Over Board Café in Perth, Western Australia | Bar
Over Board Café
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9243 0938
Address: Shop 42, Sorrento Quay Boardwalk, Hillary's Boat Harbour 6025 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.overboardcafe.com
Likes: 919
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25.01.2022 Do you ever have a tussle going on between your heart and your head? Our heart so wants this, yet our logical head over powers the desire/thought/action and even feeling. We, as amazing human beings would operate from a much calmer, loving and caring space if only we listened, trusted and then acted on what our heart was communicating.... Heres a challenge - lets all have fun listening and acting on what our heart suggests for the next two days :) I wonder how different things will be? Ps. We are listening to our hearts and connecting with mother nature right now and oh my goodness - it feels amazing!! #followyourheart #servingcommunity #newfreedoms
24.01.2022 When we let it all go, magic happens. We are the ones who stand in our way so heres to another challenge for the next two days. Lets just step out of our way and let the magic begin. :) #newfreedoms #letthemagichappen #servingcommunity
24.01.2022 Life can be taken from us way too quickly. Our livelihood can be wiped away all too quickly. So instead of waiting around or doing something we dont want to do - why not take an adventure! Life is too short! Heath is our wealth - heres to supporting it.... #DoWhatYouLove #servingcommunity #newfreedoms
23.01.2022 Like a fork in the road, make a conscious and positive choice. The more negativity we keep out of our life the easier life is! Turn off the news - create conversations with people and our family, Leave the newspapers alone - there are plenty of good news stories around, Turn off the radio - listen to our choice of music, podcasts, TED talks, etc, Leave the office on time - have more time for relaxation and exercise,... Leave old habits behind - making way for massive good energy to come in to create helpful and creative habits. Practise gratitude and watch our world change. :) #StrategicRelationships #keepmovingforward #servingcommunity #wewillsurvive #beyourownhero
23.01.2022 Is playing safe the best way for us to live? What does playing safe mean? What does our best life look like? What is the GAP? For us, playing safe means there is no harm to self, family or others around us, for us safety is a physical thing.... Interestingly, our best life is very similar and it is - seeing opportunities and jumping at them, which gives us the sense of achievement, fulfillment and fun. The GAP might be, it all doesnt work the way we thought it would. SUMMARY: As long as there is no harm to anyone including ourselves, this is okay and we can always jump at another opportunity. We make a conscious choice to drive our own bus! Monday will see us take yet another opportunity on and go on a 1000km hike. We need a break and we need a rest. The last 5 years have been an interesting journey. Be kind to one another, we do only get one shot at this life, lets make it as special as possible. #TakeTheChallenge #uncomfortableisgood #nextsteps #servingcommunity #newfreedoms
23.01.2022 Time waits for NO ONE. We all know someone who has had their life cut short and passed too young. We must switch ourselves on to start now, because we never know, and we might not be able to start it. What is something you have a massive desire to do and what will it feel like when its been achieved? This is goosebump stuff if we allow ourselves the time and space to take action! Time waits for no one!!!! Quote from Debbies book. They Said It, I live it, You Can Do It.... #decluttering #wewillsurvive #cafeoftheyearWA2019 #servingcommunity
22.01.2022 If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. Its lethal! ~ Paulo Coelho We are here to find out what we have been asking ourselves: Whats next? Isnt it an exciting way to find out?... #adventure #servingcommunity #CliveandDeb
22.01.2022 Unfortunately we are still closed: Life is full of ups and downs and its about how we react which is key to our sanity, health and wellbeing. The most important part when navigating on our journey is we learn from the lessons put in front of us. If we dont we are guaranteed to get them back, and only when the lesson is learned will we be able to move forward. So as we move on, lessons have been learned, we see the good we have done, we set everything free and now choose the... next chapter. Wisdom creates Freedom. Life is about the journey and its up to us as to how we choose to live it. #MovingOn #newfreedoms #journey #wewillsurvive #cafeoftheyearWA2019 #servingcommunity #ProjectHappiness
21.01.2022 What would be the worst thing to happen if we let go of all the crazy and negative feelings we hang onto? Now, sit with this and ask What is Next for Me? Its amazing what happens when we make a conscious choice to let go. :) ... #LETGO #zen #wewillsurvive #cafeoftheyearWA2019 #servingcommunity
19.01.2022 If we wait until were ready, well be waiting for the rest of our lives. ~ Lemony Snicket The universe favours a courageous heart! #BeBrave #newfreedoms #servingcommunity
18.01.2022 Its so important for all of us to live as we want to live, because all too soon we will die. We all know people who have passed too early, live for today and live so we wont have any regrets. :) Create for yourself a magical and special day. X #LiveForToday #carpediem #servingcommunity
17.01.2022 Project Happiness says: Self-care is the new health-care! Take care of your body, its the only place you have to live. #selfcare #servingcommunity #love
