Palm and Cycad Society of Australia | Businesses
Palm and Cycad Society of Australia
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23.01.2022 Livistona lanuginosa, the Cape River Fan Palm. A grove of cultivated plants, opposite Townsville Central State School, Queensland
21.01.2022 Part of the Palm Sales area. Come and get 'em.
21.01.2022 Walking stick palms, Lindospadix monostachyos, near Coffs Harbour, NSW
20.01.2022 Palms & Cycads Magazine - new issue now available. Members can view or download at
20.01.2022 The least loved and least grown of the east coast Livistonas is L. muelleri. Very slow growing and impossible to transplant, it was once common around Cairns in low lying coastal areas. Though its habitat is being replaced by subdivisions and parking lots, you can still find the odd one on the fringes if the city. This trio is near Trinity Beach.
20.01.2022 The beautiful scaly fruit of Raphia farinifera. Scale covered fruits are characteristic of several closely related Palm genera, including Metroxylon, Pigafetta, Salacca, Mauritia and all 12 genera of rattans.
19.01.2022 Ptychosperma sanderianum, at Mt. Cootha, Queensland. One of the many beautiful clumping species.
18.01.2022 Two aged examples of Howea forsteriana, in the forecourt of the Customs House, Brisbane.
17.01.2022 Check out this beautiful new Palm book by renowned Australian botanist John L. Dowe. Now available from Berlin Botanic Gardens online shop. Cost is only 25 euro plus shipping. Soft cover, 137 Pages, 18 x 25 cm, numerous colour and black and white illustrations. Order at:
17.01.2022 Livistona australis, Mt Cootha Forest Park, Queensland
16.01.2022 Palms, palms and more palms. Natives, tall growers, dwarf palms, sun loving feature palms, shade lovers - we'll have them all at our Sale this weekend Mar 7-8 and Mount Cootha Botanic Gardens, Brisbane.
15.01.2022 Mt. Cootha, Brisbane March 7-8, 2020 9am to 4pm
15.01.2022 A short tour of Townsville’s magnificent Palmetum. Other botanic gardens may have more species, but the Palmetum is unmatched when it comes to presentation, spacing, labelling, and mix of palms from all habitats from swamp to savannah to rainforest.
15.01.2022 Licuala orbicularis, in the conservatory at Cairns Botanic Gardens.
15.01.2022 Reminder to members in SE Queensland, there is a meeting of the Brisbane Branch tonight 7:30 at Milton State School, Bayswater St, Milton. Anthony van Herwaarden will be giving a slide show of botanical highlights of his recent travels to NZ, China etc.
15.01.2022 Johannesteijsmannia altifrons, Penang Botanic Gardens, Malaysia
14.01.2022 Some very bendy dwarf date palms Phoenix roebellini at the Rockhampton Botanic gardens. I wonder what caused this odd growth habit?
14.01.2022 Chamaedorea tepejilote 3 months after hand-pollination
13.01.2022 Kerriodoxa elegans, thriving in a shady spot under an overpass. Roma Street Parklands, Brisbane QLD
12.01.2022 Livistona australis and Archontophoenix cunninghammiana in habitat, Mt. Nebo, Queensland
12.01.2022 A young plant of Tahina spectabilis, at Cairns Botanic Gardens. The massive leaves will eventually grow up to 5 meters across. Discovered in 2007, there are only a hundred individual plants in the wild in northwest Madagascar.
