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24.01.2022 Thanks for the tag @mrs_blue_skys Although Im not one to follow the crowd (so to say) but thought a post for female empowerment, support and community is one to support. The love and support of others and community is so important, particularly in 2020. Sending love and strength to everyone (all genders) that may need the extra love and attention. To all those that need some extra support, particularly everyone affected by the pandemic, domestic violence, mental health struggles or anything else that may need you to have some extra love and support sent your way. Community is the absolute best thing about this little app and I thank my community on here for their constant love and support. Lets make 2020 one for the record books for love, support, community and kindness

24.01.2022 I just saw a post (by @adrienne.andco) on how do you know you’re an adult. My answer.... owning more than one size of ziplock bag So bonus round.... how do you know you’re a mum? It feels awkward taking a photo by yourself without a child hanging off you

24.01.2022 NEW ON THE BLOG Remember the Staycation Reed and I had a fortnight ago? Well Ive finally added all the details to a blog post! It was such an enjoyable 24 hours away in the comfort of our own city! Reed loved getting doughnuts, walking to @elizabethquayperth, dinner and breakfast at @ivyandjack as well as the comfy bed in our room at @holidayinnperth. Check out our stay @ Perth, Western Australia

24.01.2022 How lovely is the weather lately in Perth? I can see Spring around the corner with this sunshine we have had this week. The thought of the rain passing excites me as I know the social season is coming. I love hanging out with friends and popping on a bold lipstick helps me dress up any outfit. I love using Lip Heroes. The colour lasts all day, nourishes my lips and is vegan friendly. Every gal needs a go-to lipstick and this one is mine. ... @lipheroes #lipheroes See more

23.01.2022 I heard recently that someone was once again talking about me behind my back to a friend. Its not an uncommon thing to happen - there are some people that just love to bring others down. This time is was a little funny though. I was told that I was never going to get a job. I find this kinda funny as Ive always been the kind of person to either be studying or have a job. I never ever quit a job without having one to go to. I was taught financial security from my Dad whom ...was one of the most cautious people Ive ever known. Ive been on maternity leave and then I was made redundant (as was my whole department). It was after that I decided to study to be a teacher. As a single Mum I decided that having holidays free to have adventures with Reed was my priority not to mention I really love literature and history so it was a really good fit for me. So since 2017 Ive been studying with a goal in sight. Im the kind of person that sets a goal and I thrive in obtaining it. I am about a year from achieving that final goal and I couldnt be more proud of myself. One person I am ever more proud of is my son, Reed. I recently completed 5 weeks of Teaching Placement in which we both had a taste of full time work. Although it was arguably a lot more work than I might usually have to do with late night planning and whatnot, Reed really adapted to our new schedule. At one point though he said to me that he didnt want me to be a teacher and for me to just work at Hungry Jacks or 711 The reasons for this were a) I could get him hamburgers and take him to school and pick him up from school and b) I could always have a frozen drink whilst I worked. I explained that those werent possible but I really think my little love just missed me taking him to and from school. With COVID-19 and Teaching Placement its been months since I was able to walk him to class in the morning I know hes Year One but hes only just turned 6 and Im really grateful Im able to do that in normal conditions. But I would love to know if anyone that didnt actually know you said something about you that was just totally incorrect! What was it and did you have a good laugh like I did? See more

22.01.2022 Yesterday I was so excited to take Reed to his first footy match at @optusstadium. Although @collingwood_fc didnt win in the end it was a pretty close match. Reed and I caught the train in, saw a bit of the city, watching the match (and luckily didnt get wet in the rain) and chatted about the rules of AFL. As Reed is now playing @aflauskick it really made sense to him watching the professionals play! I was so impressed how he sat still for the most of the game and how fun it was! @ Optus Stadium

21.01.2022 Wouldnt it be nice to be able to have breakfast uninterrupted? Reed and I loved our stay at @holidayinnperth especially the breakfast at @ivyandjack. Im working on a Perth CBD Staycation Blog to show you how 24 hours away in your own city can be the getaway you need.