17.01.2022 We are powerful beyond our knowing. When we are brave enough to shift our sails and use different winds to allow us to fly our magic carpet - so much changes. Heres to leaving behind the last chapter of fun, challenges, encounters, amazing people, beautiful experiences, making a difference and not letting the turkeys take us down. Heres to whatever the universe has in store - none of us know what this will be, however all will be well. Tomorrow Im embarking on another ch...apter because tomorrow like today, is the first day of the rest of our life. Heres to another big long walk. :) (Ill keep you in the loop). Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars, to change the world. ~ Harriet Tubman #DreamBig #wewillsurvive #cafeoftheyearWA2019 #servingcommunity
17.01.2022 What is failure anyway? The best way forward is to give it a go and see how we go, if its not to our satisfaction the first time, change the way we do it next time. We will get there - and in doing this at least we are LIVING and BEING. Making conscious choices about our life is our right! Create for yourself a magical and special day. :) #LiveandBe #wewillsurvive #servingcommunity
15.01.2022 Beautiful words yet again from Project Happiness: With our goals, our desires, our love, our future, we just have to Keep looking ... Never give up! Find ourselves and we will find happines. #keeplooking #wewillsurvive #newfreedoms
15.01.2022 We are spending more time with our children during this pandemic, so heres a perfect reminder from Project Happiness: The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice! #setanexample #DailyDebbie #TheSelfWorthCoach
15.01.2022 To have something different, we need to do things differently. The old ways will no longer work. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives, so who is up for doing something different? Lets get fresh and innovative! Lets let go of old habits and thinking .. Heres to creating the life we want. We wonder what new door/s will open next? #ProjectHappiness #OpenNewDoors #Opportunities #newfreedoms #wewillsurvive #cafeoftheyearWA2019 #servingcommunity
15.01.2022 I hope your week has been fun and filled with growth because there are lessons in all we do. Is a perspective a thought? If it was just a thought and it was changed a little, I wonder what could shift in life?... Food for thought! Create for yourself a magical and special day. #perspective #OverBoardCommunity #newfreedoms
14.01.2022 Its one of the toughest parts of doing something new. Once the first step has been taken we gather momentum, drive and move like a rolling stone gathering moss. The plan, idea, opportunity becomes bigger and successful and boom, we are having fun. Enjoy taking the first step in doing anything new, feel the fear, excitement, anxiousness and know its all meant to be - go for it, because life is too short to hang back and wonder if we could have! :)... #TakeTheFirstStep #servingcommunity #newfreedoms See more
14.01.2022 Communication is key to getting things done, getting what we want and also supporting others to be their best! Ask more questions, have less of an opinion and LISTEN with both ears (this is why we have 2 ears and only 1 month). Experiment during the day and see what you get from it (it just might surprise you). :)... #servingcommunity
13.01.2022 We cant solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. ~ Albert Einstein Its so important to come up for air, smell the roses and reassess. There is no point in continuing to do the same old thing getting the same result. Come up from the reeds and grass - change things around - experiment and see where this puts us. Heres to new thinking creating new behaviours to get new and more fulfilling results. ... What does this look like for you? For us right now, its going for a walk and a very long one. Disconnect to Reconnect! Photo: Shelly Marie-Sainte #OpenToChange #adaptability #ThinkBigger #wewillsurvive #cafeoftheyearWA2019 #servingcommunity
13.01.2022 Freedom comes in many forms, even if the world seems to be locked up in lock down at the present. Freedom to be with family for some, freedom of time for others. Freedom to explore new talents for some, freedom to think about new paths for others. Freedom to rest for some, freedom to work from home for others.... There is always freedom where we are, we just have to embrace it, then live it. #freedom #newfreedoms #2020
12.01.2022 It is with great sadness for us to announce we will not be reopening. We have done our best to have many conversations about a way forward, to no avail. It is the end of our journey here, however, there will be many more and what this looks like we do not know. We have enjoyed being a part of your life whilst we have been here with Over Board Cafe, we have enjoyed serving you, have loved all of our suppliers and top of the tree is our staff who we have loved working alongsi...de over all these years! We have grown, laughed, stressed, cried, and thought outside the box, we know in our own way we have been successful. We will continue this Facebook page and become a community page. We are about to go on a long walk and reconnect with mother nature to allow the creative juices to flow, and for us to see what is next. Thank you once again from all of us. ps. always follow your heart and your dreams, because it will take you where you are supposed to go. See more
11.01.2022 Quick update: we are a living postcard.
09.01.2022 We dont know until we give it a go. Stepping up and stepping out is a must for living our life to the fullest. :) #howfarcanyougo #newfreedoms #wewillsurvive
09.01.2022 Living our best life possible with all of these - and because they are all so important, I choose to repeat them: PASSION, COMPASSION, HUMOUR & STYLE! Much love and heres to a magical and special day. X :) Photo by: Shelley Marie-Sainte... #`Thrive #servingcommunity #wewillsurvive
