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25.01.2022 Do you keep a To-Do list? Do you keep multiple To-Do lists? Do you find yourself missing deadlines, forgetting to respond to clients, new leads or forgetting to pick kids up? To-Do Lists are essential. When you don't use them effectively, you can be unfocused and unreliable to the people around you.... When you do use them effectively, you'll be better organised, and you'll be much more reliable. Take an extra few minutes each day to prioritise the importance level of each task. There are quite a few digital ones and of course, mobile Apps. I have used a few, including Asana, Trello, Google Tasks & Reminders, Google Keep, iOS Notes and even iCal and Google Calendar. I create lists for my daily business including daily client tasks, ongoing re-occurring tasks, business procedures to be edited or created, ideas, and personal reminders including paying insurances and things I want to buy when shopping. I'm still yet to find the perfect combination between my business and personal, but for the time being, I am working from Asana, Google Keep and my calendar. Setting dates to follow up on my tasks and adding tasks and ideas as they come up. What do you use for your To-Do lists and ideas? #onlinevirtualsupport #hireavirtualassistant

21.01.2022 Thought for today. Some may not agree, but for me, I love being home. I feel settled and comfortable. I am surrounded by my little family and lots of love. But for some right now, they would rather not be at home. Or rather not spend so much time at home. It can be a struggle and balancing act. It is not as easy as you may have first thought. You can develop healthy working habits. In the coming days, I will share some tips on how to work from home.

21.01.2022 Do you ever take a social media break? I have been a little distant from posts and not as present on the feed of late. Not jumping on every notification has been great. I felt I needed a short break to focus on my clients, family and work on a balance (if there is such a thing). . Have you had a break from socials? How do you best find a balance between monitoring your socials and maintaining your service levels to your clients? I would love to hear your thoughts if it is OK to take a social break as a business.

21.01.2022 Are you overwhelmed with new leads and enquiries? I am going to share my top tips with you over the next few days on how to answer new enquiries. These will help you lay a good foundation for building a good customer relationship. 1. PROMPT RESPONSE... Answering a new enquiry be it via email or phone call, your potential client maybe contacting others for quotes. So a prompt response can influence their decision and it shows them that you care and value their business. Stayed tuned for tip 2.

20.01.2022 3 time saving tasks I can help you with today. @ Gold Coast, Queensland

19.01.2022 Coffee Appreciation Day I appreciate everything about you, coffee. Thank you for all you do for me. I love you.

18.01.2022 My tip number 2 for answering enquiries. 1. BE PERSONAL If someone has made the time to reach out to you, the least you can do is respond with your time by making them feel like their enquiry matters to your business. Create an impression and be aware of your tone of voice. Be warm and enthusiastic. Build a rapport with your lead. Assess their personality as you may need to adjust your communication style depending on their approach. I find listening, and validation are vital... towards winning their trust. Stayed tuned for tip 3.

17.01.2022 Once you find a client or a client contacts you, are you prepared? Do you have a process in place for new enquirers? Do you know what questions to ask? Do you have a template, document of form to complete?... This is an important step that you should not skim over for new leads to ensure you get their booking. You should have a process for each new client before they book with you. A video call or phone call should be part of this process. This is where you discover their needs and how you explain why you are the best fit for your potential client. If you offer a service like planning or photography, this is where you get to know the potential client and explain why you are the best fit. Often times, people just wing this step. But for me, I don't want to go into a call without any prep-work (trust me, the client will notice if you do!)

16.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all my Mum followers and friends. "To the world, you are a mother. To your family, you are the world". #virtualassistant #workfromhome #virtualassistantservices #goldcoastwomeninbusiness #smallbusiness #savybusinessowner #womeninbusiness #virtualassistantservices #Socialmediahelp #socialscheduling #socialmediamarketing #socialmediamanagement #socialmediamanager #socialmediaengagement #VA #adminhelp #virtualassistantaustralia #australianbusiness #weddingbusinesshelp #opendoorbusinesssolutions

15.01.2022 Sales scripts. Do you have scripts in your business? How do you handle new enquiries to convert them into sales? I would love to know.... Following a planned script or process for qualifying your leads or ideal client is a step in the right direction. A sales process is often developed over time, once have experimented and worked out what the best way is to convert enquiries to sales. It’ll save you time over the long term because it will help you improve your enquiry to sales conversion rate. It will also help you to qualify leads better and identify the best prospects for your business quicker. Time-wasting could be avoided when you have a good understanding of your ideal client and a solid sales script or process in place.

