Palm n Co Living | Other
Palm n Co Living
Phone: 0409607688
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25.01.2022 At Palm n Co Living we believe gifting should be a memorable way to say Thank you and We appreciate you......... and it also has to bring back the WOW into gifting! What better combo for Xmas, Corporate gifts and staff Xmas gifts ( its getting closer ) than our favourite Selection Box of Chocolates ( which are actually good for you & delicious at the same time)! Also our range of Boxed Set Cocktails - these are truely amazing ...... just keep chilled in fridge then pop a straw in and sip away ( toooooo easy) ! #xmasgiftingforstaff #realestategiftingsolutions #brisbanepalmncoliving #settlementgifts #thankyou #eplacewooloongabba #raywhitesouthbrisbane #newfarmgiftspackages #corperategiftpackages
22.01.2022 CLIENT APPRECIATION!!!!! Is Client gifting a part of your business for 2019 ? A thoughtful gift to your Buyers and Vendors can go a long way to strengthen the relationship between Agent and Client. Give something a little bit different ......... At Palm n Co Living we dont do ordinary gifting ...... we do EXTRAORDINARY gifting ! ... Use us if you want to give your clients something they will , like and REMEMBER you by ! Email us at [email protected] See more
21.01.2022 Sending out a BIG Thank You to Tara, Peter, Patrick & all the crew @ Place Ascot for inviting Palm n Co Living to their agency this morning to present our gorgeous range of boutique products for real estate gift giving ! Hope you guys enjoyed taste testing #placeascot #placereasestate #eplacebrisbane #realestatesold #placeprooerty #settlementgifts #appreciationoackagesforstaff #corporategiftungsolutions #hasslefreegifting #palmncoliving #newfarm #peterburgin #janellemckenna #lorettadouris #tarakelly #snezanaharris #natalierasmussen #patrickmckinnon #margretaturner #stefanblee #tonyduncombe #willchurchill
21.01.2022 ITS HAPPENING !! New SETTLEMENT GIFTING is on its way ! We have been busy @ HQ receiving new products for our new Client Appreciation Boxes and we are SUPER excited ! ... We cant wait to get these STUNNING UNIQUE boxes out ASAP for our Aussie Real Estate Friends So in the meantime we would like you to share in our excitement we are offering 15% discount off all our current boxes using code PALMN19 BUT ........ its only for a LIMITED TIME as we cant wait for you to see our new SETTLEMENT GIFTING 2019 HAMPERS COMING SOON [email protected]
20.01.2022 Start of a new week ! A BIG Thank You for all the and support you have given us already ........... last week was huge and very busy for us here @ Palm n Co Living ........ and we really appreciate all the wonderful feedback. We specialise in the Art Of Gifting ........... we take the hassle () out of searching for gifts, wrapping and delivering packages ..... we do it all for you We have so many Custom Gift Packages to choose from ............ or why not d...esign,pick and choose your own combination .......... the options are endless . #giftingmadesimple #brisbanegiftpackages #realestategiftsolutions #corporategiftpackages #staffgifts #realestatesold #appreciationgiftboxes #settlementgifts #brisbanegoldcoastsunshinecoastgifting #palmncoliving #raywhiteeastbrisbane #placeascot #ngurealestate #newfarm #xmasgiftstaffpackages See more
20.01.2022 At Palm n Co Living we to customise our packages for our clients ....... even though we are an online business we believe its beneficial for our clients to actually see our gorgeous unique products........ to feel,smell,touch,sip () and taste and get a true sense of what we actually offer! For all Real Estate Agencies And Corporate businesses around Brissie we can do this.. To find out more or organise a Product Showing send us an email [email protected] or send us a PM on Facebook. We make the Art of Gifting Simple ( for you) #brisbanerealestatesettlementgifts #realestatesold #appreciationgiftsolutions #placeascot #placebulimba #raywhitebrisbane #palmncoliving #xmasstaffgifts #newhomecongratulations
19.01.2022 Wanting to give your Client or Staff member a Xmas Gift this year ...... something a bit different ........... something a bit fabulous ??? At Palm n Co Living we can take care of all your Gifting this XMAS SEASON A funky Boxed set of 4 Cocktails ( all mixed and ready to be sipped ...... just add a straw ) Our favourite Chocolate Makers a selection box of LOCO LOVE handcrafted chocolates ( these are not your ordinary chocolate ........... these are Chocol...ates with Benefits!) And a very popular and favourite this silly season is a Bottle of the most Incredible French Earl Grey Gin ( infused with Bergamont & Lavender) ........ its so so so fabulous! FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WE ARE DOING A SPECIAL 15% OFF ORDERS or email any queries [email protected] #xmasstaffclientsgifts #corporategifts #brisbanerealestategifting #realestatesold #ginloversgiftspackages #clientendofyeargifts #locolove #palmncoliving #theeverleighbottlingco #brisbanegiftsolutions
