Open Doors Counselling in Ringwood, Victoria | Community
Open Doors Counselling
Locality: Ringwood, Victoria
Phone: +61 1800 647 995
Address: 5 Greenwood Ave 3134 Ringwood, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 In need of couples counselling, pre-marriage education or just a relationship check-in? Contact Open Doors for low cost counselling and support to make the most of your relationship - for now and the future. [email protected]
24.01.2022 Continuing our series on building 'whole of life' resilience - tips and info for all ages. #5. Positive self esteem - how do we get it? Parents often focus on their child 'feeling good' about themselves but may not know how this is achieved. High self esteem is achieved through overcoming obstacles, not simply by being told by others how special we are. Each achievement, big or small, builds confidence and capacity. It develops like a muscle, through striving, having a go an...d persisting through tough times. Our self esteem is caused by the whole array of successes and failures we encounter across life and how we respond. Instead of promoting the 'feeling good' notion, we need to encourage the 'doing well' side of things. Children who learn the skills of tackling problems as they arise - with help when necessary - are more likely to develop positive self esteem. Think of a toddler's efforts to walk. So many falls and bumps along the way! Only persistence gets them upright, stumbling and finally running. Mastery is achieved through tolerating every failure that comes before eventual success - and that creates the 'feel good' factor. #6 Painful feelings are necessary - Nobody enjoys feeling sad, scared, worried, lonely, frustrated, embarrassed or anxious. However it is a mistake to try and avoid them or shield our children from experiencing them. Our uncomfortable feelings serve a positive purpose. They are signals from our body that here is a problem to be solved. Here is an opportunity to take action in order to resolve or lessen the problem that is causing the painful feelings. Children need the opportunity to identify, tolerate and act on negative feelings in order to gain mastery over what is causing them. These lessons can begin very early in life as we help our children tolerate disappointment and frustration, for example not being invited to a party or missing out on a place in a team. #7 Help your child identify their uncomfortable feelings - what happens in your tummy when you feel scared or anxious? What about when you are sad or upset? - Help young children put names to these feelings - worried, scared, mad, tired. - Reassure them that all feelings are normal and changeable, a bit like a see-saw. - We are the 'boss' of our own feelings. We choose how we react to them. - We can listen to our feelings and talk to a trusted adult when we are feeling sad or scared, etc. - We can make plans to solve the problem that's causing the feeling. - Down times don't last forever! More resilience building tips and info next week.
24.01.2022 October 15 is Infant and Perinatal Loss Awareness day. So let's be aware of those who are grieving a loss they are not likely to talk about and for which they probably feel they don't deserve comfort. The loss of a baby through abortion is a tangled and difficult grief to navigate. Open Doors provides specialist help through counselling, support group and healing retreats. Let's be aware of abortion related loss and grief and pass on a message of hope.
23.01.2022 Thinking of mums grieving a pregnancy loss especially those silently missing little ones lost through abortion. You are not alone.Thinking of mums grieving a pregnancy loss especially those silently missing little ones lost through abortion. You are not alone.
22.01.2022 Building 'whole of life' resilience - a series of tips and info for all ages. #1 What is resilience? It's the capacity to use a tough time in your life to grow the muscles needed to tackle the next tough time when it crops up. Each time you go through the process, you gain in strength and capacity. You become more and more resilient. You gain mastery over life's ups and downs. And mastery helps build positive self esteem - 'I can manage!' #2 Where does resilience start?... It starts with your thoughts. Especially the thoughts that pop into your head when you 'fail' or experience disappointment. When things go wrong, do you find yourself talking like this - 'I'm hopeless', 'I'll never get it right', 'no-one will ever like me'...? This is pessimistic thinking. Pessimistic thinkers tend to see negative events as permanent, unchangeable and occurring because 'I'm a bad person'. They often use words like 'always' and never' when describing why things went wrong. An example would be: 'No-one will ever want to be friends with me at this school.' And: I got grounded because I'm a bad kid.' Pessimistic thinking undermines trying and produces hopelessness. Optimistic thinkers see the same events as temporary, specific to the situation or linked to specific behaviour. For example: 'It takes time to find a new best friend when you move to a different school.' And: 'I got grounded because I hit my brother.' This attitude allows room for actively trying again. There is hope that by rising to the challenge of learning from the mistake or trying a different approach, there may be a different outcome next time. Summary: Negative events will always happen. Parents can model optimistic ways of describing negative events and help their children to learn this skill too. Optimistic thinking creates room for activity, personal growth and hope. More on resilience building next week.
