St Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish Oran Park | Religious organisation
St Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish Oran Park
Phone: 02 46482226
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24.01.2022 Due to technical issues, this weekend's MASS ON DEMAND will not be recorded in our parish of St Mary MacKillop, Oran Park. We are encouraged, for this weekend, to participate in the pre-recorded "Sunday Mass with Bishop Brian Mascord", that will be available via our diocesan YouTube channel: Our parish MASS ON DEMAND will be back next weekend for the feast of Christ the King.
24.01.2022 There will be no livestream of Mass this weekend from St Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish Oran Park. For those of you who can’t join us in person to celebrate the Feast of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, we encourage you to join Mass For You At Home direct from St John Vianney Co-Cathedral in Wollongong. Mass this week will be celebrated by Fr Daniel McCaughan, Parish Priest at St Patrick’s Catholic Parish, Sutherland Mass for You at Home (MFYAH) is a production of the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong in partnership with the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference; with special thanks to Catholic Mission.
23.01.2022 Just a reminder to all those who have signed up to minister in our new 'covid ministries' of 'MONITOR/WELCOMER' & 'AFTER MASS CLEANING CREW' that we are gathering this evening (Thursday 24 November) for formation from 7pm-8pm in our Oran Park Mass Centre.
20.01.2022 MASS ON DEMAND for Holy Trinity Sunday: - all you need to do is go to our parish YouTube Channel: This weekend's Mass is celebrated by our Parochial Vicar (Assistant Priest) Fr Anthony Crook. Following this 5pm Mass, the recording of this Mass will be available 'on demand' #massondemand ... #ourvision See more
19.01.2022 Don't forget, that our weekend livestream Mass called MASS ON DEMAND will return this weekend. Join Fr David for Mass on this Solemnity of Christ the King; Mass is broadcast live at 5pm on Saturday, and 'on demand' all day Sunday - all you need to do is go to our parish YouTube Channel: #massondemand #ourvision
18.01.2022 Dear fellow parishioners, While the Parish Leadership Team and Parish Liturgy Team and I would like to thank those who have responded to the invitation for existing ministers in ALL ministries to re-sign up to the ministries, or for those not on any ministry roster to sign up for the first time, at this stage the response to assist with our 8am Sunday Mass at our Northern Mass Centre of St Mary Mother of God Church Leppington has been very low. If we are both to ensure we ar...e COVID safe as a parish, and able to continue to celebrate a weekly Sunday Mass at Leppington, we need as many parishioners as possible to 'serve with humility' (as OUR VISION says). Without this assistance, it will be very difficult to fulfill our 'covid safety plan' and to celebrate Masses and other sacramental ceremonies at our Northern Mass Centre. While we are seeking parishioners to serve in a variety of ministries, the following three 'new' ministries are vital to our weekend worship at Leppington: Mass Monitors: Our Mass monitors welcome guests into the church, ensuring health and safety measures such as masks and hand sanitising, and then seat people in ways that are in strict compliance with diocesan protocols and social distancing regulations. An added task of our Mass Monitors at Leppington, will also be to open the church at 7.15am (for the 8am Sunday Mass), to switch on the lights and to ‘set up’ for the Mass. Cleaning Crew: Members of our cleaning crew will clean and disinfect the Leppington church after the 8am Mass, so as to continue our protocols for ensuring safety for participants, liturgical ministers, staff, and clergy. This role takes about 20-25min max. at the conclusion of Mass. Reader: the reader will proclaim the 1st and 2nd reading, read the ‘pre-Mass announcements’ and lead the ‘Universal Prayers’ (aka ‘Prayer of the Faithful). If you would like to serve in any of these liturgical ministries in this new covid reality at our Northern Mass Centre (Leppington) please email Jenny at the Parish Office ([email protected]) before next Thursday 3rd December. Don't forget we will provide training for these roles and most important, you will know that you are making it possible for people to attend Sunday Mass and celebrate the sacraments at our Northern Mass Centre! God bless Fr David
16.01.2022 A Prayer for Putting on a Mask The Right Reverend Richard Bott is the current Moderator of the United Church of Canada. He composed this beautiful prayer for when we put our masks on, and has given permission for it to be shared (asking only that those who publish it, for non-commercial use, attribute it to him).
15.01.2022 On this feast of Pentecost - the birthday of the Church - we call upon the Holy Spirit to empower us for mission, and we pray for a Spirit-filled renewal in our call to be missionary disciples in our parish, our workplaces, our neighborhoods, our schools and our families. #ourvision #PentecostSunday...
