Pacific Center in Sydney, Australia | Exchange programme
Pacific Center
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 416 696 020
Address: 2 Pittwater Rd 2095 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Likes: 4547
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25.01.2022 Sydney’s Opera Bar has long been a favorite, whether you’re a local showing the city off to your mates, or just a local showing off (insta-love for that harbor view is real). Unlike a lot of the more touristy options lurking about in Circular Quay, Opera Bar has always been known for its stellar cocktails and for bringing together Sydney’s best local producers, you must check this place out! #DiscoverPacific #PacificCenter #Australia #Sydney #LoveSydney #LiveinAustralia #StudyinAustralia #WorkinAustralia #OperaBarSydney #SyndeyOperaHouse
25.01.2022 HUGE SPECIAL PROMOTION! Enrol to study Diploma of Project Management + Advanced Diploma in Program Management in Sydney from AUD 1300 per term and be able to apply for the 485 POST GRADUATE VISA! Invest in your future in Australia with this awesome promotion! Contact our team today!... #DiscoverPacific #PacificCenter #Diploma #AdvancedDiploma #Management #ProgramManagement #StudyinAustralia #PostGraduateVisa #485Visa #StayinAustralia #AustraliaEducationPathways #LatinosenAustralia #BrasileirosnaAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia #LatinosenSydney #BrasileirosemSydney #ItalianiaSydney
25.01.2022 Are you a nurse or health professional? Australia has a priority for those working in the health field. Temporary and permanent visa options are available. Contact our migration agents for further assessment and assistance. #DiscoverPacific #MigrationServices #StayinAustralia #SkillsAssessment #SkilledMigration #MigratetoAustralia #Australia #PermanentResidency #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
25.01.2022 GREAT PROMOTION OF SCHOLARSHIP IN SYDNEY OR MELBOURNE! Get a total discount of 11,280 AUD enrolling with Pacific Center and be eligible to apply for the 485 VISA! Do not miss this great opportunity to invest in your future, contact our team today! ... #DiscoverPacific #DiscoverAustralia #StudyinAustralia #StudyinSydney #StudyinMelbourne #HigherEducation #BrasileirosnaAustralia #BrasileirosemSydney #BrasileirosemMelbourne #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
25.01.2022 TODAY IS R U OK DAY! R U OK? is a not-for-profit suicide prevention organisation. The whole purpose of the day is to check in with your friends, family, work colleagues, and open up conversation so that they can talk to you if they need help. Open up the conversation by asking your friends and people near you how they are going, not only today but always! ... Count on our support anytime during your studies in Australia. For more information access: #PacificCenter #RUokday #areyouok #Australia #MentalHealth #Support #CulturalExchange #Intercambio
24.01.2022 Another Migration Services client is on their way to permanent residency. Skills Assessment APPROVED! Skills Assessments can be issued for a variety of visas such as employer sponsorship, regional employer sponsorship, and General Skilled Migration. Contact our Migration Agents for further assessment and consultation.... #DiscoverPacific #MigrationServices #StayinAustralia #SkillsAssessment #SkilledMigration #MigratetoAustralia #Australia #PermanentResidency #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
24.01.2022 HUGE PROMOTION FOR THE RSA COURSE THIS MONTH! The RSA is a mandatory certificate requested in most of the hospitality jobs, and that is your chance to get it by a really lower price! Only 49$ for September intakes! ... Contact our team for more information! #DiscoverPacific #PacificCenter #RSACertificate #Australia
23.01.2022 PROMOÇÃO IMPERDÍVEL DA PACIFIC CENTER! Estude inglês em uma das praias mais lindas de Sydney - Manly Beach por apenas AUD 4,290 e ganhe assistência do agente de imigração! Contate nosso time hoje mesmo e não perca esta oportunidade!... #DiscoverPacific #PacificCenter #IntercambioAustralia #EstudarnaAustralia #MorarnaAustralia #MorarforadoBrasil #IntercambioSydney #BrasileirosemSydney #IntercambioBarato #BrasileirosnaAustralia #BrasileirospeloMundo
23.01.2022 EXCLUSIVE HUGE PROMOTION!!! Study Diploma of Business or Information Technology in Sydney from AUD 1000 per term! Do not miss this amazing opportunity to invest in your future in Australia, contact our team today! ... #DiscoverPacific #DiscoverAustralia #VocationalCourseAustralia #Business #InformationTechnology #ITAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #ItalianiaSydney #LatinosenSydney #BrasileirosemSydney #BrasileirosnaAustralia See more
23.01.2022 RENEW YOUR VISA WITH PACIFIC CENTER IN AUGUST AND GET ONE WEEK FREE RENTAL BIKE! Do not miss this exclusive promotion and your chance to get around with an awesome bike for a week! #DiscoverPacific #DiscoverAustralia #BikeRentalAustralia #Sydney #Australia #ExtenyourVisa #StudyinAustralia
