Our Final HourZ | Landmark & historical place
Our Final HourZ
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25.01.2022 7 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #7 Travel Light (ZL) Travelling light during the Apocalypse doesnt just refer to your luggage, it also refers to your baggage.... Ohhh we just went real deep. Now weve gotta be honest with you coz wed be letting you down by sugar coating it. Odds are that youll lose many of your loved ones when everything goes pear shaped, so it aint the time to be coupling up anytime soon. Just concentrate on staying alive. The other thing to co...nsider when you are on the move is if it cant fit into a standard size backpack, then its weighing you down. The only exception to this is when you are returning from a supply run. Which friend of yours will be loading up with suitcases and carry on luggage?
24.01.2022 14 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #14 Always Carry A Change Of Underwear (ZL) Do we really need to spend much time on this one? Theres going to be a few moments in your post-apocalyptic life where you might be forgiven for having the odd accident or two. So having a spare pair of underwear on you is a necessity. Youre also living in a time that where the need for being hygienic is paramount, contrary to popular believe the four point rotation of ya dacks isnt goin...g to cut it. And lets not forget that if the opportunity for a little post-apocalyptic nookie presents itself, then nothing puts the brakes on quicker than Funky Junk. So get you shit sorted. So who's your friend that will need to bring the adult diapers?
24.01.2022 SURVIVAL KNOWLEDGE TEST!!! With Crowdfunding just around the corner we thought that we'd test your decision making skills. Here's how it works - Pick which kit would you would want (A,B,C,D or E) when the outbreak begins. Post your choice in the comments section and why you chose it.... A winner will be chosen from the people that posted and they will be sent a copy of Deadelaide, which is an awesome book based in our home town of Adelaide, sent out to you.
24.01.2022 CROWDFUNDING IS LIVE!!! CROWDFUNDING IS LIVE!!! CROWDFUNDING IS LIVE!!! That's right people. The moment you've all been waiting for has arrived and now is your chance to put your money where you mouth is. Jump on our crowdfunding page now and pre-purchase your ticket to Adelaide's only Real Life Zombie Survival Simulator.... Just remember Tribemates that the beauty of Crowdfunding is there is zero risk to you, our loyal customers, if you pledge your support to us and we don't hit our goal then ZERO funds get taken from your account. That's right $0. The only time any money is drawn from your account is when we hit our goal and if that's the case then you've got your ticket anyway. It's a situation where you literally can't lose :) We've had so much support for you all up until this point and from here it's over to you. How much do you really want to make this a reality? After you pledge your support make sure that you share the link on every flavour of Social Media that you have. Lets make this sucker go Viral!!! Simply click the link below to help bring the Apocalypse to life. https://pozible.com/project/our-final-hourz-1/comments
21.01.2022 16 more sleeps until Crowdfunding Rule #16 So often we see this in the movies and on TV shows and it annoys the he'll out of us. I you are dealing with a creature that will keep coming at you even if you cut the Sob in half, then why are you waiting you time and energy with shots to the body. Ya gotta go straight for the head!!! Ya gotta go straight for the head!! Ya gotta go straight for the head!!! Have we made ourselves clear? The Apocalypse is a time for efficiency. Get in there. Smack that thing in the head. Make it out in one piece. STOP TAKING UNNECESSARY RISKS PEOPLE!!!
21.01.2022 12 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #12 Bounty Paper Towels (ZL) Paper towel and toilet paper will be king when the apocalypse comes. Just take a second to think about what happens when it all runs out........ Ya see what we mean? There isnt enough grass in this world to do that job properly. Added to that all the blood and guts youll need to be cleaning off yourself.
21.01.2022 11 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #11 - Scavenge! Scavenge! Scavenge! If you don't have clue what youre doing when it comes to scavenging then your gonna have to learn quick. Outside of cracking zombie skulls its the most important thing youll have do to stay alive. If youre walking along and see a car on the side of the road youre gonna need to check that suckers out. Step one is to check the back seat (Rule #20) and then the boot. Once the coast is clear then S...tep two is to you turn that sucker upside down. Grab what you need and move on. Dont forget to siphon the fuel tank if youre already in a car too. Houses and other building are a whole nother ball game and certainly are the riskiest. Ideally you want to tackle this task with at least another couple of people. To begin with Limber up (Rule #18) and once inside youll need to know your way out (Rule #22). Then go from room to room and make sure theres nothing hiding around a corner or behind a door that wants to munch on you. When you know the building is empty youll want to have someone stationed on your exit to keep the coast clear for you. When youre scavenging through a building youll need to check every cupboard, draw, box and cabinet to make sure you dont miss a single thing. This may even apply when you are taking part in our zombie sim ;) ......... Who is your scavenge King or Queen? What member of your crew knows how to get the job DONE?
