Our Midwife | Medical centre
Our Midwife
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25.01.2022 Womb in bloom Illustrated by @mathildecinqmarsillustration #pelvis #birthcanal #pregnancy #womb #bloom #mother #ourmidwife
24.01.2022 Midwifery in the home Perfectly captured by beautiful light photography #knowyourmidwife #continuityofcare #maternitycareathome #homevisits #postnatalcare #newborncheck #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
24.01.2022 I do what I love & love what I do #withwoman #newbornmothers #newbornsouls #oxytocinvibes #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife @hideeeeb #ziggy
23.01.2022 You are beautiful. You are more. You are powerful. You can do it. #withwoman #midwife #knowyourmidwife #continuityofcare #strongwoman #empoweredwoman #thismidwifife #ourmidwife
22.01.2022 The hormone of love, human creation & human sustenance. The hormone of LOVE & LIFE #oxytocin #birthhormones #physiologicalbirth #hormoneoflove #birth #breastfeeding #bonding #connection #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
22.01.2022 FlowersCrystalsCandles#minialtar #myspace #crystalhealing #nativeflowers #beeswaxcandles #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
22.01.2022 Honouring and nurturing the mother during the postnatal journey is not well emphasised in western culture. When we look to the traditions of our non-western folk there is much to learn and embrace. Most traditional indigenous cultures are taught that as communities we have the responsibility to care for new mamas, and through this bring healing to their family and communities. The innate understanding of a new mother’s vulnerability is an essential part of her transformati...on from maidenhood to motherhood, and can help her recover from pregnancy and birth. The closing of the bones ceremony, also known as ‘la cerrada Del postparto’ is an ancient practice from traditional Mexican midwifery and is yet one way to make space for the enormous shift in not only the physical but mental and emotional state. The physical body undergoes significant change; widening of the hips and feet, displacement of the pelvic organs, swollen breasts and the psyche is altered by the rite of passage to conceive, carry and birth new life. The closing of the bones ceremony acknowledges the immense changes a woman has undergone in pregnancy & childbirth and assists in bringing her spirit back into her body. Physically it guides her bones back into place, helps her pelvic organs shift and her uterus to shrink back down & stimulates blood flow. Women who are honoured in this way experience a sense of calm & grounding, re-establishing her sense of self. ~words from @sage_birth_and_wellness & @madre_luna_doula It was an honour to witness this ceremony again with Jae from @lomilaka Such a beautiful experience for the mama at the centre. @tahliamaslin @woodandweavecreations Photo shared with consent
21.01.2022 @pregnancystyle_ Who would be up for a pregnancy shoot like this in tropical north Qld? #pregnancystyle #walkingwarriors #wombsinbloom #bellybumps #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
21.01.2022 She is informed #birthchoices #informedchoices #mybodymybirth #womancentred #birthwithoutfear #withwoman #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife Repost @raisingthecampbells
20.01.2022 So true @mothertomothermidwifery #makingmothers #mothersaremiracles #newbornmothers #withwoman #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
20.01.2022 What an honour to be invited to stand in this sacred birth space. To be with woman. And to be supported by a respected mentor & midwife Thankyou Terri #withwoman #birthspace #homebirth #waterbirth #landbirth #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife picture shared with consent @yogalana_ @karm_aura
19.01.2022 Sit intentionally & observe the subtleties of maternal behaviours during labour. This is where the real learning of birth physiology begins. Truth @back_to_birth
18.01.2022 Through the touch of my hands I feel, I see, I soothe, I strengthen, I heal, I connect #midwifehands #midwifetools #handsofamidwife #touch #connection #trust #intuition #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
18.01.2022 #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
17.01.2022 It’s your birth. Own it #birthchoices #maternitychoices #informechoice #mybodymybirth #withwoman #knowyourmidwife #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
17.01.2022 Our Midwifewith womanwith familywith community With honour I stand in this circle beside two women, two families, one community. The experience of #birthathome has multiplied for this circle of humans as something that can be explored, shared, remembered and role played between, mothers, fathers, children, grandparents and community. This shared experience has the power to infiltrate generations, changing the way we view birth and changing the way we view women What a beautiful way to launch and celebrate this lifelong dream #withwoman #withfamily #withcommunity #homebirth #birthchoices #newbornmothers #birthwithoutfear #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife @tahliamaslin @woodandweavecreations @yogalana_ @karm_aura