19.01.2022 As part of our New Website launching we have a fabulous SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER of 15 % Discount on ALL ORDERS !!!!!! A great incentive to get in & have a look @ all our Lux Gift Box Range. We can Custom Tailor Boxes to suit your brand and budget !!!! All premium boxes come with a complimentary card ( Thank you / Congratulations) #realestatesettlementgift #appreciationboxes #corporategiftpacakages #conratulations #thankyou #eplacesarahhackett #huttonandhutton #belleproperty #luxhomewaregifting #palmncoliving #raywhite #afreshapproachtogifting
17.01.2022 NEW WEBSITE IS LIVE ! We have now OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED ! Look out for us delivering today to all our agent fans out there ( something wonderful is coming your way!!) Not only do we look after Real Estate Agents with Settlement gifts we also cater for Law Firms, Corporate Business, Small Business, Stock Brokers, Interior Designers, Airlines ..... MORE !... XMAS is just around the corner () and we specialise in this too ..... so pop on over to our website and EXPLORE See more
16.01.2022 Morning Sunshine ( only joking) .......yes its a rainy day in Brisvegas but we are all SUNSHINE and RAINBOWS here at Palm n Co Living ! #realestate #appreciationpackages #luxhomewaregiftpackages #newhomegiftideas #settlementgifts #smallorbigbusinessthankyoupackages #brisbanegiftgivingsolutions #raywhite #mcgrath #eplace
16.01.2022 M E M O R A B L E Staff gifting doesnt have to be boring!!! CORPORATE ... REALESTATE SMALL BUSINESS We do the lot ..... SOURCED, PACKED n WRAPPED and DELIVERED Australia WIDE !! Let us take care of all your business gifting this SILLY SEASON [email protected] #xmasgiftingdelivered #staffchristmaspresents #corporategiftsolutionsforchristmas #realestatesoldbrookwater #congratulations #xmaspresentswrapped #stylishgifthampers #palmncoliving #smallbusiness #appreciation
16.01.2022 REAL ESTATE AGENTS !!! ....... If you want those referrals use Palm n Co Living We have all the RECIPES FOR REFERRALS ! Check out Email us [email protected]... Why not have one of our friendly staff come out to your Agency and do a Product Showing for you. ( We let you sample some of our gorgeous products) See more
15.01.2022 Another product sneak peek ! Great to have these guys on board for all you GIN LOVERS ! We onbrand products tried and tested by the team ( the things you have to do in your day here are terrible ). One of our favourite Gin Distilleries, great inclusion for settlement gifts, corporate gifting and staff Xmas ideas #settlementgifts #appreciationpackages #staffthankyous #lawfirms #realestate #pamncoliving #giftingmadeeasy #corperatebusiness #smallbusiness #raywhitenewfarm #ljhooker #eplace #belleproperty #xmasgiftingideas
15.01.2022 I M P R E S S this Xmas !! Gift your Clients Staff Suppliers something to remember this year True North Gin & Whisky Tasting Sets ... LIMITED STOCKS !!!!!! Time to make the decision on XMAS gifting (NOW) that is MEMORABLE #xmasgiftsforhim #xmasgiftsforher #corporatexmasgiftsbrisbane #realestatebrisbanegifts #clientstaffpresents #thankyoustaffpackages #ginandtonic #ginlovers
15.01.2022 Its not too late to say Thank you or Merry Christmas to your Staff/ Client/ Supplier........ or maybe you want to buy something for Friends or Family this year thats a bit different !! We have our special 15% off orders for this week save $$$ and time ..... Order online Email us [email protected] We deliver AUSTRALIA WIDE
14.01.2022 S t a n d O u t with your client gifting, A great way to show your client you appreciate their business to strengthen customer relations and to open doors for future business. We have sourced boutique On Brand Suppliers from all around Aust We Curate Box Deliver all around the country Pop over to our website
14.01.2022 ATTENTION REAL ESTATE AGENTS !!! Check out our NEW WEBSITE & NEW PRODUCTS! Wrap up the deal with Palm n Co Living to get REMEMBERED & REFERRED !!! ... We specialise in Memorable Everyday Living gift packages that your client will need, use, like & enjoy and get you those REFERRALS !