21.01.2022 HEY ADELAIDE!!!! ZOMBIES ARE COMING SOON Ever wondered what a post apocalyptic Adelaide would FEEL like...? Your chance to find out is on its way..!!!... Our Awesome new "real life, survival video game" is on its way. A PERFECT mixture of storyline, scavenging, paintball, maze, cosplay and tactical gameplay is all part of the mission statement for Adelaide's NEWEST entertainment venue.. All taking place in approx 6000m2 of building space that has been abandoned for over a decade (actual location is a secret for now).. NOW is the time to LIKE our page and SHARE this post with potential team members...you need to join the tribe to stay up to date with our movements. You also need to start building your team...it's a competition after all... Watch this vid.. And then get on with it.... You're running out of time!!!!! See you at the Compound!!!!!!!
19.01.2022 15 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding Rule #15 Bowling Ball (ZL) Nothing says massive head trauma like a bowling ball. Chuck it in a carry bag and swing that bad boy around or drop it on the unsuspecting shuffler below. Either way youre doing a lot of damage. The practicality of carrying one flies in the face of rule #7, but if the opportunity presents itself then throw down that strike.
18.01.2022 19 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #19 Enjoy The Little Things (ZL) Its the end of the world god damn it!! With all the death and misery surrounding you, youve gotta take the time to enjoy the little things. If you are feeling a bit stressed by the situation you find yourself in and need to blow off a little steam, feel free to pick up your closest smashing stick and unleash the inner rage. Blowing out a few windows on the nearest car (as long as its not yours) works well. Throwing rocks through a shop window. Even better. Watching a friend slip over in front of you. Hilarious! You first mouthful of chocolate since everything spiralled out of control. You never know when your last breath of air will be drawn in. So ya gotta Enjoy The Little Things
18.01.2022 13 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #13 Wear Practical Shoes Lets make one thing clear. The apocalypse isnt the time for fashion parades. There wont be a zombie on this planet that cares about your Christian Louboutins thats for sure. In fact the only thing that theyd be good for is whipping them off and plunging them into the skulls of the undead. The end of the world is a time for practical shoes. So find yourself a pair of combat boots as soon as you can, coz ...those suckers will last you for life. Or for as long as you survive....... Which one of your friends will turn up rocking the wrong wheels?
16.01.2022 Now it's time for a Zombie Survival Test!! Answer all the questions honestly as possible & post your score in the comments section. We all know how easy it is just to answer all the questions like a hardcore survivalist / prepper and bump up your score. Treat this more like a test to see how much you need to improve.
16.01.2022 With Crowdfunding just around the corner we thought we'd take the chance for reacquaint you with the process. WTF is Crowdfunding all about?????? Please read below. It's a long post but stay with us......Continue reading
16.01.2022 18 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #18 Limber up (ZL) Now we know that Tallahassee asked the question Did you ever see a Lion limber up before it takes down a Gazelle? And this is a valid point if you are in fact a Lion. But we sure as hell know that rule dont apply to you. So take a minute to loosen up the ol joints and stop taken so many chances. Whether you fighting the undead or running from them it aint a great time to be throwing the back out or twingin a hamstring. So stretch it out a little...... It might save your life
16.01.2022 1 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #1 Cardio (ZL) Probably the most well know rule is cardio. By now we feel we can be honest with you as were all friends here. Its highly likely that the fatties are going to be some of the first to go. The facts are that when you get chased by something that never tires, the further you can get away from it in the first 100 meters or so the better the chance you have of getting away. So do yourself a favour and get up off that cou...ch and get your zombie bait butt running just 1 lap around the block. Time yourself on that first lap and try beating it the second time around ;) Simple! Alright people at midnight tonight we go live to the public with our Crowdfunding Campaign. Make sure you set your alarm, stay up late or what ever you need to do to help get us off to a flyer. Adelaide has been screaming out for something like this for far too long. We'll be posting the link when the clock ticks over ;) As our good friend Tallahassee said "IT'S TIME TO NUT UP OR SHUT UP"
15.01.2022 20 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #20 Check The Backseat (ZL) Youve been walking for days on end and you finally find a vehicle, you plonk your ass in the drivers seat and look forward to the next couple hundred kms of time off your feet and being in relative safety. As youre driving down the road listening to the only CD in the car (probably Meatloaf ) the last thing you need is to have something reach over from the back seat and nibble on your ear. As tempting as a nibble on the ear may sound, during the apocalypse it has entirely different results..... Just take the extra 10 seconds to give the ol car the once over and make sure theres no unwanted passengers. And while you are at it, you might want to pop the boot if you get the chance. You never know what or who might be hiding in there......
