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Phil Austin: Osteopath in Sydney, Australia | Medical and health

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Phil Austin: Osteopath

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9356 0495

Address: St Lukes Clinic, 20 Roslyn Street 2011 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Having meaning and purpose in life is one of the most significant predictors for long-term improvement in persistent pain conditions. For more information on this new area of pain management message me on Facebook

24.01.2022 Weve just had some of our previous work on meaning-based pain programs published as a book chapter in this new publication

24.01.2022 Looking forward to presenting work on the mechanisms and management of chronic visceral pain to the Italian Osteopathic Register this weekend

24.01.2022 After 5 years of work, we are delighted to have published our work developing a questionnaire that assesses symptoms and behaviours reflecting altered central pain processing. Hopefully, it will help guide more quickly appropriate management for people presenting with chronic pain conditions. #HammondCare,

24.01.2022 Looking forward to working with the manual therapy community in Riyadh in March.

23.01.2022 A great morning virtually presenting a virtual reality presentation at the San Diego Pain Summit #sandiegopainsummit

23.01.2022 A wonderful time presenting to and working with research-minded osteopaths at the COME Collaboration #QUANTUMGLOBAL2019

21.01.2022 Poor sleep and pain go hand in hand. People often find it difficult to sleep due to mood, sleep apnoea, late night screen use and not being able to mentally switch off. Poor sleep makes us more sensitive to pain in part due to muscle tension that builds up during the night in relation not only the above reasons for not being able to sleep, but also the frustration of not being able to sleep.... Alternatively, people with persistent pain find it difficult to sleep where they are unable to get comfortable due to pain. This has the effect of increasing anxiety and depression, further increasing muscle tension and of course pain severity. There are many ways to improve sleep, much of which can be found at the link below. If you are unsure about how much sleep you get due to sleep apnoea you can also take a quick questionnaire in the other link below.

21.01.2022 Pain catastrophising is exaggerated pain severity to an actual or anticipated painful experience and is very a poor predictor for positive responses to treatment. Pain severity is greater at manual therapy consultations Strong associations with negative mood Low chance of pain reduction with osteopathy... However, people who catastrophise about pain respond really well to pain education in combination with osteopathy For more information send a message

21.01.2022 The shoulder is flexible, capable of heavy lifting and working in many different positions. Not surprisingly,, shoulder pain is common in those with jobs involving combinations of overhead work, heavy loads, vibration, forceful work and repetition. A common problem resulting from these work conditions is subacromial bursitis (inflammation of a fluid filled sack sitting between bone and contracting muscle). This is normally non-traumatic and comes on gradually where pain is ...felt over the front and outside of the shoulder, especially when lifting the arm. Once more serious muscle and ligament tears have been ruled out, simple advice, changes in work practice and manual therapy are usually all that are needed. For more information go to

21.01.2022 Great new website for St Luke's Care showcasing a whole range of medical and allied health disciplines

20.01.2022 Great news on our recent article highlighting the need for research into the effects of virtual reality on persistent cancer pain.

20.01.2022 Looking forward to presenting a couple of research posters at the Oceanic Palliative Care Conference in Perth.

19.01.2022 The jaw or TMJ joint is one of the most complex joints in the body and plays an important role in head, neck and shoulder systems. Altered neck and shoulder function due to injury, wear and tear and especially stress/anxiety that includes teeth grinding and clenching have significant effects on the TMJ joint that cause persistent symptoms that effect quality of life and wellbeing such as jaw pain... headaches jaw clicking and popping earache and popping sounds stiff or sore jaw and neck muscles locking of the jaw joint For more information visit us on

19.01.2022 Really pleased to get our first VR and pain study published with some interesting results where a person's level of immersion in a VR environment predicts the amount of neuropathic pain relief in people with spinal cord injury

19.01.2022 "Self-efficacy" refers to a persons confidence to complete tasks or goals. Concerning chronic pain, low self-efficacy results with Beliefs that tasks are harder than they actually are Avoidance of tasks, goals or exercise Linked with increased pain severity and distress Poor chances of pain reduction with manual therapy treatment... However, education on chronic pain flare-ups not being a sign of damage, but more related to sensitive nerves together with encouragement to be more proactive with everyday tasks and rehabilitation work really well in combination with manual therapy. Tell us what you think or send a message for more information