08.01.2022 What do you want to shout to the universe right now?
08.01.2022 "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." ~ Oprah Winfrey We are reminded in lovely meditative moments what ignites us, what gives us energy. Sometimes in our busy lives our passions can be pushed aside and put on the backburner, some lost forever. Then when we are given a moment, or take the time to remind ourselves - BOOM there is it again, a beautiful reminder. Its also a turning point, a fork in the road if you like, which road do ...we choose? We know what were choosing right now because life is WWWAAAAAYYYY tooooo short to do anything else except what fills our tank and tops us up to be our best energy possible. This is what gives us the life we are here to have. Be aware, look inside, what gives you energy, what do you get excited about? :) #energy #wewillsurvive #cafeoftheyearWA2019 #servingcommunity #passion
07.01.2022 This quote basically says to DREAM BIG and shout it out to the universe, and the universe will respond. We only have one life, why not make the most of it? Have a blessed Sunday! #DreamBig #newfreedoms #OverBoardCommunity
07.01.2022 For us, adventure is what fills our tanks right up to the top! What fills yours? Adventure is worthwhile in itself. ~ Amelia Earhart... #survivors #newfreedoms #wewillsurvive #cafeoftheyearWA2019 #servingcommunity
06.01.2022 Simple but true words from Project Happiness: In true love we find freedom #newfreedoms #servingcommunity #truelove
05.01.2022 You know there are endless possibilities coming to us every day! This resonates with me so much right now and it's very important to share.... If you stop and 'look' at your circumstances: Are you doing the same old thinking and behaviour? Or are you creating new soul lessons for yourself? If we keep doing the same we end up with 'Ground Hogg Day'. Take the leap and do something different. It's massively empowering. #feedthesoul #doseomthingdifferenttoday #taketheleap #inspirationalcommunity #OverBoardCommunity
05.01.2022 Oh the places we can go when we give ourselves permission is IMMENSE! Its also very liberating :) What would you like to do this week? #FreeYourself #servingcommunity #Projecthappiness
05.01.2022 What is your passion? What is that one that just makes you go? #passion #DailyDebbie #TheSelfWorthCoach
04.01.2022 You know, so much changes in our life. Of course, change is a good thing and is the only constant. How we feel about this constant change is a good reflection point. For me personally, it has been tough! In the toughness, there has been growth. And, oh, guess what, when there is growth there is LIFE!!!!!! Be it small, big, tough, rough, shitty, fun, horrific.....its all growth and with it, we develop! AND OH MY GOSH, we just gotta embrace it!... Oh, its been an interesting road. I have this deep desire to continue to do what I love! Its relentless, its bizarre and also really interesting for me to feel and experience (and its friggin exciting)! It confirms to me, doing what Im passionate about is my work. I feel lost when Im not doing it and being on purpose. And, I suppose this is the golden nugget in it all .... I am meant to do what I do and I love what I do. Be good to you, be thoughtful and helpful to those around you and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what you do because you never know when your number is up! #LoveWhatYouDo #DoWhatYouLove #selflove #servingcommunity #newfreedoms
03.01.2022 Project Happiness for your #HumpDay thoughts! We all know that life happens. Problems are not necessarily the reason why a person may be feeling sad or having a difficult life; most of the time, it’s a matter of perspective. It’s how we interpret what we are facing that makes all the difference. "I don't fix problems. I fix my thinking then the problems fix themselves." Louise Hay ... Christine Tolman, a licensed clinical counselor based in Idaho explains: There is a great deal of evidence that suggests we can control our pain level with our thoughts. How we view our pain and how it impacts our everyday life can alter the way that it impacts us. How we interpret and direct our thoughts in the face of problems, affects how fast we get through them. #projecthappiness #problemsolving #mindset
02.01.2022 And, so we are walking in the wilderness right now. We have run away to the forest. Because: 1.It doesnt cost much,... 2.We need a big break, 3.We need time together, 4.We also need to understand what just happened to our beautiful business, 5.What was our last 5 years all about. Sometimes, we just have to let go. We could no longer keep digging a big hole for ourselves. Interesting how things look so different on the outside. Heres to big long walks, reassessing life and disconnecting to reconnect. Stay healthy, stay safe and always follow our hearts. #DoGood #KeepFightingTheGoodFight #LetItGo #servingcommunity #newfreedoms
01.01.2022 Thanks to Project Happiness for these words of wisdom! We all know that life happens. Problems are not necessarily the reason why a person may be feeling sad or having a difficult life; most of the time, its a matter of perspective. Its how we interpret what we are facing that makes all the difference. "I dont fix problems. I fix my thinking then the problems fix themselves." Louise Hay ... Christine Tolman, a licensed clinical counselor based in Idaho explains: There is a great deal of evidence that suggests we can control our pain level with our thoughts. How we view our pain and how it impacts our everyday life can alter the way it impacts us. How we interpret and direct our thoughts in the face of problems, affects how fast we get through them. What is one mantra that works for you to deal with challenges? #newbeginnings #servingcommunity #ProjectHappiness
01.01.2022 You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be ~ Marianne Williamson Just a reminder to open your mind. Have a blessed day! #openmind #newfreedoms #servingcommunity
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