22.01.2022 Recover from domestic violence - discover your strengths & build skills for a future where you can flourish. Contact Open Doors.Recover from domestic violence - discover your strengths & build skills for a future where you can flourish. Contact Open Doors.
21.01.2022 Bereaved Mother's Day. Miscarriage, termination, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, IVF losses, relinquishment and infertility are experiences that can cause deep sorrow and longing for what might have been. That's natural. The child that was to be, or who is no longer with you, is still in your heart. Write or draw about your feelings in a journal. Plant something special in your garden as a remembrance. Tell someone about what happened and how you feel. Reach out to a counsellor at Open Doors.
20.01.2022 The Covid 19 pandemic has raised anxiety levels in the community and may make you feel isolated and less able to manage additional challenges. Our counsellors are still available. We can provide phone and online counselling as well as face to face where needed. If you are feeling overwhelmed by a pregnancy decision, grief and loss or relationship situations then please reach out for support.
19.01.2022 "Ava" has been holding onto grief and shame about her abortion for nearly 30 years. Last month she came to Open Doors and for the first time was able to tell her story and receive the empathy and understanding she needs to begin to heal from the loss of her baby and move forward in her life. Your gift will keep Open Doors open for "Ava" and for others like her who need our specialised services. Open Doors, since 1984. Bring healing, restore hope, celebrate life.
18.01.2022 In need of couples counselling, pre-marriage education or just a relationship check-in? Contact Open Doors for low cost counselling and support to make the most of your relationship - for now and the future. [email protected]
18.01.2022 The final in our series on resilience building skills for you and your family: #9 Taking Steps - it's the skill of moving forward through your problem and towards the solution, one step at a time. Take a step - recall the last problem you tackled. Remind yourself that this is life and you can do this!... Take a step - start putting a different plan together, even if it's not perfect. Flexible thinking gives you options. Narrow thinking blinds you to possibilities. Take a step - enlist support from trusted others. The more ideas the better. Emotional support and nurturing relationships are important for mental strength. Take a step - recognise what you can change and what you can't. Rivers flow around rocks. Trees bend in the wind so they don't break. Take a step - when you act to tackle your problem, do so with integrity and respect towards yourself and others. Build up rather than tear down. With time, persistence and support, stumbling blocks can be turned into stepping stones.
17.01.2022 Our monthly post abortion support group meets Sat Sept 21, from 10-12, 5 Greenwood Ave Ringwood. A safe space to share your story with others on a similar journey and learn skills for moving forward. For details or to chat, contact 03 9870 044 or [email protected]
17.01.2022 Getting excited! Shooting has commenced for our new education series Wonder of Living - mark 3! Yes, this is the third time in 30 years Open Doors has made/remade this landmark series for primary/junior secondary schools. Ange from production company Indimax is holding the slate and the smile says it all - what a fantastic production this is shaping up to be! Stay tuned!
17.01.2022 'Nobody told me I might feel this way after my abortion... Lost. Sad. Empty. Angry. Hurting. Guilty. Remorseful. Isolated. Burdened. Confused. Hopeless. And unable to tell anyone about it.' All of these feelings, and others, are normal for many women after abortion. Sometimes straight away, sometimes later on. At Open Doors you can tell your story and find help.
17.01.2022 Christmas and New Year can be an emotional time for many people. Take care of yourself and each other. We re-open on Jan 6 but do call Lifeline if you need help before then.Christmas and New Year can be an emotional time for many people. Take care of yourself and each other. We re-open on Jan 6 but do call Lifeline if you need help before then.