14.01.2022 Moving on to tip number 3 for answering enquiries. 1. SIMPLE INFORMATION Where possible, avoid technical terms. You don't want to lose your lead by making them feel stupid. Use plain simple language to communicate what you understand their needs are so there is no confusion. Remember, building rapport with them in the first instance is vital but get to the point of the enquiry without waffling on. If you are responding by email, emotional fluffy words like "fantastic, delight...ed, thrilled and pleased" will make a connection. Stayed tuned for tip 4.

11.01.2022 What is a Virtual Assistant? Follow my post slides to find out a little about what a VA is.

11.01.2022 Tool of the week! If you have not discovered this little tool for screencasting, then you should drop everything. Did you know you can talk up to 6 times faster than you type?... Loom allows you to record your screen, voice and your face if you want and share your video recording in less time than it would to type an email. Here is a list of just some uses for Loom video recordings. 1. Creating procedures. Talk and show how you do a task or how you go about daily routines. 2. Client portal or ordering system. Create a video to show your new client around your webpage/portal and show them how to order or update, 3. Onboarding. Create a video for your new client and welcome them to your process. Give them a 'day in the life' to get to know you. 4. Mobile phone. Yes it can be downloaded at the App store. Sometimes going from a desktop PC to phone can look very different and guidance is needed.

09.01.2022 Yes it is a new week to start something new or get op top of those outstanding tasks. Go on, get on it. #getadminhelp #needava

08.01.2022 Do you answer all your online enquiries? Do you have time to make a call to see if the lead is your ideal client? If you are spending the time & money on your online presence, then respectfully, you should invest in ensuring your customers are receiving the adequate service level too.... One of my key services is managing all enquiries that come from online sources or phone messages, to ensure that responses are provided. I work with clients now on-going to help save them from this timely task. Creating a simple spreadsheet list of all enquiries can be an easy way to stay on top of those potential leads. And don't forget the follow ups. Managing follow up's usually when busy, is left to last. But one little follow up to a potential customer, could turn into a sale you could have missed. #virtualassistant #workfromhome #virtualassistantservices #goldcoastwomeninbusiness #smallbusiness #savybusinessowner #womeninbusiness #virtualassistantservices #customercareinbusiness #customerlove #customerservice #socialmediamanagement #socialmediamanager #customersupport #VA #adminhelp #virtualassistantaustralia #australianbusiness #weddingbusinesshelp #opendoorbusinesssolutions

08.01.2022 I love a free tool for organisation. Google Keep is a hidden secret. Did you know that because it is a Google product it integrates seamlessly into Gmail and Google Docs. What can it do you ask? 1. Colour code your notes or task - not only pretty, but productive. 2. "Ok, Google. Take a note". Speaking your notes on the go is possible on the App.... 3. Search your notes with a key word. 4. Desktop and Mobile phone friendly. 5. Images. Need to take a photo and want to save it? Add to Google Keep. 6. Audio notes. Super handy for when you are driving. "Ok Google. Take a note". "Make sure to check all emails before 4pm today". . Want to learn more of how I use Google Keep to save me time and keep me organised? Stay tuned to future posts. See more

07.01.2022 How easy can it be to slack off when working at home. Yep, I know distractions from home can be tempting. But you need to make sure you stick to a work schedule and establish a routine. Having a work space, work schedule and allocated breaks, you will be much more productive. MY TOP TIPS 1. Schedule out your work day. Use a calendar to block out work tasks and breaks to help you stay focused. 2. Be comfortable. Is your chair ok, can you stay in this spot for a good solid 2 ...hours at least? Are you warm enough?Do you have a drink of water at arms reach? Being uncomfortable is a distraction in itself. 3. Put your mobile out of sight and on vibrate. 4. Create a solid 1 or 2 hour block of NO distractions including any phone calls, texts, Facebook messages etc. This is good to do first up in the morning when you are fresh and focused. Call it your Power Hour! 5. Stretch, move in your breaks. Despite getting your s...t done, you need to move in your body every now and then. See more

