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24.01.2022 what does inner-adulting mean? like doing the laundry like vacuuming like cooking ... inner-adulting is about looking after our inner-world regularly we inner-adult so that the outer world is just an update a news flash a flash in the pan the outer world is always in flux helps your inner world stay balanced in-studio & online Mondays/ Wednesdays/ Thursdays 930am Tuesdays & Fridays 615am Xx See more
23.01.2022 does having a goal feel futile given the year we just had? it’s ok to feel overwhelmed put 2 minutes on the timer... play the blame game have a pity-party feel shitty then get back on the horse & assess your terrain your inner terrain 2020 bucked us out of our saddles & dragged us around with a foot does having a goal feel futile given the year we just had? it’s ok to feel overwhelmed put 2 minutes on the timer play the blame game have a pity-party feel shitty then get back on the horse & assess your terrain your inner terrain 2020 bucked us out of our saddles & dragged us around with a foot still caught in the stirrup it sucked we got bucked out of our comfort zones our certainties so yeah what the hell?! why plan? because if you don’t direct your inner-vision if you don’t give your thoughts & your dreams a place to go you will keep replaying the shit-reel of 2020 the crap from 2020 will keep stealing your attention & that is a freaking tragedy I’m not talking about being positive & stick a crappy platitude on your wall I mean remember how to dream use your imagination think about what you want to see & feel in your world & plan the steps towards it work your courage like a muscle be the Queen of your inner world reign over your thoughts & build a god damn kingdom Xx still caught in the stirrup it sucked we got bucked out of our comfort zones our certainties so yeah what the hell?! why plan? because if you don’t direct your inner-vision if you don’t give your thoughts & your dreams a place to go you will keep replaying the shit-reel of 2020 the crap from 2020 will keep stealing your attention & that is a freaking tragedy I’m not talking about being positive & stick a crappy platitude on your wall I mean remember how to dream use your imagination think about what you want to see & feel in your world & plan work your courage like a muscle be the Queen of your inner world by reigning over your thoughts Xx
18.01.2022 What has it been like for you, as you climb out of the depths of lockdown? What changed for you? What do you want to go back to? What do you hope has gone for good? ~... I love art for the same reason I love humour - it can smuggle in a new way of thinking, take us by surprise, allow us more bandwidth to consider another way. ~ Because let's face it, life is a freaking rollercoaster, nothing is static, everything is in flux. ~ Just try standing with your feet together & your eyes closed - go on try it! You will feel that you are constantly finding balance, we are never static. ~ But with change comes adjustment. Sometimes adjustments we don't want to make because we are too tired, too stressed, too world-weary to try....or possibly too fearful. ~ I decided that I wanted to punch 2020 in the face & finish this year on my terms. I wanted to harness this flux energy of 2020 and set the coordinates and direction of my own change. And that meant consciously getting out of my comfort zone. And facing some old fears. ~ So I have joined a handstand course. ~ Arm balances have always been tricky for me to access, mentally & physically. I’ve had years of tension in my upper back & within my psyche. ~ You might have heard, Your issues are in your tissues! ~ So if you are just waiting for this year to finish the hell up and hoping that next year will be different, well ok - let me know how that goes. ~ Or why not try getting out of your comfort zone. 2020 has called everyone with a heartbeat to explore new ways of being. Look at all the shifts happening, #metoo, #BLM, #environment. ~ You can have a movement too - have your own personal parade and finish the year off celebrating you back in the driver's seat. Xx See more
