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25.01.2022 Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Bundaberg (QLD), like to provide our enrolled children with a variety of 'Fun Day' dress ups, and today we celebrated the first days of summer by having a Hawaiian Day. Educators and children attended the Centre sporting bright tropical attire, and took part in water play, and making their own Hawaiian pizzas. Thinking of joining our Paisley Park family? Why not pop in and have a chat about what we can offer. #PaisleyParkBundaberg #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners #NQSQA5Relationships Read less

24.01.2022 Here at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Maryborough QLD, we are passionate about instilling healthy eating habits from an early age. As we celebrate World Food Day today, our Einstein children are picking herbs from our vegetable garden which will be used in today's Spring Menu lunch. #PaisleyparkMaryboroughQLD #EYLFOutcome3Wellbeing #NQSQA2HealthSaftey

23.01.2022 Today at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Royal Park SA, the children had fun exploring our beautiful herb garden. They enjoy smelling and feeling the different textures of herbs and said the mint smelt like toothpaste, and the rosemary smelt delicious. Some herbs the children collected were presented to Chef Lisa to be used in today's lunch, while the rest are available for families to take home. Exploring nature provides opportunities for discovery, and interacting in our natural environment allows children to learn by doing and experimenting with ideas. #PaisleyParkRoyalPark #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners #NQSAQAPhysicalEnviornment

23.01.2022 The Mozart children at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Brookvale (NSW), love exploring their outdoor spaces. Challenging their gross motor skills and expanding their physical capabilities, our adaptable obstacle course is a class favourite! #PaisleyParkBrookvale #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners #NQSQA1ProgramPractice

21.01.2022 Healthy eating is an important part of our philosophy at Paisley Park, and recently at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Sale (VIC), the Picasso and Einstein children helped harvest amazing fresh beetroot from our vegetable garden. The children washed and prepared the beetroot for Chef Jenna to use in her Beetroot Risotto. As they sat down for lunch, the children were very excited to discover the beetroot they harvested in this delicious dish. #PaisleyParkSale #NQSQA2HealthSafety #EYLFOutcome3Wellbeing

19.01.2022 Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Bundaberg QLD, is thrilled to welcome Kathryn to our dynamic team. Kathryn brings to our Centre knowledge, experience and many creative resources. She says The best thing about Early Childhood Education is watching the children learn and grow. Kathryn is looking forward to getting to know our families, so please feel free to say 'hello' and have a chat next time you visit. #PaisleyParkBundaberg #EYLFOutcome3 #NQSQA4StaffingArrangements

17.01.2022 Today Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Mt Barker (SA) celebrated World Kindness Day. The Educators chatted with the children about what they believe acts of kindness are. Some children helped to pump our water pump to wash sand off their friends' feet, others held hands while walking to lunch, and our younger children hand painted a kindness tree. World Kindness Day is about making the world a better place by celebrating and promoting good deeds and pledging acts of kindness. #PaisleyParkMtBarker #EYLFOutcome3Wellbeing #NQSQA5Relationships

16.01.2022 Today Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Tinana QLD, celebrated World Food Day. The children had the opportunity to explore their taste buds as our Chef Miss Amanda prepared a French Morning Tea, a Slovakian Lunch and a Mexican Afternoon Tea. We enjoyed having discussions about the different foods and countries where they came from. We extended on this experience throughout the day by learning about different countries around the world, and exploring cultures and traditional foods. #PaisleyParkTinana #EYLFOutcome2Community #NQSQA2HealthSafety

16.01.2022 Here at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Chadstone (VIC), we are lucky to have 5 fantastic Early Childhood Teachers working with us. They have an abundance of knowledge and teaching experience. This helps the children in the Picasso and Einstein rooms to develop the skills they need to start school, and foster confidence in taking the next step into their learning journey. #PaisleyParkChadstone #NQSQA4StaffingArrangements #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners

14.01.2022 At Paisley Park Early Learning Port Adelaide (SA), we have been looking closely at the diversity within our classrooms with a special focus on family culture. After reviewing information about our families, we have begun exploring our parent’s jobs, favourite family meals, cultural beliefs, and favourite bonding activities, through a series of programmed learning experiences. Our aim is to deepen our children’s sense of identity and belonging within our Centre. #PaisleyParkPortAdelaide #EYLFOutcome1Identity #NQSQA1ProgramPractice

13.01.2022 At Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Port Adelaide SA, the children have been exploring our veggie and herb gardens. Today we extended on this through a cooking experience with Chef Irene. The children collected thyme, parsley, mint and oregano from our garden to smell and taste before helping to mix the herbs with butter and spreading onto bread for herb toast. What a delicious treat to engage our senses. #PaisleyParkPortAdelaide #EYLFOutcome3Wellbeing #NQSQA2HealthSafety

11.01.2022 This morning Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Playford (SA), hosted a Baby Sensory session. We welcomed families from our local community and provided a sensory enriched space for babies to discover. The children spent time exploring the properties and functions of various sensory blocks and balls, engaging with playdough and kinetic sand, and many other texturally exciting resources. What a great morning it was, and a wonderful opportunity to showcase our nurturing learning spaces, and connect with our community. #EYLFOutcome2Community #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners #NQSQA6Community

