knowledge on what works for me and what I prefer. See Top 6 - Think for yourself and do the ground work research.... This is a personal perspective and not a guide. Be diligent. I have decided to share what I feel are my best investments for 2017 and beyond with the objective of debt free investing and with an understanding of my own personal capacity. Many people dont have a lot of liquid assets or expendable cash and I find that the world of investment is also somewhat a taboo subject. If you are not a financial planner you are not encouraged to discuss your preferences in investment which is a reasonable expectation especially when you are an authority that people trust and people can lose money very easily if making the wrong decisions. Sometimes the best approach is to say nothing and let people workout their own choice. I find that patience, gut instinct and reserach is integral. Have a longer term outlook can be more sustainable. To start, the financial markets are clearly rigged, the precious metals industry is suppressed and it is clear to get in the property market you need a large lump sum deposit and be willing to go into substantial debt with a banking financial institution. Yes, you can make money in these areas however it can be a grey area that does lock many normal people down into a world of obligation, debt and stress. A world of unhappiness. I am investing in physical assets and my faith in cryptocurrencies has now been developed. I recently put my superannuation into a SMSF and it feels good to be in control in these testing times. I will buy a property in the future once I have enough currency to alleviate any debt. I dont believe in debt. Everyone would like a beach house and that is a future goal for me. In the mean time, I am investing in the below and keeping my life simple. Modestly and diligently. Always start small and do what is right for you. See Top 6 -
10.01.2022 Here is my latest blog for those interested in my movement towards living a #betterLIFE. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think. Sharing of thought is integral to our experience no matter how crazy they can appear to be. :) "How you perceive and experience the world around you is a reflection of how you think. What you think can determine your actions"
09.01.2022 North Gungahlin Cricket Club Pre Season 2016 An "Awakening" fitness and testing session to get the blood flowing as well as sharing some background into the #betterMOVEMENT protocols that are 1 of 5 protocols of the #betterLIFE Project. We support the development of humans from the level of recruit to the level of professional.... Athletes, humans, and individuals of all ages and stages of life. A program and delivery system designed to also improve the coaching and fitness industry with a comprehensive program and system that will change lives and society in all areas of life with measurable results and an inspiring process. Movement, self-awareness and learning are key attributes and elements to human evolution, health and growth. It is a neurological science. #betterLIFE PROJECT is a delivery system of SELF-DEVELOPMENT designed to expand your awareness, optimise your life, maximise your human performance and build genuine success. The program and system is delivered by a team of industry leaders, athletes and #betterLIFE team leaders and mentors. Become a certified #betterLIFE team leader HERE! Become a certified #betterLIFE facility HERE! #betterLIFE is a philosophy and a way of life. See More -
09.01.2022 [#betterMINDWednesdays] I am always making to to write my thoughts and perspectives and I hope people get something form them. All my blogs are on my website. ------...Continue reading
07.01.2022 [**New Blog**] Is there really a restaurant at the end of the universe? I think there is and it awaits for our soul. The only way to get there is to raise your vibrations, enhance your level of awareness and increase you level of consciousness.... The key to enlightenment is to ensure your journey here on earth is in alignment with the universal laws and seek knowledge. Ever heard of the 42 Laws of Maat Under Kemet Law? Read Blog -
07.01.2022 [Detoxification - How to do it!] **New Blog** This is probably going to one of the most important articles I ever write and it will be relevant to everyone, young and old and in particular our future generations.... In fact it is that important that if you do not read it and implement such practices and awareness into your life, I may think you are a fool. What I think of you however is irrelevant and all I can do is lead by example and share with you what I am doing. My choices are mine to accept and commit to. Detoxification is the most important and the most powerful thing anybody can do to improve their health and their life. Read that again. Anyone who dismisses detoxification simply does not understand the science nor do they realise or accept that they are in a toxic environment and in a toxic state. It is a fact that we are poisoned on a daily basis and we have been since we were children. Read Full Article -
