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Oomphy Tattoos and Music in Newcastle, New South Wales | Beauty, cosmetic & personal care

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Oomphy Tattoos and Music

Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 4959 9292

Address: Shop 4 / 6-8 the Boulevarde 2283 Newcastle, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Darth Revan , Old Republic STARWARS . UNFINISHED , got a couple hours of tightening to do left but a massive amount got done yesty! Cheers Evan for your trust!! #imback #starwarstattoo #darthrevan #oldrepublic #starwarsoldrepublic #lightsabertattoo #colourtheory #torontonsw #misteroomph #doitallday #everyday #nerdlife

23.01.2022 Fuck ay? Tin foil or not it seems to be legit.. so religion huh? Lol sorry couldnt help it

22.01.2022 Oomph Tattoo Rebellion: It has begun. Oomphy tattoos from Newcastle NSW @forbidden_ink Original Music by Myself @Misteroomphmusic

21.01.2022 Ill be contacting everyone in order they booked in. than the list in order their details were placed.. finally new enquired from 2nd june onwards.. please be patient dont flood my inbox this will take time, Thanks to everyones support!! Hopefully NSW TATTOOING comes back stronger than ever!!

20.01.2022 WE ARE BACK YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! 13TH JUNE!!! TONIGHT I CELEBRATE!!! TOMORROW I START CALLING CLIENTS THAT WERE BOOKED IN,(( If you have a booking after June 13th prior to shutdown your appointment stays the same)),BUT All those who missed out on their appointment due to covid19 you will be contacted first. Than everyone who inboxed to be added to the list you will be contacted second , Also taking new bookings from todays date onwards after those first two are organised. Cheers for hanging with me!! Cant bloody wait to get tattooing!! Speak soon OOMPHY!!!! See more

16.01.2022 Anxiety trigger warning... i love that there are david blaines in the world

15.01.2022 Strayas got 3 seasons, fuckin cold ay , bra fukn hot ay and fukn magpies the cuuntz.

15.01.2022 Massive shout out to all of my clients, Love yas all appreciate the fuck out of yas!! So heres me pullin a face. Hope you got umbrellas and ponchos.. what the hell is this rain about?? TATTOO BOOKINGS July August Sept is Booked out.... Now booking October November December January. By the way new music starts droppin in september again. If you havent go add Mister Oomph To spotify applemusic goodleplay tidal in fact all music stores and streaming services

14.01.2022 ALL POLITICIANS SHOULD BE UNPAID COMPLETELY VOLONTEER ROLES FROM MARCH 01 2020. SHARE THE HASHTAGS #GIVEUPYOURPAY #LETUSWORK #TATTOONSW #ASHAMEDOFOURGOVERNMENT The NSW Tattoo industry is AGAIN Currently being discriminated against by the NSW GOVERNMENT, although Ive got certificates in infectious disease control and standards as well as almost 30 years combined experience in a studio that is well above Australian health standards.. ... Although we never should have been shut down, Although kids are back at school playing tips and spreadin lil germies and people can worship Santa Clause under a symbol of murder in large groups and join the cattle lines at any supermarket.. We do not have a date for tattooing This contiued discrimination on top of huge fees to operate annually is likely to cause your favourite artist to eventually move states and pretty soon tattooing in NSW will SUCK or just perish completely !! And that means shit tattoos on the great people of NSW!!! #politics #bullshit #intelligent #asabagofdicks #NSWGOVERNMENT #ASHAMEDOFOURGOVERNMENT #GIVEUPYOURPAY

14.01.2022 Reggies first sit for movie and gaming sleeve, coverup of some old stuff from the uk. Cheers blud! @bigredcap #batmantattoo #coveruptattoo #michaelkeatonbatman #blackworktattoo #realismtattooer #torontonswaustralia #forbiddenink

14.01.2022 Hey fam, been a busy month house moves car accident finding a replacement, family, people passing etc etc Soon as I have time ill get to messages I will .But for now Im booked solid right up until feb so dont stress youll still be getting booked in and tattooed as soon as possible be patient well get there! Xo Oomphy