16.01.2022 Not knowing all the answers keeps us curious. Curiosity leads to growth #childrenareourteachers #itsoknottoknow #staycurious #learnandgrow #motherhood #wingingit #findyourtribe #ourmidwife
15.01.2022 The journey into motherhood is as sacred as the journey of birth. In becoming a mother emotional surges of the heart push out selfishness & fear & make room for sacrifice & love. One can’t deny the role that labour & birth play in preparing us for that #matrescence #motherisborn #motherhoodsurges #emotionalsurges #birthwithoutfear #motherwithoutfear #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
15.01.2022 Many might struggle to understand why women choose homebirth and why midwives choose to support women homebirthing. Homebirth is something to be chosen, not forced. Research does support that Homebirth can be safe for some but not others. Homebirth is not for everyone but, Homebirth is an experience that will add dimension and challenge your views. Homebirth brings the opportunity for so much. So much sharing. So much love. So much connection. So much learning. So much trans...formation. So much trust. So much perspective. Homebirth should be spoken about with curiosity but without judgement. Tell us what Homebirth is to you? Photo shared with consent @tahliamaslin @woodandweavecreations #speakwithcuriosity #speakwithoutjudgement #birthchoices #maternitychoices #birthwithoutfear #withwoman #midwifeinprivatepractice #withfamily #homebirth #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
14.01.2022 Time to just be a Mum for two weeks. Midwife on holidays #refresh #sunshine #rainforest #beach #birthday #familytime #workoutdaily #eatrealfood #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
14.01.2022 These two beautiful women have been such an integral part of the unfolding of a lifelong dream of mine to support women who choose #birthathome. Words can’t explain how beautifully destined my path with these women has felt and feels, supporting them both with the birth of their 3rd child and their first homebirths This photo speaks the strength & certainty of a challenging path that unfolded for me in launching @ourmidwife. Both special friends who became my first clie...nts, will forever be etched in my heart sharing a dream come true. These women were the guideposts of strength, trust, determination & belief that I needed to rumble with vulnerability, live into my values, brave trust & learn to rise Thank-you to all of my friends, family, mentors & colleagues who held me through 2020 Picture & story shared with consentThese two women are sister in laws. Their babies are cousinsThis photo was taken at our friends blessingway, where they arrived unknowingly dressed identically. The bets were on for who was going to birth first with due dates only two weeks apart. One births early. One births late. Our guides aligned the magical events perfectly with the first birth unfolding on the new moon (a baby boy) followed by the birth of another baby boy only 55 hours later. It really was a #newmoon with #newbeginnings Thank-you @tahliamaslin @yogalana_ @woodandweavecreations @karm_aura #birthchoices #empoweredwomen #birthwarriors #birthtime #homebirth #risingstrong #daretolead #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
12.01.2022 My other passion aside from midwifery is nourishing the body with real food. Life and health begins with the nutritious food we feed our body. Nutrients build cells. Cells build babies. Real food is the crux of making healthy women, healthy babies & healthy families #eatrealfood #realfoodforhealth #realfoodforpregnancy #realfoodformothers #seeknutrients #beanutrientseeker #ourmidwife
12.01.2022 Every woman has the right to be supported by her care providers in the birth of her choosing - just as she has the best interests of her baby at heart You were born to do this #birthwithoutfear #birthchoices #birtheightswomensrights #withwoman #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
12.01.2022 Well hello there #homevisits #babyweighin #midwifeinthehome #ziggy #thismidwifelife #knowyourmidwife #ourmidwife Pic credits to Tania from beautifullightphotography
12.01.2022 Hanging with a cool kid #6weeksnewborn #redheadsrock #babysilas #bornathome #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife photo shared with consent @tahliamaslin @woodandweavecreations
11.01.2022 Midwifery in the homeWarmLovingInclusiveEverybody is involved. Everybody learns. Pregnancy & Birth is normalised#withwoman #withfamily #homebirth #womancentredcare #informedchoice #normalisebirth #homebirth #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife Photos shared with consent
11.01.2022 Truthful words spoken by @taylorkulik #connection #attachmentparenting #motherhood #parenting #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
11.01.2022 So so true @aleciastaines #trustyourphysiology #trustwomen #respectwomen #birthphysiology #visualisephysiologicalbirth #understandbirth #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