22.01.2022 E aí pessoal, no vídeo de hoje nossa especialista em intercâmbios Gabriella vai te mostrar os 5 lugares mais incríveis para se conhecer aqui na Austrália! Se você está planejando o seu intercâmbio, esse vídeo vai te deixar ainda mais encantado com esse paraíso chamado Austrália! Não deixe de assistir, comentar e compartilhar com seus amigos! Vem com a gente! #discoverpacific #studyinaustralia #goldcoast #sydney #brisbane #perth #melbourne #estudarnaaustralia #morarnaaustralia #studyingoldcoast #studyinsydney #intercambio #intercambioaustralia #pacificcenter
21.01.2022 Are you in a relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen? There are several different partner visas available for you that will allow you to stay with your partner in Australia. Our friendly and professional migration agents are happy to assist you with the assessment of your eligibility, and the preparation and lodgement of your partner visa application. We will review your documents and ensure that you meet the eligibility req...uirements before applying. Contact us today to find out the best option for you and your other half! #DiscoverPacific #MigrationServices #StayinAustralia #SkilledMigration #MigratetoAustralia #PartnerVisa #Australia #PermanentResidency #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
21.01.2022 If your partner has an employer-sponsored visa, you may be able to attach yourself to their visa. Full work rights are available in most cases. Contact our Migration Agents for further assessment and consultation! #DiscoverPacific #MigrationServices #StayinAustralia #SkilledMigration #MigratetoAustralia #PartnerVisa #Australia #PermanentResidency #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
21.01.2022 E aí pessoal bem vindos a mais um dicas de inglês, e no vídeo de hoje a Gabriella Maruyama vai te contar todas as palavras usadas para os membros da sua família! Tio, primo, sobrinho, avô, e todos aqueles entes queridos que amamos tanto! Então fica ligadinho que o vídeo de hoje está imperdível! Não esquece de curtir, se inscrever no nosso canal, e compartilhar com aquele seu amigo que quer vir morar na Austrália e está aprendendo inglês! Vem com a gente! #DiscoverPacific #Pacificcenter #Dicasdeinglês #australia #inglêsnaaustralia #inglêsbasico #inglêsparainiciantes #aprenderinglês #estudaringlês #aprenderinglesnoyoutube
21.01.2022 Skills assessments are required for many different visas. Some occupations require you to have a minimum of 1 year experience in the past 5 years. Dont let your work experience expire. Contact our Migration Agents for further assessment and consultation. ... #DiscoverPacific #MigrationServices #StayinAustralia #SkillsAssessment #SkilledMigration #MigratetoAustralia #Australia #PermanentResidency #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia See more
19.01.2022 Do you want to study General English in the heart of Sydney CBD, only 2,5 days per week (morning), and paying only AUD180.00 per week? With Pacific Center that is possible! Get in touch with us today! ... #DiscoverPacific #PacificCenter #StudyinAustralia #StudyinSydney #StudyAbroad #CulturalExchange #Intercambio #BrasileirosemSydney #BrasileirosnaAustralia #Morarfora #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaSydney #BackpackersinAustralia
16.01.2022 HUGE SPECIAL PROMOTION FOR PACIFIC CENTER CLIENTS! Study 2 years of Diploma of Information Technology on the Northern Beaches for only AUD 1000 for the first term! Do not miss this huge discount and enrol this week! ... Contact our sales team for more information! #DiscoverPacific #DiscoverAustralia #StudyinAustralia #ITaustralia #BrasileirosemSydney #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustalia #italianiaSydney#BackpackersinAustralia #InformationTechnology #SydneyNorthernBeaches
14.01.2022 Are you in Australia and looking to apply for a Partner visa? If you want to stay in Australia and enjoy the rights of those whose visas have already been granted, such as; Medicare, work rights, and to exit and return to the country, then you should lodge your Partner visa as soon as possible. Our Migration Agents are here to assist you. Contact us today!... #DiscoverPacific #MigrationServices #StayinAustralia #SkilledMigration #MigratetoAustralia #PartnerVisa #Australia #PermanentResidency #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
13.01.2022 Did you know that psychologists are included on your Bupa health insurance? Students are eligible to have 10 appointments with100% refund when referred by the GP.... START TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR MENTAL HEALTH TODAY! Contact our team for further information! #DiscoverPacific #PacificCenter #HealthInsurance #StudentsAustralia #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