13.01.2022 That time i rushed the stage at cambo to bust a rap.. memories cant wait to dust off the mic again...

11.01.2022 Sack them all!! Before they kill the poor.

11.01.2022 Hey guys still rebooking existing clients, hopefully have it mostly sorted by tomorrow evening so i can start booking my list of clients whose been keen since we shut.... We open doors Sat june 13th so we still have time to get it sorted.... Btw guys if your struggiling for cash and need to postpone your appointment DO NOT BE ASHAMED!! I understand that people have been effected very differently during these times.. But also of course I do want to tattoo you asap so dont postpone too long Thanks for everybodies support and patience !!! lets bring NSW TATTOOING BACK STRONGER THAN EVER !! OOMPHY X

10.01.2022 Yeah na, tattoo studios in NSW are NOT opening june 1st... Its the old federal vs state bullshit... So the government are forcing us further into debt for a few more weeks.. EVEN THOUGH WE ARE THE INDUSTRY TRAINED TO DEAL WITH INFECTIOUS DISEASES.... cheers cunts!! Australian government are CRIMINALS and STUPID beyond words!!!!..... I literally have certificates in infectious disease control and almost a decade of experience..but sure open all the industrys without that training or experience, smart move... Wtf!.. Oomphy

09.01.2022 Something to start ya week!

08.01.2022 Yeah been sayin this for years stop following wankas into wars

08.01.2022 Vikings vs knights flaming battle, Texture contrasts. Cheers for gimme if you down to get tattooed by me! Taking bookings for OctNovDecJan Tags #vikingtattoo #knightstattoo #battlescene #inkjectax1troopa #dynamicink #inkjectadisposablegrips #hustlebutter #blackandgreysociety #blackandgreyrealism #tattooingistherapy #fuckcovid19 #inkwork #knights

07.01.2022 The reaper full of regret for his deeds. the light in the distance forever burning ,if we hold on to see our seeds turning ,we can survive until we meet our chapters end put on a shelf until one reads again. #dynamicink #melbournetattoosuppliescartridges #inkjectax1troopa #reapertattoo #grimreapertattoo #regret #lightatendoftunnel #darktimes #outlastthepain #survive

07.01.2022 The trials live streaming now.. He cannot lose. I fuking hope saftey for him a chance to get his life back.

06.01.2022 got a good start on Aarins arm today cover up in there too. Cheers for checkin it out! Cheers for the trust mate! Tags #ancientegypttattoo #anubistattoo #sunandmoontattoo #dayandnighttattoo #ancientaliens #stargate #pyramidtattoo #mythologytattoo #historytattoo #godsandmentattoo #badarse #blackandgreyrealism

06.01.2022 Skull with Compass engraving. Cheers for the trust brother! Good to be back after the flu, test negative for the rona stay safe legends!.. fugovernment #skulltattoo #compasstattoo #smoketattoo #blackandgreyrealism #handtattoo #handtattoosofinstagram #dope #aushiphop

06.01.2022 Hey fam thanks for the inboxes! Ill be replying to messages Sunday! Books are closed for 2020 Taking bookings for January Feburary March 2021 ... Thanks heaps Oomphy X See more

05.01.2022 Just an update fam, taking bookings for September October November... No spots available til sept, I will get to messages once a week as we are just too busy to spend messaging everyday. Consultations need to be booked in as we cant have too many people in store at a time. Very important:: Please remember Dont bring any plus ones with you for your appointment as they will have to leave.... If you have flu symptoms cancel or rebook your appointment, turning up with flu symptoms youll be asked to leave.. If youve had flu symtoms and havent been covid 19 tested , go get tested and cleared before your appointment.. We have masks available for us both to wear . Thanks yall Oomphy

05.01.2022 Yo yo, gonna be an amazing Night at the Wicko!! Ill be support act rappin with my super talented turntablist Mac Da Villain , Surely your sick of sittin at home!! Be there or miss a great fukn night! Make sure you get tix we gonna

05.01.2022 Cheers brock! Love macabre tattoos!! I love my new inkjecta flite X1 TROOPA!! what a machine credit shawn cameo vocals Their bombs drop that our eyes dont see, light a candle in the darkness, that fear that rises is the devil, inside of all us. Humans. Seems we are hellbent on our own ends.... #inkjectaflitex1 #inkjecta #bigday #macabre #theworldrn #scienceoverbullshit #fearisterrorism #lit #candle #hydrogenbomb #eyetattoo #candletattoo #deviltattoo #hydrogenbombtattoo #leadersleadus #takeusforwardnotback #boycotallmedia

02.01.2022 Dropped some bars on these two

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