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Oriana Wellness & Massage in Ballarat, Victoria | Spa

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Oriana Wellness & Massage

Locality: Ballarat, Victoria

Phone: +61 491 034 120

Address: 3/520 Mair Street 3350 Ballarat, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Well if all the COVID-19 restrictions weren't enough already, yesterday Victorians had the truly cruel new restrictions being placed on birthing parents. A new mum be it 1st time or 6th deserves the right to have a loved one support them not only throughout labour but also as long as they need post birth! Not only that but the other parent who has been a pretty big part in all of this deserves the right to bond with their new baby.... The care and compassion provided through what is not only a magical time but also a stressful situation will impact all involved for years to come. Perinatal mental health is SO important and these restrictions are likely to cause more far reaching problems. And don't forget about the poor hospital staff that are going to cop it when they have NO say in enforcing these new rules. If you are struggling with the reality of COVID-19, especially while expecting please reach out for help, it is still the there for you @pandanational @beyondblueofficial @cope @perinatalhealth.parenting Or speak with your Dr, midwife or perinatal care provider.

25.01.2022 Have COVID restrictions changed your Valentines day plans? You can still purchase vouchers from the safety of your home through our website. #COVID #lockdown #valentinesday #covidsafe #ballarat #massage #massageballarat #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #onlinevouchers

24.01.2022 This amazing woman is going through something no expectant mother would ever imagine, losing her husband, her soul mate, whilst expecting their first child. All from a simple food allergy they were not aware of. If you have never done first aid training, consider it you never know when you may need it. Talk with family and friends about organ donation, from tragedy can come a generous gift to another in need.... And of course take even the most minor allergic reaction seriously. Below is a link to this tragic storey, you may also see it in the Herald Sun or see Cassandra in an interview on the news tonight. If you feel inclined there is a go fund me set up for Cassandra and their daughter, which you can find in the below link also.

23.01.2022 As a follow up to my previous post... Thankfully there has been either backtracking or clarification for expectant parents. What a stressful time we are living in....

21.01.2022 For all the expectant mum's... Have you packed your hospital bag yet? If not here's an idea one mum had in preparation for the arrival of their new addition.

21.01.2022 Labour support massage training. Another wonderful couple today, left happy and feeling prepared for a natural way to support labour. Did you know you can have private education for you and you birth support partner, to learn techniques to support a labouring woman, a natural alternative to pain management and encouraging labour to progress smoothly.

20.01.2022 While I'm not excited to make this post, we saw it coming. I will be closing effective immediately. If you have an appointment booked in the coming days/weeks i will be in contact to cancel your appointment. I will endeavour to get you all booked in again as soon as possible when it is once again safe for all of us to return.... And I will also take this time to thank all of my wonderful loyal customers who have made this dream of mine a reality over the past 2 years, I know i will see you all again when the world begins to calm down again. Should you need assistance during this time I will remain reachable via phone, Facebook or email. Thank you everyone and stay safe and healthy. Sarah.

19.01.2022 We are REOPENING this week! We will reopen this Friday, however the first two weeks are already filled with the clients that had to be cancelled since March. We are also in the process of switching our clinic software so at this time we are not accepting online bookings and hope to have this up and running again very soon. If you would like to make an appointment please call, text or message her to arrange it for the time being. ... There will also be an email coming out today which will detail how we will be keeping everyone safe and healthy during this time so keep an eye out if you are on our mailing list or have an appointment coming up with us. Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support of this small business, it truly means more than I can express.

18.01.2022 We are BACK! Yesterday was the first day back doing treatments since the end of JULY! It has been such a long time since seeing all your wonderful faces and it was great getting back into what I love. I am fully booked for the first few weeks back and I know that will continue as people start coming in and booking their next appointments. I have just enabled online bookings once again so if you want to schedule your next appointment so you don't get disappointed jump on and f...ind a time that works. If you cant find anything that works and are desperate send me a message an I will try to find something, but no guarantees. So to everyone thank you so much for your understanding an patience as I was closed, while I was rebooking everyone and while I continue to try to get everyone in ASAP.

18.01.2022 We are in the metered zone and this meter is now up and running so if you are coming in for a massage be sure to allow enough time to secure a park and sort out the meter as we do not have on site parking.

17.01.2022 Happy mother's day to all who celebrate it, however you celebrate it. To the hopeful mums, the bereaved mums, the mums to be, the new mums, the seasoned mums and the mums past. You are loved, you are strong, you are beautiful, you are AMAZING! #mothersday #mum #mumma #mummabear #mummy #spoilher #massage #ballarat #massageballarat #smallbisunessballarat

17.01.2022 With the smoke haze that has been covering Ballarat, here is a reminder from The Royal Women's Hospital of how we can all keep ourselves and our loved ones safe during this disastrous time in our country. And remember if you are feeling mentally or physically unwell due to these conditions please seek professional assistance. //

15.01.2022 Availablity tomorrow at 1:00pm Tomorrow is Valentines Day and if you need to show yourself or someone else you care why not book a massage. #massage #ballaratmassage #ballarat #appointments #bookamassagetoday

15.01.2022 A long day spent learning more techniques from Spinning Babies to help my pregnant clients.

14.01.2022 For anyone who has already made bookings, thank you, you may have noticed an email pop up recently, this is because I am in the process of switching over to Cliniko. I hope to have it where I want it very soon so that I can reopen online bookings very soon! You will now receive a conformation email at the time of booking. New clients / initial appointments will have a secure link to a digital intake form to be completed prior to arrival for the appointment. A reminder email ...will arrive in your inbox two days prior to your appointment and then a text message reminder will still arrive the day prior, however will now be sent the morning prior no matter the time of your appointment. I want to extend a thank you for your understanding as I navigate this new software, I have said it before, I tend to be technologically illiterate

13.01.2022 First day back after a week off, plus Easter. Thank you to everyone for your understanding and patience throughout the past two+ weeks, the sudden and unexpected loss of my grandmother has not been easy. I will be attempting to get back to everyone over the next few days and reschedule everyone who was cancelled last minute.

