Origin of Wellbeing | Businesses
Origin of Wellbeing
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25.01.2022 Wow, what an interesting sight to see. Nature is pretty amazing and curious. #originofwellbeing #nature #birds #alfredhitchcock
24.01.2022 Has anyone seen Critically Thinking with Dr. P and Dr. T?Has anyone seen Critically Thinking with Dr. P and Dr. T?
24.01.2022 With every order over $199 this weekend, you will receive a FREE August Organics Face Care Oil (Valued at $55) - The perfect solution to restoring the skin's elasticity! PLUS you will also receive FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $199! What an incredible promotion! Hurry Sunday midnight AEST. *Excludes wine shop.... www.originofwellbeing.com
23.01.2022 So heartwarming. Makes me miss the cuddles with my dogs I used to have. #originofwellbeing #feelgood #hugsheal #nature
23.01.2022 Is this really some great revelation? When you look at what the majority of people consume and put on their skin it helps to explain the level of their immune. Our bodies are more amazing than any computer and more finely tuned but we keep wanting to 'untune' it. #originofwellbeing #wellbeing #imminesystem
21.01.2022 Epigenetics is so fascinating. Our thoughts and beliefs have a MASSIVE impact on our wellbeing. #originofwellbeing #epigenetics #wellbeing #beliefs
21.01.2022 Almost all diseases are preventable by changing lifestyle choices and taking ownership on your own health and not giving it away to someone in a "white coat". #originofwellbeing #personalresponsibility #fastfood #clevershopping #boostimmunity
20.01.2022 Informed choices.... #originofwellbeing #informedchoice #wellbeing #youdecide
19.01.2022 Personally I used to feel rather dizzy whenever I attended theatre and had to gown/glove/mask up. I understand the necessity in the OT but I am still struggling to understand the rationale of wearing masks while out in the open air or sitting inside your own car . #originofwellbeing #consciousshopping #wellbeing
14.01.2022 This will be a great podcast. 2 people I highly respect for different reasons coming together. #originofwellbeing #laynebeachley #charlieteo #podcast #holistichealth #wellbeing
14.01.2022 And I bet you thought it was just a barcode! #originofwellbeing #consciousshopping #anappleaday #organic
14.01.2022 "Live fully." "Live passionately". is very sound advice from Tony Robbins. Don't live in fear. Fear will chew you up on the inside and MAKE you sick. Live a life extraordinary because that is how it was meant to be. #originofwellbeing #livewithoutfear #livelife #wellbeing #buildyourimmunesystem... #consciousshopping See more
13.01.2022 Real connection is so needed for human health. Not the sort you get through technology and social media. Great ad. #originofwellbeing #humanconnection #cometogether #wellbeing
13.01.2022 Integrative and holistic healing at it's best. #originofwellbeing #mindfulness #mentalhealth #connection
12.01.2022 Great recommendations thanks Marc Cohen #originofwellbeing #foodismedicine #wellbeing #immunityboost
12.01.2022 Nature can be hilarious especially when caught just at the right moment. Gave me a good hearty giggle (which if course is great for the soul). That photo bomber is too funny...and the bears #originofwellbeing #funnyanimals #OurPlanetChallenge #laughteristhebestmedicine
12.01.2022 Wellness isn't just the absence of disease. The aim is to thrive in all areas of ourselves (mind, body, spirit). It's good to be able to teach my students about the health-illness continuum. It's a good start in adding it into the medical model. Have to start somewhere ;) http://www.wellpeople.com/WhatIsWellness.aspx
11.01.2022 Not sure I would want to live by the ocean if it looked like this. And this is what you CAN see, what about all the plastic particles you CAN'T see. So tragic. We have to do better than this for everyone's sake. #originofwellbeing#oceanview #wellbeing #plasticpollution
09.01.2022 Remember these? #originofwellbeing #immunity #washyourhands #immunesystem #memorylane
09.01.2022 Call me stupid but....I had no idea! Anyone else as clever as me?! lol #originofwellbeing #homecooking #wellbeing #salad
08.01.2022 Our choices can make a devastating impact far from home. It's not just the obvious plastic you can see in the birds stomach. All the microbeads of plastic that can be found in so many cosmetics also cause a big problem in our oceans. Did you know YOU consume a credit card worth of plastic every week?... #originofwellbeing #choices #saynotoplastic #oceans #reconsider #impact
08.01.2022 A bit if a giggle. Laughter is and always will be the best medicine #originofwellbeing #laughteristhebestmedicine #wellbeing
08.01.2022 This is a very cool idea! #originofwellbeing #growyourownfood #gardening #homegrownvegetables #smallgardens
07.01.2022 #originofwellbeing #immunity #wellbeing
07.01.2022 Receive FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $199 this weekend only! Stock up on our Wellspo Weekend sales and be rewarded with Free delivery straight to your door. PLUS receive a FREE August Organics Face Care oil on orders over $199! What an incredible double promotion! Shop now at www.originofwellbeing.com Ends Sunday midnight AEST. Excludes wine shop
06.01.2022 I like the sound of this school. From the looks of things they are taking individuality into account and teaching children about real life learnings. Does anyone have any feedback about it?