11.01.2022 Arenga australasica, growing on pure coral sand on Green Island off Cairns. This palm is fairly common bordering beaches in far North Queensland and in Edmund Kennedy National Park
11.01.2022 PALM SPECIES FOR SALE THIS WEEKEND Allagoptera arenaria Areca catechu Areca vestiaria orange form Areca vestiaria red form... Arenga engleri Arenga pinnatifrons Beccariophoenix fenestris Bentickia nicobarica Bismarckia nobilis Brassiophoenix schumanii Burretiokentia hapala Coccothrinax argenta Calyptrocalyx hollrungii Calyptrocalyx sp. Carpoxylon macrospermum? Caryota gigas Caryota kiriwangensis Caryota monosastchya Cayota mitis Caryota obtusa Chamaedora alternana Chamaedora benzoi Chamaedora cataractarum Chamaedora elatior Chamaedora ernesti-augusti Chamaedora glaucifolia Chamaedora hooperiana Chamaedora klotchiana Chamaedora linearis Chamaedora metallica Chamaedora neruochlamys Chamaedora plumosa Chamaedora seifrizii Chamaedora stolonifera Chamaedora tennella Chamaedora tepijilote Chamaedorea hookeri Chamaedorea oblongota Chamaedorea warscewiziana Chamaerops cerifera Chambeyronia hookeri Chambeyronia macrocarpa Charaedorea radicalis Chyphoenix nucele Coccotghix borhidiana Coccotghrinax alta Coccothrix gundlachi Cocos nucifera Copernicia beteronea Copernicia macroglossa Cycas cairnsiana Cyphophoenix elegans Cyphophoenix nucele Dictysperma conjugedum Dransfieldia micrantha Dypsis St. Lucia Dypsis ampavindra Dypsis arenarum Dypsis baronii Dypsis basilonga Dypsis basilonga Dypsis bejofo Dypsis bijopa sp. Dypsis cabadae 'blue' Dypsis carlsmithii Dypsis hovomantsina Dypsis leptocheilos Dypsis lutescens solitary Dypsis mahajaonga Dypsis mananjaneis Dypsis marabilis Dypsis mayotte Dypsis nauseosa Dypsis ovotontsira Dypsis pembana x leptocheilos Dypsis pembana Dypsis plumosa Dypsis robusta Dypsis rosea Dypsis scottiana Gaussia maya Howea belmoreana Howea forsteriana Hydriastele 'obi' Hydriastele affinis Hyophorbe indica Hyophorbe lagenicauils Hyophorbe verschaffelti Johannesteijsmannia altifrons Kentiopsis oliviformis Kerriodoxa elegans Latania lontaroides Lepidozamia hopeii Licuala 'elegans' Licuala micrantha g Licuala ramsayi Licuala spinosa Livistona australia 'eungella' Livistona decora Livistona drudei Livistona drudei Livistona eastonii Livistona rigida Lytocaryum insignis Lytocaryum weddelanianum Normanbya normanbyi Pelagodoxa henryana Phoenix dactylifera Phoenix reclinata Phoenix roebilleini Phoenix sylvestris Pinanga 'puruple crown' Pinanga coronata Pinanga kuhulii Ponapea hentyi Prestoeia acuminata Pritchardia hildebrandtii Pritchardia thurstonii Pritcharida 'super blue' Ptychosperma caryotoides Ptychosperma elegans Ptychosperma macarthurii Raphis humilis Ravenea hildebrandti Sabal mauritiformis Sabal palmetto Schippia concolor Serenoa repens Syagrus schizophylla x coronata Syagrus schyziphylla Thrinax parvilora Thrinax radiata Veitchia filifm Verschafelltia splendida Wallichia disticha Wodyetia birfurcata See more
09.01.2022 The diminutive Cycad Bowenia spectabilis, in habitat, Djiru National Park, near Mission Beach, Queensland.
09.01.2022 Got some palms or cycads to sell? Why not bring them to the PACSOA annual show and sale in Brisbane, March 6-7. This event is eagerly anticipated by enthusiasts and collectors. Whether you have 5 plants or 500, seedlings or advanced, you are welcome to sell them at our event. Contact Mark 0436 029 325 or email [email protected] for information.
08.01.2022 All is in readiness for the Palm & Cycad extravaganza this week Weekend at Mt. Cootha! Come and check out the beauty and elegance of palms and cycads. Big display area, hundreds of species for sale, friendly advice. Door open 9am Saturday.
