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22.01.2022 My ambition is to genuinely impact as many lives as I can using my vast life and business experience and specific personality traits.
22.01.2022 [Detoxification - How to do it!] **New Blog** This is probably going to one of the most important articles I ever write and it will be relevant to everyone, young and old and in particular our future generations.... In fact it is that important that if you do not read it and implement such practices and awareness into your life, I may think you are a fool. What I think of you however is irrelevant and all I can do is lead by example and share with you what I am doing. My choices are mine to accept and commit to. Detoxification is the most important and the most powerful thing anybody can do to improve their health and their life. Read that again. Anyone who dismisses detoxification simply does not understand the science nor do they realise or accept that they are in a toxic environment and in a toxic state. It is a fact that we are poisoned on a daily basis and we have been since we were children. Read Full Article -
21.01.2022 Sacred Geometry Of Snow Flakes Photographer Alexey Kljatov takes incredible close-up photos of snowflakes in his backyard in Moscow. "I capture snowflakes on the open balcony of my house, mostly on glass surface, lighted by an LED flashlight from the opposite side of the glass, and sometimes in natural light, using dark woollen fabrics as background." How were they created?... Via the pythagorean sacred scale of frequencies. Everything is connected to energy, frequencies and vibrations. We are like snowflakes, a physical form of sound, and when we have thoughts that are expressed with the right frequencies we become geometrically aligned at a cellular level. Be a snowflake.
21.01.2022 Evolution first starts with the art and ability to listen, learn and then apply ~ Sebastian Jago Here are some great videos that will apply to any business owner or someone willing to learn.... I really enjoyed these and I appreciate those who first shared them with me. Here are 3 great keynotes + 3 bonus great keynotes because I found more at the time of writing this post so I just added them. I will be adding more to my blog as I come across them and I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. Watch Your Videos -
20.01.2022 Sums up what life is really about....growth, learning and enjoying a once of a lifetime journey.
19.01.2022 [My Top 5 Investments & Why] Everyone is different and comes from different backgrounds, upbringing and circumstances and I understand not everyone has the same capacity, desire or willingness to invest. I am far from an expert and I am not an investment planner however I do have some base knowledge on what works for me and what I prefer. See Top 6 - Think for yourself and do the ground work research.... This is a personal perspective and not a guide. Be diligent. I have decided to share what I feel are my best investments for 2017 and beyond with the objective of debt free investing and with an understanding of my own personal capacity. Many people don’t have a lot of liquid assets or expendable cash and I find that the world of investment is also somewhat a taboo subject. If you are not a financial planner you are not encouraged to discuss your preferences in investment which is a reasonable expectation especially when you are an authority that people trust and people can lose money very easily if making the wrong decisions. Sometimes the best approach is to say nothing and let people workout their own choice. I find that patience, gut instinct and reserach is integral. Have a longer term outlook can be more sustainable. To start, the financial markets are clearly rigged, the precious metals industry is suppressed and it is clear to get in the property market you need a large lump sum deposit and be willing to go into substantial debt with a banking financial institution. Yes, you can make money in these areas however it can be a grey area that does lock many ‘normal’ people down into a world of obligation, debt and stress. A world of unhappiness. I am investing in physical assets and my faith in cryptocurrencies has now been developed. I recently put my superannuation into a SMSF and it feels good to be in control in these testing times. I will buy a property in the future once I have enough currency to alleviate any debt. I don’t believe in debt. Everyone would like a beach house and that is a future goal for me. In the mean time, I am investing in the below and keeping my life simple. Modestly and diligently. Always start small and do what is right for you. See Top 6 -
17.01.2022 [CELLULAR HEALTH DOWNLOAD FILES - DROPBOX LINK] I hope to see a number of you take this information up, embrace it, study it more and start bringing into practice just as Erin and I have. In my opinion this is where true health is - Cellular Health. ... Due to the number of files and pages I have added all the Phion information to a drop box with the below access link for all those interested in downloading and viewing these files. PHION DOCUMENTS - THE FILES: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: *Foundation of Wellbeing (1 page) *Starting Your New Nutritional Regime Page (2 Pages) *Vegetable Liquid Meal For Breakfast (2 pages) *What is Healthy Food (2 Pages) EXTRA KNOWLEDGE & TOOLS: *Product & Dosage Information (2 Pages) *Body Ph Balance (7 Pages) *Evidence of Syntropy in Phion MEA Water (16 pages) *Gall Bladder Cleanse Procedure (6 pages) *Healing With Negatively Charged Water (3 Pages) *Nitric Oxide Fact Sheet (3 Pages) *Phion Master Colour Chart (1 page) *Weekly Product Usage Calendar (1 page) PHION DOCUMENTS -
11.01.2022 [6 Elements To A Happy Life] These are 6 elements I believe are critical to a happy life and once these are established within your behavioural playbook you will experience a new found health and happiness. Read Blog -
10.01.2022 **New Blog** I enjoy researching life and the universe for what it really is and I feel morally obligated to share what I learn and see. I am merely planting seeds with the hope you will do more research yourself.... My latest blog is a list of nutrition and lifestyle tips to support a greater connection with our origins. Wakey Wakey.....
08.01.2022 [**New Blog**] Is there really a restaurant at the end of the universe? I think there is and it awaits for our soul. The only way to get there is to raise your vibrations, enhance your level of awareness and increase you level of consciousness.... The key to enlightenment is to ensure your journey here on earth is in alignment with the universal laws and seek knowledge. Ever heard of the 42 Laws of Maat Under Kemet Law? Read Blog -
05.01.2022 [Video Blog #166] - Market Review & A Possible Future? (Crypto) In a nutshell, 2018 is pretty much a write off in regard to bullish trends. Sure there will be m...oments and some coins will mature however the energy of 2017 has well and truly gone to sleep. What will swing the market back into the positive? Time A Catalyst Event Example: ETF or Regulatory Implementation Institution First Mover - Hedge Funds, ETF's & Securities Migration Cartel Driven Energy I do believe that the Christmas of 2020/21 is going to match and better that of 2013 and 2017. Agenda 21 will be kicked off with a crypto blockchain boom unseen before and there will be a flood of new energy into the space. In the meantime it will be rough seas as we wait for that moment that gets institutions involved, the catalysts that sparks a major cartel influx. What do you think will spark the market? I think time itself is the best bet.
05.01.2022 [Do you feel the same way as a monkey?] **New Blog** Something I talk about often is about the power of one and the universal connection we all have. Our social awareness and sense of knowledge will come down to our ability to create a scenario of critical mass of understanding on the subjects that matter the most.... Energy, vibrations and frequencies are the flag ship to our higher state of consciousness and the world is currently in a state of rapid spiritual growth due to social media, the internet itself and better access to information and sharing. Which direction will we all head? That is up to you. If we keep our vibrations high the world will change for the better. If we fall for the lower vibrations of Satan, materialism, narcissism and consumerism, we will only line the pockets of the elitists, the globalists, and we will lose our freedoms over time as they lock down on their power and control. That is just how life works. Be free or be suppressed. It will all come down to the collective consciousness. Read Full Article -
02.01.2022 **New Blog** [Want to know what you should be really eating?] There is a major part of our understanding of life that we are lacking?... Our education system is clearly failing us. Understanding how the body, our biology, works at a cellular level is the difference between having a grand long life or one full of ageing, disease, sickness and unhappiness. To maintain true health we must provide our body with water and food choices that align with our cellular requirements not only at a nutrient level however at an electrical level. We live in an electrical universe that is driven by energy. Read The Food List Here -
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