14.01.2022 Continuing our series on building 'whole of life' resilience - tips and info for all ages. #3 Problem solving is an essential life skill. You could say life is all about problem solving. Each problem, whether big or small, presents us with an opportunity to learn and practice the skills to manage the next problem. Basic steps to problem solving: 1. Slow down - take time to think ... about why the situation happened ... about how you are feeling ... about why you are feeling... that way... 2. Perspective taking - put yourself in the other person's shoes ... remind yourself that hard times come and go for everyone ... and that challenges help us grow ... 3. Goal setting - what do you want to happen next? ... how can that be achieved? .... what can you change and what can't you change? 4. Talk about it - share your thoughts and feelings with someone you trust ... bounce ideas off them ... for some situations you need more help so reach out 5. Choose a path or course of action - come up with a few different ways to handle the problem ... choose one and try it out ... action helps reduce anxiety 6. If it doesn't work try another plan - be flexible and patient... problems sometimes take a while to resolve ... sometimes elements of a problem will always remain ... #4 Parents can help by: 1. don't solve every problem for your child or try to prevent them experiencing (and handling) challenging situations 2. don't be overly critical of your child's attempts to problem solve - coach and mentor them to improve their skills 3. model a flexible problem solving attitude to life yourself - you are your child's first and best teacher! More resilience skills tips next week.
13.01.2022 Our monthly post abortion support group meets May 18, from 10-12, 5 Greenwood Ave Ringwood. A space to share your story with others on a similar journey and learn skills for moving forward. For details, contact 03 9870 044 or [email protected]
13.01.2022 Fabulous work by our education team this year who worked with over 2,500 families in our Family Enrichment sessions in primary schools across Melbourne and beyond. Promoting ongoing conversations about all things babies, body changes and growing up safely in a hyper-sexualised culture, this program is so needed and so appreciated by parents everywhere. Rest up team and get ready for an even busier 2019!
13.01.2022 Huge thanks to our counselling and education teams, Board and donors for another busy and productive year at Open Doors.Huge thanks to our counselling and education teams, Board and donors for another busy and productive year at Open Doors.
12.01.2022 Leonie’s Tips for Relationships Thriving in Lockdown: During this period of prolonged uncertainty where Normal is no longer Normal, how do manage ourselves and our relationships? For me it is going back to basics. What has worked during stressful times in the past? What do I need to address in my relationship, so that we thrive rather than survive? TIP #1 Routine and structure - ... Get up at the same time, eat well, exercise, maintain good sleep habits. Keep home clean, tidy and cosy so it is a comfortable place in which to work, relax and de-stress. Have boundaries around each other’s space. Be respectful of each other’s space. TIP #2 Be Kind - Try to remember to be kind. We each react to stressful circumstances in unique ways. Staying calm and letting each other know that we appreciate just being in this together is so comforting. (My partner loves it when I leave mini Cherry Ripes beside his armchair at the end of the day). Work together as a Team. This time is an unique opportunity to update our friendship with our partner. Have those times in the day where you regularly check-in with each other. More tips from Leonie next week.
11.01.2022 Make a gift and make a difference! The end of financial year is almost here. Make a tax deductible donation to Open Doors via the secure Give Now portal and be part of our mission to bring healing, restore hope and celebrate life.
