Organising Students | Consultation agency
Organising Students
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24.01.2022 END OF SECONDARY SCHOOL It was the last day of school ever today for my son with his last Year 12 exam! We are very proud and wish him all the very best for the journey ahead at Uni in 2021!... Tonight we look forward to enjoying these cupcakes after dinner (by @sweetzoe_melbourne) to celebrate!
24.01.2022 ON A MISSION TO SUPPORT STUDENTS I just wanted to share that Angela Raspass, from Your Next Chapter - Business & Life Beyond 40 recently published my story on her website titled ‘On a mission to set school students up for success’. Feel free to check it out if you want!
24.01.2022 DON'T MISS OUT - SUCCESS AS A SENIOR STUDENT WEBINAR - THIS THURSDAY 25 Feb @7.15pm Get your ticket now! Do you have a child that is:... * in Year 10-12 that could benefit from being more organised in general and with their time? * who could use some more tips and strategies around preparing for tests, assessment tasks, SACs or exams? * who gets anxious, stressed or overwhelmed when it comes to completing their school work? Then this webinar is for them - for a small investment of time and $ it will be worth it to get your child off to a successful start to the 2021 school year! Even if you can’t attend live there will be a recording that can be replayed at a time that suits!
23.01.2022 EXAM PLANNING & PREPARATION Does your child need some support in this area as we get closer to end of year exams? At the present time I am working closely with about 15 senior school students, with the majority in Year 12, to support them with exam planning in the lead up to their exams.... All students know they need to have a plan in place but knowing and actually then putting an effective plan together and then to follow are all different things. It is not too late to get in touch to learn more on how I could assist your child in the weeks ahead.
22.01.2022 A BIG SIGH OF RELIEF WAS HEARD YESTERDAY You could almost hear the collective sigh of relief right across Melbourne yesterday shortly after 12.30pm when it was announced ALL primary school children will be returning. The plan is for them to go back to face to face learning from week 2 or Term 4. Joining them will be VCE students and specialist school students. There is no word yet for those in Year 7-10 but hopefully news will follow shortly as to when they will also return.... I am looking forward to working closely with many primary schools to support Year 6 students and their families with transition to secondary school. As a community lets please ALL try to do the right things - we are so close and we need to ensure our children get to spend Term 4 at school! Ps I had many messages from parents yesterday saying things like they were ecstatic; they had circled the diary many times for Oct 12; children were excited and looking forward to seeing their friends; the change in their child's behaviour was evident mentally for the first time in a long time and the list went on .......
22.01.2022 DAYLIGHT SAVING REMINDER It's that time of year again with daylight savings starting in Victoria, NSW, Tasmania, South Australia and ACT this weekend - clocks go forward an hour tonight (Saturday)! Don't forget even though for those of us in Melbourne it is not like we will be late for anything seeing we still can't do very much! Hopefully that will change soon!... Ps it is one less hour of 2020 which many will no doubt be grateful for!
21.01.2022 REMEMBER THE ATAR WILL NOT DEFINE YOU! In a few days time the Victorian Year 12 students will get their VCE results. The message I sent out yesterday to my students, and now to all Year 12 students, is to remember there are always options and the result will not define what you do now or in the future. This article includes some comments from past students to this affect too.... #classof2020 #vce #atar #year12 #students
18.01.2022 IS YOUR CHILD IN GRADE 6? It is that time of year where transition to secondary school becomes a priority for these students and their families. This year even more so with Covid19! I am in the process of updating my workshops to support many students with this journey in the coming months and wondered if you could assist by answering this question:... "WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 3 CHALLENGES OR CONCERNS FOR YOUR CHILD IN STARTING SECONDARY SCHOOL IN 2021?" Please share with anyone you know who has a Grade 6 student - thanks in advance.
17.01.2022 TRIBUTE TO OUR TEACHERS This is very well done and worth playing & listening to the words.
16.01.2022 BULLYING W say that they do not have to put up with this behaviour and should speak to someone about it.Secondary School We usually discussed should this happen to them then they do not have to put up with this behaviour and should speak to someone about it.... This is a useful article with many tips and strategies so check it out. #bullying #bullyingawareness #students #parentingtips #
16.01.2022 REMINDER THIS IS ON TOMORROW NIGHT I am looking forward to running this webinar tomorrow night for senior students - don't miss out and register now!
15.01.2022 WELCOME TO TERM 4 It is the start of the final school term for 2020 and all the very best in what has been a year like no other! Let's hope we can get all students back to school particularly here in Victoria in the coming weeks!
14.01.2022 YOUR THOUGHTS? Interesting opinion piece on school closures in Victoria.
14.01.2022 GREAT NEWS FOR STUDENTS Many of my students have some of these disabilities (though I prefer to use the words learning challenges)!
13.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR As I write this message there is now still a lot of uncertainty around this retched Covid19 which has once again reared its ugly head! 2020 has been a tough year for so many including students and I just wish that it will be better for everyone in 2021. As I have said to many students this year just keep trying your best as that is all that can be asked of you. At this time we have no idea what the year ahead will bring.... Stay safe, look out for one another and here's to friendship, fun, making more memories and staying healthy!