05.01.2022 Different perspectives and voices are always important to hear don't you think. No story is one sided and there is always more than one way to solve a problem. #originofwellbeing #wellbeing #freedomtodecide #yourhealth
05.01.2022 Personally I have never used false eyelashes. I'm not that great at doing stuff like that and would probably end up like a moustache. Glad I'm s**t at 'dolling' myself up. #originofwellbeing #consciousshopping #crueltyfreemakeup #crueltyfree
05.01.2022 Introducing the Big Blue/High Flow Whole House Water Filtration System! Its two-stage filtration process uses the most up to date technology for water treatment against viruses, bacteria and cysts. Check out the filtration efficiency and see what it removes from your water!! You will be shocked at what is in your tap water, but relieved that there is an easy solution with this Water Filter system!... Now available at originofwellbeing.com . Make the empowered decision to filter your home’s water efficiently. Our water has NEVER tasted better. #originofwellbeing #wellbeing #water #cleanfreshwater #waterfiltersystem
05.01.2022 What a beautiful, soothing moment. Nature really is amazing. #originofwellbeing#nature #equinetherapy #music #healing
05.01.2022 It's always been important to buy local/buy Australian but it's even more so now. Supporting local and supporting your health...Win/Win! #originofwellbeing #organic #consciousshopping #supportlocal #immunesystem
04.01.2022 Applying non toxic makeup is quick and easy, even for the likes of me!! Our skin absorbs what we put on it and it goes into our system which can increase our toxic burden. Every little change helps. The bonus is it supports Australian businesses too while you use it.... #originofwellbeing #makeup #supportaustralianbusiness #supportlocal
04.01.2022 A thought for the day.... #originofwellbeing #organic #consciousshopping #backtonature
04.01.2022 The importance of positivity, love and gratitude... #originofwellbeing #wellbeing #holistichealth
04.01.2022 Remember Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott? She was the 'mother of the freedom movement' and had the courage, and took a huge personal risk, to follow h...er conscience to say NO to laws that she knew were wrong on every level - while so many others just complied or looked away. To fellow Melbournites - what is your conscience and your inner knowing really telling you at this time? Look beyond the fear agenda (and see that for what it is) and have a good, hard look at the real facts. In Victoria, to date, 38 deaths in mainly very elderly people with significant co-morbidities, out of a population of over 6 million people, compared with relatively, much higher influenza-related deaths last year (and no whipping up of mass hysteria over that - somehow those deaths did not matter). People are led to believe that lockdown and mandatory masking have reduced those numbers and will thus save them; and many will hand over any liberties in the belief that they will be kept safe. The majority of people have been so manipulated by their own survival fears that they just cannot see any logic. That is understandable, as the msm is dramatically and unrelentingly feeding us alarming information. I accidentally saw 5 sec of msm (I usually never watch it) and in that time heard that Australia will have a massive increase in deaths. Of course that will scare people. But we need to separate the the hype from the facts. Why the fervent push for mass testing (of mainly healthy people in the community) as soon as the first round of restrictions had been relaxed? We have never done mass testing before. Certainly not during flu epidemics. All they can offer us is stricter and longer restrictions and lock-downs. I ask - for how long? We will see. We are rarely, if ever, told what a 'case' actually is. Many 'cases' will be positive test results (on an imperfect test with known false positives)in completely asymptomatic, well people - as gathered from the mass testing. Because of the drama of the reporting, people assume that a 'case' is a significantly unwell person and thus the fear is further drummed up into a frenzy. We are being delivered a completely misleading picture of what actually might be going on. We need to be told the actual rate of disease and significant un-wellness, not just positive test results. The fact that we are only focusing on largely ineffective physical barriers to a virus and not the multitude of other factors that determine our susceptibility, or not, to an infection is simplistic, and actually very deceitful, to say the least. NO official mention of other