17.01.2022 I mean every word when I say watching Schitt's Creek over & over, has got me through 2020. ~ Swipe to see what another fan wrote - it's the "showcasing women without shame" comment that grabbed my attention for this post. How many of you have felt shame? Yep, all of you.... ~ But the shame I am talking about isn't the one where something went wrong. ~ It's the shame we feel when we shine. ~ Or just show up as ourselves and then feel judged. ~ When I was 15 years old, I had super-long curly hair & had grown some big boobs over the holidays & suddenly boys liked me. I had no idea how to navigate all this attention. It should have been giggly fun, but instead, it was your usual teen carnage & relentless bitchiness. At some point, I decided that attention meant trouble. And please don’t bother crying me a river, I was a right little biatch too. ~ So, I cut my hair off. Problem solved. Boys didn't like a girl who looked like a boy, even if she had a great rack and girls felt less threatened. Remember this is high school. ~ Now I happen to love rocking short hair. But back then it was a protective measure & way cheaper than a boob-job. Now I am nearly 45 years old and only just putting together that dimming myself so that I feel safe is pointless. Especially when I can’t help the size or bounce of my ~ Have you downplayed yourself out of some bizarre necessity? Perhaps to help others feel more comfortable in their insecurities? ~ So please, be a grown-ass woman & drop the outdated labels which stop you from putting your skills on show. Glow the hell up. We all benefit from your light. ~ Take a sip from Lizzo's "Juice" "If I'm shinin', everybody gonna shine....I was born like this, don't even gotta try". Xx See more
17.01.2022 Living vicariously during lockdown
16.01.2022 Homemade chicken broth & a prayer of gratitude as I let my nervous system feel a bit rattled today. : Lockdown, as brief as it was, was a bit crap. : Can’t wait to see my northern northern beaches fam-bam... How do you soothe yourself after a mediocre time? Xx See more
15.01.2022 Who remembers any of the weird diets of the '80s? My folks were into fad diets like the grape diet, the cabbage soup diet & avoiding all kinds of food combinations. . The obsession for eating the right food is pretty obvious, we feel better for it. But why is it so damn confusing? .... And why do we get sucked into diets & then defend them when they aren't helping us? Not everyone suits a Vegan diet, but sometimes an ethical stance will be more important than the believer's health. . A lot of it has to do with the messaging of diets & their proponents - if you don't feel better, you made a mistake, you had too many cheat days. You weren't committed enough. . If only the people who gave food advice said, "this may work for you, but please don't feel bad if it doesn't, just move on & find something else. Learn to read & trust your own body & value real results." . Instead of chowing down on popular trends. . When I did my yoga training it was all about Macrobiotic eating, we did loads of brown rice fasts & while initially, I did feel great, after 6 months of grain overload, I had my first full-blown Autoimmune flare-ups. . Symptoms like sitting down and falling asleep for 3 hours in the middle of the day. Putting on weight, losing my hair, my libido & my mind. . At the time I was committed to what other people said over what was actually right for me. . We humans get so passionate about what we THINK is right vs real health results. It took me 15 years to find the right food to heal all those crappy symptoms. . Today, on day 4 of my gratitude challenge, I send big love to @thepaleomom, @angie.alt & @mickeytrescott for the Autoimmune Protocol. . I am now at home in my body & mind thanks to AIP. Game changer from the inside out. Xx See more
15.01.2022 What do you desire? What do you like to devour? . Who here, after life-changing circumstances, like children, a parent passing, or job loss, lost the desire for sex? .... I mean eager, horny sex. Sex that doesn't need the moons to align and your diary to be free for a month, so you have the energy to do it. . "Come As You Are" by Emily Nagoski, Ph.D, is a revolution & revelation about your vulva & your vulva-mind. Yes, ladies, your vulva, as in not your vagina. . Vaginas are boring birth-canals when compared with vulvas, which is where the real carnal desire resides. (Don’t worry if you didn’t know, nor did Gwenyth Paltrow.) . Ready for a re-vulva-lution? Sorry I couldn't resist that one . Anyway, back to desire & feeling honestly horny. . This book walks you through why satisfying sex can be hard to achieve & how many cultural dragons you have to slay to get back this birthright. . "Come As You Are" also sheds light on why we are drowning in cultural misinformation when it comes to the inner-workings of our other great sex organ, our brain. Our vulva-mind. Welcome to the sexy side of mindfulness . I'll admit it right here - 99% of the conversations I have with girlfriends, once we have covered the boring basics of how our children are, is why we feel too tired & stressed to feel sexy. . Apart from, that is, my girlfriends who have left their children's father - they ARE having a ball in the bedroom!! . And this leads me to what a lot of us struggle with - life with your stress (person who you raise children/ pay bills with) is not sexy enough for all the hard yakka we put into having a life together. And you guessed it, this book covers that clusterf*ck too. . Day 2 in my 30-day gratitude challenge: I am grateful for good book recommendations! Xx Ps check out @lovelifebyjacqueline, I made my vulva art at one of her workshops. She’s awesome. See more