19.01.2022 People with chronic pain use many mental and behavioural strategies to cope with their pain, many of which include spiritual and religious factors. Spiritual and religious practices are shown to help many people manage their pain, where for example their faith, not only in a higher being, but in family, friends and healthcare professionals is shown to be a strong predictor for pain relief during pain management programs. As such, its important for people in healthcare to n...ot only be aware of these factors, but additionally have ability to recognise spiritual distress, a common issue in many chronic pain patients. for more detail give us your thoughts or check out an article we published last year

18.01.2022 Tension headaches originate from muscles and joints in the neck and shoulders and are the most common form of primary headache. They are not life-threatening and are usually caused by poor work-related posture, stress or neck injuries such as whiplash. Very often, self-management skills such as work posture, regular work breaks with simple exercises, sleep position assessment and stress awareness work really well in keeping tension headaches at bay. In complement, osteopath treatments include soft tissue massage and joint mobilisation techniques. These aim to improve joint function and blood circulation to and from the from the head and neck. If you experience frequent tension headaches, keep a diary to try to identify what may causing them.

18.01.2022 Often wonder why we get pain and tingling in the arm? This illustration nicely shows how mechanical problems in the neck, shoulder and upper chest can affect nerves running down into the arm. Wear and tear and disc problems the neck or injuries where the arm is forcefully stretched in sport or vehicle accidents can cause injury, pressure or impingement to some or all of this set of nerves called the brachial plexus depending on the nature of the problem.... Repetitive strain injuries to the shoulder and upper chest due to carrying bags, working on assembly lines or keyboards also affect this set of nerves. In most cases, simple stretch, strength or postural advice in conjunction with manual therapy help alleviate these often debilitating symptoms.

18.01.2022 A nice summary of our VR work at HammondCare

18.01.2022 A bit strange and a bit chuffed being on a front cover of HammondCare's Annual Research Report.... #HammondCare

17.01.2022 Better safe than sorry. Recommended for all

17.01.2022 A wonderful interview on ABCs Conversations with my wonderful colleague Rebecca Mccabe on her life that embraces a phrase from her book, "finding hope where it hurts"

16.01.2022 Thrilled with the new business logo and card design, well worth the time and effort.

16.01.2022 Osteoarthritis is an ageing process that causes pain, swelling and most often joint stiffness. This is due to the wear and tear and eventual breakdown of cartilage that leads to bones in the joint rubbing together. Osteopathic treatments help to relieve pressure on affected joints. For more information send me a message on Facebook

16.01.2022 Looking forward to speaking at the San Diego Virtual Pain Summit between the 23rd and 25th of October, coincidently presenting work on the effects of virtual reality and chronic pain. Given the virtual nature of this conference, it is great opportunity to listen to some great speakers in the field of chronic pain, especially concerning allied health. Bring on the chat rooms ... See more

16.01.2022 Poor sleep and pain go hand in hand. People often find it difficult to sleep due to mood, sleep apnoea, late night screen use and not being able to mentally switch off. Poor sleep makes us more sensitive to pain in part due to muscle tension that builds up during the night in relation not only the above reasons for not being able to sleep, but also the frustration of not being able to sleep.... Alternatively, people with persistent pain find it difficult to sleep where they are unable to get comfortable due to pain. This has the effect of increasing anxiety and depression, further increasing muscle tension and of course pain severity. There are many ways to improve sleep, much of which can be found at the link below. If you are unsure about how much sleep you get due to sleep apnoea you can also take a quick questionnaire in the other link below.

15.01.2022 The jam jar analogy recently highlighted by Jehannine Austin as a tool to show why some people suffer with depression may also be useful in people with chronic pain. Like depression, chronic pain results from a combination of genetics and adverse experiences (job, family stress, injury) that cause prolonged stress and discomfort. As can be seen from Jehannines diagram, if your jam jar becomes full with these factors, there is no room left at the top and thus, no room for a c...apacity to cope. Using this analogy, at St Lukes Clinic, patients are now seeing the benefits of both physical and psychological strategies in reducing the severity and effects of chronic pain on daily life.