11.01.2022 Sponsor Your Parent: Are you a settled Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, and want to bring your parent to Australia? There are several types of parent visas, with different timeframes and requirements, depending on your personal situation. It can be difficult to know which option is the best for you. Our friendly and professional migration agents are happy to assist you. ... We can help with the assessment of your eligibility, and the preparation and lodgement of your parent visa application. Contact us today to find out what you may be eligible for! #DiscoverPacific #MigrationServices #ParentSponsor #StayinAustralia #SkilledMigration #MigratetoAustralia #PartnerVisa #Australia #PermanentResidency #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
09.01.2022 8K OFF ON SCHOLARSHIPS!!!! Last call for Higher Education courses in Gold Coast with huge Scholarship discounts (8k OFF). Bachelor courses (Psychological Science, Clinical Sciences (Osteopathic Studies), Business, Accounting, Business in Convention and Event Management, Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management.... Master courses (Social Work (Professional Qualifying), Business Administration, International Tourism and Hotel Management, Professional Accounting, Information Technology. Get in touch today and we will help you with the applications at the University, and also with your Student Visa process, organised by a Registered Migration Agent. Whatsapp: 0406 653 713 TODAY!! #DiscoverPacific #PacificCenter #Australia #ScholarshipsAustralia #MasterinAustralia #BachelorinAustralia #HigherEducationinAustralia #StudyinAustralia #StayinAustralia
07.01.2022 Bem vindos a mais um vídeo da Pacific Center, e este vídeo é pra você que quer morar fora do país e está pensando sobre a Austrália, mas ainda não tem muitas informações sobre este país maravilhoso! No vídeo de hoje, a gabriella Maruyama vai te contar tudo sobre a Austrália, onde fica, quais vistos você vai precisar, quando vir, como é o clima, e o que tem de mais legal para se fazer por aqui! Então não deixe de se inscrever aqui no nosso canal para conferir muitos outros conteúdos sobre a Austrália! Vem com a gente! #PacificCenter #DiscoverPacific #Australia #Morarnaaustralia #EstudarnaAustralia #TrabalharnaAustralia #IntercambioAustralia #TudoSobreaAustralia #CuriosidadesAustralia #Intercambio #MorarForadoBrasil #MorarnoExterior
07.01.2022 E aí pessoal, no vídeo de hoje nossa especialista em intercâmbios Camila vai te contar o por que você deveria escolher a Gold Coast como a cidade do seu intercâmbio aqui na Austrália! Uma cidade com veráo o ano todo, muito surf, segurança e qualidade de vida! Se você está planejando o seu intercâmbio, esse vídeo vai te deixar ainda mais encantado com esse paraíso chamado Gold Coast! Não deixe de assistir, comentar e compartilhar com seus amigos! Vem com a gente! #discoverpacific #studyinaustralia #goldcoast #estudarnaaustralia #morarnaaustralia #studyingoldcoast #studyinsydney #intercambio #intercambioaustralia #pacificcenter
07.01.2022 Subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa Are you recently graduated and looking for an Australian visa? You could be eligible for a subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa. A temporary graduate visa could allow you to live, study, and work in Australia for up to 4 years, depending on your personal situation and qualifications. Our friendly and professional migration experts are happy to assist you with the assessment of your eligibility, and the preparation and lodgement of your 485... application. Contact us today to get started! #DiscoverPacific #MigrationServices #StayinAustralia #485GraduateVisa #SkilledMigration #MigratetoAustralia #Australia #PermanentResidency #BrasileirosnaAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
07.01.2022 E aí pessoal, no vídeo de hoje nossa especialista em intercâmbios Gabriella vai te contar as vantagens de morar aqui na Austrália! Educação, Qualidade de Vida, Multiculturalidade, muitas opções de lugares para viajar e MUITO MAIS! Se você está planejando o seu intercâmbio, esse vídeo vai te ajudar muito! Não deixe de assistir, comentar e compartilhar com seus amigos! Vem com a gente! #discoverpacific #studyinaustralia #goldcoast #sydney #brisbane #perth #melbourne #estudarnaaustralia #morarnaaustralia #studyingoldcoast #studyinsydney #intercambio #intercambioaustralia #pacificcenter
06.01.2022 Olá Pessoal, a Pacific Center preparou mais uma série incrível de vídeos com dicas para você que acabou de chegar na Austrália! TODA QUARTA FEIRA iremos postar dicas de inglês por aqui! No vídeo de hoje te daremos as principais dicas na hora de fazer compras, pagar e provar um produto! Fica ligadinho que a dica de hoje é bem importante! #DiscoverPacific #PacificCenter #DicasdeIngles #AprenderIngles #Secomunicarnagringa #FalarIngles #InglesAustraliano #InglesBasico #Intercambio #EstudenaAustralia #Pronuncia #InglêsAustraliano #ComprasemIngles #BrasileirosnaAustralia #BrasileirosemSydney #BrasileirospeloMundo #Viajar #Amoviajar
