Oxenford State School P&C Association in Gold Coast, Queensland | Non-profit organisation
Oxenford State School P&C Association
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: 7555857666
Address: 90 Michigan Drive 4210 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Likes: 840
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25.01.2022 **Little Hoots Playgroup** Tomorrow is the last Little Hoots Playgroup Session for the term. 9am - 10:30am in the After Hours School Care Building at the front of the School. All Welcome. ... Gold Coin Donation Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
25.01.2022 **National Child Protection Week** Play Your Part - National Child Protection Week #ncpw Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
25.01.2022 Get excited Christmas Raffle is being drawn in 10 minutesGet excited Christmas Raffle is being drawn in 10 minutes
23.01.2022 **Reminder - Gold Coast Men's Walk and Talk** Tomorrow Morning 7.30am!! Gold Coast Men's Walk and Talk. are a not for profit locally run mens group. Catering for Men from all walks of life to come down for a walk around the lake, have a chat with other men in a non threatening and non judgemental environment. Have a coffee and go for a walk around the lake every Saturday Morning 7:30am at Damian Leeding Park meet outside the coffee shop and the Southport Yacht Club Watersport...s Building 33 Watersports Lane, Oxenford. What an awesome club for men and a mental health break!! Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary #Oxenford #MentalFitness #WalkAndTalk See more
23.01.2022 **Bakers Delight Oxenford Pink Buns Campaign** A Message from Cheryl owner of Bakers Delight Oxenford, a parent at our School and long time supporter of all things fundraising and events at Oxenford State School. "Bakers Delight Oxenford along with Breast Cancer Network Australia are about to launch my favorite campaign of the year. Raising much-needed funds for BCNA via our pink bun sales. Starting Thursday 8th Oct we will be turning the bakery pink and decorating this year ...with a photo wall dedicated to those that have been touched by cancer. Breast cancer has touched family members of mine and some near and dear friends. This is personal to me and I know thats it's personal in my community. What I ask, is that you bring in a photo of someone you know and love that has been touched by breast cancer. This is about survivors, those facing treatment right now, those that we have lost, and creating awareness for all our futures. Pop into the bakery and give your photos to the girls and guys at the counter. Lets fill my bakery walls with photos. " This years campaign is reminding Australians that a breast cancer diagnosis has a ripple effect extending far beyond those diagnosed. It affects families, friends, workmates, and communities as they support their loved one through their cancer journey. Oxenford State School we can do this, let's get those photos in and show our support and light up our Bakers Delight Store Pink. The campaign runs from 8th October - 28th October 2020 so don't forget to go down and show your support and purchase a Pink Bun! Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
22.01.2022 **Containers for Change** WE WANT YOUR BOTTLES & CANS!! The red recycling bins in the staff carpark, at the front of the school, next to the admin building and the green bins with yellow lids (marked 10c recycling) located around our School are urging you to FILL THEM!! Bring your eligible bottles/cans in and so we can collect cash for our school. * Red bins are open every school day from 8am. (If not open leave them beside the bin and a member of P&C will empty into the bi...ns) You can also drop your eligible bottles/cans off at eligible collection points and use our scheme ID: C10173982 Happy Collecting Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
22.01.2022 **LAST CHANCE CLOSES TONIGHT - XMAS RAFFLE** You have to be in it to win it with 39 prizes worth $5000 and ONLY $2.00 a ticket!! We have just 1 day until our Christmas Raffle CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT 26th November and is drawn on 27th November. Share with your friends and family and help raise funds for our Bubbler Project.... Get your tickets at www.rafflelink.com.au/ossxmas2020 1st Prize thanks to Vuly :) Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
21.01.2022 **Reminder Kiwi Cafe Onsite Tomorrow Morning** Kiwi Cafe will be onsite Wednesday morning 7:30am till 9:00am. Grab a nice hot drink (the coffee is amazing) and a sweet treat. ... Tomorrow's specials Melting Moment $4 Peppermint Slice $4 Entry & exit via front admin carpark, social distancing applies & no wandering through school grounds. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
21.01.2022 **School Watch** During the school holidays, Look, Listen, Report and help keep our school safe. If you see something suspicious, contact School Watch on 13 17 88 and report any incidents you see or hear, even if they appear to be minor. If its an emergency, call triple zero (000). Lets work together to help keep our school community safe. Have an awesome holiday break. ... Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
19.01.2022 **Uniform Shop** Reminder uniform shop is open tomorrow. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