12.01.2022 How are you going to celebrate the monumental effort you made to get through this year? You deserve flowers sent each and every day for enduring the tough grind that has been 2020. . Listen, lady, even if your insomnia has hit an all-time high. Even if you let your usual routines go and gained weight.... Even if you yelled at the kids or your partner more than necessary. Even if you have found yourself up and down like a yo-yo with moods. Even if you have lost concentration and focus at work. . I know some of you have left your marriages. Some of you have given birth. Some of you have opened or closed a business. Or completely changed careers. Some of you have buried loved ones. . I want you to raise your glass and toast yourself, whatever you did to get through the year, you have accomplished so much you can’t even remember. . So let’s remember and celebrate all of your wins. . Join me in a 30-day gratitude challenge to keep the focus on how RESILIENT you are. . Let's celebrate: Your strength. Your adaptive nature. Your sense of humour. And your brave beautiful heart. . The deal is, I’ll post something I’m grateful for and you can join in in the comments. . Writing down and sharing what you’re grateful for makes it more real, allows you to remember & re-experience regenerative feelings like compassion & gratitude... this will make you feel bloody excellent! Trust me. . Day 1 of The Gratitude Challenge: Today I am grateful for my friends. This year has shown me that community is intrinsic to my well-being. Being in lockdown made me appreciate what I took for granted. So now when I meet a friend for a walk, a wine, or a weekend away, whether it's a zoom call or a phone call, I am so so bloody grateful to have that other human in my life. Today I celebrate my friends, they are simply the best. (For any of you Schitt's Creek fans out there) Xx Now it’s your turn- remember what you’re grateful for, write it in the comments and re-experience the feeling. Xx See more
12.01.2022 The human race is divided into 2 kinds of people. Those who loved being at home with their families during lockdown & the rest of us....who went bat-shit crazy. . Before lockdown, I realised that what work, school & having a social life afforded me was SANITY. .... Plus distraction from dealing with deeply buried trauma. . I won't bore you with the details. But it wasn't pretty. I ugly cried a lot. . Which brings me to day 3 of the gratitude challenge. I am so grateful for really hitting my emotional rock bottom. . Here's why: Have you heard of Griefline? (1800-845-745) These wonderful people help those who need to find coping mechanisms after the loss of a loved one or a job etc. As you can imagine, they were inundated during lockdown. . Griefline exists so that some people won't get to the point of needing Lifeline (13 11 14), which is suicide prevention. . As much as talk therapy is criticised & that talking about our feelings is weak or a waste of time....why then is Griefline & Lifeline currently overwhelmed with calls right now? . Luckily for me, I'm a let's-talk-feelings-addict (yes it drives my husband NUTS) & I got some help. What helped me I will share in tomorrow's gratitude post. I know it's a real cliff-hanger!! . Point being, knowing yourself has been important since Socrates was running the self-help circles back in approximately 400BC. . So if this year has raised some inner hell for you - I'm happy for you. Tell a friend. Make a plan. Get some support. . Carrying around that baggage is heavy & annoying. Xx See more
12.01.2022 Have you wanted to raise some hell this year? Has 2020 frustrated & overwhelmed you, but also called you to DO something? To action something? ~ Spring yoga is about taking all that anger and frustration and transmuting it into focused determination, as you carve out your path & what you want to see in the world.... ~ Big picture vision, planning, adapting to change, and enduring the march towards our goals, will test us on many levels. ~ Finding the flexible assertiveness within ourselves to stay on course like a flower growing through a crack in the concrete. ~ The winter bushland explodes with colour & transforms under the light of the spring sun. This energy is also available to us & we can use it for our own budding ideas & new directions. ~ Physically, in this pose, we are squeezing one side of the torso and hip (gallbladder meridian) and working into the hip socket (liver meridian). ~ Psychologically, balanced liver energy means we can visualise clearly, while our gallbladder energy allows us to execute the plan to make our vision a reality. ~ Spring yoga is the physical practice of mobilising our joints & opening our sides so we can cultivate a flexible and adaptive mind. A mind that can endure the challenges, make the changes, and keep moving toward the change you want to see in the world. ~ As the self-help giant Tony Robbins says, "stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach". ~ As the small green giant & original self-help guru, Yoda would say, "Bamboo, be it like". See more