14.01.2022 A steep learning curve with palliative care research. Meeting interesting people with great ideas

13.01.2022 Some great advice from my colleague Dr Raj Anand concerning COVID-19. it is time to think what can we all do and even importantly what not to do Do list... Smile Breathe Live Stock up for a fortnight. Know there are online shops Call friends & family Organise video-parties & celebrations Stick your medications Organise local support team Not to do list Smoke Go out when told to isolate Sit in your bed and look at your mobile all day It is critical times But it is critical not to be overpowered by fear overwhelmed by the unknown Simple things first Wash your hands Keep away when you can If not keep your distance - how far? 6 feet

13.01.2022 Looking forward to presenting current evidence for mechanisms and treatment for chronic visceral pain next month.

12.01.2022 Pain flare-ups are episodes of intense pain which is felt more severely than day-to-day chronic pain. Flare-ups may last hours, days or weeks where there is no set pattern. They often come on quickly and without much warning and as such are worrying and difficult to cope with. Pain flare ups are rarely relate to tissue damage, but more a response to a change in posture, movement or to fatigue or stress. Pain flare ups are well managed with relaxation, changes in activity (e....g. doing too much) and most importantly, knowledge that tissue damage is not the cause. Education in this and other areas of chronic pain help people gain more control over their pain, something that is invaluable in the long-term.

11.01.2022 Problems in the sacroiliac (SI) joint not only cause pain and discomfort in local areas such as the buttock, hip and low back but also more distant areas such as the legs and lower ribs. This is due to muscle, ligament and connective tissue links between the SI joint and these areas whose functions become compromised if the SI joint function becomes restricted. Commonly, these issues are caused by sedentary work and home-related posture, birthing processes and previous traum...a. These disorders can be easily treated using manual therapy for quick relief and exercise prescription to help maintain SI joint mobility

11.01.2022 The term "central sensitisation" refers to increased pain sensitivity in the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain) to painful and even non-painful events. This can occur with repeated pain inputs from a musculoskeletal injury for example where synapses (gates) in the spinal cord become more sensitive over time and often remain sensitised when the injury has resolved. People get anxious that their pain remains even though they are told that their injury is now OK. Un...fortunately, anxiousness and stress stimulate the brain to send signals down to spinal cord synapses to maintain and even increase pain sensitivity over time. Gate openers = poor sleep, anxiety, fear, pain catastrophising and hypervigilance. Gate closers = good sleep, distraction, relaxation, exercise, helpful thoughts (less fear, anxiety)

10.01.2022 Mindfulness techniques help us to accept persistent pain, reduce stress and neutralise suffering However, combining mindfulness and exercise not only increase the benefit of your workout but also: Reduced pain severity Decreases chance of injury OR re-injury... Decreases pain-related anxiety and depression increases stronger understanding of your body For more information on taking control of you pain go to or call 02 9356 0495

09.01.2022 Often wonder why we get pain and tingling in the arm? This illustration nicely shows how mechanical problems in the neck, shoulder and upper chest can affect nerves running down into the arm. Wear and tear and disc problems the neck or injuries where the arm is forcefully stretched in sport or vehicle accidents can cause injury, pressure or impingement to some or all of this set of nerves called the brachial plexus depending on the nature of the problem.... Repetitive strain injuries to the shoulder and upper chest due to carrying bags, working on assembly lines or keyboards also affect this set of nerves. In most cases, simple stretch, strength or postural advice in conjunction with manual therapy help alleviate these often debilitating symptoms.

09.01.2022 A wonderful interview on ABC's Conversations with my wonderful colleague Rebecca Mccabe on her life that embraces a phrase from her book, "finding hope where it hurts"

08.01.2022 Great news from #handspringpublishing on the recent translation of the chronic pain book to Arabic.

08.01.2022 As there are no "gold-standard" diagnostic tests for Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), it is diagnosed by a group of symptoms including abdominal pain, bloating and changes in bowel habit. There are strong links between the gut and the emotional/cognitve brain, thus, psychological stress is an important factor in the development of irritable bowel syndrome. Good examples of this brain-gut link refer to phrases such as " I have butterflies in my stomach", my stomach was tied up knots", or "I have a gut feeling. I am presenting work on combined psychological and manual therapy approaches to IBS this week at the COME collaborative conference in Catania this week, so feel free to add to this fascinating topic