11.01.2022 Now is the time to take care of YOU. There is no need to feel guilty about the excitement that comes with the return of the school year! Filling your day with things to keep the kids entertained all while having to maintain all the other jobs on your list can be utterly exhausting! ... So now that they are back why not take just a little break to care for yourself, we have appointments as soon as tomorrow!

11.01.2022 As we head back into stage three restrictions and recommence remote learning, i have had to make the very difficult decision to CLOSE once again. I battled with this decision for days but as a parent to young children there really isn't another option for my family at this time. This morning a message was sent out to all who have been in over the past few months and to all who have appointments over the next 6 weeks to notify all appointments have been cancelled. Over the c...oming weeks I will be in touch with anyone who has had their appointment cancelled to reschedule as soon as I can reopen. Should you need advice over the coming weeks please feel free to reach out & I will do what I can. Should you wish to buy someone a voucher, online sales will continue, should you have a voucher you will be able to redeem this when I reopen. And if you are after any retail items I stock I am happy to offer contact less payment and delivery within the Ballarat region or postage at a small fee. A massive thank you to everyone for your understanding and continued support. I look forward to seeing you all again once restrictions are lifted.

11.01.2022 For anyone interested in natural therapies and alternatives but wanting accurate information check out Sonya from Mother Nurture. Sonya is a midwife and aromatherapist from Melbourne, she offers online educational events on safe uses for aromatherapy and also sells safe and specific essential oil blends, i hope to stock some when i return at the end of stage 3 restrictions.

11.01.2022 How are you going in isolation? Are you managing to be productive? Are you enjoying time with family (the ones you live with)? Are you working from home? Are you taking the time you deserve to rest and do some self care?... I still haven't worked out the whole working from home thing with the kids and i must admit I'm not sure how I'm going to be on Tuesday when my husband returns to work and i have to home school one of the kids while entertaining the other. But nevertheless we have been very productive most days, getting as many outdoor chores done as possible, like the bonfire we had yesterday, today and probably tomorrow too (we live on 2.75 acres). Jobs two busy working parents just don't find the time to do. And you know what... it feels great for have achieved so much in the past few weeks. But I am definitely missing you all now and am hoping we can get back to some form of normal soon. Enjoy your Easter weekend. Sarah.

09.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone. I hope you have all had the best Easter you can while in isolation. #happyeaster #easterinisolation #ballarat #smallbisunessballarat #supportlocal #massage #massageballarat

09.01.2022 Who else is excited by the news our 5 day lock down is ending as originally planned! I will be back treating from first thing tomorrow morning. A busy couple of days ahead catching up on all the appointments that had to be rescheduled.... #covidlockdown #freedom #massage #ballarat #massageballarat #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness

08.01.2022 Oriana Wellness are PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE services ONLY! Thankfully it has been a while since I have had to deal with this rubbish and I believe the first post I am needing to do. But here we are. Today I was contacted by a new client (?) all was going fine and I made the booking, then there was a follow up message asking if "only massage?" and "special massage?" Now I have been in this game long enough to pick up on this pretty quickly but these kind of questions are not ok! ...They were quickly removed from our calendar, informed their appointment was candled and that further contact or attempted solicitation would result in being reported to the police. This is a serious matter that will NOT be tolerated, no exceptions! I have 2.5 years at university plus hours and hours of further education to be a professional Remedial massage therapist! So yes these questions are offensive! Not to mention I have spent many hours trying to showcase my business online in a way it is CLEAR that we are professionals. To everyone who follows and supports my small business please know your respect and faith in me is so appreciated!

08.01.2022 Following on from yesterday's post about the meters being up and running, I thought I should remind everyone and let all new clients know here at Oriana Wellness if you book a 60 minute massage you should expect 60 minutes on the table! This goes for all of our treatments times. So when you are arranging your parking please consider this and add about 15 minutes extra to the meter so you don't need to worry about getting a fine for the consultation and time it takes to get on and off the table and pay. #massage #ballarat #massageballarat #ballaratparking #treatmenttime #bookamassage

07.01.2022 Back to it today. Please remember your mask when you attend your appointment, we are back to both needing to wear it. Also there is a QR code at my door for you to scan when you arrive, along with hand sanitiser.

03.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day to all the mum's! The new ones, the seasoned ones, expectant mum's and those who can't hold their loved ones tight. I hope your ISO Mother's Day went as well as it could, hopefully we will come out of this soon. #ballarat #massageballarat #massage #pregnancymassage #smallbisunessballarat #mothersday2020 #isomothersday

01.01.2022 With a few new pregnant clients coming in experiencing carpal tunnel I thought it would be a good time to show you this DIY wrist support.

01.01.2022 Last night our Prime Minster advised us that it is now mandatory for us to close. Here at Oriana Wellness this decision was made on Sunday, to close for the foreseeable future. If you have an appointment booked and have not yet received this notification, please know that you will in the coming days. It is hard to run a business with the kids home full time!... I will try my best to keep in touch with you as much as possible and keep you all up to date as soon as I know I can get up and running again. If you are on our mailing list, I have just sent you an email, if you would like to be added to keep up to date, I will be (attempting) to add a link to the website and to this page, please bare with me I am technologically inept! Thank you for your continued support throughout this very challenging time.

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