10.01.2022 Continuing our series on building 'whole of life' resilience - tips and info for all ages. #8 Learn to de-catastrophise: Negative thinking tends to turn temporary setbacks into full blown catastrophes - for example - 'I'm never going to understand this subject so why bother trying?' And - 'Nobody spoke to me today, I'll never make any friends here.' And - 'I made a mistake on my first day, my boss will never trust me.'... >>> Catastrophising paralyses you. It keeps you from moving forward in life. De-catastrophising means looking realistically at the failure or disappointment and placing it in a context of growing and learning. For example - 'That test was harder than I was expecting. I probably didn't prepare as well as I could have. I'll ask the teacher to go through it with me. And I'll ask my sister for help tonight too.' And - 'First day in a new school is really hard. I know I can make friends because I had lots at my old school. I need to give it time. My goal tomorrow is to smile and say hi to at least 2 people.' And - 'I was nervous on my first day at work, that's pretty normal. The mistake was only minor and I pointed it out straight away and tried to fix it. My boss seemed understanding. Next shift will be easier.' >>> When you de-catastrophise you find it easier to move forward away from the event and it's painful feelings. You start making plans for the future. You begin to take back a measure of control. More resilience tips and info next week.
10.01.2022 Our next Rachel's Vineyard Retreat for post abortion healing is on March 27-29 in Melbourne, and is open to women, men and couples who are seeking spiritual and emotional healing after abortion. Registrations are essential by Feb 30. Rachel's Vineyard is a worldwide ministry which has helped thousands of people. Contact [email protected] and read more at:
08.01.2022 We are excited to announce that our new Wonder of Living video series is a wrap! Three beautifully scripted and filmed videos cover the topics of babies, birth, puberty and contemporary issues such as body image, social media and cyber safety. Like the earlier versions of this program, WOL 2019 is value-filled and family friendly and is already getting great reviews from parents and teachers in Melbourne primary schools where our presentation team has been hard at work. There is nothing like the Wonder of Living! Check out the preview here -
06.01.2022 Recover from the emotional and psychological trauma of domestic violence. Break a pattern of toxic relationships that stifles and controls. Discover your strengths & build personal and relationship skills for a future where you can flourish. Low cost support for as long as you need. Contact Open Doors.
06.01.2022 On International Women's Day let's consider broadening the discussion around abortion and acknowledge the 'no choice' situation many women face - get rid of it or I'm out of here; if you loved me you wouldn't keep it; you can't cope with a baby; we won't support you; don't you use contraception (you idiot)? So much pressure and so many silent regrets afterwards. Women deserve alternatives, not to be abandoned, when deciding what to do. They deserve the opportunity to harness their strengths. Women grieving after abortion deserve compassionate support. Open Doors can help.
04.01.2022 Series Continues - Leonie’s Tips for Relationships Thriving in Lockdown: During this period of prolonged uncertainty where Normal is no longer Normal, how do manage ourselves and our relationships? For me it is going back to basics. What has worked during stressful times in the past? What do I need to address in my relationship, so that we thrive rather than survive? Tip #5 Keep our space together SAFE. Self regulation is more important than ever. Firstly, how do I calm ...myself so that I don’t say or do anything that would harm or hurt my partner in any way? eg: go for a walk, meditate, pray, dance, sing, yoga, Pilates, read a book, sit on the balcony, call a friend. You will know what works for you! Just do it Have fun! Laugh! Be yourself! This is a time where we don’t have to impress anyone or dress up. Discover your own safe ways of venting! Sing in the shower, write in your journal, cook yummy food! Let your partner know what you are doing. Keep them informed about what is going on for you! They cannot read your mind! Tip #6 Remind yourselves that this time we are all going through is temporary! We are in one of the most fortunate countries in the world and together we will get through this. We are not alone. Please call Open Doors if you are struggling! Our Counsellors are here for you. And finally, again. Be kind.
04.01.2022 Our monthly post abortion support group meets this Saturday Feb 16,from 10-12, 5 Greenwood Ave Ringwood. A space to share your story with others on a similar journey and learn skills for moving forward. For details, contact 03 9870 044 or [email protected]
04.01.2022 Our monthly post abortion support group meets this Saturday Nov 16 from 10am - 12pm, 5 Greenwood Ave Ringwood. A safe place to share your story with others who have been there. For more details phone 98707044 or [email protected]
02.01.2022 It can be hard to talk about your feelings after abortion, especially when you think no-one wants to know or you're the only one. You are not alone. Contact us for specialist counselling, support groups and Rachel's Vineyard healing retreats.
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