09.01.2022 To new beginnings Carve your own path Cultivate your inner space... Merry happy everything, always See more
08.01.2022 Does this quote sum up 2020 for you? ~ You might still be healing & reeling from the last 12 months, but here you are. ~ Raise your glass & celebrate just being.... Hug a loved one. Hug yourself. Hug a tree. ~ You did it. You made it You're not just turning a page here Or writing a new chapter It’s a new damn book A blank canvas A harmony yet to be hummed ~ HNY Lots of love to you & the artwork that is your life Xx Quote credit - Dr. W Dillon See more
06.01.2022 Have you cringed at someone else’s embarrassing public moment? Like the classic toilet paper stuck to the shoe. ~ Or when we witness someone yelling like a lunatic at their child or partner. ~... What we are doing is cringing in vicarious embarrassment. This is a form of social pain and we are wired to feel it; it helps us lift our own game in how we treat others. ~ In other words, when you can empathize with how something might feel for another, it means you aren’t a sociopath and that you care about treating other humans with respect. ~ But how do we lift our game for our own sakes? Have you ever noticed any under par ways you talk to yourself? Who is holding you accountable?! If only we had a version of autocorrect, like when our phone autocorrects to "duck", we could autocorrect to a kinder tone. ~ Or maybe you have someone who you trust, who with annoying accuracy, will let you know all about your little idiosyncrasies? ~ My special annoying person tells me I go quickly about life, like a Meer Kat after a double espresso. Totally un-yoga, I know. But it is an accurate reflection of my head state a lot of the time. ~ So as much as I didn’t like hearing this, I took it on board and started to slow down so I could listen to the quality of what I was saying back to myselfbecause there’s no-one else to get vicariously embarrassed for me, but me. ~ This quality of inner voice is part of the ethos of Kiss Yoga, to build this autocorrect inner kindness musclecause it really doesn't matter how well you do yoga if the tone of your life creates more stress to unravel. Xx See more
04.01.2022 This pose is for frowns & sighs of frustration. This pose is for the time-poor & the busy. ~ Don't worry if you don't have floor space, time, or yoga pants to do this right now - you can do a great variation in your chair, anytime you like. ~... Sit up straight with an inhale, try lifting up through the crown of your head, chin down slightly. ~ Exhale as you twist your spine, lead with & look over your right shoulder, stretch your eyes as far as possible to the right. Hold for a breath or two as you lift and twist the spine. Repeat the other side. ~ You can do this on the edge of the sofa or bed or standing in line at the check-out. ~ Holding tension in the body is tiring, so free that stress with a spine twist & feel yourself recharge naturally. Xx Or go and see some art and get lost in another perspective - swipe to see a snippet of what’s on at the MCA right now : Lindy Lee, Moon in a Dew Drop. See more
04.01.2022 Out of lockdown Socialising Is it ok to open our eyes yet, 2021?
04.01.2022 How do we cultivate the I've got this mindset? Even when you haven’t got it, do you have the tools on hand to hold you in place? ~ I think 2020’s wheels flew off in all directions for most, either financially, emotionally, or via an existential meltdown. ~... Homeschooling was enough to floor most parents, even those who ARE teachers, found it excruciating! ~ The logic of working with the 5 Elements in yoga is that we can process the challenging feelings brought up by life’s difficulties AND still do good in the world. ~ Please, don’t think I am some wafty yoga teacher who wants you to by-pass difficulty; I'm talking about not being decimated by it. ~ I'm talking about using that emotional energy and changing the impetus of it and therefore it’s impact. ~ Feel angry about something? Wood Element yoga can help you transmute that anger into feeling assertive, organise you to get involved to make some productive noise. Twist the frustration out of your body and become flexible and adaptive. This is the emotional essence of springtime yoga. ~ Support yourself, so you can then support others. ~ Helping just one other human makes you a total rock star. Xx See more
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