13.01.2022 Recruits!!!! The time has come! It's now or never....!!!!... To buy your tickets click this link and choose the relevant reward on the right hand side! See you at the compound!!! https://pozible.com/project/our-final-hourz-1/comments
13.01.2022 WALKING DEAD CHEWSDAY *** FEAR THE WALKING DEAD SPOILERS AHEAD *** FTWD was a double ep this week so we've got quite a bit to get through. So we'll keep it as short as possible.... The battle from Broke Jaw Ranch has begun and the game of tit for tat with the Otto's group and the Walker Tribe has pushed the conflict into full swing. As the episode progresses it becomes more and more evident that Madison little about the side that she is on and only concerns herself with the protection of her family. She's shown a level of ruthlessness in the past that proves she's not someone you should mess with but in these eps she shows that she's willing to put other peoples lives at risk, as long as the people in danger are not her children. We start with Jake and Alicia over with the Walker Tribe trying to broker a peaceful resolution the the feud between the warring side. This offer involves water that is desperately needed by the Walker tribe and a cease to the conflict. Ofelia (who was found near death by Qaletqa) is taken back to the farm with Jake and Alicia stays back at Qaletqa's base which is an abandoned petrol station. Any hope of peace soon evaporates when Madison blackmails Troy into taking his men and doing a midnight raid to recover Alicia. It's a move that shows Madison's willingness to throw others infront of the bus to save her children, a trait that should be both respected and feared. Jake and Ofelia try to save face by honouring the the deal and he almost loses his scalp in the process. The chaos that ensues sees Ofelia return the farm under the guise of being banished and (unknowingly) puts Anthrax in the coffee. Sickness and death soon take over the farm and the dead soon wreak havoc. Madison then steals a trailer that holds the remains and artifacts of the Walkers tribes ancestors as a way of gaining leverage in the situation and the final showdown between the groups begins. The final stages sees Madison confronting Jeremiah and inform him about her desire for him to end it all (literally) by taking his own life. Understandably is reluctant to do so and when Nick walks in the door he calmly puts a bullet between his eyes. Before Jake and Troy make it to the scene of the crime Madison takes Nicks gun a drops it by Jeremiahs side to make it look like he was responsible for his own death. The episode ends with Madison taking the head of someone that she considered an ally not to long ago, to his most mortal of enemies in the hope that this may finally bring peace. We're guessing that for as long as that remain on the Walkers land that the feud will never end. Crowdfunding is not far away Tribe, so do your bit by helping to spread the word. And jump on our email list if you haven't already ;)
10.01.2022 WE NEED YOU TO HELP START THE APOCALYPSE?? With no Walking Dead anytime soon and Crowdfunding just around the corner we though that we'd take the opportunity to talk about our registration for crowdfunding. The goal of this page is to get as many people registered before our campaign begins in 10 days. For the people that do they will receive a few added extras on top of their ticket for entry.... A massive thanks to those of you that have registered already, the support is greatly appreciated. We have noticed that there are still a number of people that aren't opening our fortnightly "Tribal Council" emails. We think that the main reason behind this is due to your junk/spam setting on your email. So if you've already registered and haven't been receiving our "Tribal Council" emails then check this out. If you can't find the emails at all then drop us a line at [email protected] and we'll forward them on to you.
09.01.2022 2 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #2 The Double Tap (ZL) When its a matter of life or death then dont be stingy with your bullets. Theres no point dying with a pocket full of ammo. Now this rule doesnt only apply to ammo, if youve got a cheeky zombie coming at ya and after bopping him on the ol melon he drops to the ground, just give him another whack to finish the job for sure. Remember that melee weapons dont have an ammo count. You should also think of any guns you have as a secondary weapon and only bring them out for that Oh Sh!t moment when you are caught by surprise or outnumbered and you need to book it outta there quick. How many times do we have to tell you people? Stop taking so many risks!!
07.01.2022 4 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #4 Seatbelts (ZL) Sometimes the rules from the old world still apply. Its safe to say that at some stage youre going to be lucky enough to find yourself a set of wheels thats still got some petrol in it. When a win fall like that comes your way, the last thing you want to be doing is turning your steering wheel into a necklace. So buckle up and stop taking so many risks
07.01.2022 17 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #17 Dont Be A Hero(ZL) Some rules are meant to be broken...... While its certainly important to look after number one first, looking after the rest of your group comes in as a very close second. The phrase Dont Be A Hero refers more to taking unnecessary risks when it comes to looking for supplies or engaging with Z's etc. Theres no point putting your life in danger for a can of beans (a can of beer on the other hand.....). There is however a need to jump in and help out your loved ones and the other members of your group. Just remember that the friends life you save could also turn out to be the one that saves yours (y)
06.01.2022 Much Love to all those that have supported us so far You know who you are ;)
05.01.2022 5 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #5 No Attachments (ZL) If you are going to survive the apocalypse for any length of time then you are going to need a partner in crime. Someone to watch your back on scavenge runs. Someone carry extra supplies. Someone to talk to. The Apocalypse is not the time or the place for dating apps, first dates and long walks on the beach. The time will come where repopulating the earth is on the agenda, but priority number one is making it to that day.