21.01.2022 Follow Modern Mom Probs

21.01.2022 Note to self: sit up when having a photo taken of you Having a yummy lunch date with Nadia at @bathersbeachhouse last week Ill post the food soon - it was amazing!! I love heading out into Fremantle to eat out. Im so glad Perth is somewhat normal right now and we can enjoy social days out.

20.01.2022 After school catch ups with Johnny and Ollie. Johnny and Reed have been friends since the beginning of 2018 when they started kindy together. Love catching up with friends even though we have both moved schools. Friendship

19.01.2022 Reed and I spent a lovely day together. A lazy morning in bed followed by a visit to @pretzelaus in Fremantle. How cute is the pink store Have a swipe to see the cute interiors - perfect for a photoshoot hey Reed had the original Pretzel and I went for The Lot which Reed said looked like a pizza. The most delicious snack and a beautiful day to enjoy a walk around Fremantle @ Pretzel

19.01.2022 Its been a while since I had a good night out like I did at Holey Moley a few weeks ago. Nadia and I had a really enjoyable 18 holes of mini golf and the most amazing cocktails Ive tasted Holey Moley is seriously so much fun. Reed was so annoyed he didnt get to come with us to see The Simpsons couch #simpsonsobsessed In the heart of Northbridge its a lot of fun whether you head out afterwards or not. We started with some food and drinks before playing a hilarious r...ound of golf. Not sure who won in the end, probably Nadia because Im terrible So. Much. Fun #holeymoley #northbridge #nightout #perthisokay #soperth #perthlife #perthlocal #perthlove #perthblogger #perthmums #perthactivities #whatshappening #perthhappenings #perthnow #minigolf #whatsoninperth #perthtodo #icwest @ Perth, Western Australia See more

17.01.2022 Sunday night chills after spending the weekend spring cleaning Lucy was glad it was bed time early tonight - must be exhausting following me around all day

17.01.2022 December vibes with my Francesca Collections pieces I’ve never had so many compliments on jewellery before. I have a discount code OURMESSYNEST15 which is valid until 16th December.

16.01.2022 Kindess is cool Ive had the best few days with my tribe. Drinks at the pub, bowling, phone chats, early morning coffee, footy, lunch dates and play dates. Life is good

16.01.2022 I couldnt have said it better enough Tonight Reed and I get to spend some quality time together which has come at the right time. Its been a little stressful around here lately but thanks to some lovely friends Im feeling like I can conquer anything. (Stay tuned for what Reed and I get up to tonight).

15.01.2022 Surprise! Reed and I are spending time together for the next day having a staycation at @holidayinnperth in our own home town Perth! To say Reed is excited is an understatement. He loved going up in the lift to our hotel room and did the obligatory jump on the bed! Now to go exploring before dinner at @ivyandjack. If you are a Perth local and have ideas of where to visit tomorrow in the CBD let me know below. Ill post more about our time here afterwards but I was so excited to tell you all what we were doing I had to do a cute little post of my little love. Have you had a staycation lately? @ Holiday Inn Perth City Centre

15.01.2022 Isn’t this beautiful

14.01.2022 It’s been a while since I had a good night out like I did at Holey Moley a few weeks ago. Nadia and I had a really enjoyable 18 holes of mini golf and the most amazing cocktails I’ve tasted Holey Moley is seriously so much fun. Reed was so annoyed he didn’t get to come with us to see The Simpsons couch #simpsonsobsessed In the heart of Northbridge it’s a lot of fun whether you head out afterwards or not. We started with some food and drinks before playing a hilarious r...ound of golf. Not sure who won in the end, probably Nadia because I’m terrible So. Much. Fun #holeymoley #northbridge #nightout #perthisokay #soperth #perthlife #perthlocal #perthlove #perthblogger #perthmums #perthactivities #whatshappening #perthhappenings #perthnow #minigolf #whatsoninperth #perthtodo #icwest @ Perth, Western Australia See more

14.01.2022 Reed just hanging out with his pals over the weekend. I love anything personalised! Im so glad there are so many items that can be personalised these days, especially when I chose a name that isnt really common here in Australia. I found the name Reed on an app when I was pregnant. I think I was about half way when I was decided that would be the name of my boy. I still love it and always tell him that I picked it for him. How did you decide on your kids name? I had a massive list of ones I liked before I was pregnant but I didnt like them once I actually was pregnant I had a list of about 4-5 boys names and 1 girl name. All my other choices were southern American style names too. I found them all on an app or Nameberry.