05.01.2022 [Do you feel the same way as a monkey?] **New Blog** Something I talk about often is about the power of one and the universal connection we all have. Our social awareness and sense of knowledge will come down to our ability to create a scenario of critical mass of understanding on the subjects that matter the most.... Energy, vibrations and frequencies are the flag ship to our higher state of consciousness and the world is currently in a state of rapid spiritual growth due to social media, the internet itself and better access to information and sharing. Which direction will we all head? That is up to you. If we keep our vibrations high the world will change for the better. If we fall for the lower vibrations of Satan, materialism, narcissism and consumerism, we will only line the pockets of the elitists, the globalists, and we will lose our freedoms over time as they lock down on their power and control. That is just how life works. Be free or be suppressed. It will all come down to the collective consciousness. Read Full Article -
05.01.2022 Evolution first starts with the art and ability to listen, learn and then apply ~ Sebastian Jago Here are some great videos that will apply to any business owner or someone willing to learn.... I really enjoyed these and I appreciate those who first shared them with me. Here are 3 great keynotes + 3 bonus great keynotes because I found more at the time of writing this post so I just added them. I will be adding more to my blog as I come across them and I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. Watch Your Videos -
05.01.2022 How far do you want to go? Attitudes are the established ways of responding to people and situations that we have learned, based on the beliefs, values and assumptions we hold. Attitudes drive your behaviour. ... Your body language is also a reflection of your attitude. Almost in every circumstance, you have a choice as to what attitude to adopt. There is nothing in any normal work situation that dictates you must react one way or another. If you feel angry about something that happens, for instance, thats how you choose to feel. You can adjust if you are aware of your behaviour. Nothing in the event itself makes it absolutely necessary for you to feel that way. It is your choice. And since you do have a choice, most of the time youll be better off if you choose to react in a positive rather than a negative way. Your attitude is the first thing people pick up on in face-to-face communication. You cant hide it. Just as laughing, yawning, and crying are infectious, attitude is also infectious. Be aware. When you are operating with passion, with enthusiasm, intent, curiosity, and humility, your body language tends to take care of itself and sends out unmistakable signals of openness. You are what you think so choose your thoughts wisely and be aware of the attitude that is a derivative of your thoughts. Successful people learn how to win because they love what they do. All of them have a very strong desire to succeed. They have passion for their field, their business, their life and their attitudes are a reflection of this. Passion is the single fastest way to inspire you to massive success. It is something you love. Something youre excited about. Something you are willing to get up early for and something you will work hard to achieve. Your attitude is your understood behavioural reaction to the decisions needed to succeed. What you need to do? Be aware of your thoughts and adjust your behaviour when required. Whenever you are about to encounter a client or a third party, you must use self-talk to ensure your attitude aligns with how you want to present yourself, your product, your business and your information. More so on your bad days, even if you are grumpy, tired or stressed. You must be the best version of yourself as often as possible and it all starts in your head, with your self-talk and your attitude. When under pressure and the occasion demands that you step up, take a breath, compose yourself, be calm and be your best! ~ Sebastian READ MORE -
03.01.2022 [#betterLIFESTYLEFriday] We all want to sit on the beach and drink cocktails! We all want more time to do the things we enjoy! How do some people seem to have so much time to do what they want and others are always chasing their tail?... How do some people seem to have such a lavish lifestyle, do lots of activities and seem to be living life to the fullest? Well, firstly lets not believe everything we see on Facebook and Instagram. It can be an illusion. Everyone has their struggles and has a story to tell no matter how prolific their life seems to be. ~Sebastian READ MORE HERE -
01.01.2022 All my "Words of Wisdom" from all my social media all in one place. Join my journey and start building your dreams today. More -
01.01.2022 [#betterSPIRIT] 7 Chakra Meditation I have been enjoying this 7 Chakra meditation and have it on my Ipod.... Meditation takes practice and is best done with an understanding that you are part of something bigger. The universe is within you and you are connected. Discover a pathway to self and then to the universe itself. What you will discover is beyond anything they teach you at school. This is an art and skill that every human should be practicing on a daily basis. ~Sab #betterLIFEproject
01.01.2022 Latest article. For more articles like this one on all things life from my perspective then please visit my website. Your exploration will be rewarded. Read Article -
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