14.01.2022 WORSHIP AID - Solemnity of Christ the King GATHERING: King of My Heart | Greg Walton... 1. Fill me, I'm an empty vessel; make me whole, king of my heart, king of my heart. Fill me, I'm an empty vessel; make me whole, king of my heart, king of my heart. Refrain You are Lord, Lord. You are Lord and king of my heart. 2. Bread of life, blessed and broken; make us whole, king of our hearts, king of our hearts. Bread of life, blessed and broken; make us whole, king of our hearts, king of our hearts. 1997, 2004, Greg Walton. Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR, 97213. All rights reserved. SONG OF PRAISE Shelter Me | Fr Michael Joncas Shepherd and sheep, my God and I: to fresh green fields you led my steps in days gone by. You gave me rest by quiet springs and filled my soul with peace your loving presence brings. Refrain: O shelter me, O shelter me: the way ahead is dark and difficult to see. O shelter me, O shelter me: all will be well if only you will shelter me. Yet now I tread a diff’rent way; death dogs my path with stealthy steps from day to day. I cannot find your peaceful place but dwell in dreary darkness, longing for your face. I will look back in days to come and realize your faithfulness has led me home. Within your house I’ll find my peace, trusting that in your mercy you have sheltered me. At the request of the composer, Shelter Me is reprinted free under ONE LICENSE. SENDING FORTH How Great Is Our God | Chris Tomlin / Jesse Reeves / Ed Cash 1. The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty; let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice. He wraps himself in light, and darkness tries to hide, and trembles at his voice, and trembles at his voice. Refrain How great is our God! Sing with me: How great is our God! And all will see how great, how great is our God! 2004, Songs (ASCAP)/sixsteps Music (ASCAP) and Wondrously Made Songs (a division of Wondrous Worship & Llano Music, LLC). All rights reserved. Used with permission of and Music Services Inc. o/b/o Wondrously Made Songs. Used with permission Permission to podcast/stream music in this service obtained from One License No A-705767 & Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP
14.01.2022 Lest we forget #RemembranceDay2020
14.01.2022 Even though we are unable to proceed with our "Reading of St Mark's Gospel" event, in the spirit of our parish LEGO and Baking Competitions held earlier this year, we will still be proceeding with our parish "short story competition". -- The theme for entries is "A Good News Story" Step 1: To enter, submit a piece of writing in one of the following genres: short story, essay or poem.... Step 2: Submit your entry to the parish office (preferably via email: [email protected]) by 6 December. Entries can be sent in as a PDF attachment, a Word document; or for children who may like to enter a 'picture book' entry these can be emailed as a photo attachment (or sent in by mail to the parish office: PO BOX 889, Narellan NSW 2567). There are three age categories: Children up to 11 years: max 500 words (or a story with 'words and pictures') Young adults 12 17 years: max 1000 words Adults 18+: Max 2000 words Winners will be announced on the weekend of 12/13 December.
13.01.2022 Our vibrant parishioner, Rosemary Kariuki, was on this weeks episode of "The Living Room" cooking up a storm with Chef Miguel Maestre!
11.01.2022 "Moving House" crew needed for this Sunday afternoon (3pm-5pm): We are on the look out for 12 parishioners, over the age of 18yrs, who are able to assist Fr David and our Parish Leadership Team to move items from the 'Penola Room' demountable (that we have used for our weekly 'Mass on Demand') back into the Oran Park church, along with moving 300 chairs (that we cannot use at the moment due to our covid19 safety plan) from the church over to a new storage area. If you can assist this Sunday afternoon (22 November) from 3pm-5pm, please use the following link:
10.01.2022 The Parish Office Admin team will soon be moving out of the temporary parish office 'site shed' (that has been used during the recent Extension Project and prior to that as our Welcome Hub) back into our permanent parish office and new Welcome Hub space located on the southern side of the Oran Park Church. We now have two desks (150cm long, 75cm wide, with a 90cm return and shelves) along with a 'Reception counter' (260cm long) and a HP Printer (ColourLaserJet Pro MFPM477dw)... that are all looking for a new home. All the furniture items are in good condition, and the printer works ok. If you would like any of these items for free, or even better to make a 'donation towards the Parish Extension Project' for any of these items, please contact the Parish Office via email ([email protected]) with your name and contact details. - items must be collected from the 'site shed' no later than next Friday (20 November) by whoever would like them.
09.01.2022 370 students from 29 Catholic schools across the nation joined together in a video performance of ‘Faith in the Future’ to celebrate "200th Anniversary of Catholic Education in Australia"
09.01.2022 Thanks to the 6 parishioners who have responded to help out on Sunday afternoon... We are still on the lookout for 6 people who can assist us to get the Oran Park Mass Centre ready to welcome us all back. If you can assist please use the following Eventbrite link:
08.01.2022 Today a National Mass will be celebrated across all states, territories and dioceses on the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians to commemorate 200 years of Catholic education in Australia:
07.01.2022 As that say 'many hands, make light work" - Thank you for to the 7 parishioners who have responded to help out this afternoon... it's not too late to assist. We will gather at 3pm this afternoon at our Oran Park Mass Centre. Please pre-register via the following link, or sign up on arrival.
05.01.2022 Since our parish was founded in 2015, we have had the opportunity during Advent to support our local St Vincent de Paul Conference by placing items underneath our Mass Centre Giving Trees that they can use in Christmas hampers that are distributed to households in need. Although COVID-19 continues to pose challenges for organisations such as Vinnies, we are excited to roll out a new format that will allow you to support them safely. Here’s how it will work! Instead of taking tags representing needed items from Giving Trees in the church, we invite you to make an offering via our parish website 'Your Parish Giving' link: All contributions will be used to purchase food items and 'gift cards' that will be packaged into the hampers.
04.01.2022 Thanks to the 3 parishioners who have responded to help out on Sunday afternoon... We are still on the lookout for 7-8 people who can assist us to get the Oran Park Mass Centre ready to welcome us all back. If you can assist please use the following Eventbrite link:
01.01.2022 As we have only had a couple of people confirm they can assist with 'reading one or two chapters' of St Mark's Gospel during our 'Australian Reading Hour' event (that was set down for this Thursday evening), we are unable to proceed with this parish event as planned. As an alternative, for those who would still like to find time to sit down and read/listen to St Mark's Gospel from 'start to finish', there are a number of audio versions of the Gospel available online. #australianreadinghour
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