07.01.2022 Prolonged computer work often leads to overuse injuries causing neck and back pain, arm and wrist pain as well as headaches. You can avoid these issues with simple changes to your workspace, taking regular breaks and simple-to-do exercises that help reduce pain, keep you mobile and help with posture. For more information, or to add to the discussion add a post

07.01.2022 Pain that persists without any apparent reason is both frustrating, stressful and in many cases debilitating. As such constant pain often: Interferes with work and social life Disturbs your sleep Makes you irritated and anxious Leads to lethargy and poor concentration... Over-the-counter medication gives no relief. For information on why pain often persists when youve been told everything is OK, send me a message on Facebook.

07.01.2022 Long-term computers work causes inflammation of tendons of the shoulder joint that leads to pain and weakness, especially on movement and during sleep. This often debilitating problem is quickly and successfully treated with: Manual therapy for muscle and joint stiffness Simple exercises to increase strength on weakened muscles Simple advice on work ergonomics and sleep position... For an appointment call 02 9356 0495 or visit See more

07.01.2022 A great morning virtually presenting a virtual reality presentation at the San Diego Pain Summit #sandiegopainsummit

07.01.2022 Pain catastrophising is the tendency to magnify the threat of a pain episode and to feel helpless in the presence of pain. There is also an inability to prevent or reduce pain-related thoughts in anticipation of, during, or following a painful event. Pain severity is greater at healthcare consultations Strong associations with negative mood... Low chance of pain reduction with only manual therapy However, people who catastrophise about pain respond really well to pain education in combination with manual therapy and exercise For more information send a message

05.01.2022 Key features of pains that are felt in the musculoskeletal system but are driven by altered central nervous system pain processing Pain is widespread Pain is triggered by things that are not normally painful Pain is unpredictable / life of their own Increased sensitivity to sound/light/touch... Changes in mood (anxiety/depression) Unrefreshed sleep Poor concentration Fatigue Image - James Steinberg

04.01.2022 Pain x Resistance = Suffering Pain suffering is magnified by the extent to which we believe that pain shouldnt exist. ... And we can only stop suffering when we stop resisting reality. This means accepting that pain is not being driven by muscles, joints or organs such as the stomach, and intestines etc, but more the brain and central nervous system that have been sensitised by previous injury / events.... So instead of wishing for something different, acceptance allows lower levels of pain, pain-related disability and psychological distress and most importantly, maximise effective treatment and self-management.

04.01.2022 A bit strange and a bit chuffed being on a front cover of HammondCares Annual Research Report.... #HammondCare

04.01.2022 Looking forward to speaking at the San Diego Virtual Pain Summit between the 23rd and 25th of October, coincidently presenting work on the effects of virtual reality and chronic pain. Given the virtual nature of this conference, it is great opportunity to listen to some great speakers in the field of chronic pain, especially concerning allied health. Bring on the chat rooms ... See more

03.01.2022 We've just had some of our previous work on meaning-based pain programs published as a book chapter in this new publication

03.01.2022 Higher levels of meaning and purpose show strong links with greater reductions in pain severity and better psychological function in people with chronic pain. Meaning-based treatment goals include: Reducing pain catastrophising and fear through pain education Rediscovering personal passions and strengths... Therapeutic touch of manual therapy Meaningful exercise and mindfulness techniques For more information go to 02 9356 0456 or visit #StLukesCare #HammondCare

03.01.2022 Some great exposure on Channel Nine news on our virtual reality research, 38 minutes in

03.01.2022 Ive never felt easy doing interviews, but really enjoyed my talk on Matthew Walldens podcast where we discuss the important roles of meaning and resiliance in people with persistent pain

02.01.2022 The power of stepping back applies to many different aspects of our lives. It also applies to our potential to step back from the severity of persistent pain to accept, re-evaluate and make plans to move forward.

02.01.2022 Suffering with neck pain and headaches at work is very often avoidable with A few fine tweaks to work-station and body position Work-specific strength and postural exercises Advice concerning workload and sleep management... For an appointment and/or more information visit us at #StLukesClinic

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