06.01.2022 Are you managing your email INBOX, or is it in a pickle? We are all guilty of an unorganised inbox at some point. But I have managed a few Inboxes in my time, and aiming for a ZERO inbox is vital. Here are my tips on how I manage my own and clients emails. . 1. Open ALL emails. "I won't open that one because it will remind me to open when I have time to read it properly". Keeping unread emails becomes a bad habit and eventually leads to a long list that you will ignore.... 2. Create Categories/Labels in your Inbox to sort your emails. This name of the label could be the type of email or what action the email needs. Sometimes creating priority labels works too, especially if it is a shared inbox with team members. Start here when sorting emails. 3. Create folders. Sort your emails into folders. Not too many folders, but enough for the primary tasks/actions/archive system that you use. 4. Create templates. Sick of typing the same thing? Save time, create a few templates for commonly used responses. You can always edit them to suit before you press send. 5. Make time. Give yourself time each day to read, reply and file your emails. As little as 30mins a day will make a difference. If you cant archive every day, make time once a week to archive into the folders. 6. Unsubscribe. Don't remember signing up, or you are no longer interested? Hit that button and get rid of them. No point in wasting your time on them. See more

05.01.2022 Tool Thursday - Today it is Canva. Do you want to create great graphics like what you see in blog posts, social media, online ads? Use Canva! This makes your work look extremely professional even though you might not be a professional graphic designer (and I am certainly not). You can design great images for your social platforms. The FREE version is fantastic. But warning - you can get lost and be a time sucker. If you don't have the patience, maybe leave it to me as your VA to create your graphics for you.

05.01.2022 As promised, here are some tips on how I use Google Keep in my everyday life. 1. Recording SMS into a clients communication file. For one of my clients, I liaise with their clients and ensure ALL communication needs to be recorded. Great way to save any SMS communication is to copy the text into Google Keep then when I access it on my desktop, I just COPY/PASTE into my client's communication portal. 2. Saving web links to look at later or for future viewing. Example, a I often save recipe links I know I will refer to again and again. 3. Shopping List. Google Keep has a checklist add option, which is a super useful. Again, I sometimes add from my desktop ready to access when I am in Coles from my mobile. 4. Remembering stuff. I have so much rattling around in my head I "speak" notes to access often when I am out and about from my mobile. I always use Google Keep to remember dimensions of something. 5. Images. A great way to capture idea's for a post or save a pic you can refer to from your desktop when you are out at the shops. Saves looking up that website that you can't remember. . Has this helped you with some ideas to start using or how to use Google Keep differently in your business and everyday life? See more

05.01.2022 Some fun facts about me today. Making our Friday a little lighter with a post a little less about business.

02.01.2022 Growing your business this week. All those little things that some of us put off because we need to attend to bigger and more important tasks can be just as important. So tick off some little To-Do's this week. 1. Sort and organise your files. Delete old downloaded files. 2. Plan your next 2 weeks of socials. What are your topics, what images are you going to use?... 3. Got a plan of a great new offer? Make an action plan to use it. 4. Follow up past leads. Reach out and let them know your care. 5. Tidy your desk space. It will make a difference to your day. 6. Research some other businesses you could collaborate with. Send off some emails, follow their socials and comment. See more

01.01.2022 Are you a Hot Choccy, Tea or Coffee person? I'm all 3. I love a coffee first thing in morning, a tea close to lunch time or just after lunch, and a hot choccy in the evening...after my glass of wine!

01.01.2022 It is International Cat day! Could not miss this one. A pic of my crazy one. Are you a cat person or dog person? Even better, are you an ALL animals kind of person like me?

01.01.2022 What a great day to celebrate VA's! AND it is Friday. Every year on the third Friday of May, is set aside to acknowledge and create awareness about virtual assistant services in the business community. Shout out to all the Boss Babes I know and who follow me that are running their own show.... Go Girls! #vaday #bossbabes See more

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