11.01.2022 My heart is full of hope when I see the curiosity and eagerness that children have around pregnancy & birth & the rich opportunity that midwifery care in the home has to offer in exposing, educating and transforming the way we, as a society view not only pregnancy & birth, but women & the very importance they play in creating new life #childrenlearnwhattheylive #normalisebirth #birthwithoutfear #birthisbeautiful #womenarestrong #withwoman #withfamily #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife Photos shared with consent @yogalana_ @karm_aura
10.01.2022 Effacement & dilatation learning point on point Repost @peacewithbirth #cervicalchanges #effacement #dilation #physiologyofbirth #knowyourcervix #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
09.01.2022 One photo speaks a million wordsToday, my 11 year old daughter retold a conversation she had with her peers at school; sharing with them that she was born at home in water. The response of the little boy was, What? why? That’s so weird. Babies are meant to be born on a bed in hospital! When a mother is supported to birth at home with her children by her side, we are giving our future generation the opportunity to view women, birth and life through a different lense. Th...ese children embraced their part in supporting their mumma to birth in their home. Present. Strong. Powerful. Naked. Raw. These children have seen a woman at her most vulnerable and seen her transform, to bring new life earthside. They have seen and experienced fearless birth unfold with the trust and support of midwives. Imagine the future conversations that the experience of these children will bring? Conversations that need to be had. Imagine people having conversations about women, speaking about the strength, power and beauty of women & their bodies. Imagine future respectful conversations about women and their birth rights. Monetary value cannot be placed on these life changing experiences #childrenatbirth #birthathome #honourmothers #withwoman #withfamily #normalisebirth #birthchoices #birthwithoutfear #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife Photo shared with consent @woodandweavecreations @tahliamaslin
07.01.2022 Midwives cannot provide true woman-centred care without truly listening to women. We as midwives need to become skilful at seeking information from women, rather than always giving information #womancentredcare #withwoman #activelistening #womenteachmidwives #empoweredwomenempowermidwives #feminineintuition #trustbirth #birthwithoutfear @the_nestingplace
06.01.2022 Teach them youngWear your baby#attachmentparenting #babycarriers #babywrap #fourthtrimester #keepthemclose #babywearing #siblinglove #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife @marinaaafranco pic
06.01.2022 Oxytocin. We all make it. We all need it. The Hormone Of Love, reproduction, nourishment & survival #oxytocinhigh #bondinghormone #birthhormone #breastfeedinghormone #lovehormone #feelgoodhormone #30secondhugs #ourmidwife
06.01.2022 Acquiring true understanding of the important role that oxytocin plays in reproduction, birth, bonding & breastfeeding has the ability to change the way we see birth & the choices we make around birth #birthwithoutfear #oxytocinforbirth #hormoneoflove #buildoxytocinvibes #physiologicalbirth #birthspace #breastfeeding #bonding #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
04.01.2022 Newmoonnewbeginnings #dreamscancometrue #manifestyourdreams #followyourheart #withwoman #thismidwifelife #homebirth #ourmidwife
03.01.2022 Beach dayz Holidayz #FNQmidwife #qldbeaches #missionbeach #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
03.01.2022 Own it. You are an influencer As @motherbirdla quotes you are the biggest determining factor in your immediate family’s lives. #motherbird #motherslove #mothersgive #mothersnourish #mothersguide #mothersmultitask #motherstrength #ourmidwife
02.01.2022 When two friends get together & send you pics of the brood of boys they’ve birthed with me over the last few years! #blainandbrennanbandits #boysfordays #stryder #rykah #river #ezra #ziggy #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife @madsblain @hideeeeb
01.01.2022 Try to keep me away from babies when I’m on holidays? No chance #oxytocinhighs #breakfastwithbabes #tribevibes #withwoman #withfamily #withcommunity #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife@yogalana @karm_aura
01.01.2022 This birds eye view of a Homebirth is beautifully captured by @kate_randall_photography What an honour to be a midwife in this space @midwifejohunter #homebirth #waterbirth #birthchoices #withwoman #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
01.01.2022 Truth @nourishedmummy #birthispowerful #womenarestrong #birthstrong #birthpower #birthwithoutfear #withwoman #birthchoices #informedwoman #empoweredwoman #positivebirth #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
01.01.2022 It’s all about getting to know who you are. The transformation is life changingSuch truth @januaryharshe #matrescence #newbornmother #growintoyou #postpartum #birthistransformative #thismidwifelife #ourmidwife
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