05.01.2022 8 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #8 Get A Kick Ass Partner (ZL) This ones really just an extension of Rule #29. Having a buddy to watch your back is one thing. Having a Kick Ass Partner by your side is a whole nother story. Were talking about the type of bad ass that takes on hordes of Zs just for practice. The type of person that throws a grenade and kills 50 zombies and then it explodes. The type of person that when the apocalypse start theyre not the ones try...ing to survive, the zombies are! Lifes a breeze with a Kick Ass Partner. This one should be an easy one for ya. Who is your Kick Ass Partner?
03.01.2022 Southern Legion Paintball Have just found a safe house!!!!! Click this link to grab your entry into your worst nightmares!! https://pozible.com/project/our-final-hourz-1/comments
03.01.2022 6 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #6 The Skillet (ZL) Its heavy. Its got a handle. It cracks heads. And it doubles as a cooking utensil.... Nuff said!! Pick one other kitchen utensil you'd use and why?
03.01.2022 Neither can we Louise...!!!! P.S... Your a bloody champion!!!! Get your tickets here!!! https://pozible.com/project/our-final-hourz-1/comments
02.01.2022 3 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #3 Beware of Bathrooms (ZL) Now as any good survivor will tell you, stepping into bathrooms is like climbing in coffins. Theres only one door in and one door out. The only good reason for going there is in a quest to get your hands of the prized possession of Rule #12. And even then you would treat that sh!t like a raid on Osama bin Ladens compound. Youd scope out the place first in the hope of catching a glimpse of your target. Priority number 1 is clear that room when you enter. If you get your hands on that prized possession then get your butt outta there. NEVER EVER be tempted to plonk your bum down on one of those seats coz youre destined to be that zombie shuffling around with their junk out and their pants around their ankles.
02.01.2022 10 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #10 - Take One For The Team So what happens if you find yourself in a situation where youve been bitten? Lets hope that youll never find yourself in this position, but if you do youll need to think about what is best for the rest of your group. If you are bitten then its not a matter of if, but a matter of when you turn. Its what you choose to do with the time you have left that will define your legacy. If you find yourself in th...e heat of battle and youve been bitten then its on you to create a diversion for the rest of your group. That means trying to lead the Zs off in a different direction. Just remember to save the last bullet for yourself. This final heroic act could be the reason that the rest of your group survives. Can you trust everyone in your team to do this? Who can you rely on to be that hero you need?
02.01.2022 Sean get's it!!! Thanks bro.. ..
02.01.2022 9 More Sleeps until Crowdfunding!! Rule #9 Zombie Pranks Get You Killed Just ask Bill Murray if he thinks its a good idea to play a little joke on people that are packing heat! Ohh thats right you cant because he got a belly full of buckshot. If youre feeling the need to lighten the mood a little with a prank then lets keep it to something thats not going to elicit a lethal response. These may include some of the classics: Gladwrap over the toilet, Hiding a toy spider..., Charcoal on the binoculars or bucket of water over the door. They do NOT however include, Dress as a Zombie. That sh!ts gonna get you killed As a side note Dont under any circumstance involve food in any pranks. When food is at an absolute premium and you ruin the only coffee someones had for months with the old salt in the sugar jar trick, it could be the thing that tips someone over the edge and the last prank you ever play. Name the member in your team that is the biggest risk of playing a badly timed prank
01.01.2022 A massive Thanks to the first survivors that have arrived at The Compound. Welcome to your sanctuary Survivor Ben McNeil... Survivor TJ Dubbed Survivor Eric Linder Survivor Bianca Watson Survivor Danielle Leo Survivor Brian Shortt Survivor Nicole Goodchild Survivor Ellen Massie Survivor James Inglish Survivor Mike Sopeer Your support is greatly appreciated. But where the hell are the rest of you? Surely you are not going to leave the future of mankind to these people alone? Jump on the link and pledge your commitment to the cause. Adelaide has been screaming out for this project to be open for so long now. We literally can't do this without you. https://pozible.com/project/our-final-hourz-1
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