14.01.2022 Enjoying the Perth sunshine this sunny Thursday. Another busy afternoon, off to swimming lessons. Im so excited its almost swimming weather again. Im all prepared with a new pair of sunnies from @oscarwylee. Loving how they suit my face - they have the best styles. Whos ready for summer ... #travelwithkids #perthmums #perthblogger #perthspring #oscarwylee #perthstyle #perthpr #perthkids #perthhappenings #icwest #perthschoolholidays #soperth #perthlife #perthisokay #perthfamilies #kidsactivities #perthsummer #perthtodo See more

13.01.2022 Anyone else counting down the days to summer?

13.01.2022 How fun was the school holidays? Did you get up to much? We went to the Swan Valley Cuddly Animal Farm with our friends Susannah & Jan and the boys had the best time. Its one of my favourite places to spend the day. Im thinking about compiling a blog post on things to do in Swan Valley, with kids!

12.01.2022 Travelling down south? Discover KangaArt this summer at Miami Bakehouse in Myalup! Check out this sneak peak from the gallery which comprises of 16 beautif...ully hand painted life-sized kangaroos that showcase the skilled artwork of local West Australian artists Savour a barista coffee and something handmade and delicious from our Café and wander around the gallery, the ideal location for a picnic this season Our Messy Nest Stunned Emu Designs by Wendy Binks The Wiggles Samantha Prentice Artist James Giddy Artworks Jessica Bratich Johnson Mitchell Johnson #kangaart #artgallery #kangarooart #localart #waart #localartists #handpainted #handpaintedsculptures #outsoorgallery #myalup #explorewa #waroadtrip #roadtripwa #southwesttravel #downsouth #travelsouthwest #miamibakehousemyalup #miamibakehouse #baristacoffee #handmadetreats #handmadebakery #eatlocal #localfood #picnicspots

11.01.2022 So just like that the holidays have come to an end. Reed was really lucky to have a pupil free day yesterday so we could spend some time together. This is really important as he spent the last week of the holidays with his dad. Ive always found that Reed needs time to adjust to coming back home whenever he has spent time away. Hes only 6 so figuring out all those feelings and emotions is tough. It usually results in tantrums and meltdowns as hes usually pretty exhausted. M...issing your own house and routine would be so tough and we expect little kids to be able to do it so easily. There was lots of hugs, kisses and a few stern words to remind Reed of acceptable (and expected) behaviour. After throwing an epic tantrum yesterday morning Reed and I decided he had a list of chores to do to be able to earn back some of the things he wanted to do yesterday afternoon. This seemed to work well for us as Reed is really task oriented. Do your kids struggle with big emotions at times? Id love to hear ways youve managed to help them. I was reading an article on a parenting page last night which really helped but Id love to hear any other recommendations you have. at @cuddly_farm a few weekends ago. See more

11.01.2022 Do you spend quality time with your kids? Like real one-on-one time together without having to rush to do the washing, dishes or make meals? As a single mama Im in a complicated situation that means I am so busy during the week and on our weekends together that although we are together its not necessarily quality time. On Friday afternoon after school Reed and I checked into the @holidayinnperth for the night. I was able to leave all those Mama jobs at home and spend time just the two of us. We walked to Elizabeth Quay, had dinner together, watched a movie, ate breakfast together and watched a movie at @palacecinemas. It was an amazing 24 hours away in our own city! @ Perth, Western Australia

11.01.2022 Live on the blog right now is my piece A day out in Mandurah. Mandurah is a short road trip from the Perth CBD with heaps to offer. It was lovely going down for a day to check out Mandurah Cruises with lunch at Sharkys Mandurah beforehand. Have a swipe through these photos to see a dolphin and my obligatory selfie with a crayfish or read the blog ... #mandurahcruises #visitmandurah #mandurahlife #mandurah #mandurahbusiness #mandurahforeshore #mandurahmums #mandurahlocal #visitpeel #perthschoolholidays #perthkids #justanotherdayinwa #see_westernaustralia #seewesternaustralia #mumsofperth #perthwinter #perthblogger @ Mandurah Cruises See more