08.01.2022 CYCAD SPECIES ON SALE THIS WEEKEND Bowenia spectabilis Bowenia serrulata Ceratozamia kuesteriana... Ceratozamia latifolia Ceratozamia mexicana Ceratozamia robusta 'belize' Ceratozamia 'santiago-tuxle' Cycas candia Cycas couttsiana Cycas debaoensis Cycas hainanensis Cycas lindtromii x trpophylla Cycas media Cycas media Mt. Morgan Cycas megacarpa Cycas multipinnata Cycas ophilitica Cycas panzhihuaensis Cycas platyphylla Cycas sexseminifera Cycas tawaniana Cycas tropophylla Dioon califanoi Dioon edule Dioon merolae Dioon spinulosum Dioon sp. Quettaro Encephalartos munchii Encelphalartos ferox Encelphalartos grattus Encelphalartos trispinosus Encelphalartos villosus Encelphalartos woodii x natalensis Encephalartos senticosus Macrozamia cardiacensis Macrozamia communis Macrozamia douglasii Macrozamia elegans Macrozamia fawcetti Macrozamia glaucophylla Macrozamia johnsonii Macrozamia longispina Macrozamia lucida Macrozamia moorie Macrozamia mountperriensis Macrozamia polymorpha Macrozamia riedlii Macrozamia serpentina Zamia angustifolia Zamia encephaloides Zamia erosa Zamia inermis Zamia integrifolia Zamia latifolia Zamia loddigesii Zamia nana Zamia p icta Zamia pumila Zamia purpurea Zamia spartea Zamia splendens Zamia standleyi Zamia tuerhemnii Zamia vazquezii Zamia variegata
08.01.2022 The native weeping fan palm Livistona decora used in landscaping, Brisbane. Very under used I think; it is slender, attractive, drought hardy and reasonably fast growing.
07.01.2022 Great garden visit last weekend to the home of Philip Arrowsmith in inner western Brisbane. Philip has been there for 39 years and has amassed a stunning collection of palms, orchids, cycads, bromeliads and much more. The recent rains have brought Queensland gardens to life, and Philip's really shone. Join the Palm & Cycad Society to experience some of Australia's best private gardens.
06.01.2022 Only 1 week to go until our Annual Show and Sale. If you are in SE Queensland next weekend, why not stop in at Mt. Cootha Botanic gardens. We'll have hundreds of species for sale at great prices, with cultivation experts on hand to help you find the perfect plant for any garden situation.
06.01.2022 Some photos of last weekend's visit to the garden of Klaus Sietas in Camira, Qld. Wow! A stunning collection of cycads, palms, broms, succulents, orchids and much more, lovingly grown over 40 years at his half-acre property. More than one member commented on this being one of the best gardens we've ever been to. Many thanks to Klaus and his wife for hosting us.
06.01.2022 This palm must be close to setting a record for longevity. It is a Phoenix sylvestris, planted in 1864, making it 156 years old. Brisbane Botanic Gardens, QLD.
06.01.2022 Some of the stunning Cycads in our display area. Many of these species are for sale at Mt Cootha this weekend.
05.01.2022 Livistona drudei, at Hen Camp Creek, north of Townsville, Queensland. This species has a more compact growing habit than L. decora, and on young plants the leaves are less deeply divided. Its natural range is quite small, and is usually found in low swampy coastal areas along creeks, often in company with Melaleuca. The population along Hen Camp Creek is on private land is not protected.
05.01.2022 Licuala gracilis, Townsville Palmetum. This slender Licuala is native to moderate altitude rainforests on Sumatra and western Java. It is a slow grower; this specimen was planted in 1986!
05.01.2022 The Fan Palm Walk in Djiru National Park near Mission Beach is one of the richest short walks in all of Australia for native palms and cycads. The grove of Licuala ramsayi with their stunning pinwheel leaves are the main attraction, but you will also find the slender Hydriastele wendlandiana, Linospadix minor, Alexandras, and two rattans- Calamus australis and C. moti. The cycad Bowenia spectabilis is abundant, and there are a few tall specimens of Lepidozamia hopei. Ferns, Pandanus and rainforest trees abound. And finally there is a good chance of spotting cassowaries- we saw one just last week on the track.
01.01.2022 Less than 2 weeks to go until our big plant sale and show on March 6-7 at Mt. Cootha. Hundreds of species of Cycads and Palms for sale, from shade loving rain forest dwellers to sun living feature plants. Sale starts Saturday March 6 at 9am.
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