06.01.2022 GREAT PROMOTION OF SCHOLARSHIP IN SYDNEY, BRISBANE, ADELAIDE OR PERTH! Get a total discount of 10,800 AUD enrolling with Pacific Center and be eligible to apply for the 485 VISA! Do not miss this great opportunity to invest in your future, contact our team today! ... #DiscoverPacific #DiscoverAustralia #StudyinAustralia #StudyinPerth #StudyinSydney #StudyinAdelaide #StudyinBrisbane #HigherEducation #BrasileirosnaAustralia #BrasileirosemSydney #BrasileirosemBrisbane #BrasileirosemAdelaide #BrasileirosemPerth #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #BackpackersinAustralia
05.01.2022 Do you often find yourself fantasizing about getting out of everyday life and doing something releasing? Something, that is unusual, unexpected and out of the ordinary? Now imagine yourself surfing on the sunrise, you look towards the eternal ocean surface and stare at the rhythm and energy of waves, your fast-beating heart slowly calms down and your breathing turns to be tranquil. In Australia, this lifestyle is completely possible and very common among the Aussies, why ...not to try tomorrow? Wake up and go catch some waves! #DiscoverPacific #DiscoverAustralia #PacificCenter #Sunrise #Surf #Australia #Beachlovers #SurfinAustralia #LiveinAustralia #WorkonAustralia #AustraliaLifestyle
05.01.2022 EXCLUSIVE HUGE PROMOTION!!! Study Diploma of Business or Information Technology in Sydney for only AUD 1000 per term! Do not miss this amazing opportunity to invest on your future in Australia, contact our team today! ... #DiscoverPacific #DiscoverAustralia #VocationalCourseAustralia #Business #InformationTechnology #ITAustralia #LatinosenAustralia #ItalianiaAustralia #ItalianiaSydney #LatinosenSydney #BrasileirosemSydney #BrasileirosnaAustralia
04.01.2022 Bem vindos a mais um vídeo da Pacific Center, mais uma vez com as nossas dicas de inglês! E no vídeo de hoje, estamos começando um formato novo, onde quem decide a resposta é você! Está pronto para descobrir se estas frases estão certas ou erradas em inglês? Então vem com a gente! #PacificCenter #DicasdeIngles #CertoouErrado #InglesOnline #InglesBasico #Inglesiniciante #InglesAustralia #AprenderIngles #Dicasdeingles #Australia #EstudenaAustralia #MorenaAustralia #IntercambioAustralia
04.01.2022 Sydney is surrounded by water, and the sparkly azure waters of Sydney Harbour are some of the most picture-perfect. With more than 200km of harbour foreshore. It can make the difference between a fantastic day out and a day that’s just kind of ok. Sydney’s weather is spectacular at best, and pleasant, moderate, yet still with four seasons that kind oflazily give way to each other, at worst. Move here and you’ll quickly grow accustomed to generous, lengthy summers, mild winters and sunny days! #PacificCenter #Australia #DiscoverAustralia #StudyinAustralia #WorkinAustralia #LiveinAustralia #LiveAbroad #WhySydney #LoveSydney #SydneyAustralia #SydneyOperaHouse
03.01.2022 E aí pessoal, no vídeo de hoje nossa especialista em intercâmbios Gabriela Maruyama vai te contar tudo sobre o transporte público em Sydney para você que quer vir para a Austrália ja chegar se localizando durante o seu intercâmbio! Se você está planejando o seu intercâmbio, esse vídeo pode ser muito útil para você entender exatamente como funciona o transporte em Sydney! Não deixe de assistir, comentar e compartilhar com seus amigos! Vem com a gente!... #DiscoverPacific #PacificCenter #StayinAustralia #estudarnaaustralia #transporteemsydney #sobresydney #brasileirosnaaustralia #brasileirosemsydney #latinosenaustralia #brasileirospelomundo #sydneytransporte #futuronaaustralia #intercambio #tudosobreaustralia
03.01.2022 Dear Clients, our General Manager Gabi is away for the week, from today until next Monday. She will be back next week to give you all the support, meanwhile, count with our experienced team to assist you with any matter. Do not hesitate in contact us! [email protected] | +61 406 653 713... #DiscoverPacific #DiscoverAustralia #PacificCenter #StudyinAustralia #LiveinAustralia #LiveAbroad
02.01.2022 GREAT PROMOTION OF SCHOLARSHIP ON THE GOLD COAST! Save up to 8,000 AUD per year enrolling with Pacific Center and be eligible to apply for the 485 VISA! Do not miss this great opportunity to invest in your future, contact our team today! ... #DiscoverPacific #DiscoverAustralia #Studyinaustralia #StudyinGoldCoast #HigherEducation #GoldCoast #BrasileirosnaAustralia #BrasileirosemGoldCoast #LatinosenAustralia #LatinosenGoldCoast #ItalianiaGoldCoast #BackpackersinGoldCoast
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