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Outperf4m Consulting in Potts Point, New South Wales | Business centre

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Outperf4m Consulting

Locality: Potts Point, New South Wales

Phone: +61 415 757 285

Address: PO Box 1009 1335 Potts Point, NSW, Australia


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21.01.2022 "Arguably one of the most important psychological discoveries of the 20th century was how ‘self-image’ (sense of self or self-concept) influences our development." Learn how you can rapidly transform your business culture by coaching for "self-concept" and implementing the behavioural framework below by signing up to my BrightTalk "Transformational HR 2020" summit presentation tomorrow. I hope to see you there. #selfawareness #culturechange #transformationalleadership...

17.01.2022 On this day a year ago I launched my book #BestBehaviour which sets out an innovative behavioural framework for developing #transformationalleadership and high performing growth cultures. And I am truly humbled by the response including making the finals of the Australian Business Book Awards and book of the month in Literary Titans & Humanity in Business. And a book review from #theHRDIRECTOR that says the book has the potential to "reinvigorate the HR Profession", and to "t...urn your world on its head" ( And in November, an invitation to speak alongside some of the worlds most respected coaches at the World Business & Executive Coach Summit (#WBECS) on "Coaching Leaders as Coaches". Thanks to all your support over the past year. Onwards and upwards. #authenticleadership #socialchange #consciousleadership

15.01.2022 Here is my latest article published in #theHRDIRECTOR on how #hrleaders can successfully lead and coach for #culturaltransformation in their workplace. A special acknowledgement to Adaptive Cultures for allowing me to reference their "Cultural Evolution" framework. #hrcommunity #hrtransformation #authenticleadership

11.01.2022 I will be presenting on #culturechange at the BrightTALK Transformational HR 2020 summit on Wednesday (August 6 at 5PM AEST) on "Humanising the Workplace for Cultural Transformation Success". In the online presentation I will be introducing the #Outperf4m cultural change workshops designed to prepare HR and business leaders to successfully lead an internal culture change program. I will also provide an overview of my behavioural development framework from my book Best Behaviour ( I hope to see you there. #culturechange #highperformanceteams #leadershipcoach

07.01.2022 Revolution or Renaissance? The Fourth Industrial Revolution or the Collaboration Age? The Linear Rational Mindset or the Open Creative (System) Mindset?... In these uncertain times, are we experiencing a similar sequence of events that preceded the Renaissance - the transformative period that introduced the first Creative Age? Populism (autocracy and religious control), pandemics (plague), fake news (witches) A country’s level of cultural evolution will indicate the leadership characteristics they vote for 1. Dependent Impulsive, 2. Reactive Compliant, [Transforming - Goal Oriented Achievement], 3. Independent Collaborative, or 4. Proactive Adaptive. We are witness to the social and economic decline of dependent impulsive cultures where hate, fear, and division is used to weaken and control populations. So what cultural stage will allow our populations to come together, combine intelligence, build the awareness, and rapidly create the responses to bring balance to a failing planet? What is likely to happen in 20-30 years when Climate Change will force the requirement for adaptive leadership? Here is an exert from my book published last year. #culturechange #transformationalleadership # #emotionaltransformation

06.01.2022 If you speak about ingesting disinfectant or taking the Kool-Aid, you probably have not progressed beyond first base in this development model, and engage less than 2% of your potential. The Balanced Behavioural Development Model (BBDM) brings together Attachment Theory to build self-value and inner strength, appreciates employee circumstances will positively influence personality and uses experiential learning to move beyond comfort zones. The progressive cycle of behavioura...l learning can achieve an adaptive, full system, leadership capability. Only 15% of leaders make level 3. If you count yourself an expert, a specialist, successful or directive then you are likely utilising less than 13% of your potential (level 2). #Authenticity, humility, being humble, socially aware, shared purpose and meaningful relationships define #strategic or #alchemist leaders who achieve level 4 - Influencer. And this model is so perfectly balanced, it also works for an organisation, a community, in fact, any human system. According to theHRDIRECTOR, this model, when taken seriously, will potentially turn your world on its head. To learn more on rapidly transforming your culture with a trusted all-in approach, sign-up to BrightTALK on May 5, 6:00 pm (AEST).

05.01.2022 Hi Martin. Very soon leadership selection criteria will be based purely on whether the leader employs their full brain system capability - i.e. is transformative versus transactional. Transformational leaders can speak to deeper human needs, rally the collective around a vision and influence and engage openly with the community. Transactional, linear leaders do not have this capability and offer up limited value. I am undertaking a study of the qualities, characteristics, and life lessons that define these authentic, unguarded, servant leaders who act as coaches and empower employees.

05.01.2022 If you haven't already, join the Free Ecommerce Advice. Katija is lining up different speakers every day to help business owners navigate the challenges during these unprecedented times.

04.01.2022 Are you in the habit of defining yourself as introvert or extrovert, this personality or that? Do you realise your predetermined judgements or beliefs may be limiting your growth (fixed mindset)? #selfawareness #authenticleadership #emotionaltransformation

03.01.2022 Thanks Katija for the opportunity to chat about enabling high performance with team agility, authentic leadership and promoting organisational purpose. If people are interested in learning more about culture and leadership then please sign-up to my BrightTalk Presentation in early May via the following link: #BrightTalk #Purpose #AuthenticLeadership

03.01.2022 A true uncompromising leader on a mission to save the world...

03.01.2022 Why promote purposeful social and environmental causes in the workplace? The more we objectively connect with purpose as an organisation, the more we develop meaningful relationships (both inside and outside of work), the more we deepen our conversations and social skills, to develop generalist environmental understanding and awareness. Self-awareness allows us to be more trusting, present, spontaneous, better listeners, and manage our emotions appropriately. These positive E...i skills also equip a manager and leader as a coach for observation, influencing, reasoning (by instinct) through complexity and encouraging employee engagement. For a trusted all-in approach to implementing a high performing culture, sign-up to my BrightTalk online presentation via this link: #BrightTalk #purpose #authenticleadership

02.01.2022 Calling on my network to help with a community grass roots project to design, manufacture and equip frontline healthcare workers with much needed protective equipment. If you can provide your expertise, time or resources to help save lives then please join the LinkedIn group via the funding page. Please share to your network. #Covid19PPE #Fundraising We're in this #together!

02.01.2022 In this interview with Dawna Jones we characterise #transactional versus #transformational leadership styles and the two opposing development pathways - IQ versus EQ. Also, as opposed to a more rational mindset, the very different qualities, life lessons and behavioural objectives required to employ a fully open, adaptive, system mindset. Although there are environmental factors that influence an objectives defined system mindset, much depends on a leaders ability to develop ...their social and relationships skills. Having a genuine interest in employee motivations and development, and employing coaching skills is the way to hone this style of authentic, #servantleadership. It's a leader's social connections and ability to influence employee self-value and perceptions which underpin the success of strategy. #adaptiveleadership #transformationalleadership #organizationalbehavior

01.01.2022 My latest article featured in CEOWORLD magazine is very dear to me given I mentor with the Australian HR Institute (AHRI) and with aspiring LGBTQI+ leaders at Out for Australia, StartOut and work with the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Business Association (SGLBA). And there are a lot of counter intuitive arguments and learnings for any leader who wants to make more of an impact by being authentic. If you'd like to learn more about how to develop the qualities of leaders in the top p...ercentile of leaders, then sign up to my presentation at the BrightTALK Global HR "Future of Work Summit" via this link: #authenticleadership #lgbtqia #selfmastery

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