11.01.2022 Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Playford SA, is lucky to have Sam join our team. Sam started with us in June and quickly become a valued team member. You will find her in our Darwin Room, where she has already built strong bonds with the children and families, as she continues to further her knowledge, skills, and abilities within her role. Sam says I chose to work at Paisley Park because of their welcoming and supportive environment, and mentorship from the Educators. I look forward to developing my skills, supporting my team, and fueling my passion for playing a role in children's development and growth." #PaisleyParkPLAYFORD #EYLFOutcome2Community #NQSQA4StaffingArrangements

10.01.2022 Today at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Royal Park SA, the children have been continuing to explore cultures from around the world, and where we come from. They explored the world map with their atlas and pointed to different countries, one of the children said ‘ that’s like my family smiling and looking at the the children and our Educator. Learning about cultures and traditions helps children build a sense of identity and knowledge of the world around them. #PaisleyParkRoyalPark #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners #NQSAQ1ProgramPractice

09.01.2022 The Children from Paisley Park Plympton SA, have been spending lots of time in their outdoor environments. With our younger children being on the upper level and older children on the lower level, our state of the art design as seen in the photos allows for the children to interact with one another. These wonderful interactions provide the opportunity for relationships to be formed within the Centre. Come and see our amazing facilities by booking a tour today, with Director Leah by calling 8351 0481 or alternatively you can book via #PaisleyParkPlympton #NQSQA3PhysicalEnvironment #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners

09.01.2022 On Friday the 27th November, Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Bundoora (VIC), hosted their first 'Date Night'. As our parents enjoyed a well deserved night off, our friends from Little Sports Heroes engaged our children in a variety of fun sports activities including an obstacle course, relay races, bubbles, ball play, and of course some good old fashioned sprinkler water play. We also had a dance party followed by a feast of spaghetti Bolognese for dinner, before settling in to watch Frozen 2. We had so much fun hosting our first complimentary Date Night event, and are humbled by our families' ongoing support during the Covid-19 pandemic. A big 'Thank You' to everyone :) #PaisleyParkBundoora #NQSQA6Partnerships #EYLFOutcome2Community

09.01.2022 At Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Oaklands Park (SA), our children spend quality time with our animals. They feed them, ensure they have an ample supply of fresh water, and get to hold them and pat them. The animals are an important part of our Centre, and are dearly loved by all the children who take turns in caring for them. This week the children bought the rabbits indoors to keep them cool. #PaisleyParkOaklands #NQSQA3PhysicalEnvironment #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners #NQSQA1ProgramPractice

08.01.2022 For the month of November, Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Mt Barker (SA), set up a 'Donation Basket' in their foyer for families wishing to donate toys, books, games, homewares, clothing and blankets. These items will be passed onto 'reVamp' in the Mount Barker Community Centre and Mount Barker Goodwill in Gawler Street. We appreciate the generous response from families, and comments from children saying I have toys at home that other children can have. It’s a wonderful time of the year to see so much kindness and giving. #PaisleyParkMtBarker #EYLFOutcome2Community #NQSQA5Relationships

07.01.2022 At Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Maryborough VIC, we are lucky to have passionate, creative and dedicated Educators who have been hard at work creating amazing resources for our children. Making resources teaches the children about re-using things we no longer need or want, or things which no longer work and repurposing them into something new and exciting. #PaisleyParkMaryboroughVIC #EYLFOutcome3Wellbeing #NQSQA1ProgramPractice

07.01.2022 We love getting messy at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Brookvale NSW. Don’t forget to pack spare clothes... our children really enjoy cooking up a storm in our mud kitchens in our lower and upper level yards. #PaisleyParkBrookvale #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners #NQSQA6ProgramAndPractice

05.01.2022 Today at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Mt Barker SA, we celebrated Global Handwashing Day. The children from all Rooms wash their hands everyday regularly, including before meals, after toileting and after blowing their nose. Our Educators are always on hand to reinforce and role model good handwashing procedures, as it is an important part of keeping food safe, preventing the spread of diseases, and helping children grow healthy and strong. #PaisleyParkMtBarker #EYLFOutcome3Wellbeing #NQSQA2HealthSafety

02.01.2022 Here at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Bundoora VIC, the children partake in a Bi-Weekly Zoom video call with the residents at Arcare Reservoir. Angela, Arcare's the personal support worker mentioned that the residents love animals and would love to see our Centre pets. To the delight of the residents, the Einstein children introduced our Guinea Pig, Baby. The children also showed the residents a cardboard robot they constructed and painted, as well as a castle they mad...e our of cups. This is a wonderful experience providing a glimpse into the day of our children in care, and opportunity for us to engage with our community. #PaisleyParkBundoora #NQS:QA5:Relationships #NQS:QA6:Community #EYLFOutcome4:ConfidentLearners #EYLFOutcome5:Communication See more

01.01.2022 This week the children at Paisley Park Early Learning Centre Melton VIC, are working on their understanding of Mathematics. The children matched the amount of seeds they could count on their strawberries to the corresponding number. There are so many simple activities that can be replicated at home to further your child’s growing understanding of numeracy concepts. #PaisleyParkMelton #EYLFOutcome4ConfidentLearners

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