19.01.2022 **Reminder: Tomorrow Wednesday 2nd June is School Banking Day** Don't forget to bring your Banking to school! Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Vice President for Sue & Angela - School Banking Officers
19.01.2022 **Little Hoots Playgroup** Last session for this term is this Friday 18th September 9:00am - 10:30am at Oxenford State School in the After Hours School Care Building located at the front of the School. Gold Coin Donation... RSVP to our School Office 07 5585 7666 by 3:30pm Thursday 17th September 2020. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
18.01.2022 New Student Free Days Term 4 2020! Parents check your emails. Parent update letter issued this afternoon by Mr Brady. In recognition of the outstanding efforts of school staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, the last two days of the school year, Thursday 10 and Friday 11 December, have been declared student free days. Schools will be closed on these days. ... View the updated school calendar at https://education.qld.gov.au/about-us/calendar/term-dates. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
18.01.2022 **This is EXCITING!!** Big things are happening for our little school. We cannot wait to see the transformation! Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
16.01.2022 **Little Hoots Playgroup is on tomorrow!** 9am - 10:30am in the Helping Hands Building of Oxenford State School 90 Mighigan Drive, Oxenford An exciting, teacher led program and All community members are welcome - 0 to 5 year olds with a parent/carer.... Gold coin donation and please bring a small, healthy snack for morning tea. Tea and coffee provided. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
16.01.2022 **School Banking** Don't forget to bring your School Banking Tomorrow Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
16.01.2022 **Reminder Christmas Concert Filming Today** Don't forget to pack these items into your child's bag a Christmas Hat, Hair Items, and / or Christmas Shirt to wear during filming. (Email sent home to all parents from School on Tuesday)... Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
15.01.2022 **Uniform Shop News** Minor Uniform Shop Price Increase effective 1st July 2021 Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Vice President / Acting Treasurer
15.01.2022 **Newsletter out now!!** Check your emails the newsletter is out now!! Also an additional email with the special edition newsletter with videos of Oxenfords Got Talent!! Don't forget to check out the P&C Section of the newsletter for another sneaky Christmas Raffle Prize Reveal!!... Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary https://epublisher.net.au/public/newsletter/ViewNewsletter
15.01.2022 It's Ok!! Music Video Show your children and start the conversation! Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09qk0lXTfi4
14.01.2022 **Reminder - Free Dress Day Tomorrow** Free dress day tomorrow - Gold Coin Donation Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
14.01.2022 **Uniform Shop News** Please see the below flyer with the end of year uniform shop sale & details of opening hours for the rest of the 2020 school year and also additional opening hours in the week prior to school commencing in 2021. Katie-Jane Lawrence on behalf of Sue Clarke - Uniform Shop Convenor
14.01.2022 **LAST DAYS - Student Resource Scheme Raffle** Tomorrow is the last day for payments to go into the draw!! Payment window open tomorrow morning from 8:30am.... One ticket for each child that full payment has been received for by 16th September 2020. Win 1 of 2 prize packs up to the value of $320.00 Prize Packs Include: Nike Backpack Nike Drink Bottle $100 Rebel Sport Gift Voucher 2021 School Book Pack up to the value of $150.00 (Conditions Apply) *** Raffle Drawn 18th September 2020 *** Payments can be made online anytime (details available on the school website) https://oxenfordss.eq.edu.au/extra-cur/camps-and-excursions Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
12.01.2022 **Reminder: Don't forget your banking today!!** Today is banking day, don't forget your bank deposit books and pocket money!! Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
11.01.2022 **R U OK?** Today is R U OK Day, a reminder to start a conversation that could change a life today, tomorrow and any day it's needed. What is R U Ok Day? R U OK? Its our national day of action to remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? if someone in your world is struggling with lifes ups and downs. ... 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us. Learn what to say after R U OK? so you can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. Visit http://ruok.org.au/how-to-ask By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before theyre in crisis, which can make a really positive difference to their life. If anyone in our Community needs a safe place, a person to talk to reach out Oxenford State School P&C is here for our School Community. There are people who care about you and people who want to help! Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary on behalf of our P&C Executive Team & Members https://www.youtube.com/watch