12.01.2022 FRIDAY'S QUOTE Thought this was a good one to remind students to hang in there and adjust what they need to in order to keep moving forward. A useful reminder for all of us too with the current situation we are in particularly still in lockdown in Melbourne.
10.01.2022 STUDENT RESOURCE On the weekend I was working with one of my students in Singapore. She mentioned she had a maths exam this week and was struggling with understanding 'surds'. I suggested she check out Eddie Woo and this was her email to me yesterday - "I have just been watching Eddie Woo who you recommended for maths. He has helped me gain an understanding and I actually understand surds now!"... I often suggest students check out his stuff as sometimes just hearing it from someone else helps with their learning and understanding. It is great when I hear my students take on board resources that I share!
10.01.2022 FRIDAY'S QUOTE - 1st ONE FOR 2021 A key message to students and all of us for the year ahead - here's to the next chapter!
10.01.2022 LATEST NEWS RE SCHOOLS IN VICTORIA VCE and VCAL students are back to school for assessments on Monday 5 October (start of Term 4). All prep to Year 6 primary school students and special school students are back to school in Victoria from Monday 12 October (second week of Term 4). All VCE and VCAL students are back then too.... Am sure many parents are jumping for joy right now!
09.01.2022 EXAM PLANNING & PREPARATION 5 key tips & strategies for students
09.01.2022 YEAR 12 RESULTS TODAY You may or may not have received the results you wanted today and I just want to remind you there are always options and pathways no matter what! Regardless of your result you should be very proud of what you have done and also what you have had to endure in the year that has been 2020. Best wishes now for the next chapter in your lives and happy new year to you all!
08.01.2022 PODCAST RESOURCE FOR TEENS So many teens can spend time worrying too much about what others think - when often they are not even thinking about them in any case. I have seen this many times amongst my students and thought this was worth sharing. Kate Fitzsimons has a great podcast and her latest episode is titled 'Worry Less What Other People Think'.... Get your teen to check it out now!
07.01.2022 GOING LIVE SOON I am looking forward to working with some senior students tonight to provide tools & strategies to assist them in the coming year/s. There’s still time to jump on board via this page if you were thinking of attending!
07.01.2022 A GOOD DECISION AT LAST Merging VCAL into the one system for students is a much better approach!
06.01.2022 FRIDAY'S QUOTE A useful reminder to us all - somedays it might well be harder than others but keep striving on as best you can!
05.01.2022 UPDATE FOR YEAR 11 AND 12 STUDENTS The GAT has been postponed for now and won't be held next Wednesday as originally planned. Am not sure why VCAA have done this seeing these students are going back to school from Friday but they have.... The main thing is that they are going back to school and lets hope we can keep them there! I am seeing so many of both these year level cohorts struggling with mental health which is heartbreaking! #year12 #year11 #generalassessmenttest #lockdown2021
04.01.2022 GREAT TO SEE FOR KIDS ON THE SPECTRUM These kids provide some great skills for businesses and it is pleasing to see they are now finding employment more readily than in the past. Still a way to go but its starting!
04.01.2022 NEW TEACHING TOOL Do you like my new Lamingoo clock that I will be using with students to teach time management. This isn't teaching them how to tell the time but more that time has a beginning, middle and an end and to manage time they need to see time! #lamingoo
04.01.2022 JUST A LITTLE TREAT Today I enjoyed packing up a little treat to send to all my Year 12 students on completion of their exams this year! I am so incredibly proud of each and everyone of them for what they have faced. Am sure they will all find the right pathway into the next chapter of their lives, some maybe sooner than others and that is okay!... I even got a bit emotional today myself when I realised my own son is also nearly finished and will begin his own next chapter now he is 18 as well! I am also excited for him too as I have very fond memories of my days at University! Good luck for the final exams!
04.01.2022 LOCKDOWN UPDATE JUST NOW The Victorian Government has just announced that Year 11 & 12 students across the state will return to face to face learning this Friday. That includes other students doing a Unit 3+4 subject as well.... I am gathering this will also mean students in Year 12 will still sit the GAT exam next Wednesday 9 June as originally planned at 10am - 1.15pm. More details will no doubt follow but it looks like all other year levels will remain with online learning until at least next Thursday for Melbourne. Regional schools of all levels will now be able to return on Friday to face to face learning. Hang in their students and parents - just keep doing the best you can! #onlinelearning2021 #remotelearning2021 #learningathome #students #onlinelearning #remotelearning
02.01.2022 GIRLS AND CONFLICT There are some useful tips in this article from Parenting Ideas to assist girls with managing conflict. I know it is an issue for many of my students and unfortunately COVID seems to have added to it for many with periods of lockdown for those here in Victoria. ... #managingconflict #teengirls #teenagerslife #teenfriendships
02.01.2022 COMMUNICATING WITH TEEN BOYS Here are some useful tips her from parenting educator Maggie Dent who has a new book out - From Boys to Men.
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