13.01.2022 Do you want to promote your Brand/Company in a stylish useable way ?????? Here at PALM n CO LIVING we have many wonderful gift solutions ...... Your own branded Soy Candles is just one of them. Not only will they look fantastic they smell absolutely Heavenly !!!!!!!!!!! Email us at [email protected] Or pop on over to our website to find out more. ... We are here to take the hassle out of gifting ( and free up your precious time) #realestatesoldaugustineheights #realestatebrisbane #eplacewoolloongabba #placeeastbrisbane #raywhiteeastbrisbane #realestatengu #settlementgiftsolutions #appreactiationgiftideasforbusiness #corporatebusinessgiftpackages #goldcoastrealestate #hasselfreegiftsolutions #brandedsoycandles See more
12.01.2022 MEMORABLE GIFTING = MEMORABLE AGENT Are you wondering what to give for your Settlement Gifts ........ But have no time to ORGANISE??? Pop over to our WEBSITE and view our entire range and check out our new EVERYDAY LIVING range !... Why not PM, RING or email us and organise a PRIVATE SHOWING !! We come to your agency ...... you can smell, feel even TASTE some our gorgeous products! BRISBANE GOLD COAST SUNSHINE COAST
12.01.2022 Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas At Palm n Co Living we are happily packaging Xmas Packages up for our super busy Clients............ we can customise any package for you ........ Give your client or Staff member a memorable Xmas gift this year!!! Pre -order your gorgeous GIFTS now ...... Or email us any enquires [email protected]
10.01.2022 X - M A S S E T T L E M E N T G I F T I N G Going out today to some lucky Home Buyers ..... in our REUSABLE wooden boxes with our Signature ............ Merry Christmas ........... customised boxes to suit your agency !... Stylish on Brand gifting sure to I M P R E S S Pop over to our website or DM to customise #settlementgiftsforhomebuyers #realestatesold #ngu #placeestate #barklybasics #merrychristmaswoodenboxes #maisonblanche #staffgiftingforallbusiness
08.01.2022 SETTLEMENT GIFTING Behind the scenes of another FABULOUS photo shoot! A tiny glimpse of what is coming very soon to our NEW LOOK/STYLE 2019 WEBSITE ! ( not long now)... Its all about keeping it REAL, FAMILY FRIENDLY, EVERYDAY LIVING gifts your NEW HOMEOWNERS will you for ! #keepingitrealinrealestate #familylovesettlementgifts #settlementgiftsbrisbanegoldcoastsunshinecoast #palmncolivingrealestategifts
07.01.2022 @palmncoliving its never too early ( or late ) for one of our favourites Melbourne Martini Espresso Martini & Salted Caramel in a Jar ! These DIVINE goodies are a great inclusion to any XMAS ! Shop our Website For all your STAFF & CLIENT gifting put the WOW back into gifting and give them something they will REMEMBER you by ! ... LIMITED TIME 15% discount #melbournemartini #espressolovers #readymadecocktails #clientandstaffgiftingsolutions #palmncoliving #dontgetyourtinselinatangle #xmasgiftsbrisbane #corporategiftsauswide #realestategifting
07.01.2022 C E L E B R A T E Time to pop open a bottle of @poshplonkwine We are half way through another BUSY week time to think about your XMAS GIFTING ... Let us take the hassle out of gifting this year .......... [email protected] 0409607688 #poshplonkwine #giftingforchristmas #merrychristmascorporategifts #soldpropertiesbrisbane #raywhitebrookwater #placebulimba #placeascot #ngu #winelovers #timetocelebrate
06.01.2022 FORGET THE FRUITCAKE and CHUCK THE CHUTNEY !!!!!!!!!! Give your Staff/ Clients & Suppliers something they will actually like, use and thank you for this XMAS ! We can Customise ( you choose what you want from our beautiful product range & we pack it & add in some XMAS CHEER ) or choose from one of our pre-designed packages. ... Email us [email protected] We deliver AUST WIDE !!!