11.01.2022 **Christmas Raffle Update** Our Christmas Raffle is coming to town - Tickets will start being sold online in Term 4 so watch this space for more information to come. In the meantime get excited Vuly have donated a Medium Ultra Trampoline Valued at $1,049.00 as one of our raffle prizes. If you work for, own or know of a business that would like to contribute to our raffle prize pool please contact our P&C Team at [email protected]... Get excited Oxenford State School - Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year!!!! *All funds raised from the raffle will be going towards our bubbler project. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
09.01.2022 **Sports Day Tuckshop Meal Deals** On Wednesday 16 September the Tuckshop will be running 4 great specials. Tuckshop will still be open for over the counter sales, healthy options, drinks and snacks but will not be taking any hot food orders except the ones listed below. Please order via MunchMonitor to avoid missing out. Meals are only available until sold out. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
09.01.2022 **Reminder: School Banking Tomorrow** Don't forget to bring your School Banking Tomorrow. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary for Sue & Angela School Banking Officers
09.01.2022 **Happy Father's Day Oxenford State School Community** Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's, Granddad's, Father Figures or Mum's doing both roles. Have a wonderful day celebrating your loved ones. ... Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
09.01.2022 **Kiwi Cafe Onsite NOW!!** Kiwi Cafe is onsite now 7:30am till 9:00am. Grab a nice hot drink to warm you up on these cold Winter mornings (the coffee is amazing) and a sweet treat.... Today's specials Peanut Butter Protein Balls $3 Caramel Slice $4 Entry & exit via front admin carpark, social distancing applies & no wandering through school grounds. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
08.01.2022 Pie Drive Orders due NEXT WEEK Don't forget to order your Yatala Pies in time for June/July School Holidays. Orders & Payments Due 11th June 2021 Order Collection 24th June 2021 (Further information about collection closer to the date) If you are able to volunteer on collection day Thursday 24th June 2021, please signup here volunteersignup.org/Q9PYT ... Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Vice President/Acting Treasurer
04.01.2022 **Free Dress Day this Friday** Students are invited to wear pink and purple this Friday in memory of Olivia Douglas Gold Coin Donation Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
04.01.2022 **International Talk Like a Pirate Day** Tomorrow is International Talk Like A Pirate Day which supports families affected by childhood cancer! Get in the spirit Dress Up and Talk like a pirate for the day and if you can make a small donation here is a link https://www.talklikeapirateday.com.au//child/donations/new https://www.youtube.com/watch
04.01.2022 **P&C Newsletter** Did you read our newsletter that came out on Monday as part of the schools newsletter? Here it is incase you missed it. Another CHRISTMAS RAFFLE update on page 3!! Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
04.01.2022 **P&C Qld Parent Talk Magazine Out Now!!** Parent Talk is the official magazine of P&Cs Qld and issue Term 1 - 2021 is out now! Have a read at the following link;... https://indd.adobe.com//3f508797-c57d-4276-8201-6d7e8acd71 Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
04.01.2022 **R U OK Day is not just for adults** Get your children involved. Teach them how to ask their friends R U Ok? By giving our young people the tools to be know how to ask, listen, encourage action & check in it could make a huge difference and change a life!! From RUOK "We're never too young to look out for one another and lend support. In this video, Alec shows you how to be a good friend and ask "Are you OK." ... While children can't be expected to fix someones problems, they can be encouraged to listen to what their friend is saying, show they care and tell a teacher, school counsellor or trusted adult if they are worried about their friend. This video shows them how to do that. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEKhTSagJ3I&feature=emb_logo
03.01.2022 **Working Bee - Gardening Day** This Saturday our school is having our Working Bee Gardening Day from 7am - 10am. Please RSVP via email to Miss Lacey at [email protected] - if you are able to help for part or all of the time.... Looking forward to seeing everyone. Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Vice President /Acting Treasurer
02.01.2022 **Join our P&C** Application form available at https://oxenfordss.eq.edu.au/our-community/pandc. Come along, join in see what it's all about and what we get up to. Everyone is welcome including children . ... Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
02.01.2022 **Walk Safely to School Day** Tomorrow is Walk Safely to School Day Are you going to be walking to school? Watch this YouTube video to find out more or go to www.walk.com.au... https://www.youtube.com/watch Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
01.01.2022 **Little Hoots Playgroup** Little Hoots Playgroup is back this Friday 9:00am-10:30am. Please RSVP to our School office by 3:30pm Thursday (07) 5585 7666 Katie-Jane Lawrence - OSS P&C Secretary
01.01.2022 **School Money Window Open Today**
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