Overland Australia | Blogger
Overland Australia
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23.01.2022 Anna and I are really fair dinkum scoring 21 out of 21 Not hard really... pretty standard Aussie staples here... How fair Dunkin are you?
22.01.2022 Back at one of our regular haunts out here in South Western Qld, we love it at Lake Houdraman but it usually means our trip is coming to and end... we’ll be back home by Friday
21.01.2022 Outback roads, bull dust, flood plains, waterholes and rivers. We've swam, shooed flies and seen some spectacular sights. Parrots, Zebra Finches, Budgies, Corellas, Galahs, White-plumed Honeyeaters, Fairy Martins, Kites, Wedge-tailed Eagles and Emus have been ticked on our bird watching list. We even stampeded with the dinosaurs
18.01.2022 We did our first overnight hike at Mt Glorious, D'Aguilar NP - Aquila Loop Track. Saturday was 12kms with mostly down and we camped at England Creek (we saw Fire Flys too). So what goes down, must come back up... Today was 15kms in total. Mostly straight up, then a little bit down, and then up, up, up again.
16.01.2022 We spent the day doing the tourist thing in Longreach; Qantas Museum and then Starlight Sunset Cruise Experience on the Thomson River with Kinnon & Co - Outback Pioneers.
15.01.2022 We enjoyed a dip in the Great Artesian Spa at Mitchell this afternoon. We're now set up at the weir for our last night on the road. We've enjoyed our holiday and look forward to our next adventure at Christmas time... #HikingAdventure #OverlandTrackTasmania
15.01.2022 We've been very lucky on our journey to witness the life blood of the outback - water. Thanks to the large amount of rains in the north earlier this year, we've experienced the channel country at its finest, with wild flowers, Mitchell and Flinders grasses a plenty. We've admired sunsets and the flow of water at the Thomson, Diamantina and Barcoo Rivers and at Cooper Creek. These are all part of the Lake Eyre catchment. Welford National Park on the Barcoo River was our last s...top before heading for home. Boom or dust... Whilst the channel country maybe currently experiencing a boom, the areas outside are very dry. We've seen droves of cattle on the roadside and very parched lands. So remember to thank a farmer for your food and spend some time and money in our small outback towns. The outback is certainly one of our favourite places and we have no doubt we'll be back again and again.
15.01.2022 Anna and I are really fair dinkum scoring 21 out of 21 Not hard really... pretty standard Aussie staples here... How fair Dunkin are you?
13.01.2022 We had a fairly straight forward and relaxed travel day today with stops at Barcaldine, Ilfracombe and Longreach. The weather has been fantastic with clear warm days and cool nights. We have 3 nights here in Longreach to do the tourist thing - unfortunately that means staying in a Caravan park....
08.01.2022 Good Morning everyone, hope your day at work is not too arduous
08.01.2022 We managed to get away for a quick 2 night camp at one of our old favourite camp spots. Due to COVID restrictions overall numbers were limited to 60 people which made for a nice quiet weekend.
06.01.2022 A beautiful start to the day, including some breakfast guests. We headed to the Stockman's Hall of Fame and the 11am stockman's show. Very interesting and would highly recommend it if you're here in the area.
04.01.2022 We’re having lunch at the Winton Hotel before heading out to Bladensburg National Park. We’ve had a great couple of days since leaving Longreach. We stopped in at Captain Starlight’s Lookout, then onto Muttaburra the geographic centre of QLD and home to the Muttaburrasaurus. From there it was north to Hughenden and into our campsite at Porcupine Gorge National Park. It was great to get onto dirt roads and away from the crowds, more dirt ahead if us... we will be out of mobile range for the next 5 or 6 days, more updates and photos to come.