10.01.2022 Did you even wear matching outfits if you didnt get a photo Bianca and I rocking our fav Country Road heritage sweatshirt on Sunday at Core Cider House and enjoying the cloudy day with friends

09.01.2022 Missing our school holiday catch ups so much. The early school wake ups and making lunches is getting a little old again How gorgeous are these two? Reed and Kenzie have been friends since they were about 4 months old So nice to see them grow into little kids @hugheis @helenmade_creations

08.01.2022 Isnt this beautiful

08.01.2022 Anyone ever look at their kids and think its so magical that I made you I never get tired of this face

06.01.2022 I just wanted to tell you today - you are important Tag someone who needs to hear this below.

06.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! Hope you guys all have a lovely weekend planned. Tonight we have had a pretty relaxing afternoon. We are going to treat ourselves to a movie in bed tonight. Would love any recommendations! Feel like movie recommendations are the thing to do in 2020

05.01.2022 I can’t believe it’s nearly holidays again! Reed and I went to Geraldton last holidays and I’ve written a blog about what we did. I can’t wait to go back

04.01.2022 We have had a busy day today. It was parents vs kids at footy this morning... kids seemed to win, again We let the kids have a play on the playground after in the sunshine and then we came home to get ourselves organised for the week. I have been really lucky to be able to trial the new @smashenterprises range which is available now at @colessupermarkets. The Smash Blue range is helping us all ditch disposables in favour of a reusable option which will help cut down single use plastic to help our planet. The #littledropsmakebigwaves campaign is close to my heart as an animal lover. After all, we only borrow this planet from our children, we want them to have a beautiful world to inherit. To see more of the range pop to my stories for a more in-depth look or view the @smashenterprises range at your local @colessupermarkets or online.

04.01.2022 And.... just like that its Monday again Last week I decided to make Reed a playlist in my phone. I have Apple Music and was tired of always switching the playlist to individual songs he loves. So I made a playlist, added his favourite songs and used this photo as the cover. He was so happy when I showed him! We are loving tunes by @marshmellomusic right now. What about your kids, whats their favourite song?

03.01.2022 My favourite feeling associated with Spring is the desire to reorganise. The sunshine has been here this week and my spring cleaning mode has kicked in. Ive restyled this corner of the bedroom to include my favourite @shortstoryau x @disneyaunz pieces. I love how unique the items are - swipe to see the print close up. Only a certain number of these are made so Im really fortunate to have one to be able to display. To view all the @shortstoryau x @disneyaunz visit @shortsto...ryau. Theres beautiful candles (like mine) that smell AMAZING and a collection of earrings too. I just love this print has it reminds me of my all time favourite Disney movie. Want to guess what that is below? #shortstoryau #disneyaunz #shortstoryxdisney #OMNcollab #disney #disneyplus #disneyworld #worldofdisney #disneylife #disneycharacters #candlesofinstagram #believeinmagic #postitfortheaesthetics #pinterestinspired #scandinavianstyle #scandiinterior #scandidesign #scandiliving #interiør #123interior #interiors4you #perthppe #bedroomideas #bedroominspo #homeinspo #homeinteriordesign @ Perth, Western Australia See more

02.01.2022 Enjoying the Perth sunshine this sunny Thursday. Another busy afternoon, off to swimming lessons. I’m so excited it’s almost swimming weather again. I’m all prepared with a new pair of sunnies from @oscarwylee. Loving how they suit my face - they have the best styles. Who’s ready for summer ... #travelwithkids #perthmums #perthblogger #perthspring #oscarwylee #perthstyle #perthpr #perthkids #perthhappenings #icwest #perthschoolholidays #soperth #perthlife #perthisokay #perthfamilies #kidsactivities #perthsummer #perthtodo See more

02.01.2022 Sunday self care check in. How is everyone doing? Hope you are making time for yourself, even with school holidays.

01.01.2022 This popped up in my Facebook memories from a year ago... if we only knew about 2020 hey. And, well.... now I feel old. Tag a fellow 80’s babe #2020 #borninthe80s

01.01.2022 Now this is an idea. Want to do this Sandy

01.01.2022 lol how funny is this #memes

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