05.01.2022 PALMNCOLIVING IMPRESS Still not too late Brisbane & Gold Coast to send Staff/Suppliers/Boss/ a this season Code PALMN15 @ checkout for surprise discount ! [email protected] THE ART OF GIVING MADE SIMPLE
04.01.2022 The countdown is on ...... only weeks away from Christmas . We are already busy gifting gorgeous Xmas Packages for our Clients ! DONT GET STRESSED OUT ...... about what to buy and how to package your Clients gifts this year! ORDER NOW ......... ... [email protected] # 0409607688
03.01.2022 At PALM n CO LIVING we source our gorgeous Boutique products from all over the country /// We finding products that make a statement which are on brand & harder to find!!!!! We to customise our Gift Boxes to suit our clients brands & budgets // ideal for Realestate Settlement Gifts & Corporate Client gifting. Make sure to check our NEW WEBSITE out and get your INTRODUCTORY OFFER.
03.01.2022 Did we mention here @ Palm n Co Living we specialise in Real Estate Settlement Gifts and corporate gifting too.!!!! We can customise too ! You can mix n match products that you like to make up your own CUSTOM GIFT BOX . We use BOUTIQUE products that a both stylish & top quality but also functional as so that your clients will use them OVER & OVER again.!!!! You can see our full range in the next few days when we finally go LIVE !!!!!! ( just tweaking the last couple of things woohoo ) @imagoportraits #settlementgifts #corporategiftpackages #palmncoliving #afreshapproachtogifting #commerciallaw #newhomegifting #appreciationgifts #staffgifting #thankyou #brisbanegifts #reaywhitenewfarm #mcgrath #goldcoastgiftsoulutions #professionals #ljhooker #homewareslifestylyegiftpackages
03.01.2022 Our stocks are running low on our Whisky Box Tasting Sets this Christmas Season ( so popular) Make your gifting memorable this Xmas for your Clients & Staff LIMITED OFFER !!! Get 15 % off our website for all our packages! ... We can pack and deliver with XMAS CHEER AUSTRALIA WIDE ....... #giftsforcorporate #giftsforstaff #merryxmasstaffgifting #brisbanegiftsdelivered #clientthankyougiftspackages #realestaesoldbrookwater #placeaustraliarealestate #denverandliely #thankyougifts #appreciation
02.01.2022 Super busy out and about delivering our goodie bags to our friendly Real Estate agents #palmncoliving #realestatesettlementgifts #brisbanegiftsolutions #appreciationpackages #newfarm #allbrisbanesuburbs #goldcoast #sunshinecoast #newhomeconratulations
01.01.2022 Look out all you Gin, Whisky, Cocktail and Wine lovers .......... Palm n Co Living have you covered! All in house tried n tested ( its a hard job) ..... we stock a gorgeous UNIQUE range of Alcoholic Goodies to satisfy everyone...........//////// Perfect gifts for this Xmas Season or as a Thank you to your client. Perfect gift solutions for Real Estate Settlement Gifts, Corporate Businesses, Appreciation Packages.......... Pre - order now @ or shoot us through and email [email protected] We are here to for you to make Gifting and Giving simple
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