measures to decrease our susceptibility to an infection or maintain general good health. Why not? We are even expected to wear a mask while driving in our car by ourselves - how logical is that??? If I really believed that anyone's protection from a virus was just dependent upon physical barriers to its spread, I would uphold them. But with all that I know, have experienced and researched, I honesty do not. I am, of course, very supportive of anyone else choosing what measures they feel are appropriate for them. There is very little mention of how these sanctions and our resultant extremely limited lifestyle is affecting our physical and psychological health. Mind and body are directly linked, so what affects us psychologically will be affecting us physically, though it might take a little time to manifest. Watch for the spate of other illnesses that will come out of this situation further down the track. People are being accused of being mass murderers (and watch - it will get worse) if they do not wear a mask, despite the science clearly showing that the adverse effects (let alone the social and psychological effects - which directly affect our physical health)likely far outweigh any protective potential. It is a human right, and an absolute need, to breath fresh air rather than through one of those soggy masks that become a breeding ground for all sorts of microbes, while raising our carbon dioxide and lowering our oxygen. If you have ever tried exercising in one of those things and you will know exactly what I mean. Those who live alone will not be able to actually see the full faces of any other human beings, unless on a screen. The adverse psychological (and thus physical health)ramifications of this are enormous. We are social beings - it is our very nature. And when we go against our very nature there will be regretful outcomes. Not to mention increased rates of depression, anxiety, poverty, domestic violence and utter despair and suicide for a significant number of people - in addition to a markedly diminished quality of our life for the majority and economic upheaval for many. Somehow all this is largely ignored and does not matter - because it is not appealing to people's immediate, personal survival fears. The deaths and suffering resulting from the sanctions will not get the headlines. When our immediate survival fears are set off we lose brain integration and just cannot see logic. We become extremely self-centred and just focused on our immediate survival when in this state. 'For the greater good' is an easy excuse to hide behind. And we well know that this fear, when sustained, adversely affects our immune systems as well as a host of other physiological systems. Life has always been risky. No-one can guarantee you complete protection from this inherent risk because that is the very nature of life. This virus did not create death, though we are collectively acting as though it did. What more are you willing to trade for your illusions of safety? The more you are manipulated by your survival fears and the more you acquiesce, the more others are very happy to take that power away. Where will be the tipping point? We know what is waiting in the wings, to force us to comply to to get any semblance of a normal life back. Sadly, we are turning against each other. At least during wars people within the same communities bonded together. These draconian, controlling measures that are forcing us to live separated, restricted, constricted, fear-based lives are ANTI-LIFE, not pro-life. Many people will choose to shoot the messenger rather than engage some very uncomfortable truths. Call me what you will - I do not care anymore. Throw it all at me. The witch-hunting has started. I just know that I have to call it out, as I see it, as best I can - while so many (including the medical profession in this country!!) look away and silently comply.
04.01.2022 History can have a way of repeating itself. #originofwellbeing #wellbeing #immunity #consciousshopping
03.01.2022 I still always finish off my hot showers with a cold shower. Doesn't feel right if I don't anymore. I'm sure I could do more though with this sort of therapy. #originofwellbeing #immunityboost #hotandcold #DrMarc
03.01.2022 Question! Question! #originofwellbeing #censorship #manipulatestatistics #truth #transparency
01.01.2022 I'm sure this naturopath was reading my thoughts. #originofwellbeing #wellbeing #boostyourimmunesystem #guthealth #fasting
01.01.2022 Interesting research. I get plenty of Vitamin D where I live. Do you? #originofwellbeing #sunshine #wellbeing
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